Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5686: : Order to evacuate

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The impact of the Jin State’s army in the war did cause a lot of trouble to Guishuang’s soldiers. After experiencing such a battle, Guishuang’s soldiers had a lot of fears about the Jin’s army because they faced Jin. When the Chinese army is attacking, their so-called defensive methods are not very effective, and if other situations occur in the confrontation, the impact on the lieutenants and soldiers itself will be great.

How to restrain the impact of the Jin army’s offensive, so that the Guishuang army’s defensive methods can get more opportunities to display in this confrontation, is a problem that Yekh Khan needs to consider, but as long as it has a greater impact on the Jin army After understanding more, you will find that the offensive launched by the Jin army in the war is far from simple as imagined.

The way they launched the war was unimaginable for the enemy, even the methods used during the impact.

The Jin army’s current offensive made Guishuang’s generals panic, and even Guishuang’s generals had to attack them in such a way that they would also be hurt. If they could not smoothly block the offensive from the Jin’s army, Anguan Ya will fall under the control of Jin's army, and more Guishuang soldiers will be damaged on the battlefield.

After having a certain understanding of the offensive methods of the Jin State Army, General Guishuang’s mood cannot be calm. If he cannot play a greater role in such a confrontation, the Jin State Army’s actions will benefit more. It will even make the situation in Guishuang turbulent.

Blocking the offensive of Jin's army, even if it pays a certain price, is not hesitating. This is Ye Khan's idea.

In fact, the senior leaders of Guishuang also had a lot of worries about the start of this war. From the fierce performance of the Jin army in previous wars, what can be seen is what the Jin army soldiers will have in the process of attacking Anguanya. Such a fierce performance.

If the means displayed in the face of the Jin's army's offensive are not enough, it will be even more difficult if you want to win from the confrontation.

And from the actions of the Jin army in the war, what can be seen is the fierceness of the Jin army's soldiers.

Regardless of the situation in the war, what they need to do is to win from the confrontation. With the victory of the war, it is the duty of the Jin army to make the development of the Jin country more smoothly on the battlefield.

The many dangers in the war are not difficult things for the soldiers of the Jin army. Every time they take action in the war, they can let the enemy taste the taste of defeat in the war, and this taste is for the soldiers of Guishuang. In terms of it, it must be a bit uncomfortable.

The mighty Jin army was the most fierce existence in the war. Their impact on An Guanya made Guishuang's defenders panic, making it difficult for them to do more in the face of the Jin army.

When the war is completely unfolded, it actually depends on their respective means. How can they be able to do more in blocking the enemy's attack? It requires the lieutenants to have more plans for the situations that may arise in the war. Row.

Before the war, Jin was able to see many things about the war planning. This is also the attention of the Jin side when facing the war. The way of planning makes the war go more smoothly. The Jin country’s army is fighting. When the enemy is in the army, there will be no more situations.

Facts have proved that the Jin's army's actions in the war can have a great impact, and it is precisely with such actions that make the Jin's army more powerful.

When more victories in the war come, and the combat effectiveness of the Jin army's soldiers is fully displayed, the progress of the war will be more helpful to the development of Jin.

Lu Bu paid much attention to the situation in the war. This is a war that has an important role in the next action of the Jin Kingdom’s army. Only by gaining more victories in this war can the subsequent war come. There are more possibilities at that time.

If Anguanya cannot be broken, the Jin's army will be subject to many restrictions, and even the Jin's army's offensive will be difficult to play the expected role. This situation is not what the Jin's emperor wants to see.

The generals of the Jin army after many wars are terrible existences in the war. As long as the Jin army can stand firm on the level, the rest will be much simpler, but from the defense of Guishuang soldiers, it can be seen What came was that Guishuang soldiers did not give up in the face of war.

The abilities displayed by the Guishuang army in the battle are indeed shocking, but it is difficult to influence the offensive of the Jin army’s soldiers. The actions of the Jin army in the war will not be said to be because of the enemy. The powerful combat effectiveness of the country stopped.

After the army of the Jin Kingdom appeared on the battlefield, all they wanted was victory in the battle. By way of victory in the war, the development of the Jin Kingdom would be smoother, so that the development of the Jin Kingdom could be guaranteed in time.

