Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5619: : The emperor of Jin, who is good at making use of war

"The Rebirth God of War Lu Bu(

You need to be on guard at all times and disperse more energy. The most direct way is to kill or imprison the enemy's high-levels to avoid more situations when governing the city.

Guishuang’s people have a certain understanding of the Jin’s approach. Therefore, when facing the Jin army, one must be more cautious, not to give the Jin’s soldiers a chance to break through, so that their defense can be effective. Play a greater role when blocking the Jin army's attack.

There are many dangers that can arise in a war. How to get the chance of victory from such dangers is the most important thing.

How many war victories have led to Guishuang’s current situation, but when facing the Jin’s army offensive, how did Guishuang’s soldiers behave? When the war came, they did not have more confidence and faced Jin. The attack of the soldiers made their hearts panic.

Because the coming of war is a big challenge for them, if they can't come out of such a challenge, they will bear more costs.

What kind of consequences will be suffered after the defeat of the war is not a secret to the soldiers of Guishuang, as long as they have experienced the war, they will know that victory during the war can get many benefits, but in After the war is lost, the price of life will be paid.

If you are lucky enough to survive the war, you might also become a captive of the enemy, lose your freedom, have no more right to speak, and even your life will undergo tremendous changes as a result.

The fate of the prisoners of the Jin army is not a secret thing in Guishuang. Using these prisoners to do more and let the prisoners be constantly squeezed. Imagine it will make people feel terrible.

But when it comes to an emergency, such a surrender is very likely. When facing the defeat of the war, the lieutenant soldiers also want to ensure their safety. If it is to say that even safety matters If there is no guarantee, even if the lieutenant soldiers have more fierce performance in the face of war, what kind of role can they play?

Jin's army used prisoners to build roads and cities. These things are understandable. If the same situation is placed on the Guishuang people, I am afraid that the same fate will be the same.

The impact of killing prisoners is not very good, and it will even make the people under the enemy’s rule repel the Jin’s army, but if these prisoners are allowed to build roads and cities, and let these prisoners see hope, the situation will be better. Great changes have taken place. Not only will the people under the enemy's rule not feel more disgusted, but even the situation under the enemy's rule will be quickly stabilized.

The various actions of the Jin State army after occupying the enemy’s city must be of profound significance. Otherwise, after the Jin State army’s victory in the war, the Jin State’s situation could be so stable. Could it be said that the enemy army was Can you remain calm when facing the Jin army?

In any case, it is inevitable that the Jin army will cause death and injury to the enemy in the process of attacking the city.

But it is this kind of Jin that has a larger territory. The current Jin's army is dispatched, and Wusun and other places are also stable. This is the most surprising. I want to understand Jin's strategy in depth. It is a simple matter, but from the governance of the Jin state, what can be seen is the special means of the Jin emperor. The way of victory in the war has made the development of Jin more rapid and avoids such situations. More conditions, such a method, are absolutely shocking.

When the Jin army appeared outside Anguanya, General Guishuang felt uneasy. It had a lot to do with the Jin army’s methods. He wanted to win the war against the Jin army. It is very difficult. If you are not careful in the course of the war, it is very likely that the result will be a failure in the war.

Victory in the war can earn more benefits from the solemnity of the war. Victory in the war again and again brings the high morale of the lieutenants in the face of war, let alone the strength of the enemy, they have high morale. After that, they can always break out particularly powerful strength in the war.

During the campaign, the performance of the lieutenant soldiers had a great impact on the progress of the war itself. Today’s Jin’s army, after appearing on the battlefield, can cause huge damage to the enemy’s army, and even cause it The enemy forces suffered more casualties at this time.

With a powerful Jin army, the development of the Jin country can be more guaranteed. This will make the people who originally belonged to the enemy's rule the rejection of the Jin country gradually weaken because they are living in a strong and prosperous state. Under the rule of the country, their lives will be more protected, and there is no need to worry about the possible impact of the coming of war.

