Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5590: : Zhao Yun led his troops, Lu Xun returned to Dingdong

When Guishuang responded to the war, it had corresponding means. Such means, relying on the solidity and strength of the city, can achieve an effect when blocking the offensive of the Jin army and the peace army. This is also inevitable.

The offensive side is definitely at a disadvantage after the start of the war. The key is how to better dissolve the enemy’s advantage in the war, so that the enemy’s so-called advantage cannot be matched when the war comes. The role of.

The Jin army’s methods of attacking enemy cities are terrible. Facts have proved that as long as the Jin army appears in a war, it can always turn corruption into a miracle, making what was impossible on the battlefield a reality. .

Such an army of the Jin Kingdom is an extremely terrifying existence in the war. When they display aggressive offensive methods, the enemy will feel deep fear.

The head-to-head confrontation with the Jin army seems simple, but it is not. If only relying on the superiority of numbers to win the battle, why would Wusun and other places fall under the control of the Jin army? Is it able to provide great help for the Jin army's campaign.

Does it mean that Wusun and other alien races are not disgusted with the rule of the Jin country? You must know that there were many nobles in the four kingdoms at the beginning, but these people are difficult to make waves under the Jin rule, let alone the Jin country is governing these The strategy adopted at the local time made it difficult for the people of the Four Kingdoms to have the thought of resistance, and even how much they cooperated with the rule of the Jin Kingdom. This is a matter of means. With extraordinary methods, the Jin Kingdom’s army is fighting. Time to get more victories.

After occupying the enemy's city, it can also rule smoothly, allowing these places to be used by the Jin Kingdom.

If you have enough understanding of the living conditions of the people of Jin, you will find that living under the rule of Jin is actually a relatively happy thing. At least there is no need to worry about wars. If there is a war, Jin The presence of military officers on the battlefield can disintegrate the enemy's invasion.

Strong strength is an important foundation for the stability of the Jin country. With this strength, after the Jin country has captured the enemy's city, it can be effectively ruled, making its rule more useful.

During the campaign, Lü Bu led the lieutenant generals on the battlefield, which was also able to mobilize the fighting spirit of the lieutenants to a large extent, so that the lieutenants could see what their monarchs would have in the face of war. Even if there are many variables in the war, as long as their monarch is on the battlefield, victory can be guaranteed.

Needless to say, the respect of the soldiers of the Jin army to Lü Bu, it is needless to say that this is a fierce general in the Jin army, and even the emperor of the Jin country.

After being promoted, a celebrity soldier naturally has a lot of gratitude to the emperor of Jin. These gratitude will make them more dedicated to the emperor of Jin.

Obtaining opportunities for development from war is the strategy of the Jin Kingdom. In fact, many powerful empires have the same purpose when they fight, which is to ensure the stability and development of the country through war. This is the only way. , In order to reap more benefits in the war.

Jin's uniqueness in terms of warfare and business has made it easier for Jin to win victory when experiencing wars, and has more convenience in development.

Business exchanges and business operations provide very good conditions for development under the rule. The gradual development of such business activities will allow Jin to develop faster than other countries. People living in Jin will have more A sense of belonging.

The strong are worthy of a wake-up call at any time. What's more, the Jin’s performance in the war, but the strong among the strong, such Jin’s army is the **** of killing in the war, and it can bring a lot to the enemy. A big impact kill star.

People living under the rule of the Jin Dynasty do not need to worry about safety issues, because their emperor will have proper methods to deal with these matters.

After having more belonging to the Jin country, the people of Jin will do their best to cooperate with their emperor, so that after the war, the Jin country can quickly stabilize and get rapid development.

Such a state of Jin, if it existed for the sake of war, as long as there is a war, you can find traces of the people of Jin state.

Inquiring more about the opponent's situation, so that Jin's army can get more convenience when fighting, is a means that Jin will often use in wars. Why is it not like this when other countries are at war.

With more understanding of the news on the battlefield, it will be easier when marching.

The situation in Guishuang became more tense after the Jin Kingdom and the Anxi Empire sent troops. It is reasonable. If Guishuang can still maintain calmness, it is the strangest thing. Guishuang’s soldiers are constantly mobilized, and it is also reasonable. It involves the hearts of the people of Guishuang.

