Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5499: : It's better to end here


If this mission to the Guishuang Empire can be successful, after the war is over, it will definitely be a great achievement. Based on what happened in the past, it can be seen that when the war begins, the emperor of Jin is very likely to appear. In the battle.

This is also what the Emperor of Jin would often do. Lu Bu, who was a military commander, did not relax his martial arts because of his current status, and even took the lead on the battlefield to initiate an impact. It was just such a thing, an impact on the Jin army. It is conceivable how big it is. As the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, Lu Bu could do this step in the face of war. What reason does the lieutenant soldiers have to slack off at this time?

The Jin's army can continue to win victory in the war, which is an important help for the growth and progress of the Jin's army. Even if an army has sophisticated equipment, if it can't even win the war, such The army is undoubtedly a failure.

The impact of the Jin’s army in the war on the enemy’s impact, is it not the best proof of the strength of the Jin’s army? When the war begins, the Jin’s army will make the enemy feel more in the war. The fierceness of the war made it impossible for the enemy forces who thought they were strong to win from the confrontation.

It is precisely because of the Jin's army's achievements in the war that the progress of the war is easier, and there will even be more favorable factors for the Jin in the confrontation.

The current situation in Guishuang is relatively tense. Just offending the Jin country will cause the people of Guishuang to have a lot of worries. If the Jin country starts a war, where should the people of Guishuang go? .

Could it be said that the army against the Jin State can really win the victory? It can be seen from the performance of the Jin State army during the battle that the Jin State army will not have the slightest fear when facing the war. They pursue It means more victories during the war. As long as the victory of the war can be won, even the cost of life is not hesitated. Compared with the ferocity of the Jin State army, the performance of Guishuang soldiers has many shortcomings. Place.

During the war, Guishuang’s army did have an outstanding place. However, compared with the fierce offensive of the Jin Kingdom’s army, it has shortcomings. It is vital that Guishuang can experience more stability. If a war between the two sides starts, more complicated situations will follow, and even the development of Guishuang will be more affected by the beginning of the war.

The issue of the alliance between the Anxi Empire and the Jin Kingdom has been spread in Guishuang. After such an event spreads, it has brought the people of Guishuang to panic. The Anxi Empire and the Jin Kingdom are both powerful countries. When the two countries form an alliance After that, what will the impact on Guishuang's situation be like, and what will be the situation that Guishuang's troops will face when they entertain them through the war.

The performance of the Jin State army in the war can actually see a lot of situations, and it also helped the rest of the imperial army. It can be said that after the start of the war, the victory of Guishuang may be very small, and it will even end at the end of the war. After that, more things are lost.

Failure to win from the confrontation will result in more losses after the end of the war. Such things are normal in themselves. When one party chooses the war, it should have considered this aspect of the matter.

If you want to win a battle, it will be accompanied by a lot of difficulties. What kind of methods should be adopted when facing the war is the most effective. When the confrontation begins, how can you get more advantages from the confrontation? , These all need to be carefully considered.

Before the Jin Kingdom’s army was able to make more plans for the situation on the battlefield, wouldn’t it be true that such things should be placed on the people of Guishuang.

Once you have a better understanding of the situation of the war, the ensuing war will be much simpler, but what you can see from the methods displayed by the people of Guishuang is the difference between the people of Guishuang and the people of Jin. Where.

The impact of Jin's army in the war is extremely terrible. How can the Jin's army be able to win and how to stop the impact of the Jin's army?

Even if there are many worries in the minds of the people of Guishuang, it will be of little effect at this time, because the initiative of the war is in the hands of the high-level Guishuang.

Different from the people of Jin country's longing for war, what Guishuang people need most is stability. They want Guishuang to experience more stability and prevent Guishuang from more wars.

If there is a war, it will cause more situations in the Jin State’s response to the war. Facts have proved that the Jin State’s army has corresponding means when facing the war. Such means is for the Jin army’s soldiers. The impact of the offense is great.

With the gradual progress of the confrontation, the Jin Dynasty emperor will inevitably display many methods, and the role that these methods can play in the war is beyond Guishuang's endurance.

The arrival of the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin, let the people of Guishuang see the hope of peace, so they treated this envoy of the Kingdom of Jin with anticipation.

