Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5554: : Definitely shocked the enemy


In dealing with the war, the generals of the Jin army have a cautious attitude, but when the war really starts, the generals of the Jin army will use the most aggressive and powerful offensive methods to make the enemy feel deep fear in the face of such an offensive. Even in the face of Jin's army, he dared not have more resistance.

This is the Jin army in the war. They rely on such prestige to win in wars, even if the enemy has a numerical advantage, as long as they encounter the Jin army on the frontal battlefield.

Even if the enemy has a lot of pride in their hearts, they are still so fragile when facing Jin's army, and they seem to be so vulnerable. This is the Jin's most aggressive offensive method that can be positive. The effect played in the battle.

Shenli gunpowder, even the generals of the Jin army, is extremely yearning. In many wars, the Jin soldiers have won victory against the enemy by using such fierce means.

If there is an advantage in numbers, can it be said that it will definitely have an advantage in the war.

Shenli gunpowder continued to explode in the city. This is what the cavalry of the Jin country must do after rushing into the city. It is necessary to put the defenders in a more panic state at this time. This is the only way to enter the city afterwards. The Jin army will have more possibilities, and will be more at ease in the face of war.

The impact of the Jin army's soldiers in the war is absolutely huge. If you can't win from such a confrontation, you will lose more in the battle.

When Huang Xu saw these scenes, he was constantly commanding the lieutenant generals to step forward. This is a good opportunity to break Dingdong City in one fell swoop. Such an opportunity cannot be given up by the Jin country, even when the enemy is defending. What if you have tenacious and tenacious means.

Today’s war has a relatively large impact on the generals of the Jin army. If the situation cannot be opened up in a short time after rushing into the city, the situation will be more complicated afterwards, and even the lieutenant generals will be attacking. There are more losses.

This is the cruelty of war.

Nowadays, the Jin country has launched an impact on Guishuang. In such a confrontation, there is no possibility of withdrawing. The defeat of Dingdong City will deal a huge blow to Guishuang, and even make Guishuang people panic. What kind of things the people of Jin have done to the Jin country, now is the time to make the other party pay for it.

The Jin army generals with powerful impact are the most terrifying existence in the war. When they display all the means in the war, the damage to the enemy is beyond imagination.

The development of the Jin State gives Jin State more possibilities in the war. Even if there are other conditions, it cannot stop the impact of the Jin State army in the war.

How to win from the confrontation and how to make the Jin army soldiers have more possibilities when facing the war in such a victory is also a question that the Jin army generals need to consider.

Huang Xu is a general in the Jin army. He has experienced many wars. He is a general who has emerged from the war. Huang Xu has proved his worth in the war victories.

Obtaining the order of the Emperor of Jin, leading the lieutenant soldiers to bring more threats to Guishuang during the war is exactly what Huang Xu wanted to see.

Huang Xu does not have the slightest affection for the people of Guishuang. Regardless of the situation in the war, as long as the leader of the lieutenant appears in the war, the most important thing is to make the enemy pay heavy for the war. The price comes.

Let the enemy understand in this kind of war that it is unrealistic to just rely on their strength to have more possibilities to block the impact of the Jin country's army.

The outbreak of wars again and again brought the invincibility of the Jin's soldiers in the war, and brought the possibility of the Jin's army to win the war.

The current war must have had a relatively large impact on Guishuang, and the opportunity to seize the East City was in this offensive.

If this attack can't break Dingdong City, Guishuang will definitely have a lot of defenses. At that time, it will be even more difficult to capture Dingdong City from Guishuang's hands.

Guishuang also has a lot of lieutenants in the army. When they face war, even if they are not as good as the Jin army in terms of means, but with their strong combat ability and numerical advantage, they will let Jin The Chinese army faces more problems when launching an offensive.

After breaking through Dingdong City, it will have a vital impact on the subsequent offensive of the Jin Kingdom's army against Guishuang, and will even make Guishuang pay more in such a confrontation.