If Guishuang's army could not stop the joint attack of the Jin and the Parthian Empire during the war, their current lives would be destroyed. Living under the enemy's rule would be terrifying to think about.

Jin’s merchants came to Guishuang to do business, which provided good conditions for the development of Guishuang. However, if Jin and Guishuang were enemies, it would be another matter. The country’s severance of contacts has been affected, but the safety of life is the most important.

If even the safety of life is hard to be guaranteed, wouldn't the situation that follow be even worse, even life is gone, what is the use of benefits?

There are not a few of the people of Guishuang who scolded Jin. After all, once the war begins, their lives will be affected to a large extent.

The people of Guishuang who knew about Jin were more often through the mouths of the merchants of the Jin country. The prosperity of the Jin country shocked the people of Guishuang, but at the same time they were deeply worried about the fate of Guishuang. , This is the powerful Jin country. If they are at a disadvantage when confronting the Jin country, where they should go, and even their lives in the future will be greatly affected.

When the strong strength of the Jin country can affect Guishuang to a large extent, the goodwill of the people of Guishuang for the Jin country will disappear, and even hope that the Jin country's army will fail at this time.

This is also understandable. After all, they are the people living in Guishuang, they have a good impression of Guishuang, and are familiar with the current life. When the enemy ruled the city, the way of life would definitely change tremendously. of.

At that time, these changes will make the people of Guishuang even more helpless.

The methods used by Jin during the war are shocking. The same is true for the wealth of Jin's businessmen.

However, at present, the Jin country merchants living in Guishuang can’t see it anymore. Even if they do, they are hidden in the dark. When Guishuang hates Jin country, if the Guishuang people see through their identity, it will be. There are many dangers.

There are also many Guishuang people who serve Jin's merchants. Perhaps some people don't even know that they are doing something helpful to Jin's country, and even such things will affect Guishuang's subsequent war.

The Jin country’s methods of collecting intelligence are extremely complicated. It is extremely difficult to find out the intelligence agencies of the Jin country. This is also necessary for collecting intelligence in a foreign country. If you are not careful in some aspects, it will breed. The danger will be more.

Knowing more about intelligence matters will be more helpful to the progress of the war. Isn’t Guishuang collecting information about the Jin Kingdom and the Parthian Empire, and making these situations an important auxiliary means for the victory of the war? To make the war unfold more smoothly, there is a great need The combination of the Jin State Army and the Parthian Army has a far-reaching impact, and even makes the people of Guishuang feel panic and uneasy.

Dingdong City is no longer the bustle of the past. After the Jin army captured Dingdong City, although they did not commit any crimes to the people in the city, the people in the city, facing the newly arrived Jin army, if they were not afraid of words in their hearts, yes. impossible things.

Regardless of the combat effectiveness of Guishuang's army, they have lived under Guishuang's rule for many years, and they are familiar with Guishuang's rule. If they were ruled by the Jin country's army, the situation would be completely different.

The language is not fluent, and even strange to the army of the Jin country. If you lose your life because of some actions, that is the most terrible thing.

There were many prisoners of Guishuang’s soldiers in the city. Many of these Guishuang’s soldiers resisted. However, under the iron-blooded means of the Jin army, Guishuang’s surrendered soldiers finally succumbed, because they were in a wolf-like and tiger-like Jin Dynasty. In front of the soldiers and soldiers, if they want a chance to survive, they must be born in peace.

The price of not being able to win from the confrontation is huge, and even more things will be lost in such a situation.

The impact of the Jin Kingdom’s army in the war has had a great impact on Guishuang. If there are no suitable strategies and means to contain Jin, there will be more dangers that follow. , But this kind of thing is no longer what the surrendering soldiers can control.

After Zhao Yun led the troops and horses, Lu Xun also returned to Dingdong City.

This time Lu Xun’s mission to Guishuang made a great contribution to the Jin Kingdom’s capture of Dingdong City. It even made it easier for the Jin army to capture Dingdong City. When the Guishuang people did not have more precautions, The Jin army's powerful combat effectiveness, as long as it breaks through the gate of Dingdong City, can make the war go more smoothly.

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