Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5477: : Intolerable provocation

These things in themselves would bring some trouble to Lu Xun, but from the way that Lu Xun handled these things, it can be seen that Lu Xun's contribution to the development of Jin State was not small.

The most important thing is the impact that such a contribution can have on the development of Jin.

If Lu Xun were to succeed in the current situation, it would have been Jin's prime effort to attack Guishuang.

"General Zhao rest assured, his subordinates will be careful." Lu Xun arched his hands.

Zhao Yun patted Lu Xun on the shoulder and said, "After the success of this incident, I would have asked for help for Bo Yan in front of Sheng Shang."

"Thank you General Zhao." Lu Xun said politely.

The generals in the army are not willing to go to Guishuang as messengers, but they also understand their own abilities. They are good at fighting and killing, but they are not as good at strategic matters. Talking with each other in the virtual and inviting snakes, the lieutenant general would rather lead the lieutenant general to fight on the battlefield.

In the process of development, Jin State needs many talents. From the talents used during the Jin team's campaign, we can see how the Jin team's appearance in the campaign will affect the situation on the battlefield. Yes, it is precisely because the Jin country has adopted the correct methods and methods, so that the Jin team can obtain more achievements in the battle.

As the emperor of Jin, Lu Bu was able to think more comprehensively in the development of Jin. Even after the war, he would put the Jin in a more favorable position, which itself has a lot of hardships.

To ensure the development of a country, the middle process is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. A small matter may have many effects on the situation of war.

The Jin team in the war can have more influence on the situation on the battlefield. The key is that a lot of preparation is required before the battle. Only after detailed preparation can it be ensured that after the war begins, it can carry out more. Smoothly.

After this incident, the generals in the army looked at Lu Xun in many different gazes. As a general in Jinzhong, he had to be able to make choices at critical moments, if he faced some things. , If you can’t move forward courageously, there will be more situations.

It is precisely because of its many powerful generals that Jin is able to show its intrepid strength in the battle against the enemy, so that more enemies cannot win when facing the Jin team. The current development of Jin is rapid. What comes from is the impact of the battle.

As long as the Jin country can continue to maintain such a development trend, there will inevitably be more progress.

At present, Jin has made great achievements in the war. With the gradual progress of the confrontation, what the enemy can feel is the fierce offensive ability of the Jin team.

The Jin's measures to deal with the war also shocked the enemy forces. How to obtain more victories from the confrontation is also a question that Jin army generals should consider most.

Now that the Jin team can display the offensive ability in the battle against the enemy, it is difficult for the enemy to deal with it. Even if Guishuang is prepared, as long as the emperor of Jin is willing, when attacking Guishuang, It is still possible to make Guishuang pay a heavy price for the war.

The success of the Jin team has a great effect on the promotion of the Jin country, and can even make the enemy more fearful during the confrontation.

As for what kind of response measures should be taken by the Jin State’s army after the war, it is a question that the Jin State needs to think about. In fact, the Jin State’s emperor’s methods of dealing with the war are shocking.

The gradual development of the Jin state brought more ambitions to the Jin emperor. Such ambitions would allow the Jin state’s army to have more actions in subsequent campaigns. In this case, the Jin army also had more ambitions. What you want to see is the most painful thing if you are a member of the Jin army and cannot even participate in the war.

The unfolding of the war will allow the Jin country to have more coping methods when facing the war, and the current offensive ability of the Jin team is extremely astonishing. Once the Jin team launches an offensive, it will let the enemy feel from the war. What is achieved is the fierceness of the Jin team, and it is even difficult to influence the Jin country's army in the battle.

The achievements of the Jin team in the war are enough to prove the extraordinary means of the Jin emperor.

The development of the Jin country must be accompanied by many wars, because the growth and progress of the Jin country piled up after the victory of the war.

Victory in the war again and again made the Jin country not afraid of war at all. People in the country even wanted to gain more benefits through conquests. Civil officials and military generals had more expectations for the war. It will be even simpler.

As the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, Lu Bu had a corresponding method when dealing with some things, so that the lieutenant soldiers could obtain more achievements during the battle, and even let the lieutenant soldiers gain more growth. Soldiers have an important influence.

