Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5441: : The alliance is due to the prosperity of the Jin country

When this kind of thing can get more support from the Jin country, the remaining things will be relatively simpler. The achievements of the Jin team are shocking in itself. When the Jin soldiers appear on the battlefield Above, what can let the enemy taste the taste of defeat in the war, what could be more important than this.

In the actual battle, what achievements the soldiers of the Jin army can have on the battlefield will have a great impact on the long-term development of the Jin country.

It is best to be able to let the enemy fully feel the difficulty of winning against the Jin army during the battle. In this way, they will be relatively low-key when dealing with the Jin army’s attack during the battle. .

In other words, when the enemy forces respond to the Jin army's offensive, they simply do not have the corresponding means, and it will become impossible to win the battle.

After the growth and progress of the Jin army soldiers on the battlefield can receive a lot of support, the long-term development of Jin is in exchange. Jin is a powerful country, even if there are many powerful countries around it, it can be It is also impossible for the development situation to have an impact.

On the contrary, Jin’s development method will affect neighboring countries to a large extent, allowing neighboring countries to see more of the benefits of cooperation with Jin, such as leaving Jin’s support in the process of their development. After that, what kind of impact will it have.

When the strength of the Jin country becomes more and more powerful, the people of the Jin country have enough confidence. When facing the war, the soldiers of the Jin army will also have enough confidence. Because of the progress of the war, they want to produce the development of the Jin country. Many influences are simply impossible.

In the process of development, the Jin country has dealt with many difficulties. Facts have proved that when the Jin country faces these difficulties, it has corresponding methods and methods. It is precisely because of the development of the Jin country that the Jin country is developing. Time to avoid other situations.

The treatment that Jin’s businessmen enjoy when doing business can actually explain a lot of problems. After Jin’s businessmen appear in other countries, they can often get a lot of attention, and even their safety is in other countries. It is necessary to give corresponding attention.

After all, the arrival of Jin’s businessmen represents the cooperation of the Jin, and the benefits of closer relations with the Jin are beyond imagination. It is precisely because of the prosperity of the Jin that Jin can avoid more existing situations when it is developing.

Even if the enemy's strength displayed in the war is strong enough, it is almost impossible to influence the battle of Jin's army in the battle.

The Jin team has absolute confidence to win the battle on the battlefield. When the war arrives, the soldiers of the Jin army will use their fierce combat power to let the enemy more understand what will happen to the Jin army in the war.

The confidence of the soldiers of the Jin army has a great influence on their subsequent campaigns, and it will even make the lieutenants of the army more fierce when facing the war. Toughness is not something the enemy can compare.

After seeing the fierce offensive methods of the Jin army, why the Roman Empire will form an alliance with the Jin country is because they have seen the prosperity of the Jin country. If they go against the Jin country, the danger will be great.

Today, the success of the Jin team on the battlefield is not comparable to that of ordinary countries, and the excellent equipment that the Jin team has can also have a great impact in the confrontation.

In the face of war, the Jin army soldiers will use fierce combat power to let the enemy fully understand what the consequences will be if they stand on the opposite side of the Jin army.

As a member of a lieutenant general, if you can't even guarantee more victory in the face of war, it is almost impossible for such an army to get more victories.

The achievements of the Jin team in the war are not measurable by ordinary troops. Success in this area will give the Jin team more confidence in the battle against the enemy.

The continuous victories in the battle have a great impact on the Jin team after all, and even the enemy will taste the cruelty of the war and the taste of defeat in the battle.

The impact of Lu Bu's growth and progress on the development of Jin is itself great. At the same time, the growth and progress of the Jin team will further promote Lu Bu's ambitions. It only allows Jin to have the current achievements, which can no longer satisfy Lu Bu's. Ambition.

In future wars, Lu Bu will use fierce combat methods to let the enemy more taste the taste of defeat in the war.

This situation is more important to the people of the Jin country. If the monarch does not have absolute confidence to win the battle when facing the war, it will only rely on the bravery and good fighting of the lieutenant soldiers to play a role. It will be great.

The current development of the Jin Kingdom is accompanied by many wars. From these wars, what can be seen are the powerful methods of the Jin Emperor and the attitude of the Jin Emperor when facing the war.

When the war began, the Jin emperor would use the most fierce means of war to let the enemy understand in the war what kind of punishment they would suffer after defeating the Jin team.

The continuous victory of the war will also make the lieutenant soldiers have a lot of expectations for the war, so that they have more confidence in the victory on the battlefield.

Lu Bu’s growth and progress cannot be measured by an ordinary army. It is precisely because of this success that makes it easier for lieutenants and soldiers to fight. Even when facing a war, they will not say that it is because of the enemy. The displayed strength is strong enough to be more affected.

The powerful means displayed by Emperor Lu Bu of the Jin Kingdom itself had a considerable impact on neighboring countries.

From the attitude of the Guishuang and Anxi Empires when they dealt with the Jin country, we can see more of this. After the war began, the Jin army’s soldiers on the battlefield also allowed the enemy to fight. Feel the cruelty of war more.

Such circumstances will make the people of the Jin country more proud and make the soldiers of the Jin army fearless in the face of war. The emergence of such circumstances will also make the development of the Jin country even further.

From the current overall situation of the Jin country, it can be seen that as long as there is a war, the soldiers of the Jin army will make the enemy more feel the fierceness of the war in the battle.

