Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5838: : How can the Jin army be simply defeated?

Victory in the confrontation has a great impact on the development of Jin, after all. As time goes by, the advantage of Jin’s army on the battlefield becomes more obvious, allowing the Jin’s army to gain more from the war. benefit.

The current war situation is like this. The fierce impact of the Jin army will make Guishuang soldiers feel a sense of fear from the war. Their offensive method wants to have greater success in blocking the Jin army’s attack. It is clearly There is a problem.

When more such cases appeared, the shock it brought to Guishuang soldiers was great.

However, the current fighting spirit of Guishuang soldiers when blocking the offensive of the Jin State army is relatively fierce, because Guishuang soldiers knows that if they cannot perform well in the process of blocking the Jin State army’s attack, once Anguanya Being breached, their fate is also miserable.

This situation is not what Guishuang soldiers want to see. They want to defeat the Jin army in the war, so that the Jin army can taste the defeat of the war.

However, how can the Jin State army be defeated in such a simple way, as long as it has a better understanding of the Jin State army, the opportunity will gradually discover that the Jin State army that appears on the battlefield has demonstrated fierce combat effectiveness. It shocked the enemy forces, and the victories in wars brought tremendous help to the development of Jin.

In the current war, what the generals of the Jin army need to do is to stimulate the enemy more in the confrontation, bring more damage to the enemy, and let the powerful Guishuang army understand deeply in this war. The strength of Jin's army made it difficult for them to win in the course of the confrontation.

This war is not a small test for the soldiers of the Jin army, but if they can come out smoothly in such a test, it will be a great encouragement to the soldiers of the Jin army.

After all, Anguanya is known as Guishuang's No. 1 Pass, and it is conceivable what kind of shock it will bring to Guishuang to break through the enemy's level.

When the people of Guishuang fell into more panic, when the people of Guishuang found that it was more impossible to stop the Jin Kingdom’s army from attacking only by their means, what would happen? That kind of thing.

Using the victory of the war to drive the development of Jin is inherently difficult, and better promotion of the development of the situation in Jin during the confrontation will have a long-lasting and far-reaching impact on Jin.

At present, the methods adopted by the Jin State during the battle are extremely terrifying. The current Jin army is the most aggressive presence on the battlefield. The damage they can bring to the enemy is huge. At this time, how to make the situation in the field better is also the most important thing for the Emperor of Jin to think about.

This time, the commander-in-chief is the Emperor of Jin. This is a man with high prestige in Jin. He led the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield but has a remarkable record. Through previous wars, it can be seen that when the Emperor of Jin led After leading lieutenants appear on the battlefield, they can often bring heavy losses to the enemy.

It is precisely because of this that the emperor of Jin’s prestige in the Jin army has been improved. The current appearance of the Emperor of Jin is the greatest encouragement to the soldiers of the Jin army. The soldiers of the Jin army believe that such a war will make the Jin country develop. Time is smoother.

With the gradual unfolding of the war, Guishuang officers realized that the Jin army was attacking fiercely. In this process, even if they occupied the advantage of the terrain, they wanted to cause more damage to the Jin army when blocking the impact of the Jin army. A lot of damage is also quite difficult.

In the face of such a thing, what kind of thoughts would Guishuang soldier have in his mind.

When you learn more about the Jin army, you will find that the Jin army’s offensive method will cause great damage to Guishuang soldiers, and even make Guishuang soldiers more fearful in such a war, because The methods that Guishuang soldiers used to resist the impact of the Jin army were fragile and vulnerable to the Jin army.

The powerful Jin army is the most terrifying existence on the battlefield. The damage they will cause to the enemy is obvious to all. As the war unfolds, as the Jin emperor's methods in the war unfold, The impact of the generals of the Jin army will inevitably cause a great shock on the battlefield, and will inevitably cause the enemy to pay a greater price from such a confrontation.

In fact, Guishuang soldiers are more accustomed to the casualties on the battlefield, especially when the Jin country army launched an attack on Anguanya, if the number of damages to the Guishuang soldiers is not large, it is the most strange matter.

Under the continuous impact of Jin's army, the damage caused to Guishuang's army is huge, and Guishuang's army will even feel the fierceness of Jin's army from such a war, so that they can understand more that it is only relying on security. How difficult it is for Guanya's topographical advantage to have a greater role in blocking the Jin's army from attacking.

The Jin's army's fierce offensive method can cause Guishuang's soldiers to suffer heavy losses. When the Jin's army is preparing for the next attack, it is the time when the situation is the most tense.

At this time, General Guishuang had a certain understanding of the situation outside the Guan, and was the most worried. As generals in the army, they only need to order the soldiers to block the impact of the Jin country’s army when a war breaks out. In terms of safety, they can still be guaranteed, but after Jin's army breaks Anguanya, will their safety be guaranteed?

Once the Jin Kingdom’s army succeeds in attacking Anguanya, it will bring a fatal threat to Guishuang’s soldiers. At that time, it is only possible to use Guishuang’s methods to block the Jin Kingdom’s army from attacking and have greater achievements. impossible things.

The strong and fierce Jin army appeared outside Anguanya, and the pressure that it could bring to Guishuang soldiers was very great. In the course of wars, Guishuang soldiers deeply felt the strength of the Jin army and wanted to To achieve more victories in the battle against the Jin Dynasty army, you need to have strong means.

There is not much difference between fighting the methods in war in front of the Jin army and seeking death.

