Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5438: : Shouting and killing outside Chang'an city

The combat power of the Jin army's soldiers is strong, and the enemy can experience the cruelty of war in the battle. The impact of the Jin army's soldiers in the war will make the enemy feel what is really cruel war.

The powerful offensive methods make the Jin soldiers fearless in war. As long as there is a war, the Jin soldiers will let the enemy more taste the taste of defeat in the war.

In fact, the progress of the confrontation had such a big impact on Guishuang, and it also had an impact on the development of Jin. However, the people of Jin can solemnly see the hope of victory from the battle, and after such a victory, it can let Jin The country’s development is fully guaranteed.

In the face of such things, how could the emperor of Jin state remain calm, and only after gaining more victories from the battle, will the situation of Jin state be more stable?

The way of development of Jin State is also shocking.

In the face of this situation, even if the Jin army launched a war to attack Guishuang, it was completely expected. When the powerful Jin soldiers appeared in the battle, they would always attract a lot of attention, of which the most frightened. It should be Guishuang people.

The proud Guishuang people, after losing their ostentatious capital, will behave well in front of the people of the Jin country. In fact, such things are also extremely normal. When a lieutenant soldier is attacking the enemy, he can show fierceness. After the combat effectiveness, it will be able to get a lot of attention, and even the lieutenant soldiers will be more simple when doing some things.

If even the most basic victory cannot be guaranteed in the battle, if such a confrontation continues, it will be extremely detrimental to the development of the situation in the country.

The Jin's army is powerful, appearing in the war, will make the enemy more taste the taste of defeat in the war, how to get more benefits from the confrontation, is also the most important question for the Emperor of Jin to think about.

On the premise of ensuring that the Jin Kingdom is well developed, the Jin Dynasty's emperor needs to think about the most useful issues for the Jin army's conquests.

In fact, the Jin team also has tough methods when facing the battle, but the fragility of the enemy army can't let the Jin army soldiers have more performance.

When the lieutenant generals have a lot of expectations for the focus of the humming, in fact, it still has a big impact on Lu Bu himself. This situation will minimize the lieutenant's fear of war.

Not to mention what kind of situation will happen in the war. The impact of the Jin army will make the enemy feel the cruelty of the war. As for the victory in the battle against the Jin army, it is almost impossible to accomplish. .

The generals of the Jin army will let the enemy more taste the taste of defeat in the war, and let the enemy more understand why they can't encounter the generals of the Jin army in the war.

The achievements of the Jin team in the course of the battle are not comparable to each other. The pride of the people of the Jin country is also piled up after the victory of the war.

The strength of the army is strong, and the background of the national middle school is strong. In this case, even if the Jin team has more arrogant performance in the course of the battle, what's the problem.

After the start of the battle, Jin’s performance is very good proof of what role the Jin team can play in the confrontation when the war begins.

Today's Jin Kingdom has absolute ability in combat, and anyone who doubts Jin's combat ability will be gradually eliminated.

After the envoys of the Roman Empire and the Parthian Empire came to the Jin, why they were so peaceful? It was because they knew that the people of the Jin had no more fear at this time. Even if a war broke out, they depended on the Jin army. The strong combat effectiveness of soldiers can also be easily resolved.

The most nervous is the messenger of Guishuang, the main place where Jin army soldiers attacked, but Guishuang, if there is a war, Guishuang’s army will appear if they can’t respond well during the battle against the Jin army. What is the situation like?

Maintaining a good relationship with the Jin country is of great significance in the eyes of the rest envoys and the Roman envoys.

More benefits are obtained from the people of Jin. Of course, there are prerequisites for obtaining these benefits. If you want to get benefits from the emperor of Jin, things are far from being as simple as you imagined. After the emperor of the country had contacts, he would find that the emperor of the Jin country was an extremely shrewd person.

Want to know the real thoughts of the Emperor Jin is not a simple matter.

However, from the move of the Jin State to mobilize troops and horses, what people see more is the Jin Emperor’s ambitions. If the emperor has ambitions, it is normal in itself. If he is the Jin State Emperor, even the most basic ambitions. If you don't have it, such a monarch is unqualified.

Facts have proved that after Lu Bu took charge of the Jin State, the development of Jin State was extremely rapid.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom has the ability and means, and can even lead the lieutenant generals on the battlefield and win the battle. Following such a monarch, in fact, it is a relatively honorable thing for the courtiers.

If Jin's army cannot guarantee even the most basic victory during the campaign, even if such an army is superior in number, what kind of meaning can it have?

When the army of the Jin Kingdom appeared in the war and made the enemy more aware of the fierceness of the war, in exchange, the people of the Jin Kingdom could obtain more benefits from the war. This and other things are normal in themselves.

Putting the same situation on other monarchs, it must be the same. Why did the Roman Empire attack the resting place? Isn't it because the Roman Empire had coveted the resting territory and wanted to use war from the resting place. Get more benefits in your hands.

Things backfired. Wanting to win the battle against the Jin army was simply an impossible thing for Guishuang, because the impact of the Jin team in the war was often shocking.

In the face of such a shock, it is basically impossible to stay calm.

After Guishuang is more afraid of Jin’s army, the impact of Jin’s attack on Guishuang will be even greater. When the war has not started, Guishuang has already retreated. After the confrontation, how much significance does it have.

