Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5432: : Victory, smooth


Even at the moment, no one can be completely sure that the Jin Dynasty will send troops to attack Guishuang. If you send troops to attack Guishuang from the Jin State, after all, it is a long journey. It is not a simple matter to win such a battle.

The tactics displayed by the soldiers of the Jin army in the process of attacking the enemy are fierce, and even such means will make the Jin army easier in the process of fighting.

Because the progress of the war wants to have more impact on the Jin army, it is basically impossible, and in the face of the sharp weapon of the Jin army, any monarch cannot remain calm. As for the fact that they want to fight against the Jin country It is almost impossible for the emperor to have more advantages.

Once a war breaks out, the Emperor of Jin will use the most powerful means to let the so-called enemy forces know how difficult it is for them to win the battle against the army of Jin.

Nowadays, Jin country definitely has ideas about war. The most important thing is what kind of actions the Emperor Jin will have in the matter of attacking Guishuang.

As long as you have a better understanding of the emperor of Jin, you will find that after the emperor of Jin gave orders during the battle, the impact on Jin must be great.

Who allowed the Jin Emperor to have absolute power in the battle? In the support of the Jin Emperor from the military lieutenants, in fact, we can see more of the situation.

Whenever there is a war, the Emperor of Jin will use the most aggressive means to let the opponent understand how difficult it is to gain more advantage in the confrontation, especially from the hands of the Jin army.

When the war begins, the Jin State's army will use appropriate countermeasures to make the enemy more feel Jin's fierceness in this process.

Wars from time to time have actually put a lot of tests on the Jin's army, but the Jin's army has unique methods when facing the test of war. It is only the proud record of the Jin's army in previous wars.

It will make more opponents feel a deep panic. Who can be sure that they will be victorious when they fight against the Jin State army. When the war begins, the Jin State army launches an offensive, what kind of countermeasures should it adopt? Often also extremely important.

Judging from the development speed of the Jin State and the attitude of the lieutenant soldiers to the war, one can see that the Jin State has become stronger.

The appearance of the Jin army in the battle is the beginning of a nightmare for the enemy, because they want to win the battle against the Jin army, which is almost impossible.

In fact, Turado also had a lot of admiration for the emperor of Jin, and Turado believed that when the monarch of the Roman Empire learned about the emperor of Jin, he would definitely have a lot of interest in the emperor of Jin.

The appearance of the emperor of the Jin Kingdom in the battle has a great influence on the progress of the war. It is precisely because of these reasons that the battle of the soldiers of the Jin army will be easier.

Once there is a war, the attitude of the Jin army soldiers when facing the war is enough to explain many problems.

During the war, they will be more excited and will be annoyed by not being able to go to the battlefield.

The influence of the emperor of the Jin country in the Jin country is quite comparable to the influence of the monarch of the Roman Empire in Rome.

It can even be said that the emperor of Jin is more powerful, allowing Jin to emerge from nothing, and even to have such a speed in the development of Jin. Only this aspect is enough to make many monarchs feel embarrassed. .

The number of victories the soldiers of the Jin army won in the war was beyond the imagination of ordinary opponents.

The great victories won by the soldiers of the Jin army have allowed Jin to avoid more situations in the process of rapid development, especially when there is a war, Jin's countermeasures will have an impact on the subsequent development of Jin. , After all, it is great.

If the emperor of the Jin Kingdom was not rational enough to deal with things, it would be almost impossible to let Jin have the current development speed.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom would be lazy in ordinary times, but he was extremely concerned about some things.

The establishment of the Jin State and the prosperity of the Jin State have a lot to do with the support of the people of the Jin State. If in this process, the people of the Jin State cannot feel the benefits of living in the Jin State, I would like to It is often impossible to get their support for the monarch.

The rapid development of the Jin state can exert great influence on the neighboring countries. When they do some things, they pay more attention to the Jin state. In some cases, they have to listen to the emperor of the Jin state in some aspects. Suggest.

Just as the current situation between the four parties is the same, the strength of the Guishuang Empire is also strong, but with the existence of the Jin Kingdom, there will be more problems in the development of Guishuang.

Because a word from the Emperor of Jin, it may often be the victory of the other party.

The victory of the war made Jin's army more comfortable in dealing with the war.

Victory in the past wars can bring great help to the development of the Jin country, and even make the people of the Jin country more proud at such a time.

How many erlangs wanted to fight on the battlefield, only from the current developers of the Jin State, they could feel the terrible place of the Jin State Emperor.

When the war approached, what measures did the Emperor Jin take in the course of dealing with the war?

In fact, it was not a simple matter to make the development of Jin country so fast, and even more cautious in terms of battle.

Regardless of the fact that the relationship between the Roman Empire and the Parthian Empire is very rigid, but if there is a war, will the offensive of the soldiers of the Jin army bring the Roman Empire’s help to Guishuang?

The background of the Jin Kingdom is increasing at a rapid rate. Just seeing the vast territory of the current Jin Kingdom will make people more shocked.

The Jin country is not only good at conquering the battlefield and winning the battle, but also at the same time avoiding more situations in the development of the city under the rule.

It was precisely because of the measures taken by the Emperor of Jin that it prevented more situations from appearing in the development of the Kingdom of Jin, allowing opponents to see more of the difficulty of obtaining benefits from the emperor of Jin.

The people of the Jin country present a different situation. After coming to the Jin country, it is reasonable to have more admiration for the emperor of the Jin country.

