Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5693: : Pile up 1 road leading to Guan Shu

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It is undeniable that the Jin’s army’s offensive is indeed fierce, but the offensive from Guishuang’s soldiers cannot be underestimated. If Guishuang’s army is not strong enough, why can the situation in Guishuang be gradually stabilized and Guishuang’s Shuang can get more development from the war.

Promoting the development of Jin with the victory of the war will inevitably have a great impact.

Lu Bu's success in the Jin army is itself a lot, which puts the Guishuang army under greater pressure when facing the impact of the Jin army.

"Our army attacked Anguanya and adopted the situation of ascending to the pass. Why can't we just pile up a road outside the pass and pass through the pass, and the surrounding area of ​​Anguanya has such conditions. As long as a road to Guanshang is built, It will allow our soldiers to successfully board the checkpoint and then kill Guishuang's army." Jia Xu said.

Lu Bu smiled and said, "Wenhe's words have won my heart. I wonder if you have any opinions?"

The generals in the army naturally have no objection. There is a road to attack Anguanya outside the city. Although the process will be a little longer, after the accumulation is successful, it is when Anguanya is broken. The powerful Jin army is in the war. It is not a simple matter to successfully block the impact that is initiated.

What can be seen from the brave performance of the Jin army in previous battles is the horror of the soldiers of the Jin army. Their appearance on the battlefield can give the enemy a taste of the defeat of the war.

The victory of the war gave the Jin country more opportunities for its development, which was exactly what the Emperor Jin wanted to see, and what could be seen from the actual war was the influence of the Jin Emperor's methods.

At the beginning of the campaign, the Jin State paid a lot. Such efforts resulted in the panic of Guishuang's soldiers. When they faced the Jin State army's offensive, it was difficult for them to have more defensive measures.

The powerful Jin army is a fierce presence in the war. If there is a way to attack Anguanya, the fierceness brought by the impact of the Jin army will make Guishuang feel a greater threat, and even make Guishuang soldiers. What can be seen from such a confrontation is the invincibility of the Jin army.

The current methods used by the Jin army in the process of attacking Anguanya are fierce. The offensive of the three-eyed blunt and Shenli gunpowder can make Guishuang suffer more losses and allow them to face the attack of the Jin army. At that time, wanting to have greater deeds becomes difficult.

As long as the powerful Jin army appears on the battlefield, it will basically not make the enemy's life easier. Anguanya is indeed Guishuang’s Xiongguan, but what about it? Can it be said that Xiongguan can block the advancement of the Jin army’s soldiers? Nothing.

The Jin army’s strong combat effectiveness when attacking the enemy is enough to prove the Jin army’s fierceness, and when it attacked Guishuang’s Xiongguan, the Jin army’s soldiers showed a very strong side. They wanted to pass this way. The way of fighting made the people of Guishuang realize what kind of existence they provoke.

However, when the Jin army is attacking, it will not be so reckless. The Jin army generals who have experienced many wars deeply understand what kind of losses they will bring to themselves when the enemy has an advantage. It is best to be able to In the process of attacking the enemy, more means are shown, so that the attack will be more smooth.

Judging from the fierceness that the Jin army showed when it attacked the enemy, it can be expected that when the Jin army has a passage to Anguanya, what a crazy scene the Jin army soldiers will show in the war. At that time, just relying on Guishuang's defensive means, it would be more difficult to have a greater effect when blocking the Jin Kingdom's army's offensive.

The toughest Jin's army is the challenge from the battlefield. They will use more fierce combat methods to let the enemy know more about what it will be like to fight against the Jin's army from such a confrontation. End.

Although this method is slower to be effective, the psychological pressure on the enemy is bound to be great, and the generals of the Jin army also like this kind of offensive method. It is best to make the enemy feel more in the confrontation. In this case, the offensive of the Jin army will be more convenient.

After destroying the enemy’s fighting spirit, the Jin army’s soldiers did not decide what happened on the battlefield. At that time, the crazy attack from the Jin army would make Guishuang’s defenders pay more for the war.

The Emperor of Jin agreed with Jia Xu’s suggestion. There is no reason for the Jin generals to oppose it. Moreover, under the current situation, Jia Xu’s suggestion is more effective. It can panic the enemy when attacking, and there is no more. What could be more comfortable than this kind of offensive method.

