Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5596: : Xiao Mu, Wei Yanqiu to see the emperor

The advancing master of the Jin Kingdom will not give up such a good opportunity, but this is a great opportunity to benefit from Guishuang's body.

When Guishuang's army has suffered more defeats in the war, the light of the Jin army will be even more dazzling. The Jin army at that time will bring more development to the Jin country.

Development has always been the pursuit of the monarch. If the monarch cannot be allowed to look at the opportunities for development in the war, then the Jin army's campaign will lose its meaning.

Let the conquest be more helpful to the development of Jin, and make the development of Jin more rapid after the war, which is exactly what the emperor of Jin wanted to see.

After the vanguard army left, Wei Yan looked forward to Lv Bu’s army. If Lv Bu came, he would definitely fight for the opportunity to fight. This is an important opportunity for generals in the Jin army. If you don't take the initiative in such matters as the conquest, it is obviously impossible to have greater achievements in the Jin army.

After experiencing many wars, the strength of the Jin country's army demonstrated in the war has always been terrifying, and it can even make the enemy's resistance in the face of war fail to achieve the desired effect.

Why did the people of Guishuang feel fearful when facing the war? It was because the people of Guishuang understood that with their strength, it would be difficult to block the army of the Jin country.

Only by making one's own momentum even higher and the opponent's momentum down, can we get more victories in the confrontation.

As the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, Lu Bu appeared on the battlefield in person, which was a great excitement for the lieutenant soldiers.

To many lieutenant generals, it is a pity that the opportunity to go to the battlefield is not small.

With the current state of the generals of the Jin army, as long as the emperor of the Jin country mobilizes, they will go to the battlefield without hesitation, even if they pay the price of their lives for the war.

The generals of the Jin army can have such a state. If it is known to the Guishuang people, they may have more worries. The army of the Jin country does not fear death in the war. This is an extremely terrible thing in itself. If an army does not even fear the death of war, what else will make this army retreat.

Two days later, Lü Bu's army arrived in Jincheng, and more than 50,000 troops were dispatched, flags covering the sky, swords and guns like forests.

This kind of visual impact made the defenders in the city surging. This is the elite of Jin, and this is the invincible Jin army. They are proud of being a member of the Jin army.

Wei Yan and other civil servants and generals hurried out of the city. Unlike the previous vanguard army, the Jin army's expedition team, but Lu Bu personally commanded it.

The Liangzhou Mu at this time was Lv Bu’s son-in-law Xiao Mu. When Xiao Mu was governing the locality, his methods were not weak. When he was in Yizhou in the past, he performed quite well. He put Xiao Mu to Liangzhou Mu In terms of position, Lu Bu is more at ease.

Before Jin was ready for the war, Liangzhou was actively preparing for the delivery of materials. Although the Jin country did not disclose anything about the war at the time, it can be seen from the transportation of materials that the Jin country’s The emperor must have planned a big action.

However, these matters are of great significance to the war in the Jin Kingdom. Even if some information is discovered, they should not be disclosed. This is related to the subsequent major actions of the Jin Kingdom. If you are an important official of the Jin Kingdom, wait here. If you are not careful enough in front of things, it is absolutely impossible to go to a higher position.

Although he was Lv Bu's son-in-law, Xiao Mu did not slacken his identity when he did things in the usual way. Especially when Liangzhou was developing rapidly, he needed the government to plan and listen to the voice of the people. .

From the development strategy of the Jin country, we can actually see that the emperor of the Jin country is very good to the people. Many times in the development, he stood from the people’s point of view. Such a move will definitely bring the interests of the wealthy family a lot. But the emperor of Jin did not care so much.

It is precisely because of the actions of the Jin emperor that the Jin emperor’s reputation among the people is more resounding. When the Jin emperor issued an order, it can arouse fierce repercussions among the people.

This is also the result of the Jin Dynasty emperor's efforts. After the people have a more stable and happy life, the people will have more respect for the monarch and will more obey the monarch's orders.

The current state of Jin is at its peak, and there is no shortage of means in the face of war. What can be seen from Lu Bu's performance is the respect of lieutenants and soldiers brought by the respect of the people of Jin.

Lu Bu, who was in the army, was dressed in military uniform. Since he appeared on the battlefield as the commander of the army, he had to be treated like a general.