However, Aldaban, who knows a lot about the people of Guishuang, knows that the people of Guishuang will not give up lightly in this battle. From the previous conversation, it can be seen that the Jin country is very good at occupying Guishuang. There are many expectations.

The step-by-step rise from the establishment of the Jin State proved the extraordinary ability of the Jin State Emperor. It is often not that simple thing to win from the hands of the Jin State Emperor.

It is precisely because of the various methods of the Jin emperor that Jin avoids more situations in the process of development.

The Jin's powerful strength is also the capital of the Jin army’s soldiers. When the Jin team appears on the battlefield, it can often make the enemy have a lot of fear, and it is even difficult to display the most when facing the Jin team. Strong combat effectiveness.

The actions of the Jin emperor had a great impact on the situation at this time. The rest envoys and Roman envoys can calm down. In this war, the Jin army will not easily let go of Guishuang. The alliance with the Roman Empire and the Parthian Empire made it easier for the Emperor of Jin to do some things.

If the Roman Empire is unwilling to send troops to help Queen Guishuang, it is obviously impossible to rely on Guishuang's strength to do more in blocking the offensives of the Jin army and the Anthion army.

Since the two sides have a covenant, the Roman Empire will not easily terminate the covenant.

Maintaining a good relationship with the Jin country will certainly bring great help to the overall development of the Roman Empire.

In fact, it can be seen from some of the development strategies of the Jin Kingdom, what kind of attitude the emperor of Jin had when dealing with certain things.

Even though the Roman Empire formed an alliance with Jin and showed sufficient respect for the emperor of Jin, it is basically impossible to obtain a weapon of war from the emperor of Jin by relying on these alone.

The emperor of Jin’s conquest can bring great help, and even make the territory of Jin even wider in such a process.

The people of the Jin Kingdom would not doubt whether their emperor led the lieutenant soldiers in the battle, could they win the war.

This is because the emperor of the Jin Kingdom has been able to solemnly display the methods in the past.

Nowadays, the Jin country is strong and strong, and it is reasonable to show a certain amount of pride when meeting people from foreign countries. As for some dissatisfaction, how much influence can it have on the people of the Jin country.

Jin’s current development is closely related to the efforts of the Jin’s civilian officers and generals. If it weren’t for the lieutenant’s strength in fighting against the enemy, he would want to take hold in the confrontation. Greater advantages are basically impossible.

The generals of the Jin army who went to Chang'an were quite excited. No matter what kind of thing Lu Bu called the lieutenant generals to come here, if it was the lieutenant generals, they might come in handy.

The elites who came to Chang'an were the elites of the Jin army. Many of these teams had emerged in the previous elite assessments. When the elites are equipped with the three-eyed spirit gun, what kind of performance can they play in the battle? Influence.

From previous wars, we can see what kind of coping methods the Emperor of Jin will have in the process of fighting. When the Jin soldiers appear on the battlefield, the enemy will feel more of the cruelty of the war. Let them dare not have more expectations when they are fighting against the Jin army.

The generals of the Jin army were not afraid of war. What they looked forward to most was to follow Lu Bu on the battlefield.

It can be seen from the methods adopted in the development of the Jin Kingdom that the emperor of the Jin Kingdom was not afraid of the merits of the military generals in the establishment of the Jin Kingdom. Instead, he paid more attention to the military lieutenants. .

This situation is enough to explain the ambition of the Emperor of Jin. If the emperor does not have enough ambition, even if the strength of the country is strong, it will not be easy to have more influence.

It can be seen from the actions of the emperor of Jin that even if he has won many victories in the war, the emperor of Jin is still not satisfied. What he pursues is more victories in the course of the battle, and it is best to pass The victory of the war is more proof of its own value.

The success of the Jin team on the battlefield itself is shocking, and the achievements of the Jin team are not measurable by ordinary people. When the war begins, the impact of the Jin soldiers on the battlefield will make the enemy even more powerful. I know more about the price it will bear after standing on the opposite side of the Jin army.

The continuous success of the Jin team will allow the lieutenants to have no more fear in the face of war. This kind of confrontation is what the Emperor of Jin wants to see most.

The greatest progress will be made when the Jin's military strength is so strong that the enemy will be afraid of the arrival of the Jin army. At that time, the Jin's soldiers will be able to fight more easily.

In fact, the progress of the war is also very expensive for the Jin country, but when faced with these consumption, the emperor of the Jin country will not have more hesitation, because in the view of the emperor of the Jin country, as long as it is the process of fighting If you can win in China, the rest is enough.

As for the loss in the war, it is quite normal in If you want to benefit from the battle, you must accept the loss situation that may occur in the war.

From the situation in the war, make timely judgments, and even let the lieutenants avoid more damages. It is also the most important issue for the military coach to think about.

The performance of the generals of the Jin army in the course of the war is a good proof of what attitude the people of the Jin country will have when dealing with war.

The lieutenant generals were excited, and the training shouts outside Chang'an became even louder.

The current state of Jin, under Lu Bu’s rule, is generally shocking. Lu Bu is the emperor of the Jin state. When using some methods, he must have the assistance of the officials under his rule. If the problems cannot be solved well, more situations will inevitably arise.

Today, the methods that Jin has displayed in the development process are beyond imagination. If you want to make more progress in the battle against the Jin army, you must show the corresponding methods.

As for the methods used in such a process, how much influence it can have on the development of Jin is another matter.

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