Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5427: : I also heard about it


After seeing the strength of the Jin army and the strength of the Jin army, Turado understood that if you encounter the Jin army in a battle, the most likely situation is failure. Because of the strength of the Roman Empire, I think It is not as simple as that to win the battle against the Jin army.

The continuous victory of the war will enable the people of Jin to obtain more things from the war, and even make the development of the Jin more guaranteed.

Regardless of the situation in the war, when the Jin army soldiers appear in the battle, they will always be able to win.

Lu Bu was the emperor of the Jin Kingdom. He also had a generous attitude towards the lieutenants. Even Lu Bu was more aggressive than the Roman Empire in terms of methods, allowing the lieutenants to gain status through their own efforts. The promotion, regardless of origin.

In this regard, even the monarchs of the Roman Empire did not have such courage. In the army of the Roman Empire, the children of nobles were the most important class. It was often impossible for soldiers of civilian origin to affect the status of nobles. Things.

But for the people of the Jin country, Turado saw the possibility of civilian soldiers. Under such circumstances, it is reasonable for the Jin soldiers to have a lot of respect for their emperor. After all, their emperor gave them Created more opportunities.

When there is a war, the emperor of Jin will even lead his lieutenants to fight on the battlefield, and obtain many victories from the battle, which can bring more obvious help to the emperor's increase in prestige.

Entering the imperial palace of the Jin Kingdom, what you feel is the majestic atmosphere of the imperial palace, not to mention other things, just the imperial palace building is not comparable to ordinary countries.

The emperor of Jin will enjoy it, and the size of the imperial palace is not the best proof of Jin's strength. If Jin does not have strong strength to rely on, even the emperor of Jin will not be able to enjoy it at this time. Things.

The achievements of the Jin Kingdom are beyond the imagination of ordinary people. When facing the people of the Jin Kingdom, they need to be careful and cautious.

If you are not careful enough in handling certain things, more situations will arise.

The achievements of the Jin army soldiers in the war are not comparable to the average country, and it will even prevent the Jin country from appearing more in the process of development.

It is precisely because of the strength of the Jin country's army that it is in return for the smooth development of the Jin country.

Successive war victories resulted in the prosperity of the Jin country.

When there is a war, the impact of the Jin army's soldiers is not comparable to that of an ordinary army. This is also the place where the people of the Jin country are most proud.

Lu Bu was the emperor of Jin. In terms of achievements, it was not comparable to previous monarchs. At present, under Lu Bu’s leadership, the Jin State has shown great vitality. When there is a war, the Jin State’s army will let him in the war. The enemy experienced more of the fierceness of the war.

The achievements of Jin's army at the time of the war are shocking. It is precisely because of these achievements that the progress of some wars will be easier.

Not to mention the means used by the enemy in the battle. Whenever there is a war, the army of Jin will let the enemy taste the taste of defeat in the war.

Achievements on the battlefield can often be of great help to the progress of wars. If victory in a war cannot be guaranteed, even if the national strength is strong, can it be said that it can still rely on the strength of the national strength? It will not have a greater impact on the enemy.

Facts have proved that war is often not as simple as imagined. Without extraordinary means, there will be more uncontrollable situations on the battlefield.

When the soldiers of the Jin army appeared in the battle, there were many reasons why they could get so many victories.

Not to mention the victory or defeat of the war, the fierceness of the Jin's soldiers is not comparable to the average country.

This time I saw Lu Bu and gave Turado a different feeling. I didn’t have close contact with Lu Bu before. Although I could feel a lot of pressure from Lu Bu’s body, his feelings were completely different after such close contact. Just the aura emanating from Lu Bu's body is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Words and deeds put tremendous pressure on people, just as if Lu Bu's orders were violated, there would be no good results.

Staying alone with such a monarch is indeed a big challenge. However, Turado believes that the current Jin country must be extremely concerned about the alliance with the Roman Empire. After the alliance with the Roman Empire, the Jin country will The overall situation is helpful.

Not to mention, just when the soldiers of the Jin army are fighting, the help from the Roman Empire will make the Jin army easier in the process of fighting. In some cases, the war is not as simple as imagined. If you are fighting Without sufficient caution in the process, without strong strength as a foil, it is basically impossible to stand out from the confrontation and win the battle against the enemy.

In the past, the rise of the generals of the Jin army had defeated countless opponents on the battlefield. Without victories on the battlefield, there would be no such powerful Jin country today.

The development of any army is not smooth sailing. From the past actions of the Jin emperor, it can be seen that when the Jin emperor sees the opportunity in the war, he will not give up easily, or the Jin emperor wants to To get more benefits from the battle, only after the continuous victory in the war, will there be more possibilities.

The current development speed of Jin is not comparable to that of ordinary countries. Neighboring countries have established relations with Jin. Isn’t it because Jin’s strength is too strong, otherwise, when such a powerful country, it has something for neighboring countries. In terms of ideas, it is the most dangerous thing for people in neighboring countries.

Whenever a war breaks out, the strength of the lieutenant and the generals in the country is a great test. If under such circumstances, it is not possible to deal with it well, once the war starts, it is most likely to appear. The situation is to bear the cost of destruction in the war.

How many powerful people were eliminated in the war because they could not adapt to the war. The rise of the Jin country is the best proof. When the powerful Jin country is gradually exposed to the people, the people of the Jin country are proud, but they are not I would say that I am satisfied with the current achievements, especially the emperor of Jin, who will take the next step. Through the war, the strength of Jin will be more powerful and the army of Jin will be able to gain in the process of fighting. More territory.

