Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5807: : The Guishuang soldier who has been struggling to support

The Guishuang soldiers above the level shivered, and the Guishuang soldiers inside the level also had a lot of worries in their hearts, because I don't know when the artillery shells from the Jin army's attack will fall around them.

Although the lethality of the shells is not small, the casualties caused to Guishuang are not very large, mainly from the threat of shells, making Guishuang soldiers miserable, no one wants to bear the attack of the Jin army, but when the Jin When the army launches an offensive, it is the beginning of a nightmare.

This kind of unknown offense is the most influential to the military. Ye Khan doesn’t understand the truth, but under the current circumstances, all he can do is to appease the lieutenant soldiers as much as possible and let the lieutenant soldiers face it. When the Jin army attacked, it shouldn't be said to be too panic.

The Jin army’s offensive method is amazing. Facing such an offense, Ye Khan feels helpless. It is conceivable that if the Jin army’s offensive continues, it will cause damage to Guishuang’s defenders. It will be great, and the most important thing is the threat from the soul.

Such a threat will make Guishuang soldiers less confident when facing the future war, and even show a lot of panic when facing the offensive of the Jin army.

Ye Khan, who has experienced many wars, naturally knows what kind of impact this situation will have on Guishuang. It is inherently dangerous to war against the Jin army and withstand the Jin army’s offensive. If If you are not cautious in the course of the battle, it is also possible that more lieutenants will suffer more casualties.

However, no matter what price the lieutenant soldiers will pay when blocking the Jin army’s offensive, as long as it can stop the Jin army’s offensive success, it is meaningful to Guishuang, if the Jin army is allowed to break Anguanya If so, it will bring even greater disaster to Guishuang.

The Jin army is an army with strong combat effectiveness. Their appearance in the war can bring huge casualties to the enemy. As long as the generals have a certain understanding of the offensive of the Jin army, they will find that whenever the Jin army appears in On the battlefield, the victory of the war seemed to belong to the army of the Jin Kingdom, which was beyond the reach of the enemy.

The mighty Wusun and Dawan continued to bear the cost of failure when facing the Jin army. In the face of the offensive of the Jin army's soldiers, their blocking played such a small role.

However, it is precisely because of the deterrence brought by the Jin Kingdom’s army that allowed the Jin Kingdom’s army to gain more benefits in the course of fighting. What Yeke Khan had to admire was the Jin Emperor’s means, which could be used in the course of the war. With such a sharp means, it is enough to prove the terrible Jin Dynasty emperor.

And it is precisely because the Jin country has such a terrifying emperor that when the Jin army goes through the war, it can more easily deal with it, even if there are other situations in the war, as long as the Jin army appears in the war, it can always be Get the victory in the battle.

The way of victory in the war to make the development of Jin state faster, such a state of Jin, showing a terrible side.

However, the various actions of the Jin emperor in the war helped to the development of the Jin state, and it was even possible to avoid other problems during the development of the Jin state.

Using the means of the Emperor of Jin, it is normal to choose to fight. If the Jin army cannot gain more benefits from the war when fighting against the enemy, it will have the greatest impact on the development of Jin. .

In fact, the means that the Jin Kingdom’s army demonstrated in the course of the war were amazing. By winning the war, the enemy forces could bear more losses and the Jin Kingdom’s development could be more rapid. This way, The long-term development of Jin State has brought great help.

In the current state of Jin, the speed of development is not comparable to that of Guishuang. The relationship between Guishuang and Jin was originally good. However, after the war, Guishuang was at a disadvantage. Instead, Jin was at a disadvantage. Many benefits were gained in the war.

The current Jin country has a crazy attitude when facing war. No matter anyone provokes the head of the Jin army, the Jin army’s soldiers will use their powerful combat power to show their strength to the enemy. In the war, let the enemy feel the breath of terror.

The Jin army’s continuous offensive brought great pressure to Guishuang’s defenders. When facing the Jin State’s offensive, they even gave Guishuang’s defenders a sense of powerlessness. Their offensive methods wanted to fall The Jin army’s body is not a simple matter, but the Jin army’s offensive can pose a great threat to Guishuang.

The soldiers of the Shenji Camp, given such encouragement, they worked harder. They worked hard to put more damage on the level, so that Guishuang’s defenders could bear the power of the Jin army’s attack and let Guishuang From such an offensive, the soldiers felt the horror of the Jin army.

