Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5737: : Withdrawal

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Lü Bu in the battlefield shouted, the painted halberd directly provoked a cavalry, and with a strong wave, it knocked down the three in front of him, and then rode a horse to kill Chen Ji who was constantly commanding the cavalry.

Chen Ji, who had been watching Lv Bu, Dianwei, and Wei Yan, suddenly saw Lv Bu killing. He was shocked and hurriedly ordered the cavalry to step forward to block him. He had already confirmed that the battlefield in front of him was the world-famous Jinhou Lu Bu.

Seeing Lü Bu being entangled by his cavalry again, Chen Jichang breathed a sigh of relief. From Lü Bu's body, he felt a huge threat. He was able to draw a halberd to provoke a soldier, which shows that Lü Bu's strength is strong, and from the battle to the present, He didn't notice that Lu Bu was hurt at all. This was the most terrifying thing.

"Xiu blames this general for being merciless!" Chen Ji quietly took out his bow and arrow and aimed at Lu Bu who was fighting. Seeing three cavalrymen on his side, they slashed their swords at Lu Bu at the same time, and Chen Ji suddenly let go of his hand holding the bowstring.

But seeing the painted halberd in Lu Bu's hand flicked, the swords and spears of the three cavalry were immediately blocked, and the three of them also changed their colors when they saw this. They had seen Lu Bu's method of killing people, but the painted halberd just turned in front of them. One lap, blocked Chen Ji's arrow.

Chen Ji's expression changed drastically when he saw this. Under such circumstances, he could still block his arrows. At this time, Lu Bu felt like he was invincible.

Lu Bu yelled and painted the halberd once. The three cavalrymen died on the spot. Taking advantage of the gap, the Xuan Hao under him was like an arrow from the string, heading towards Chen Ji.

Chen Ji was in shock, but when he found Lu Bu, the painting of the halberd came in front of him, with a **** flower on the tip of the halberd, and Chen Ji fell off his horse.

Although the main general’s death shook the surrounding cavalry, it is clear that the cavalry of his own side has taken advantage of the war until now. With this advantage, they will not retreat due to the death of the main general. The lieutenant who takes over the command of the cavalry, Hurrying to hide among the cavalry, for fear of attracting Lu Bu's attention.

Zhang Liao led the wolf cavalry to attack Zhang Meng desperately. Facing the wolf cavalry’s attack regardless of death, Zhang Meng’s soldiers were killed and injured so badly that many soldiers saw the wolf cavalry come and hurried to hide in the crowd. It did not bring them enough sense of security.

"Set fire!" Zhang Liao shouted, and the enemy army repelled by a shower of arrows showed enough space.

The wolf knight soldiers who had been prepared for a long time saw the torch thrown on. In the dry weather, the grain and grass burned quickly. Zhang Meng kept urging the soldiers under his command to come forward to fight the fire. Zhongman is dodging, how can he easily come forward.

Nearly ten carts of grain and grass ignited together, thick smoke billowing, blocking Zhang Meng's sight. At this time, the wolf riders were busy expanding the fire. They wanted to ignite more grain and grass, leaving the Zhong family's army short of grain.

When Liu Xiang saw the thick smoke in the distance, he was shocked and ordered Liu Yan to lead the cavalry who lacked the main commander to continue besieging the wolf cavalry. He hurriedly led his army over. Compared with Lu Bu, food and grass were obviously more important.

With the addition of 3,000 soldiers, the situation on the battlefield developed to a more disadvantaged situation against the wolf rider.

"Fight the fire!" Liu Xiang yelled, and the soldiers under his command rushed to the grain truck one after another, either with dust or with a weapon, beating the flame on the grain.

"Kill! Seeing the arrival of the army, Zhang Meng was determined in his heart and ordered the soldiers to open a gap in the food truck and kill them.

Faced with the offensive of thousands of troops, Zhang Liao also showed a helpless look. Until now, the soldiers of the wolf rider were a bit tired, and at this time, the loss of food and grass was less than 10%.

"General Zhang, if you don't retreat at this time, I am afraid that the wolf will be buried here." Chen Lan said anxiously.

"Withdraw!" Zhang Liao roared and led the cavalry to kill in Lu Bu's direction. Compared with the enemy's food and grass, Lu Bu's safety is the most important in his eyes.

There were four hundred wolf knights, and fewer than two hundred were able to fight at this time. The wolf knights who died in battle caused even greater losses to the Zhong family’s cavalry. At least 800 knights died in the hands of the wolf knight. .

So much so that in the face of the wolf cavalry rushing, many Zhongjia cavalry showed a look of fear. The powerful fighting power that the wolf cavalry broke out made them a little scared. Originally thought that after the stirrups were equipped, the gap with the Union state cavalry would be huge. Shrinking, I didn't expect the loss to be so huge. Compared with the wolf riding, they lacked the invincible momentum and the will to see death.

"Kill!" Zhang Liao shouted, spotted Lu Bu's direction, and led the cavalry to kill.

More than four hundred wolf cavalry soldiers gathered together, and the momentum was quite large, and the Zhongjia cavalry scattered one after another wherever they passed.

"Master." Looking at Lu Bu, who was covered in blood, Zhang Liao's tone was a little choked. Why didn't he understand Lu Bu's thoughts. Compared with two thousand enemy cavalry, Zhang Meng's army is obviously easier to break through. Lu Bu is using his life for this. He does cover.

"Wen Yuan, kill with Benhou!" Lu Bu shouted.

Wei Yan felt that the long knife in his hand was getting heavier and heavier. He couldn't even remember how many cavalry soldiers died in his hands. They just slaughtered them mechanically. Whenever he wanted to give up, he took a look. Lu Bu is still fighting in the distance.

"Wolf ride, break through with Benhou!"

In the face of the spirited wolf cavalry, although the Zhong family's cavalry fought hard, they were still surrounded by them.

Counting the number of people, there are nearly 800 wolf riders, and now only 210 people are left, and more than 500 wolf riders have died on the battlefield. This kind of loss has never been seen since the formation of wolf riders. Following Lu Bu's breakthrough The wolf cavalry that came out was basically wounded by everyone, and many cavalrymen followed Lü Bu completely with a will.

"After the rest, return to the army!" Lu Bu ordered, this time he can only be blamed for not being cautious and choosing the wrong location, so that the enemy troops appeared too suddenly.

Zhao Shu's face flushed and lowered his head. The loss of the wolf ride this time was directly related to him.

"Commander Zhao doesn’t need to take it to Lü Bu patted Zhao Shu on the shoulder. He already knew the whole story from the other flying eagle soldiers. The blame can only be blamed on the wolf riding. Fight in unfamiliar territories.

"Master, humble job..." Zhao Shu, who had never screamed bitterly in the face of hard training and battlefields, actually shed tears.

"What kind of demeanor is the crying and crying, this lord is the commander of the army, and I am the fault." Lu Bu said.

Zhao Shu's head is lower, and he is thinking about how to cause the greatest loss to the enemy. This incident is a shame to Flying Eagle. Even if there are thousands of excuses, they are too careless. .

"I'm afraid Liu Biao will be disappointed this time." Lu Bu sighed.

The atmosphere in the arena was a bit solemn. Wei Yan wanted to persuade Lu Bu, but he didn't know where to start. He was also seriously injured just now when he fought hard.

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