Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5560: : Defeated like a mountain

If you don’t leave, it will be even more impossible to get a chance to escape after the Jin army takes control of the city. From the means shown by the Jin country, you can actually see that whenever the Jin army appears in a war, It will make the enemy feel a deep fear.

Even in such a fear, it is difficult to display all of its strength. This situation is extremely terrifying for an army. If it is difficult to display its own strength, such an army appears in a war. What's the meaning?

It is the wish of many generals in the army to grow up after experiencing wars.

However, after fear enveloped the hearts of the lieutenants and soldiers, when they faced the war, it was impossible to say that they maintained a calm mood.

This kind of battle is a huge test for the soldiers of the Jin army. How to get out of the test can you become a true elite.

In fact, in the ordinary training process, the generals of the Jin army are extremely serious when facing the war, because they know that only the elite teams can win the battle and win more opportunities in a crisis. Yes.

Looking at the development of the Jin army, because of the system in the Jin army, how many soldiers have become a member of the generals.

There were less than a hundred people around Na Yan. These soldiers were his personal guards, carefully selected from the army. At this time, these soldiers did not leave Na Yan, but chose to protect it.

After Huang Xu noticed the side not far away, he moved forward. Since arriving in the city, Huang Xu is actually observing the situation on the battlefield. If possible, he will directly kill the opponent’s generals. The war will proceed. It will be smoother, which is also a situation that often occurs in wars.

As the saying goes, catch the thieves first and catch the king, as long as the opponent's leader is killed, the war will proceed more smoothly, and there will even be unexpected gains.

The role that military generals can play after the start of the war is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. It can be said that the actions of military lieutenants require the cooperation of generals. If there is no command from the generals, even if there is an army It is impossible for many elites to stand out in the war.

In the current war, the generals of the Jin army need to exercise their ability to control the battlefield in command. Only by making more progress in such a command can they improve faster.

When it comes to the level of generals, martial arts are obviously inferior to commanding warfare. If not, even if a general has a strong martial arts, can it be said that one can do nothing in war.

The victory of the war ultimately depends on the efforts of ordinary soldiers. As a general, the most important thing is how to better coordinate the lieutenants and soldiers so that the lieutenants and soldiers will not be panicked during the war. Even do some incredible things.

The gradual progress of the war can bring great help to the growth of the lieutenants and soldiers, and at the same time can give the sergeants and soldiers more experience in the face of war.

After seeing these scenes, many Jin army soldiers did not easily let go of Guishuang's plan, but rushed to catch up. In such a city, Guishuang's soldiers were more familiar with the layout of the city.

What the Jin army needs to do is to quickly occupy the city and bring it into its hands after defeating the Guishuang defenders.

Such a war can be called a victorious war. At that time, even if the people of Guishuang are familiar with the conditions in the city, their effect will be minimal.

When the courage of an army is lost, even if their generals are good at deceiving people, they can make the lieutenant generals bravely move forward in the face of war, but the fear that comes from the deep heart of the lieutenant generals will make the lieutenant generals. Lost the courage to war.

Whenever they think of the enemy's mighty strength, they will inevitably think of themselves, and they don't even want to experience war again, because war is too terrifying for them.

When the lieutenant soldiers have enough fear of war in their hearts, it is definitely a troublesome thing to put on any generals. It is troublesome because when faced with such situations, they don’t know what to do. Dispose of.

When facing the war, the generals of the Jin army have control over the lieutenants and can mobilize the fighting spirit of the lieutenants to the greatest extent, so that the lieutenants can better show their own strength when dealing with the war. In fact, this is a very good thing for soldiers in the army.

If you can't even understand the basic situation of lieutenants and soldiers, the consequences are the most dangerous.

The gradual development of the Jin army has brought about a rapid improvement. The current situation in the Jin country is a good illustration.

Only the lieutenant generals who win the battle against the enemy can improve the strength of the Jin country after the war.

Defeated like a mountain, it is not an exaggeration to describe the Guishuang defenders at this time. The fear in their heart has overcome the courage, and even when the courage has collapsed, even if they want to do more, they can't do it.

