Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5776: : It's really too difficult

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It takes the concerted efforts of Jin to win the victory from the wars and to let the victory of the war promote the development of Jin. From the current situation, we can see that the Jin's army is successful in the war. We rely on this The method can continuously benefit from Guishuang's body, and once the fierce attack of the Jin Kingdom's army is launched on the battlefield, it is not as simple as the enemy can stop it.

After you have a better understanding of the Jin army’s conquest, you will find that when the Jin army opens up on the battlefield, they can use their tenacious combat methods to continuously expand the results and make the Jin army’s soldiers have greater conquests. The power of.

The Jin Kingdom, which rose from the war, was not comparable to Guishuang’s means of combat. The most direct response of Guishuang’s army to the Jin Kingdom’s conquest was to block, and they did not even dare to appear in the front. This is the gap between the two sides on the battlefield against Jin's army.

Guishuang soldiers didn’t want to do more when blocking the Jin’s army’s offensive. If the war can be won, Guishuang’s situation can be further stabilized and the development of Guishuang can even be guaranteed, but from In the actions of the soldiers of the Jin army, one can feel the ambition of the Emperor of Jin. The soldiers of the Jin army will not stop fighting because of the victories on the battlefield. What they need is more victories.

What is needed is that the generals of the Jin army continue to break through the city of Guishuang, and it is best to be able to break through Anguanya, an important checkpoint of Guishuang.

As an important barrier to the east of Guishuang, if Anguanya falls under the control of the Jin army, it will bring greater disaster to Guishuang. At that time, the Guishuang army will have to face even more frenzied offensives from the Jin army. .

It is not easy to stop the fierce attack from the Jin army. It requires the corresponding means by the lieutenant soldiers. What can be seen from the fierceness of the Jin army is the determination of the Jin Emperor to face the war. Not to mention what kind of situation will arise in the war, the army led by the Jin emperor appears on the battlefield, and it is bound to win.

With the victory of the battlefield, Jin's development speed is faster. It is necessary for the lieutenants to have corresponding means when facing war, even if the enemy forces have other means to deal with the offensive of Jin's army in the confrontation. , As long as the soldiers of the Jin army appear, they can get victory from the enemy's hands. This is the most fundamental thing.

In the course of the Jin army generals' conquest, how much the enemy's so-called strength can be suppressed in the front-to-face battle is not a question that the Jin army generals need to think about.

After the confrontation begins, the enemy's means cannot be used, so that the enemy can only bear more losses in the war. This is what Jin army soldiers want to see most on the battlefield.

A powerful Jin army must be victorious when it appears in the battle. From the previous battles of the Jin army, what can be seen is the high fighting spirit of the Jin army. What they will show in the war is shocking. Combat power, Jin army soldiers with such a combat power will be relatively more relaxed when fighting.

Because the enemy's methods are difficult to play a greater role in the Jin army's offensive process, the Jin's offensive methods can bring more damage to the enemy.

With the gradual unfolding of the war, the role of the Jin army's fierce means in the confrontation cannot be ignored, and it can make Guishuang pay a heavy price for the war.

The fierce offensive will put Guishuang under more pressure. When facing the Jin country’s army, what they need to do is constant defense. If other situations arise in the war, it will make Jin country. The army suffered more losses in the war.

Lu Bu led the Jin army's soldiers to grow in the war is obvious to all. Under such a growth environment, the Jin army's soldiers will have greater power to attack the enemy.

No matter what kind of situation may arise in the war, the Jin army soldiers' conquest will cause huge damage to the enemy army, and this kind of situation is what the Jin Dynasty emperor wants to see most.

If the means used in the battle are not effective, the war is a failure, and in the battle, the victory can be obtained faster, so that oneself can avoid more losses during the battle.

The generals of the Jin army still have more thoughts about the things in the course of the battle. As a military general, at the most critical moment, it is necessary to lead the lieutenant generals on the battlefield. With a strong posture, they can get the battle against the enemy. Victory makes it difficult for the enemy's so-called means to affect the offensive of the Jin army, and even allows the Jin army's soldiers to prove their value more from the confrontation.

These things are of great help to the growth and progress of the soldiers of the Jin army and to the development of the war.

As for the means demonstrated in the course of the Jin army’s warfare, what can be seen is what kind of impact the Jin army will have on the enemy after its dispatch.