This kind of war is very dangerous for the neighboring countries, but they have to deal with it when they face the offensive of the Jin army.

Before the soldiers of the Jin army took action in the war, they did not have enough knowledge of the strength of the Jin army. Perhaps they thought that even the soldiers of the Jin army were fighting. However, they saw the true strength of the soldiers of the Jin army. After that, they were deeply afraid of Jin's army.

The progress of the war is of immense help to the lieutenants and the lieutenants, who cannot win the war. The previous efforts made by the lieutenants for training are in vain.

Victory in the war is the best way to show the results of the training of lieutenants and soldiers. Only after winning the battle again and again can you get more benefits and have more pride in the future.

The current Jin country has no fear of war. In other words, the soldiers of the Jin country hope that war will happen. It seems that only a war can prove the general ability of military lieutenants and soldiers to a greater extent.

Only the constant victory in the war is what the lieutenant and generals desire most. Nowadays, the army of the Jin Kingdom can achieve many victories in the war. No matter what the situation is in the war, it can be handled well. .

There are many aspirations for the victory of the war. This in itself is the situation that the monarch wants to see. If the lieutenant soldiers do not have the slightest confidence in the face of the war, and when the enemy appears, they have a fearful mood, such an army, Even if there are many achievements in the process of ordinary training, how much effect can it play in a real confrontation.

War is the best place to test the abilities of lieutenants in the army. Only by winning in the war can they get more affirmation and support. The performance of the soldiers of the Jin army in the course of the campaign fully proves that when the soldiers of the Jin army appear How much influence can it have on the enemy after being on the battlefield.

"The envoy of the Roman Empire, Turado, has seen the emperor of the Jin Kingdom." Turado solemnly said, no matter what, he is currently facing the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom. The messenger definitely needs to acknowledge Lu Bu's position.

As for the arrogance in front of Lu Bu, he also needs to have the corresponding capital. From the development of Jin, we can see what kind of behavior the emperor of Jin will behave when facing provocations. No matter what kind of strength the opponent has, the presence of Jin's army in the battle will make the enemy feel what is called true fear.

In the process of fighting the enemy, wanting to win again and again is not as simple as imagined. There are many situations that need to be dealt with in the war. If some situations are not considered comprehensively, others may appear. The situation is up.

From the Jin army soldiers in the war, what can be seen is how rigorous the Jin army soldiers treated the war. As long as the war occurs, as long as they appear in the war, they will try their best to get out of the war. Victory in the game.

Victory in a war is itself an extremely important matter for the lieutenant generals. In a confrontation, if even the victory of the war cannot be guaranteed, the lieutenant generals may have to pay a heavier price for the war.

How many war victories have led to the glory of the Jin country today. These things are the same when it comes to the Roman Empire. The rise of any powerful country must be accompanied by many war victories.

But what kind of achievements the lieutenants can have after winning is also crucial. From the current development of Jin, it can be seen that the emperor of Jin is extremely concerned about the strength of lieutenants. At the time, there were also many leanings towards the lieutenant generals.

At the beginning of the war, it was simply as difficult to obtain benefits from such an emperor. The past wars have proved very well how the emperor of Jin had dealt with the war after the war began. Ways and methods, let alone the war, when the Jin army soldiers appear on the battlefield, it is definitely the Jin army that wins.

Just from the performance of the soldiers of the Jin army, it can be seen that when the war broke out, the appearance of the soldiers of the Jin army during the battle would have much impact on the battlefield situation. Such an army is a nightmare in an enemy war. .

It can be seen from the attitude of the people of Guishuang to the army of Jin that it is often impossible for the powerful Guishuang army to win the war after encountering the army of Jin in the actual confrontation. The defeat of the war was a big blow to Guishuang’s morale. After Guishuang met the Jin soldiers in the war, they were at a loss, or they didn’t know what to do when facing the war. To respond.

This is the terrible Jin army that can bring about the influence in the war.

Lü Bu nodded slightly and said, "The messenger, please, I have also heard about what happened in the city recently."

Turado's heart moved when he heard this. Lu Bu had a lot of understanding of the situation in the city of Chang'an, which showed that the actions of the various envoys ~ ~ must have been under Lu Bu's observation and said that he would not send benefits to Guo Jia. Lu Bu also knew the matter.

As the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, Lu Bu wanted to know something that was extremely simple in itself, and it was not that simple thing to conceal the emperor of the Jin Kingdom at this time.

However, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom did not punish Guo Jia for taking bribes, which shows that Guo Jia has an important position in Lu Bu's heart.

Judging from the help that Guo Jia gave to the development of Jin in the past, it can be seen that the emperor of Jin will not affect the relationship between the two because of such small things, even if Guo Jia is in the ordinary process. There are some mistakes, and Lu Bu won't bother.

This method is unfair to other courtiers, but is it not that Guo Jia earned this treatment through his own efforts? As long as people who know more about Guo Jia’s actions, they will see it. Guo Jia's abilities are outstanding, and wanting to reap enough benefits from such an official is not as simple as it seems.

It should be understood that the development of any country is not achieved overnight. There are many processes that need to be experienced in the process. If the methods and methods to deal with some problems in the development process are not enough, there may be many problems.

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