Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5649: :Request support

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The generals of the Jin army in the course of the battle are the most fierce presence on the battlefield. Their methods of war can make the Jin army more fierce in the battle.

The glow of the fierce oil attack was still burning on Anguan Cliff. At this time, Anguan Cliff was so peaceful.

After the soldiers of Guishuang became familiar with the offensive of the Jin army, they would find that the offensive of the Jin army was not as complicated as imagined. As long as the soldiers deal with it carefully, the chance of survival is still great. Of course, The most important thing in the day is not to show up easily. Many Guishuang soldiers died out of curiosity.

The Jin Army’s thunderbolt cars are extremely accurate. When they attack, they are also looking for Guishuang soldiers. After all, the value of fierce fire oil is not low. After consumption, these strategic materials need to be transported from within Jin. of.

Greater use of the value of fierce fire oil is to let the enemy feel the fierceness of the Jin army's offensive during the offensive process, and dare not slack in the slightest when facing the Jin army's offensive.

There will be many situations that may arise in the war. The Jin army's attack on Anguanya at night was obviously unexpected by the generals of Guishuang.

At present, there are not many equipment on Anguan Cliff, and it is obviously much more miserable than the majesty before the Jin army attacked.

There is no other way. After the Jin army launched an offensive, An Guanya could only be passively beaten. The distance of their equipment on the offensive was far from that of the Jin army. Watching the offensive of the generals of the Jin army.

Nowadays, even Anguanya's city wall has a lot of crossbow arrows inserted. Looking at it from a distance, Anguanya is like a hedgehog.

Just after the last round of fierce fire oil was released, the soldiers of the Liangzhou Army launched an offensive. There was no drums or shouts. They were like ghosts walking in the dark.

The cloud ladder soldiers stepped forward lightly and came towards Anguanya at a very fast speed. This attack is very important to the army of the Jin country. If they can directly break Anguanya, it will be for the soldiers of Guishuang. Said it would be a spiritual devastation, so that Guishuang's army would be frightened when seeing the soldiers of the Jin army in the subsequent war.

Wei Yan in a uniform, holding a long knife, on Wei Yan's back, with two three-eyed guns, this is Wei Yan's plan to personally lead the Liangzhou soldiers to attack.

Three thousand Liangzhou soldiers were quietly waiting for Wei Yan's order. In addition to the three-eyed spirit guns, their equipment contained Shenli gunpowder and the ring head knife.

For this offensive, the Jin army's investment was not small, and to meet Wei Yan's requirements as much as possible.

The movements of the ladder soldiers were lighter, but the ladders were erected on the city wall and were discovered by Guishuang's soldiers.

"No, the Jin army has launched an offensive. Go and tell the general and ask for support." A general shouted, "Prepare to face the enemy."

In the darkness, after the Guishuang soldiers on the city wall got the order, they started to take action. However, at this moment, the silent Thunderbolt car once again released fierce fire oil, and its power was more powerful than before.

At the level, the fire continued to appear, during which it was accompanied by the screams of the Guishuang soldiers. Obviously, the Guishuang soldiers did not expect that the Jin army still had such a despicable means. The Guishuang soldiers who were preparing to fight would suffer such a After the attack, the level of panic can be imagined.

In a panic, many Guishuang soldiers wanted to hide behind the female wall, but the command of the generals made these soldiers not dare to move randomly. If the Jin army launched an offensive and boarded the wall, it would be brought to them. The danger will be greater.

"Offensive!" Wei Yan shouted loudly.

The Liangzhou warrior rushed forward. They were extremely fast. When the power of the fierce fire oil bloomed, they had already come under the cloud ladder. Without the command of the military general, a famous Liangzhou warrior began to climb the cloud ladder.

Liangzhou soldiers are elite infantrymen. In fact, the cavalrymen in the Liangzhou army also have unique places on the battlefield. However, this battle against Guishuang mainly focuses on siege of the city and mobilizes elite infantrymen. On the battlefield, the effect will be even greater.

The Jin army that suddenly launched an attack shocked the Guan Guishuang soldiers. They never expected that in such a dark night, the Jin army soldiers would launch an attack on Anguanya.

In the light of the fire, General Guishuang saw a dense cluster of soldiers and soldiers of Jin, approaching the checkpoint.

"Tear down the ladder to stop the Jin army!" General Guishuang shouted.

However, the effect of such an order is not so ideal. The attack from the Jin army's fierce fire and oil is not a small blow to the Guishuang soldiers. The Jin army's offensive methods are inherently terrible, and their offensive methods , The damage that can be brought to the enemy is beyond doubt.