Now that the Jin army attacked Anguanya, the damage it could bring to Guishuang was great, but from the defensive measures of the Guishuang army, what can be seen is the action taken by Ye Khan in response to the start of the war.

I have to say that when he commanded the lieutenant soldiers to fight, Yekh Khan did have his own advantages. Although such an offensive would cost the Guishuang defenders a lot in the war, as long as they could stop them. The impact of Jin's army was the most important for Guishuang.

It is indeed a good way to make the Jin country develop faster by winning the war, but Guishuang will not give up lightly in such a war. This is also an inevitable thing. After many wars, it will be stabilized. Guishuang also has a strong army.

Lü Bu pondered for a long time and said, "Send an order to Gao Shun, evacuate from the checkpoint."

This offensive, even if it can cause a lot of losses to the enemy on Anguanya, but the continued offensive will definitely make the soldiers of the Jin army pay more for the war. This situation is not what Lu Bu wants. As you can see, the elite offensive of the Jin army is in itself fierce. If there are more damages in this process, it will not be more helpful for the subsequent war.

The powerful Jin's army itself has many means when it goes through the war, and after the war begins, the value that such means can show will be greater.

Allowing military lieutenants to have greater accomplishments when experiencing war is exactly what the Emperor Jin wants to see, and if they can't get a good victory in the confrontation, other situations will arise.

The unfolding of the war will make the Jin Dynasty emperor need more actions when facing the war.

And this attack, since it was blocked by Ye Khan, even if it persisted, it would have suffered heavy casualties.

The messenger soldiers quickly conveyed the order of the Jin emperor.

Lu Bu turned his gaze to Jia Xu and said: "Wenhe, it seems that Guishuang also has not weak means when defending."

Jia Xu nodded and said: "Holy Lord, Guishuang's army also has a lot of equipment. When our army attacked Anguanya, Ye Khan must have prepared correspondingly, in order to defend our army's attack. Have a bigger effect."

"However, Anguanya must be breached. If the defense of Anguanya cannot be breached, our army will be subject to more restrictions in subsequent operations." Lu Bu said.

Jia Xu deeply believes that in the Jin army’s plan to attack Guishuang, breaking Anguan Cliff is an important part. Even if there is damage in the process of attacking Anguan Cliff, the soldiers of the Jin army will have to bear it and break it. Anguanya makes it difficult for the defense of Anguanya to play a greater role, and it has greater value in itself.

General Guishuang did have an outstanding place in defense, but relying on this method to block the offensive from the Jin army is inherently difficult. After many wars, the Jin army can appear on the battlefield. The damage caused to the enemy is and even the enemy will feel desperate in such a confrontation.

After the start of the war, the Jin's army's fierce actions can be well demonstrated, so that the Jin's army's offensive can have a greater effect in such a confrontation, and even the Guishuang army's actions can be against the Jin's The situation has more help.

Nowadays, the Jin army has the initiative when attacking Anguanya. The actions of the Jin army can often bring a lot of panic in Guishuang, which can be produced by the fierce offensive methods of the Jin army. The impact is also something that Guishuang cannot ignore. As long as the war situation continues like this, the offensive strength of the Jin army's soldiers will be manifested to a greater extent.

How many war victories have led to the prosperity of the Jin country today, and the impact of the Jin country’s army in the war brought about the rapid development of the Jin country and the stability of the Jin country. The emperor of the Jin country is in In such a battle, Guishuang will definitely feel the horror of the war.

When Guishuang provokes Jin to the head, what he needs to endure is the threat posed by the war.

It is not a simple matter for the powerful Guishuang to have greater deeds in the face of Jin's army. From the development of Jin, we can see that the actions of Jin's army can be produced during the war. The impact, let alone how many difficulties will arise in the war, the impact of the Jin army's soldiers, can bring more casualties to the enemy in the war.

The offensive launched by the Jin army tonight will definitely have a significant impact on Guishuang’s situation. In this process, Guishuang’s soldiers will feel the strength of the Jin’s army, and the people of Guishuang will know that with them How difficult is it to better block the offensive of Jin’s army?

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