The Chinese army, Lu Bu ordered to rest on the spot, and the whole army immediately began to be busy. When the soldiers set up the tents, what you can see is the rigor of the Jin army. There are soldiers busy, cavalry patrolling guard, and no Young soldiers are always preparing for the coming of war. This is also a normal thing in the Jin army's usual smiling face process.

No matter when you are on the battlefield, you must be cautious enough. If you can't even do this, even the elite soldiers can get many victories in the face of war. What is there? This kind of meaning can be said.

Once a successful raid for the enemy army, it will be the beginning of a nightmare for the army of the Jin country.

Lü Bu, who has been in command of the army for many years, has seen too many wars, and seen too many intrigues in wars.

As long as it is a useful means for the victory of war, it is an effective means.

Let the lieutenants and soldiers survive the war more, so that the sacrifices of the lieutenants on the battlefield can have greater value.

The powerful Jin's army, displayed on the battlefield, shocked how many enemy troops, so many enemy troops did not have the slightest confidence in the face of the Jin army.

Encountering the Jin army on the frontal battlefield is not a good thing for the enemy army. Once there are painful losses in the war, it will be the most unfortunate.

The Jin army not only had plans before the start of the war, but in the course of the war, they also paid a lot of attention to the situations that might arise in the war, even when they were resting.

Performing their duties and doing better things in their hands can ensure that the soldiers of the Jin army can better demonstrate their strength in the war.

Jia Xu said, "Holy Lord, Xiao Mu, Wei Yan and others are asking to see you."

"Let Xiao Mu and Wei Yan come over, and the others wait and return to the city." Lu Bu said lightly.

Jia Xu said with his hands that it is normal for important officials from Liangzhou to come to see Lu Bu in the army.

"Holy, I am afraid that General Wei will come, and he still has something to ask for." Jia Xu smiled.

Lu Bu nodded. Lu Bu knew what kind of mentality Wei Yan had when facing war. As a fierce general in the Jin army, Wei Yan had experienced a lot of wars, and he would be any one in the battle against Guishuang. It is difficult for military commanders to refuse.

Such things as military generals actively requesting to go to the battlefield are quite common in the Jin army itself. This is also a characteristic of the Jin army. If you are an important general in the army, you can even If you don't have the courage to pick up a knife and gun, such a general will inevitably make the lieutenant generals pay the price for the war.

Therefore, in the Jin army, the generals' desire for war is often greater. In order to be able to go to the battlefield, it is not uncommon for the generals in the army to fight for battle.

Wei Yan was a general in the Jin army. When Lu Bu passed through Liangzhou before, he showed his desire to fight.

"Meet the Lord." Wei Yan and Xiao Mu solemnly saluted.

The man in the top position is the most powerful person in Jin, but he still has to lead the lieutenant to the battlefield, and work hard for the development of Jin. What Lu Bu has done for Jin has brought It is the rapid development of Jin. It can be said that if there is no Lu Bu, it is impossible for Jin to achieve the current development speed.

It can be said that Lu Bu has created miracles one by one in Jin, and only Lu Bu's deeds can significantly improve the overall strength of Jin.

The progress of the war may have a certain impact on the situation of Jin, but Jin is a country that has emerged from the war. Even if there are many difficulties in the war, the emperor of Jin will not have The slightest flinching.

As an emperor, if he doesn't have the slightest confidence in war, such an emperor is the saddest.

The soldiers of the Jin army cross the battlefield The benefits obtained from the war are many. Victory in the war again and again prevents the Jin from developing more situations and allows the Jin to develop rapidly at the same time. , Can get more support.

Now that the emperor of the Jin country fought against Guishuang, what he brought to Guishuang would be wild revenge from the Jin army.

To provoke the Jin country, it is necessary to pay a corresponding price for such a move.

What can be seen from the rise of Jin is the extraordinary means and courage of the Jin emperor. He promoted the development of Jin through war and prevented Jin from developing more situations. These things alone are enough. Make the emperor of Jin proud and proud.

Now that the emperor of Jin is on the battlefield again, he will inevitably make the war more complicated and changeable.

Lu Bu smiled and said, "Be flat, you don't need to be so polite in the army."

Having said that, the two dare not show any disrespect when facing Lv Bu. This is the emperor of Jin, the emperor who has created many miracles in Jin. After the emperor of Jin has issued orders, he can stay in the land of Jin. What kind of vibration is set off.

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