The raging flames burned on the level from time to time, and the power brought by the offensive of the Jin army made Guishuang's soldiers dare not easily show up. Even the banner of Guishuang also fell in an attack because of a cannonball hit.

Even so, Ye Khan did not send soldiers to raise the flag again.

The flag is of great significance to an army. The current Guishuang is on the defensive side. When facing the enemy, it has enough countermeasures. Even if the Jin army’s offensive is fierce, as long as the Jin army When attacking the checkpoint, General Guishuang would go forward without hesitation, blocking the offensive of the Jin army, and even making it difficult for the offensive of the Jin army to play a corresponding role.

The Jin army’s fierce offensive is good. If you want to kill more Guishuang’s soldiers at the last moment, you still need strong strength. Guishuang’s soldiers, in this war, there is no choice but more. Only by blocking the offensive of the Jin army more can the situation of Guishuang be more stable.

The lieutenant generals of Lü Bu's commander's army were able to conduct the battle more smoothly. This can be seen in the methods used by the soldiers of the Jin army during the offensive.

The progress of the war had a great impact on Guishuang itself, but when Guishuang’s blockade could play a corresponding role, it was time for Jin's army to pay the price in the war.

Occupying the active side on the battlefield, it is not a simple matter to easily win the battle against the Guishuang army.

Anguanya had a great effect in blocking the Jin army's attack, and could even provide more guarantees for the stability of Guishuang, making it difficult for Jin's army to do more in the territory of Guishuang.

The gradual unfolding of the war will make Guishuang soldiers bear a lot of threats, but the price of the Jin army in the war will certainly not be too small. Even when the war gradually unfolds, the deaths and injuries of the Jin soldiers will be far away. Far more than Guishuang.

This is also inevitable. In a war, the offensive party will often pay more. Of course, the fierce offensive methods of the Jin army can help the Jin army provide more convenience when attacking the city.

Moreover, the Jin army has many powerful weapons, and the deterrence that can be generated in the process of attacking the city will be greater.

The Jin army soldiers fighting on the battlefield will cause the enemy to suffer more damage. When the Jin soldiers holding three-eyed guns board the city wall, they will cause great damage to the enemy. The three-eyed guns attack, The power is amazing, whether it is in a head-on battle or when attacking an enemy city, the damage that can be made to the enemy is huge.

The various methods of the Jin army, reflected in the campaign, will allow the enemy to withstand the damage caused by the Jin army’s offensive under such circumstances. Such an offensive power is not easy to stop. matter.

The soldiers of Guishuang who had no choice but to support and block the offensive of the Jin army in this war, and what will happen in the war is also unpredictable.

However, as long as you have a better understanding of the army of the Jin Kingdom, you will find that the Jin army’s offensive methods are not as simple as Since the emperor of the Jin Kingdom commanded more than one hundred thousand troops, he would dare The attack on Anguanya showed that the emperor of the Jin Kingdom was confident in breaking through the important hurdles of Guishuang, and even in such a confrontation, the soldiers of Guishuang could bear the cost of defeat in the war.

With the courage of the Jin emperor, the means displayed during the battle will surely allow the enemy to bear the punishment of defeat in the war.

Developing Jin’s military power so that Jin can avoid more problems during its development is also an important strategy of the Jin emperor. If the lieutenant soldiers face war, they do not even have the most basic confidence. What role can such an army play on the battlefield?

Having a strong army guard can make the situation in the country more stable and allow military generals to reap more benefits after experiencing war.

However, in the face of war, you need to be more cautious, because if other situations occur during the war, the damage to Jin will be greater. After all, Jin’s influence outside the Western Regions, Not as good as Guishuang.

After breaking Guishuang, Jin can develop rapidly in the Western Regions. Even in the event of a war, Jin can mobilize troops more calmly, and does not even need to use more troops from within Jin. Horse, this is also the Jin Dynasty emperor's expansion strategy, and in this battle, it is inevitable to get more benefits from Guishuang.

Lü Bu's approach to the development of the Jin Kingdom was extremely clear, that is, to make the enemy feel panic during the war through the method of war, and make it difficult for the enemy to block it to play a corresponding role.

It is very necessary for Jin to get a greater promotion after the war, to make the territory of Jin even wider, and to make it easier for Jin to deal with subsequent wars.

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