Danbei City and Qushuang City, two important cities in the east of Guishuang, were captured by the Jin army overnight, and the news soon spread to the Jin army outside Anguanya.

At the same time, in Anguanya, Guishuang General Ye Khan also got the same news.

Ye Ke Khan’s face was low, and his mood was depressed. It is conceivable that Guishuang took the initiative in this confrontation, but it can be seen from the news that the Jin army has an advance plan for this war. Yes, and the role of the Jin army’s plan is obvious, and it can be seen that the Jin army’s plan for war has reached this point. It is clearly in the territory of Guishuang. Why can the Jin army have such an action? .

Moreover, after defeating the invasion of Guishuang’s army, they could also seize Danbei City and Qushuang City. This incident shows that the Jin army had a plan for this war in advance. The defenders of the two cities could not This situation leaked out.

If you think about it this way, the Jin army is too terrifying. They are the most terrifying existence in the war. They can be pervasive on the battlefield. Faced with such a powerful army, they want to win in the confrontation. It's too difficult.

The intrepid Jin State army had a sharp means when it attacked. If it was not cautious when facing the Jin army's attack, the situation that might arise would be unbearable for Guishuang soldiers.

However, in this war, Guishuang soldiers had no other choice. Only by winning the battle against the Jin army can the situation in Guishuang be stabilized. Otherwise, the Jin army's actions can be more stable. The success of Guishuang will make the situation in Guishuang even worse.

And Ye Khan also knew that after the Jin army captured the two cities, it was very difficult for the Guishuang army to take it back. From the means demonstrated by the Jin army in the past campaigns, it can be seen. It is the impact that the Jin army soldiers can have in their battles.

They are the most terrifying existence on the battlefield. When the Jin soldiers appear, they can always set off a storm on the battlefield. Their offensive will make the enemy feel desperate, let alone the enemy’s methods. When the Jin State army appeared, it was always able to open the situation on the battlefield.

If it were in the past, Guishuang’s officers might have doubts about the Jin army’s ability to do so, but after experiencing this war and seeing the Jin army’s various tough methods, Guishuang’s officers would have nothing to do with such things. With more suspicion, what they even need to worry about is the offensive from the Jin army.

Once the Jin army generals launch an offensive, it is the most dangerous moment for Anguanya. Anguanya is an important checkpoint for Guishuang. It is good. But under the attack of the Jin army, the so-called important checkpoint can play a role, indeed not very big.

Under the powerful impact, what Guishuang soldier needs to do is to persist on the battlefield, and under such a war environment, Guishuang soldier's damage is still relatively serious.

Ye Khan didn't know the gap between the two sides, but the more at this time, the more Guishuang soldiers couldn't relax, otherwise, it would be Guishuang's disaster.

When the powerful Jin army attacked the city of Guishuang, the means it showed was absolutely fierce. Facing the offensive of the Jin army, Guishuang’s defense was a bit poor. If there was a problem with the defense, it would give Guishuang soldiers brought more disasters.

It may be said that some Guishuang generals still have contempt for the Jin army, but after they have truly experienced the war against the Jin army, it will become clear that in such a war situation, they want to get more from the hands of the Jin army generals. The benefits are clearly impossible.

The current Jin State army has relatively tough and intrepid means when it is going through the war. Such means will bring tremendous help to the Jin State army's conquest.

Only with the passage of time, if the Jin army’s offensive method is It is difficult for An Guanya to successfully defend under the Jin army’s attack.

Outside Anguanya, the Jin's army's offensive methods are terrible. Such offensive methods can make the situation on Anguanya even more tense, and even cause many situations when Anguanya is attacking.

There may be a lot of dangers in war. The key is to solve these dangers, what kind of methods can be used.

Lu Bu’s success in the land of Jin is actually a good proof that relying on the way of war can enable Jin to develop, but what needs to be guaranteed in the war is victory. Without more victories, the situation in Jin is justified. It is difficult to get better, but the Jin army soldiers persisted from this kind of war, and only then has the current prosperity of the Jin country.

And when the Jin nation developed, the damage it could bring to the enemy was huge, and even the cities of the army would belong to the Jin army under such circumstances. This was also an important way for the Jin army to expand.

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