To make life more stable, is it not the scene that the people under the rule of the enemy want to see? The benefits of fighting will make the people under the rule enjoy a stable life and live more. .

The people under the rule of the Jin army can see what life is like. It is precisely because of such a life that the people under the rule of the Jin country will not have more rejection of their monarch and become the monarch. When there are orders, what the lieutenant soldiers can do is to execute them without compromise. Even if there are no small difficulties in the execution process, they can also be solved very well for the lieutenants and soldiers.

The various actions of the Jin State army in the war brought more possibilities for the development of Jin State.

When the Jin Kingdom's army appeared in the war, it could bring more shock to the enemy. From the reaction of the Guishuang garrison, we could actually see more of the situation.

With the gradual unfolding of the war, the impact of the Jin army's soldiers in the war will inevitably have a great impact on the enemy, and even make the enemy in such a war completely unable to see the hope of victory.

The methods are powerful and fierce. It is also very difficult to win against the Jin army, because the soldiers of the Jin army will make the enemy more taste the taste of defeat in the war.

In the way of victory in battle, the development of Jin can be guaranteed more, and the development of Jin can be faster. This is what the emperor of Jin has been pursuing.

What can be seen from the performance of the Jin country is the possibility of success in such a thing.

In the current state of Jin, when facing a war, the lieutenants and soldiers are fearless, and the people in the country have a supportive attitude towards the war. These things have a great impact on the progress of the war itself.

When the monarch can make better use of this aspect of things, more victories in the war will follow.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom is a generation who is good at using war. From the harvests of the Jin army in the war, you can see things in this respect very well.

The battle itself is what the lieutenant soldiers need to experience. If the lieutenant soldiers do not have more confidence when facing the battle, there will be more dangers and even more in the war. s failure.

The successes of the army led by Lu Bu in the war can explain very good problems.

The current war has had a great impact on the development of the Jin country. When the Jin country’s army appears on the battlefield, what they seek is to control the situation on the battlefield, facing the Jin’s army in the war. Impact, it is basically impossible for the enemy to win.

It is precisely because of the successive successes of the Jin Kingdom’s army that it has brought more possibilities for the development of the Jin Kingdom.

There may be many things that are difficult to control in the war, but as long as the Jin Kingdom's army appears on the battlefield, their control of the situation on the battlefield will reach the point of shocking the enemy.

This is the Jin's army that can constantly create miracles in wars. Their conquests can even make the enemy feel the cruelty of the war. When the situation arises in the war, it will affect the actions of the Jin army to a large extent. After that, the Jin army will gain more benefits from the soldiers have a fearful attitude towards war, which has a lot to do with them not having more initiative in the war. .

When the war began, the Jin army soldiers took control of the battlefield, which would make Guishuang experience more turbulence, and let Guishuang soldiers feel the cruel taste from the war.

The generals of the Jin army fought, and the generals of Guishuang called for the battle. This was no small encouragement to the soldiers of Guishuang. At least when facing the provocation of the Jin army generals, Guishuang did not show weakness, not because the Jin army showed Retreat from the powerful strength that came out, if you can win in the process of fighting, that is the best thing.

Fighting is extremely important to the generals of Guishuang. How to get victory from the fighting so that the enemy cannot play a better role in the course of the war is also particularly important.

The development of the Jin State, so that the Jin State avoids other situations when it develops, and makes the Jin State's achievements greater. It is the pursuit of the Jin State emperor and the Jin State officials. From the actual situation, it can be seen that the Jin State Emperor’s Success, such success is often difficult for the enemy to replicate and imagine.

Ye Ke Khan was silent, and the Jin soldiers outside the city burst into cheers. The enemy did not dare to fight. This is a manifestation of the enemy’s fear. Facing the feared enemy, the Jin soldiers will be more in the war. At that time, the Jin army will let the enemy taste more terror in the confrontation.

It is the duty of Jin's army to make Jin's development more secure by means of warfare, and make it easier for the Jin's army to fight.

There may be some other situations in this process, but the generals of the Jin army believe that as long as they can win in the war, the rest is simple.

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