It is precisely because of the powerful offensive method that the Jin army is more relaxed when attacking the enemy's city. Any enemy who dares to underestimate the power of the Jin army will pay the price in the war.

Although Guishuang had a good understanding of what methods the Jin army used to attack the city, they didn't know much about it. They just knew the Jin army's offensive methods.

In the flames, the screams of Guishuang soldiers were heard from time to time. Such screams were a great shock to Guishuang soldiers. They could not help but think of the Jin army's fierce methods. The fierce fire oil offensive was extremely terrifying. , As long as it is contaminated by fierce fire oil, it is almost impossible to be spared.

It goes without saying that the soldiers who were burned by the violent fire are so miserable.

In the face of the fierce attack of the Jin army, what Guishuang soldiers need to do is to defend tenaciously. Once there is a situation in the defense process, the consequences will be the most serious.

The soldiers of Guishuang also showed a tough side at this time. Many soldiers stepped forward bravely and knocked down the ladder erected on the city wall. They knew that it would be a nightmare if the soldiers of the Jin army were to board the city wall. Start.

But blocking the offense of the Jin army now can gain more time for oneself, and at least it will not make the offense of the Jin army so easy.

Anguanya is of great significance to Guishuang, and Guishuang's soldiers are well aware of this situation.

When the Jin army launched an offensive, General Guishuang transmitted such thoughts to the army sergeants. If Anguanya was breached, Guishuang would be in danger and their homes would be destroyed by the Jin army.

Guishuang generals did not have the slightest affection for just but, it was precisely because the Jin army launched the war that caused many changes in Guishuang's situation, and even had to appear in the war and had to deal with the offensive from the Jin army.

The combat effectiveness of the Jin army is terrible, but it is absolutely impossible for the powerful Jin army to make Guishuang soldiers succumb in this war.

The beginning of the war was a big challenge for Guishuang soldiers, but in the face of such challenges, Guishuang soldiers would not easily admit defeat.

After the panic, many Guishuang's soldiers entered a state of combat, but they were in short supply for defense. The continuous offensive of the Jin army had a great impact on the Guishuang's soldiers on the level.

Blocks of boulders fell from the sky, and many soldiers of the Liangzhou Army were directly shot down during the attack, screaming one after another.

This is a cruel siege battle. If you can't stand your heels on the wall, you will pay a greater price in the process of attacking, especially for Xiongguan such as Anguanya.

Climbing a ladder requires a very fast speed.

There was still fire on the level. Some Guishuang's soldiers even struggled in the flames. They didn't want to die like this. However, the offensive of the Jin army had already begun at this time. It was the Jin army that met Guishuang's soldiers. Fierce attack.

It has to be said that the previous offensive of the Jin army had a great effect. The use of aggressive offensive methods to suppress Guishuang’s army made it difficult for Guishuang’s army to play a corresponding role in the war. In this way, the Jin army attacked , It will show greater power.

In the past wars, the Jin army used this method to conquer the fortified cities. With artillery, the Jin army will be more relaxed in the process of attacking the cities.

The Liangzhou soldiers greeted the sparse counterattack from the Guishuang soldiers, without the slightest fear. The attack on the city is like this. As long as they can climb the city wall, as long as they can cause more damage to the enemy, their efforts are worthwhile.

As a member of the generals of the Jin army, how can they be timid because of the complex situations that appear on the battlefield, even if they face many complicated situations in the war, what they need to do is to kill more enemy troops in the war. , So that the enemy's defense loses its due effect.

On Anguan cliff, as Liangzhou soldiers climbed up the city wall, the situation became more The special sound of three-eyed blunts, one after another on Anguan cliff, the three-eyed blunts of the Jin army were in the eyes of General Guishuang , That is a terrible existence, especially in such a night, the fire from the three-eyed blunt, but it is extremely shocking.

This is the offensive method of the Jin army when it is on the battlefield, let alone the strength of the enemy army, as long as the Jin army soldiers appear on the battlefield, they can always set off waves of blood and blood in the war.

A precious frost soldier, after panic, the killing of Liangzhou army soldiers kept them in a pool of blood. It was not that Guishuang soldiers were not defensive enough, but the power of the three-eyed blunt was too great. However, when the three-eyed bludgeon appeared in the war, it must have brought heavy losses to the enemy.

Facing the fierce impact of Liangzhou soldiers, the situation on Anguan cliff became more and more serious for a while. Guishuang soldiers themselves were in a relatively flustered state when they experienced the Jin army’s offensive. With their current situation, they wanted to fight against Jin In the army, he has greater achievements, and the difficulty is not ordinary.

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