Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5852: : War is unfair to Guishuang

Facing the Jin's army's continuous offensive, Guishuang's soldiers had to stop. If they were to break Anguanya for the Jin army, their situation would be even more dangerous.

To block the offensive of Jin's army, some soldiers will even die in the hands of Paoze, which provides more obstacles for the smooth blocking of military lieutenants.

If it is possible, Guishuang’s generals are also unwilling to issue such orders. They are only facing the fierce impact of the Jin army. If the orders are not issued, the most likely situation is that the Jin army breaks through the checkpoints. Then it will be because of the war. There will be more dead Guishuang soldiers.

For more stability of Guishuang, for the long-term development of Guishuang, or for their own safety, what they need to do is to have more persistence on the battlefield.

The Thunderbolt and the Ballista can play a huge role in the frontal battle. In the previous process of the Jin Kingdom’s army against the enemy, with two kinds of equipment, it has a lot of advantages. Guishuang has these two. This kind of equipment is difficult to play a corresponding role when attacking the Jin army. The main reason is that the Jin army’s offensive methods are too sharp. In this way, it can directly cause great damage to the enemy army and let the enemy army In the confrontation, I deeply realized the gap between the two sides.

The gap in offensive distance made it easier for the Jin army to attack the Guishuang checkpoint. However, Ye Kehan ​​put the use of the Thunderbolt and Ballista to defend the Jin army's defensive battle.

As long as it is when the Jin army is ascending the pass, thunderbolt carts and crossbow carts are used to block the impact of the Jin army, even if the Jin army’s generals are strong, they want to make greater progress when attacking Anguanya. impossible things.

In the war, the strength displayed by the Jin army soldiers in the confrontation is terrifying in itself, and when the war begins, the impact of the Jin army soldiers will make the enemy feel the cruelty of the war.

The methods Lü Bu adopted in the process of developing the Kingdom of Jin were in itself sharp, and in the war, the soldiers of the Jin army were able to let the enemy taste the taste of defeat in the war.

The development of the Jin State, to make the situation of the Jin State more clear, and to make it easier for the soldiers of the Jin army to experience the war, is itself the purpose of the Jin State emperor.

In actual wars, the strong combat power displayed by the Jin army could not be blocked by Guishuang soldiers. Although Guishuang soldiers showed toughness in the war, in the war, just having tenacity is not enough. Yes, you need to have sharp means when fighting against the enemy, and in the face of war, you can bring more damage to the enemy.

The achievements of the Jin army soldiers in the war are obvious to all. Under such circumstances, the impact of the Jin army can make Guishuang soldiers feel a deadly threat. With such methods, Guishuang soldiers can also have More confidence.

Blocking the offensive of Jin's army is accompanied by many difficulties, but if you have a certain method when facing difficulties, you can reduce the pressure on your side a lot.

However, the countermeasures of the Guishuang army have also caused great shocks to its own soldiers. There are robes fighting in the front, but the soldiers at the rear did not hesitate to launch an offensive, if it was the first time. , Guishuang soldiers may feel unbearable and hesitate, but after more times, the lieutenant soldiers have gradually become numb, and they can execute directly after receiving the order.

As for the possibility that Paoze might die in a confrontation, it is a normal thing in itself. Even if there is no one's own offense, how many chances will they have to survive when they block the attack of the Jin country's army.

Perhaps it seems to be the case after ordinary soldiers are numb, but in the eyes of other soldiers, the situation is different. Such a move is a betrayal of the robe. If they are in front of them, will they still issue such an order?

The progress of the war is a great challenge for the lieutenants. It is good for the lieutenants to go to the battlefield after receiving the order. The key is that the lieutenants must prove their worth in the war and not die in the hands of Roboze.

If something unexpected happens on the battlefield, it will be the biggest blow to Guishuang soldiers.

The Jin army’s offensive was fierce, and it was unlucky to die in the hands of the Jin army, but to die in the hands of Paoze, such a thing is hard to make sense, even if you know that this is valuable, it’s difficult to make a lieutenant soldier. Peace of mind.

This is an offensive from Paoze. They don’t want to have Paoze offensive when blocking the Jin Kingdom’s offensive. If this happens, it will be the most depressing. They are afraid of the Jin Kingdom’s offensive methods. Yes, they are also afraid of Paoze, what kind of situation will appear once they face the offensive of the Jin Kingdom's army.

The fierce Jin army showed bravery when attacking the enemy. They will make the enemy suffer more losses in the impact, and even make the enemy feel more from such a confrontation. To the toughness of the Jin country's army.

Victory at the time of the war can make the soldiers of the Jin army feel the value of the war. In the face of such value, it is basically impossible for the soldiers of Guishuang to successfully block the offensive from the Jin army. Perhaps it is expensive. The generals of Shuang also know that the current situation in Guishuang is tense, but they don’t want to just give up like this. More persistence in the war will bring more obstacles to the offensive of the Jin army, which will allow Guishuang to gain More stability.

The war is unfair to Guishuang, and the possibility of Guishuang soldiers winning the war is very slim.

It’s just Guishuang’s persistence that can bring about the losses of the Jin army’s soldiers. This is enough for the game Guishuang’s generals. If facing a war, the lieutenants dare not fight hard and dare not go forward. It is the greatest sorrow.

Perhaps in the opinion of the generals, it is normal to order Liennu and the Thunderbolt to attack. It is a great honor to be able to die for the stability of Guishuang in such a confrontation.

After the military generals had this idea, they just didn’t take the lives of ordinary soldiers in their eyes. It was basically impossible for them to get more support from the generals in the course of the war. The lieutenant soldiers rejected them more.

It was also a member of Guishuang's soldiers, and it was also to stop the Jin Kingdom's army from attacking. Why did they die in the hands of Paoze? Such a thing would be unacceptable to anyone.

Although military generals have deeper thinking when giving orders, in an army, more ordinary soldiers are still soldiers.

When ordinary soldiers have no sense of belonging to the army, they will hesitate even more after receiving orders.

What can be seen from the Jin army's offensive posture is the fierceness of the Jin army's offensive. At this time, if you step forward, the most likely situation will be a ruthless killing for Paoze.

The power of the Ballista and Thunderbolt during the offensive process is amazing. To block the attack of the two types of equipment, you need to have more aggressive means.

After having a better understanding of the Jin’s army’s combat methods, you will gradually discover that the Jin’s soldiers are fierce. This is the most terrifying existence in the war. Their impact will often make the enemy feel The cruelty of war.

Facts have proved that after Jin's army attacked the enemy, it often allowed the enemy to taste the cruel taste in the war.

Fighting against the Shanxi army is full of danger after all. If there is no corresponding means when facing these dangerous situations, the most likely situation will result in heavy losses in the war.

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