The methods that Lü Bu showed during the Jin army’s campaign were shocking in itself. After he had a lot of understanding of the war situation of the Jin army, he would gradually discover that the soldiers of the Jin army appeared in the war. What is most needed is victory in the war. They need to promote the development of Jin through confrontation and victory, so that Jin can avoid more enemies when it develops.

Facts have proved that the Jin army’s method of warfare is effective. The continuous victories in the battle can bring tremendous help to the development of Jin. It even allows the Jin army’s soldiers to gain a lot from the wars. Thanks to his contributions, the lieutenant generals deeply felt the benefits of conquering the territory.

Under such a war environment, Guishuang soldiers' efforts to achieve more success is inherently extremely difficult.

However, when fighting against the Jin Dynasty army, if you can't even guarantee victory in the war, it is obviously impossible to get more benefits.

After you have a certain understanding of the fighting methods of the Jin army, you will gradually discover that the Jin army appears on the battlefield and is most eager for the victory of the war. Or after they appear, the opponent wants to win, almost It is impossible to do.

With the powerful Jin army in front, it is understandable that the Jin army can achieve many victories.

However, the Jin army in the war was not proud of their achievements in the war. On the contrary, they still fought bravely in the wars. They had to make greater achievements through the efforts on the battlefield. It’s not easy for the army to win victory.

From the actual situation of the war, what can be seen is the strength of the soldiers of the Jin army and the fragility of the means of blocking by the soldiers of Guishuang.

Although Guishuang soldiers had a certain effect in blocking the Jin Kingdom’s attack by virtue of their strong will, it is almost impossible to ease the situation in Guishuang by just relying on such means, because The Jin army in the war will definitely not give up lightly. It will continue to destroy the fighting spirit of Guishuang soldiers in the war, so that Guishuang soldiers will gradually understand from such a confrontation why there is such a terrible war against the Jin State army. Things happen.

In fact, the confrontation with the Jin army was a terrible thing in itself, in the eyes of General Guishuang, the Jin army had fierce means, and even showed shocking fierceness in the confrontation.

The damage caused to Guishuang’s soldiers from time to time was also huge. In the face of such an enemy, it seemed that no measures were taken. However, in the face of Jin’s army attack, Guishuang’s soldiers Had to stop.

Anguanya is of great significance to Guishuang, but for the ordinary soldiers in the Guishuang Army, I am afraid that there is no such important significance. The ordinary soldiers of Guishuang, what they want to do most at this time I am afraid that it is to get security. It is difficult to get security in a war, especially the soldiers at the bottom. The most prone situation in such a war is death.

As for the generals and comprehensions that pity ordinary soldiers at this time, basically it will not appear. Once the war starts, the most tragic scene will come. If you can't win a good victory from the confrontation, you will be in the war. Pay a greater price.

This situation is also true for the Jin army generals. Without strong strength, it is not easy to say that they want to achieve greater victories when attacking the enemy. However, if you have more understanding of the Jin army’s offensive methods, you will find out. After the powerful Jin State army appeared on the battlefield, it was almost impossible to achieve more obstacles with ordinary means.

The banner of the Jin army is waving in the wind. No matter what kind of thoughts are in the minds of the soldiers on both sides, this time the Jin army attacked the level of Guishuang is an uncompromising fact. In this war, the soldiers of the Jin army have a strong Of confidence.

In the previous attacks, the Jin country has already had more knowledge of the situation in Anguanya. The subsequent confrontation provided great convenience. After having more understanding of Guishuang’s defensive methods, Guishuang It is almost impossible to achieve greater success while blocking the Jin's army from attacking.

But this war, the Jin country attaches great importance to it. If the Guishuang army cannot be defeated smoothly from such a confrontation, it will be a great shame for the soldiers of the Jin army. Such shame is not allowed to appear.

In order to attack Guishuang, the Jin country paid a considerable price. The consumption of food and grass by the lieutenants and soldiers was a huge figure. In this war, one of Guishuang was able to be defeated smoothly. Only a city can bring more help to the development of Jin, and make Jin’s conquest more As for Guishuang, there are many things in blocking the Jin's army from attacking. Means itself is a normal thing.

The Jin’s army is the most unafraid of fighting on the battlefield. As long as it appears in a war, the most direct thing is to win the war, so that the so-called enemy’s persistence on the battlefield is difficult to respond. The facts have proved that the Jin's army's combat methods can achieve results.

The constant victories in the course of the campaign have greatly stimulated the lieutenants and soldiers, and even allowed them to show fierce fighting spirit in the confrontation.

The development of the situation made it easier for the soldiers of the Jin army to fight, because at this time the fighting spirit displayed by the soldiers of Guishuang was fragile, or that the soldiers of Guishuang only passively blocked the offensive of the Jin army after receiving orders. It is not clear what kind of thoughts he had in the mind of General Guishuang.

Using the victory of the war to drive the development of the Jin country is exactly what the Emperor Jin insisted in the war. Facts have proved that the strategy of the Emperor Jin has achieved great success. In this war to attack Guishuang, It is also possible to have great gains, just breaking through the three cities of Guishuang, and bringing great help to the development of Jin State.

The three cities belonged to the Jin army, which was a great stimulus to Guishuang, and even made Guishuang more cautious after he was spared in the war. However, the Emperor of Jin would not let Guishuang be spared easily, since If it provokes Jin's body, it is necessary to pay for the consciousness of the war, so that when the war comes, the enemy's resistance will not have a greater effect, which is exactly what the Emperor of Jin wants to see.

The powerful strength displayed by the Jin army in the course of the campaign shocked Guishuang, and it made Guishuang's soldiers even more strenuous in blocking the offensive of the Jin army.

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