No matter what kind of humiliation the envoy of Guishuang suffered when he was in Jin, such a thing would not happen to Guishuang today. This is the benefit that a strong country can bring. As a Jin Lu Xun, the national envoy, naturally wanted to know more about the situation.

From the performance of the people of Guishuang, Lu Xun is full of confidence in this mission. As long as Guishuang does not want war to happen, the following things will be simpler, just let the people of Guishuang see the corresponding The people of Guishuang would not have thought that the Jin country would launch a war afterwards.

This is the surprise in the war.

"Lu Xun, the envoy of the Jin Kingdom, has seen Queen Guishuang." Lu Xun bowed his hands in salute.

After hearing the words of the translation, many Guishuang officials in the venue turned their attention to Lu Xun, but seeing Lu Xun’s young face, many officials were disappointed in their hearts. Such a young man came to Guishuang as an envoy of Jin. Certainly it cannot be more in control.

Among the officials of the Jin Kingdom, although there are many young people, none of the officials with real authority are so young.

The queen nodded slightly and said, "The messenger came to Guishuang, and it was **** the way."

"Thanks to the Queen's concern, I came to Peshawar because of Guishuang's driving away of Jin's merchants. After this incident reached Chigu City, General Zhao was very angry when he heard this, so he was dispatched here." Lu Xun Said frankly.

The queen couldn’t help taking a look at Lu Xun. She didn’t expect that Lu Xun would directly state that he was the envoy sent by Zhao Yun. You must know that the envoys sent by Lu Bu and Zhao Yun are very different. Even if Zhao Yun is the king of Jin, The army has an important weight, but it is obviously impossible to compare with the emperor of Jin. The emperor of Jin has a man of great military merit in the war.

From the prestige among the lieutenants of the Jin emperor's hospitality, we can actually see more things.

It is precisely because of the emperor of Jin’s magnificent military exploits that after many warriors appeared in the army of Jin, it is impossible to influence the status of the emperor of Jin to a greater extent, because the emperor of Jin Orders can make the formerly prominent military generals lose their current power.

Being in the Jin army, you also need to be cautious when doing some things, but Zhao Yun is one of the leaders of the Jin army. He himself is the brother of the Jin Emperor, which will make you really lucky. The weight is even heavier.

When facing the envoy of Zhao Yun, Guishuang also gave his due respect.

At present, there is no sign of the Jin Dynasty mobilizing troops and horses to Guishuang, and the people of Guishuang do not need to worry more. As long as the war comes, the people of Guishuang will stubbornly block the offensive of the Jin country’s army during the war. , Let the people of Jin country understand that it is very difficult to win from the hands of the people of Guishuang.

Victory in the war again and again will allow Guishuang to have the means to deal with it when he goes through the war, but in front of the Jin country's army, no one can be sure that the lieutenant will be able to deal with it.

After all, the offensive methods used by the Jin army in the war were extremely fierce. When such fierce offensive methods appear in the war, the impact it will bring is bound to be great.

From the performance of the Jin army during the previous campaign, we can actually see more situations. As long as a war occurs, the soldiers of the Jin army will let the opponent bear the defeat of the war in the It seems that There is no chance of being spared in such a thing.

Lu Bu's success in the land of the Jin State is enough to explain many problems. It is precisely because of the continuous victories during the war that the Jin State army has more possibilities in the face of war.

Lü Bu's success in the Kingdom of Jin is shocking, and it will also make the people of Guishuang be more cautious. What will happen if the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin is offended.

Seeing that Lu Xun directly explained the reason, the queen turned her gaze to Alqi. Since she is the prime minister of the country, she definitely needs to stand up and explain it at this time. Could it be said that such a thing requires the queen to play in person.

In any case, there is a gap in status between the two sides.

The Minister of Guishuang, Aluqi, said: "Envoys, business matters are the common will of both parties. Before the merchants of Guishuang went to Jin for business, the situation is also good, but currently the merchants of Guishuang are in Jin. Can’t survive. Isn’t this not responsible for the Jin country? It is also Guishuang’s interest to drive away the Jin country’s businessmen. Since the business between the two parties cannot be successful, it’s better to end it.”

(End of this chapter)

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