Especially after learning more about the deeds of the Emperor of Jin, you will find that it is not that simple to fool the emperor of Jin in certain aspects.

When faced with certain things, the emperor of Jin had adopted many suggestions from the officials under his control, which also guaranteed the style of the Jin dynasty.

Victory during the battle is indeed simple in imagination, but after the real experience of the war, it will become clear that the price of victory in the battle is often very high.

It is precisely because of this that when a war comes, one should have a cautious attitude. If you are not cautious in the battle, more serious problems may arise.

The attitude of the Jin army generals when facing the battle is the best explanation. In fact, with the strength of the Jin army generals, no one would say much, even if it is the appearance of brave and majestic strength.

Guishuang’s side was at a disadvantage in the war. This was because Guishuang’s relationship with Jin was not in place. In other words, when the alliance was confirmed again, the people of Guishuang naively believed that there was a relationship between them and Jin. Because of the alliance, there will be no more wars.

Facts have proved that when the monarch wants to grow, he will adopt corresponding measures and strategies to make the country's development process smoother and avoid more situations at this time.

The development of Jin in the past is the best proof of Jin's prosperity.

When the emperor of the Jin Kingdom decides on one thing, he can often get more support. It can be seen from these things alone that when the emperor of the Jin Kingdom decides to fight, the people of the Jin Kingdom will treat their emperor. What kind of support is there.

And this situation has always been what Lu Bu wanted to see. If he couldn't even get the support of people in the country, such a monarch would be unqualified. Facts have proved that the emperor of Jin is a qualified monarch.

When a war broke out, the emperor of Jin would use the most aggressive means to make the enemy more aware of what kind of punishment they would endure when standing on the opposite side of the generals of the Jin army.

The victory of the Jin Dynasty emperor in the course of the battle brought great help to the long-term development of the Jin country, and even made it avoid more situations during the development of the Jin country.

In the course of the war, what kind of methods should be adopted is also crucial to the Jin country. Only by winning the battle again and again can the development of the country be more smooth.

After reaching an agreement with the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, Turado's mood was not so relaxed, because from what he saw after coming to the Jin Kingdom, he could see the strength of the Jin Kingdom. When such a powerful Jin Kingdom develops , The impact that can be caused to neighboring countries is great.

In particular, what kind of performance the Jin Kingdom's army will have in the war, and the great impact it will have on Guishuang, we can see more of the situation.

If one day, the rest will be able to obtain more benefits from the Jin country, how much impact will it have on the Roman Empire’s army?

The reason why he couldn't oppose Jin's conquest was because Turado knew that the Emperor of Jin would certainly not give up the benefits he had obtained when he had strong strength.

Rather than having many disputes with the emperor of Jin, it is better to make appropriate concessions on some things, and even get more benefits from the people of Jin. The current events are the best explanation.

After the successful alliance between the Jin State and the Roman Empire, the impact it can have on the Jin State itself will be great, and it will even allow the Jin State to avoid other problems in the process of development.

Fighting on the battlefield and being able to win many victories is itself the most important thing for lieutenants and soldiers to do. If even victory in a war cannot be guaranteed, the confrontation has no other meaning at all.

The successive victories of the war have made Jin's development more long-lasting and made Jin's strength more powerful. It is unpredictable what kind of situation will occur if you stand on the opposite side of Jin.

The fierceness of the methods used by the Jin emperor is in itself extremely normal. If it is only because of this matter, it would have the greatest impact on the Roman Empire if it severed contact with the Jin.

The alliance between the Parthian Empire and the Jin Kingdom was extremely important to the Roman Empire, especially after seeing the powerful and powerful methods of the Jin army, if there is no more attention to this aspect, there will be more What an uncontrollable situation.

The Jin's army's fierce offensive methods are beyond the reach of ordinary countries. It is precisely because of this that the emperor of Jin can achieve so many achievements in the war that extraordinary people can imagine.

The victory of the soldiers of the Jin army in the battle will prevent the Jin state from appearing more in the process of development.

In fact, during the development of the Jin Kingdom, it paid a lot of attention to basic things, and the measures taken by the Jin Emperor in the development process were also shocking.

From the way of development of the Jin country, what can be seen is the benefits that the soldiers of the Jin army can get after winning the battlefield.

After the victory of the war, the Emperor of Jin will use reasonable means to allow rapid development of the rule. Only from this aspect can we see the means and courage of the Emperor of Jin.

And when the speed of development of the Jin Kingdom is faster, the impact on the Parthian Empire and even the Roman Empire is often Jin has a large number of merchants who came to Jin. After the capital of Chang'an, Turado had a deep understanding of this situation, and the emperor of Jin had spared no effort in developing merchants.

It is precisely because of the measures taken by the Jin country that it will be more smoothly in the development process of the Jin country.

Isn't the method used by Lu Bu not the heart of the people of the Jin country?

The Jin Kingdom has such a monarch, with numerous civil servants and generals assisted. When the emperor of the Jin Kingdom shows his ambition, the people of the Jin Kingdom will help their emperor to achieve it as much as possible.

The fierce methods displayed by the soldiers of the Jin army, and the level displayed by the people of the Jin country, gave Turado a lot of shock. When the Jin country has developed to a certain level, it will cause people in neighboring countries to have a lot of panic.

Such panic is not even imaginable by ordinary people.

When victory is achieved in the war, the soldiers of the Jin army will use powerful methods to make the enemy more aware of the cruelty of the war.

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