Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5865: : It's not a simple thing

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With the gradual approach of the trapped camp and the Xianden dead men, the subsequent teams of the Jin army began to attack Anguanya. Seeing these scenes, the Jin army generals had a lot of pride in their hearts. This is on the battlefield. The soldiers of the Jin army who were able to create many miracles, although the Guishuang army showed toughness when defending against the Jin army's offensive, but their blocking failed to block the impact of the Jin army.

When more Jin army soldiers board the checkpoint, it will provide a better foundation for the victory of the Jin army.

Following the fall of the camp and the first ascending the dead, it was the Youzhou Army in the Jin Army that attacked.

The Youzhou Army also has a remarkable record in the Jin Army. In this battle in Guishuang, the chief general of the Youzhou Army is General Liu Yi. Since becoming a general of the Jin Army, Liu Yi has performed remarkable in the war. , The strength that can be shown in the wars is also commendable.

This battle is a good opportunity for the Youzhou Army. There are the trapped camp and the offensive of the first-dead soldiers. It can be said that the early attack has been well withstood by the trapped camp and the first-dead soldiers. , What they need to do is to follow in the footsteps of the front army, assault Guishuang's army as much as possible, so that Guishuang's army will suffer more losses from this war.

The Youzhou Army performed quite well in the previous attack on Anguanya, and there are many tough soldiers in the Youzhou Army, which is more than enough to attack Anguanya.

This kind of treatment makes the generals in the Jin army a lot of envy. It is extremely important for the Jin army to be able to break through Anguanya. It is very important for the Jin army to lead the lieutenant generals to appear in the battle against Guishuang. In military wars, it is also commendable.

After you have a better understanding of the wars of the Jin army, you will find that it is relatively simple to achieve victory in any battle of the Jin army. If you can achieve greater success in the confrontation, it will be for the subsequent wars of the Jin army. The impact it can bring is also great.

The victory in the confrontation brought great encouragement to the lieutenant generals in the subsequent war, and even allowed the lieutenant generals to show a stronger side in the confrontation.

The powerful strength displayed by the Jin army when it attacked Guishuang gave Guishuang soldiers a lot of shock, and even made Guishuang's army realize the fierceness of the Jin army in such a war.

Victory in the confrontation brought more help to the development of Jin, and even allowed the Jin’s army to achieve greater success in the course of the battle. After the victory from the confrontation, the Jin’s army gave the enemy more help. The feeling of the army is invincible. No matter what the other means is when blocking the offensive of the Jin army, it is almost impossible for such means to succeed in the confrontation. This is what the soldiers of the Jin army bring. The shock.

Although Guishuang had many methods when fighting against the Jin army, it was impossible for them to use their war methods more.

Using the victory of the war to drive the development of the Jin country, so that the Jin country avoids more situations in the process of development. This is the situation that the emperor of the Jin country most wants to see. From the actual war, you can also see the Jin army. The brave and combative side.

Although great achievements have been made in the war, the offensive posture of the Jin army will not change due to the current situation. This is the Jin army in the war.

The Youzhou Army is able to attack after being trapped in the camp and first ascending the dead, and the credit it can gain is bound to be huge. The most advanced team to attack the security cliff will bear the greatest threat, but when such an attack can be successful. , The credit that the leading attack team can get is also huge.

When Lu Bu saw Youzhou Army attacking Anguanya, he smiled. If Youzhou Army can successfully ascend the checkpoint, the victory of this confrontation must belong to the Jin army. Attack Anguanya, but let the attack Guishuang's footsteps have been greatly affected, which is also expected.

Anguanya is of great significance to Guishuang. As long as Anguanya is breached, Jin’s army operations in Guishuang can achieve greater results. At that time, no matter if Guishuang’s army is blocking Jin What kind of combat effectiveness the Chinese army showed when it attacked, it would be impossible to better stop the impact of the Jin army's soldiers. This is the impact that the Jin army can bring on the battlefield.

Victory in the war can bring many benefits to the development of Jin, and even make it avoid other threats when it develops.

When the strength of the Jin country's army is strong enough, even if a monarch has an idea about the Jin country's city, he still needs to consider the consequences of doing so.

The strength of the Guishuang army demonstrated in the course of the campaign was strong, but when they fought against the Jin country army, they had to bear the punishment of the defeat of the war. This situation was unbearable for the soldiers of Guishuang. Yes, but in the face of a specific war, even if you can't bear it, you still have to grit your teeth and persevere.

Without the corresponding strength, there will be many situations in the confrontation, and even more losses in the war.

Guishuang’s constant loss made the soldiers of the Jin army even more motivated after seeing them. Since they appeared on the battlefield, it was natural to get the most credit for their glory.

The performance of the Jin army in the war can cause great damage to the Guishuang soldiers. At this time, the Jin soldiers need the opportunity on the battlefield. If they have strong strength and cannot appear in the confrontation, It will make the lieutenant generals very depressed.

However, in the process of attacking Anguanya, the number of troops needed to be deployed is temporarily only a small number, but when the Jin army can open the situation as much as possible on Anguanya, it will give more Jin army soldiers the opportunity to fight. NS.

"Wenhe, Fengxiao, although our army has boarded Anguanya, it is not a simple matter to drive the enemy out of the pass." Lu Bu said.

Jia Xu nodded and said: "The holy sage said that General Guishuang Ye Ke Khan also experienced many wars. Ye Ke Khan must know the importance of Anguanya. If you control Anguanya If handed over to our army, Guishuang’s situation will be even worse, and then the Jin army will be able to break through Guishuang’s cities."

"Even if Ye Ke Khan has more reluctance, when our soldiers board the checkpoint, how can Ye Ke Khan decide the situation on the battlefield." Guo Jiadao.