As long as Dingdong City can be captured, Dingdong City can be used as the basis to gradually attack the other cities of Guishuang, allowing Guishuang's city to gradually fall under the control of the Jin army.

After the Jin army broke through the enemy's city in the war, it was not so easy for the enemy to **** the city from the Jin army.

The soldiers of the Jin army who have experienced many wars, no matter when they are defending or attacking, the strength they can show is beyond the enemy's imagination.

If the same war happened to the soldiers of the Jin army, even if the enemy's offensive was fierce, it would be impossible to break through the gates of the Jin army's defense in such a simple way. This is where the Jin army soldiers’ confidence lies. .

The cruelty of war is not terrible. The key is what kind of victory can be achieved when dealing with the war, and what kind of casualties will be caused by the enemy in the war by relying on one's own offensive.

The growth of Jin's army in the war and the growth rate of Jin's soldiers absolutely shocked the enemy.

Time after time seemingly impossible wars, Jin's army won victory, and even after the victory of the war, the methods used by Jin's side were so terrible.

When such Jin forces appear more in the war, it will bring great panic to the enemy, and even make the enemy feel desperate in such a confrontation, because such a battle, It surpassed their imagination, making it difficult for them to even have effective defense against Jin's army in the face of war.

The strength of the Jin army has been fully demonstrated in the war. It can be said that standing on the opposite side of the Jin army is a terrible thing in itself.

If the war is not going smoothly, it will cause death and injury to the Jin army.

However, the Jin's army on the offensive side, when faced with the war, showed a means that was too terrifying.

When attacking, it is normal for lieutenant soldiers to suffer casualties. Especially for the offensive side, when they attack, they often pay a great price. After all, the defending army has a geographical advantage.

But this time the Jin army cavalry rushed into the city to display the methods, which is really shocking, not to mention other, just in front of such a method, if you want to have greater deeds when blocking, they will all It will become impossible.

The terrible Jin army is the most fierce existence in the war, let alone what kind of situation will be faced in the war, as long as the Jin army appears in the war, they will cause the enemy to pay the death and injury in the war and let the enemy The army feels cruelty from such a war.

Shenli gunpowder continued to explode, and a precious frost soldier fell in a pool of blood in the sound of such an explosion. They really did not have enough means to deal with the powerful impact of the Jin army generals.

The Jin's army's offensive methods have surpassed the knowledge of Guishuang's defenders. Such powerful methods have never been in contact with them before.

Even if General Guishuang had a certain understanding of Jin's offensive methods, in the face of such a situation, it would be easier said than done to stop the offensive of Jin's generals.

The impact of the powerful impact of the Jin army is often huge, and even under such an impact, it will bear more damage.

Commanding Jin's army won the war and made the enemy feel a deep panic after the war. It seemed to the Jin's generals a great necessity.

The reason why Jin's army appears in wars again and again will make the enemy feel terrified. The more reason lies in the terrible Jin's army. With the powerful strength of the Jin's soldiers, the Jin's army has greater strength in the war. As, even in the confrontation to be able to get more advantages, is crucial.

Only victory in the war can allow the country to develop rapidly after the end of the war.

This is how Jin developed the way After the war started, the territory of Jin was expanded. In this process, the influence of Jin was gradually increased. When this situation can continue. If so, the impact it can bring is great.

What method to take when developing the Jin country is something that the senior leaders of the Jin country need to plan. In the war, it is time for the lieutenants to show their usual training achievements. With a powerful offensive method, let the enemy feel the war in the war. It is very necessary for the threats to be so great that it is difficult to reap the benefits in the war.

Lu Bu's strategy of developing the Jin Dynasty fully proved Lu Bu's correctness.

The battle at the city gate is in full swing, and Nayan is constantly commanding lieutenants and generals to step forward. At such an important moment, it is necessary to rely on the strength of the defenders in the city to win the war.

Relying on the support of other cities is unrealistic at this time. Even if it is the news, when the reinforcements arrive, no one can be sure what the situation is in the city.

War is full of many variables, and even a slight difference in time may have a great impact on the subsequent results.

(End of this chapter)

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