The further growth of the Jin team, in exchange for the improvement of the strength of the Jin country.

In this process, the achievements of the Jin team in the war are extremely obvious.

Even the Jin team will make the enemy more feel the Jin Dynasty emperor's powerful methods in the battle.

As the emperor of Jin, Lu Bu had important responsibilities during the development of Jin. In fact, the methods used by the emperor of Jin often shocked the enemy.

After the war began, the Emperor of Jin would let the enemy understand the cruelty of the war during the war, and even destroy the country where the enemy was located. The way of development before the Jin was the best proof.

The people of Guishuang provoked the dignity of the Jin country. Such things are absolutely intolerable. If the people of Guishuang cannot be allowed to pay the corresponding price, the people of the Jin country will not give up.

The most critical thing now is what kind of situation the Jin team might face when attacking Guishuang. If it fails to win the war, the situation will be dangerous.

The Jin team is a team that can achieve many victories in the confrontation. Their appearance on the battlefield will make the enemy more feel the fierceness of the war. It is precisely because of the achievements of the Jin army in the battle that the Jin army It is easier to experience the war.

Guishuang’s provocation is something that the generals of the Jin army cannot tolerate. Even if Guishuang’s strength is strong, can it be said that it can provoke Jin but not, then Jin’s army will let Guishuang realize the cruelty of the war.

On the occasion of the battle, the achievements of the Jin team are themselves dazzling. The offensive methods of the Jin army soldiers are constantly changing. From these changes, we can see what the Jin Dynasty emperor has in the battle of the lieutenant soldiers. s concern.

If an army cannot even guarantee victory in the war, the situation that follows will be more complicated. The Guishuang Empire is also a powerful country, but Guishuang encountered the Jin team in the process of development. , There was an uncontrollable situation, that is, when Guishuang's army faced the Jin team, it was impossible to win the battle.

The generals of the Jin army are the toughest beings on the battlefield, and the means of confrontation they show in the battle can make the enemy have a lot of shock and awe.

The development of the Jin country brought Guishuang’s crisis, and even caused Guishuang to have a lot of fear when he played against the Jin team. Otherwise, why would Guishuang send envoys after the Jin emperor encounters an assassin? It's Chang'an.

Whether Guishuang and Jin can maintain a stable situation, the most important thing is the emperor of Jin. If the emperor of Jin starts a war, relying on the strength of Guishuang’s army, he wants to have a better chance of blocking the Jin’s attack. Big things are very difficult.

Generals of the Jin army are extremely tough on the When facing a war, the generals of the Jin army will use powerful combat methods to let the enemy see what it will be like to face the Jin army during the battle. Status.

It is precisely because Jin's army has extremely strong combat effectiveness that Jin can get more guarantees as it develops.

Now the Jin country is being provoked. Faced with such a provocation, as a general in the Jin army, such things are unacceptable.

It is necessary to make Guishuang pay more in the war. Only in this way can the value of the Jin team be more proved.

During the battle, it is very difficult to win victory. You can see the situation in this regard from the setbacks that Guishuang will encounter when experiencing the war.

The next day, Lu Xun set off from Guishan City to Guishuang. This trip to Guishuang was full of dangers, but Lu Xun had enough confidence in his talents, even if Guishuang was currently attacking the merchants of the Jin country. They still need to be cautious about letting them take action against the envoy of the Jin country.

If the two countries are fighting, the envoys represent the face of a country. If even the envoys are beheaded, the two sides are truly immortal. The Guishuang high-level officials definitely need to consider carefully when they do something. of.

Jin is a powerful country. The soldiers of the Jin army can make the enemy suffer many defeats when they fight on the battlefield. Only from the record of the Jin team in the battle, it can be seen that the envoys of the Jin will come into being. What is the impact.

If it is possible, Guishuang definitely does not want war to happen. After all, Guishuang’s army wants to win when fighting against the Jin team. It is basically impossible. When the development of Jin country reaches a certain level. , Launching a war against Guishuang is a matter of reason.


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