Faced with the cruel reality, we must deal with it carefully to avoid other mistakes.

The strength of the generals of the Jin army has been verified.

This kind of strength Jin army is definitely the most terrifying killer on the battlefield, especially a group of soldiers who have lost their courage. Faced with the Jin army's chasing and fighting, the miserable end can be imagined.

The generals of the Jin army will not keep their hands at this time. What they pursue is victory in the war, let alone how powerful the enemy army is. As long as they appear on the battlefield, they are the masters of the war.

It is impossible for people who have ideas about the Jin country to win, and only when they have the corresponding means when facing the war can they get more convenience in the confrontation.

The long-term development of the Jin country fully proved how crazy the Jin army soldiers faced the war.

The crossbow army and cavalry were still hunting down, Huang Xu turned his attention to the most conspicuous place on the battlefield. How could it be that simple thing for Nayan to lead the lieutenant generals to defend the city? If Huang Xu allowed Na Yan to escape successfully, it would be the strangest thing.

After entering the city, Huang Xu was looking for the opponent's general, beheading the opponent's general, and causing a greater degree of panic to the enemy, so as to ensure greater influence after the victory of the war.

The soldiers of the Jin army can bring great harm to the enemy in the war, especially in this kind of confrontation, what needs to be caused by the enemy is the disaster brought about by the war.

If you can't win from such a confrontation, you will lose a lot in such a confrontation, and even lose more advantages in the battle.

The victory of the Jin army’s soldiers in the war is actually the best proof of the Jin army’s strength. Today’s wars are nothing for the well-equipped Jin army. As long as they can win from the confrontation, it is for the Jin country. For the army, it’s enough.

Today’s war is a test for the Jin army. How to get out of such a test is the most important thing. If you can’t grow up in the test, you will gradually decline in the war, even in the face of war. , It is difficult to have more combat effectiveness to deal with.

When the Jin ** team appeared in the war, why could the enemy feel a lot of panic? It was because the Jin soldiers had resilience in the face of war, and their resilience would make the war go more smoothly.

Lu Bu is of great significance to Jin, and it can bring great help to the long-term development of Jin.

How to benefit from the confrontation is also what the Emperor of Jin needs. Lu Bu's attitude when dealing with the war can be clearly seen as long as he is an important general of Jin.

It is precisely because of such an emperor that the soldiers of the Jin army can get more victories when they fight on the battlefield. Even if other situations may arise in the war, they can still be properly resolved by virtue of the strength of the lieutenant soldiers~ The progress of the war will make the lieutenant soldiers suffer a lot of damage when facing the war.

Let the lieutenant generals enjoy good treatment when they are ordinary. During the war, the lieutenant generals will do their best to fight the enemy, so that the enemy will feel the atmosphere of panic in the war.

The rigorous system and the courageous struggle of the lieutenants and soldiers will make the war easier and even more rewarding in the confrontation.

Nowadays, the Jin emperor's decision to attack Guishuang is the most important thing for the soldiers of the Jin army. If he dares to provoke the Jin emperor, what needs to be endured is the anger of the Jin emperor.

Huang Xu cast his gaze on Na Yan, tightening the long knife in his hand, and beheading the enemy generals on the battlefield. It is definitely a sense of accomplishment for the generals of the Jin army. If you are a general in the Jin army, , If you can’t even guarantee the killing of the enemy in a war, what value does the existence of such a general have?

How many generals of the Jin army are standing on the enemy's corpses, especially the thirty-six generals in the Temple of War, who are all prestigious figures in the Jin army.

It is the pursuit of many generals to become the thirty-six generals in the Temple of War. To achieve this level, it is necessary for the generals to have more means in the face of war, even though other situations may arise in the war. As long as the lieutenant soldiers appear on the battlefield, they can get credit.

Compared to credit, what is more important than this.

A hundred cavalrymen followed Huang Xu and galloped forward. At this time, the city was already in chaos. The beginning of this confrontation was unfair to Guishuang's defenders.

But this is war. It is impossible to get absolute fairness in war.

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