The emergence of a powerful Jin army during the war is the beginning of the enemy's nightmare. It is also necessary for such a nightmare to continue.

No matter what kind of performance the Guishuang army will have in the war, as long as the Jin soldiers appear on the battlefield, they will always be able to get many victories, and even in such a war, the Jin country will get more benefits.

How many war victories have resulted in the prosperity of the Jin country today. Jin's generals have a more positive attitude when facing wars, which is also a matter of course. Who doesn't want to get more credit from the war, let alone Jin The emperor of the country is in the army, as long as he has an excellent performance in front of the emperor of Jin, the future promotion is not even simpler.

In the Jin army, what is emphasized is that the capable generals can get a lot of attention. If the ability is not enough, more efforts are needed.

Especially in a war, it can be, but it is full of dangers. If the situation on the battlefield is not dealt with in time, what kind of things can happen.

The Jin’s army showed a fierce side in this offensive. Just fierceness is not enough in the generals of Jin. It is necessary to make Guishuang’s soldiers feel desperate from such a war. The breath made Guishuang’s soldiers understand how fragile their defenses were in front of the Jin army.

Destroying the enemy’s fighting spirit is actually more difficult, but this kind of thing falls on the Jin army, and it is so simple. How many times the victory of the campaign has made the Jin army more prominent in the face of war Achievement.

Important If the war can be better sustained in this way, the Jin country's army will inevitably gain even greater gains in the war.

It is more important for the soldiers of the Jin army to accumulate a road to Guanshang from outside the pass. In this way, the offensive of the Jin army can play a greater role in the war.

After the powerful Jin army appears on the battlefield, the enemy will feel the panic caused by the war, and even the enemy will not see the hope of victory from such a confrontation. This is for the performance of the Jin army. It is of great help.

The offensive launched by the powerful Jin State army is capable of allowing the enemy to withstand the defeat of the war.

From the previous crazy offensives of the Jin army, we can see Guishuang’s defensive deficiencies. Even if Ye Khan has rich combat experience, he has a lot of methods in the face of war, but facing the Jin army like this In terms of offensive methods, what kind of methods can he have.

After losing the advantage of the level, the offensive from the Jin army will make Guishuang's army more uneasy, and will make Ye Khan have more distress in the face of war.

The offensive launched by the powerful Jin army has a great impact on Guishuang's situation. If there is no corresponding method when blocking the Jin army's attack, the consequences will be even more serious.

As a general of Guishuang, Ye Khan did have a certain method when he commanded lieutenant soldiers to fight, and such a method played a great role in blocking the Jin army’s offensive, but that’s just the case. It is not easy to influence the trend of the war.

When the offensive of Jin's army is fully displayed in the course of the battle, is the beginning of the enemy's nightmare, and there is even no more way for Ye Khan to face this war.

The Jin army soldiers who fought on the battlefield and won many victories in the war are the masters on the battlefield. Only when they have more success in blocking the Jin army’s offensive can the situation in Guishuang stabilize. This is also expensive. Frost's high-level acquiescence.

But what kind of strategy should be adopted when blocking the Jin Kingdom's army attack depends on the methods of General Guishuang. If the methods are not enough, the situation in the war will definitely be detrimental to Guishuang's resistance.

Generals of the Jin army who have been on the battlefield for many years are terrible existences in the war. Under the command of generals in the army, they are often able to win more victories in the process of fighting against the enemy.

It is needless to say what kind of encouragement the victory of the war will have for the lieutenant generals. How a general mobilizes the fighting spirit of the lieutenant generals in the war is also particularly important.

From the Jin’s army’s campaign, what can be seen is the Jin’s generals’ grasp of the war situation. When they command the lieutenants to fight, they can make better use of what the lieutenants are best at, and help the lieutenants to follow suit. A chance for success in the war.

Only victory in the war can make the lieutenant soldiers have a higher fighting spirit when experiencing the war. This is also the belief of the generals of the Jin army.

When the Jin army can find a way to attack the enemy when attacking Anguanya, it will inevitably bring heavy losses to the enemy.

The previous Jin army’s offensive was fierce, and the effect was obvious. From the Jin army’s offensive, Guishuang soldiers did not feel the hope of victory in the war. Their defensive advantage was directly the Jin army. destroy.

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