How many times the war has been won, the current situation of the Jin country has been achieved. Therefore, the soldiers of the Jin army have enough confidence in the face of the war. They will not say that they will speak lightly in the battle because of the strength of the enemy. Giving up, for the sake of Jin's development, even if it pays a great price, it will not hesitate.

Jin will encounter many difficulties when it develops. It is a normal thing in itself. As a member of the Jin army, it is reasonable to take these conditions into consideration.

In fact, when the Jin State was developing, it had a lot of difficulties. From the Jin State emperor's methods to solve these problems, we can see more of the Jin's emperor's strengths.

Not to mention what kind of attitude the other side will have before the war begins. When the Emperor of Jin is dealing with such things, it will make the enemy feel that it is the Emperor of Jin’s means.

What kind of methods and methods Jin had in dealing with wars had a great impact on the subsequent development of Jin, and even when faced with some wars, Jin needed to be more worried. .

In the war, if even victory cannot be guaranteed, it means that the monarch's choice to fight is a wrong decision, and such a wrong decision will even cause Jin to be more affected as it develops.

The victory of the war again and again has brought about the current situation of Jin. It can be said that Jin has many difficulties in the process of development.

Nowadays, if you want to win in the battle, there are definitely many difficulties, but the people of Jin have absolute confidence when facing the war. They believe that when the soldiers of the Jin army appear on the battlefield. , It is certain to be able to win the battle, it is precisely because the Jin army generals have such an attitude when facing the war, so that some wars are carried out more smoothly.

It is often impossible for the enemy's means to be thoroughly displayed in front of the Jin army generals, because the Jin army generals will let the enemy experience what is called the fierce war in such a process.

When the Jin team gathered more outside the city of Chang'an, Guishuang’s messengers realized that something was wrong. Even if the Jin country wanted to practice military lieutenants and watch the training of the lieutenants, but when there were more What kind of situation will appear after the army of Jin? If the army of the Jin Kingdom wants to fight Guishuang, this time, I am afraid it is the opportunity to come.

In the current state of Guishuang, it is basically impossible to obtain the corresponding benefits from the hands of the Jin army during the battle. The strong combat effectiveness of the Jin army determines that when the Jin army chooses to fight, It will definitely make Guishuang pay a heavy price.

The Jin Kingdom’s mobilization of troops and horses made Guishuang’s envoy realize the powerful strength of Jin. If the emperor of Jin decides to fight Guishuang at this time, he can easily mobilize more than 100,000 soldiers. Ma, this situation is extremely unfavorable for Guishuang.

It is not a simple matter to ease the relationship with Jin. It can be seen from the reaction of people in Jin that if Guishuang does not pay a certain price, Jin will definitely not give up. The same situation Even if it is put on Queen Guishuang's body, I am afraid that she will have the same choice.

No one can be sure that at this time, Jin's army will actually launch an offensive in the war. Jin's soldiers are strong. This is an uncompromising fact, but after the war began, the development of Jin The impact that can be produced is also great. If Jin's army has no corresponding means when dealing with the war, the most likely situation is that there will be heavy losses.

After all, it is not so simple for the Jin country to attack Guishuang. Even in such a process, the Anxi Empire will help from it, but Guishuang itself has a solid foundation of strength. When Guishuang is facing a dangerous situation At that time, Guishuang's soldiers and horses will definitely rise up to resist.

The progress of the war can also affect the development of Jin to a large extent. If it reaches this level, it is not a simple matter to quell the war, although Guishuang’s strength is better than that of Jin. A certain gap, but the people of Guishuang also have their own pride.

There is no slightest showing of weakness in the battle, and the enemy will have more taste of the defeat of the war during the confrontation. The people of Guishuang are still happy to see it. From the past wars, what can actually be seen is the Guishuang army. The tough situation.

When the war approaches, the people of Guishuang will surely rise up against the situation when they have no more choices. At that time, it will be easier said than done to attack Guishuang's army by relying on the strength of the Jin army.

Guishuang had its current situation after years of development. It can be said that it is extremely difficult to have the current situation.

When the situation in Guishuang is critical, Queen Guishuang will certainly not give up easily. After years of hard work by the Guishuang army, the current prosperity of Guishuang can be said to be the development of Guishuang. It is also accompanied by many wars. If you can't get out of the war as soon as possible, the impact on the situation of Guishuang will be even greater.

The current war is not a small test for Guishuang. It is quite difficult to win the war from the Jin team. But can Guishuang have other choices? It was originally with the Roman Empire. After the success of the alliance, Guishuang's situation can be further eased, but from the actions of the people in the Jin country, it can be seen that it is almost impossible for Guishuang to get help from the Roman Empire.

After seeing the hope of prosperity from the Jin country, the people of the Roman Empire would definitely give up helping the Guishuang Empire. Otherwise, the help from the Jin country would put the Roman Empire into an emergency situation in public. After all, the Roman Empire and rest The relationship between the empires determines that when the strength of the Parthian Empire becomes stronger, the most advanced attack must be the Roman Empire. The enmity between the two parties has reached the point of bitter enmity, and there is no need to keep hands at this time. .

The Jin’s success itself is also a lot. The continuous victories in the battle have made the Jin’s army eager for war. From the training of lieutenants and soldiers, one can see the strong situation of the Jin team. When this is the case The presence of the army in the battle will definitely have a greater impact on the situation in Guishuang.

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