In the war, you need to have sufficient strength if you want to win. The soldiers of the Jin army cross the battlefield, and you can see the strength of their strength when they attacked Guishuang. In this war, the soldiers of the Jin army are Taking the initiative in the war, the offensive side can make it so difficult for the Guishuang army that has checkpoints as a defense, enough to see that the Jin army is fierce.

However, it is not enough to suppress the Guishuang army in the war. What the Jin army needs is the victory in the war, continuous victory, in order to stimulate the Jin army's soldiers to achieve greater success in the confrontation, and to make the Jin army's battle easier. .

The impact of this war on the development of Jin is bound to be great. If more victories can be obtained from the confrontation, it will make the territory of Jin even wider.

Once Anguanya is breached, the offensive of the Jin army will only be blocked by Guishuang’s soldiers and horses. It is almost impossible to accomplish. At that time, the soldiers of the Jin army will let Guishuang’s army understand why in the war. The Jin army is always able to win from the confrontation, why Guishuang General I's strength is not enough to stop the Jin army's offensive pace.

Lu Bu said, "After all, there are tens of thousands of Guishuang soldiers in the pass. You should not underestimate them. When you pass the command to the army, you must be fierce when attacking the enemy, but you must be cautious."

"Here." After receiving the order, the Chuan Lingbing quickly conveyed the Jin Emperor's order.

Jia Xu and Guo Jia have long been familiar with this situation. As long as Lu Bu does not personally lead the lieutenant to attack the enemy on the battlefield, the rest is easy to say. After all, the Jin army generals have experienced a lot of wars. They When attacking the enemy, there will definitely be a lot of attention to the situation in this regard, and even without the emperor's reminder, he can complete the task very well. This is the general of the Jin army.

However, during the war, if the Emperor of Jin appeared on the battlefield, it was able to mobilize the fighting spirit of the lieutenants to a large extent. However, the Emperor of Jin likes to lead the lieutenants to attack the enemy. It seems that this kind of combat method is more important Exciting.

The emperor of Jin, who was a military commander, appeared on the battlefield itself. Once such a thing happened, the generals of the Jin army would have a lot of worries about the emperor of Jin. After all, the identity of the emperor of Jin was too important. , The commander in the army, personally attack the enemy, if the commander has other conditions, it will be the greatest blow to the lieutenant soldiers.

And if Lu Bu is in the army, the lieutenant will be able to let go of a fight.

Under the attack of the Jin army, it was impossible for General Guishuang to make the situation in the pass more stable.

The soldiers of the Jin army who can achieve many victories in the war are the most dazzling existence on the battlefield. They can make the development of the Jin country faster by means of war. Just by relying on this method, it is enough to make the Jin army. Soldiers have more pride.

The soldiers of the Jin army in the war can let the enemy see the fierceness of the Jin army from the confrontation.

The enemy's blocking methods are relatively simple things for the Jin army, and their blocking methods cannot affect the Jin army's warfare to a greater extent.

The current advantage of the Jin army in the war is a good illustration. Although the combat effectiveness displayed by the Guishuang army in the process of blocking is not weak, when more Jin soldiers appear in the war, it will be able to make Guishuang soldiers experienced the cruelty of war from the confrontation.

Attacking the enemy forces and letting oneself get more protection is the kingly way.

"Holy Lord, Guishuang is now at the end of the crossbow. It is impossible to better block the impact of our army." Sima Yi said.

For the situation on the battlefield, each counselor has his own analysis, and when their analysis can play a certain role in the war, the emperor of Jin will adopt it, which gives the military counselor more confidence. , They appeared on the battlefield, isn't it just to get more credit.

If you can better show your abilities in war, it will be of great help to counsellors.

Sima Yi, as the Minister of War of the Jin Kingdom, also had a pivotal position in the Jin Kingdom’s court, as well as in the course of the campaign. Participating in the planning during the Jin Army's campaign can provide a better way for Sima Yi’s promotion afterwards. Much help.

In fact, Sima Yi also knew that the emperor of the Jin Kingdom had a certain degree of defense against him at the beginning. This is also a logical thing. After all, he was a counselor under Cao Cao before, and he had made many suggestions when fighting against the Jin army.

After the Jin Dynasty dominated the world, how many counsellors were not taken seriously because of their previous camps. It was not the emperor of Jin that did not want to use them, but the current state of Jin already had their talent selection system. Although the children of the wealthy family can still pass their own Efforts to enter the officialdom, but after entering the officialdom, if you want to do more, it is much more difficult than that of a big man. This is the system of the Jin country. If you can't adapt to the system of the Jin country, it will be gradually eliminated by the Jin country.

After Sima Yi stepped out of such a thing, he became a pivotal official of the Jin country. This time he participated in the campaign against Guishuang, which was enough to show that the Emperor of Jin had trust in him. This kind of thing made Sima Yi highly motivated. , Sima Yi also wanted to make greater achievements in the course of the campaign, it is best to have more strategies in the battle against Guishuang to provide help for the Jin Kingdom’s army.

The emergence of the Jin army in the battle can bring a lot of shock to the enemy, and even make the enemy feel more of the Jin army's fierceness from such a confrontation. They are fighting against the Jin army. At that time, it will become impossible to get more victories.

Anyone who has a certain understanding of the Jin army will find that when the Jin army launches an offensive in a war, the enemy wants to easily stop it. It is not a simple matter. Guishuang's army has Anguanya as a barrier. Yes, but in the battle against the Jin State army, An Guanya's solidity did not give Guishuang soldiers more hope. On the contrary, under the impact of the Jin State army, they continued to bear losses.

Today, the Jin army has even ascended to Anguanya. When the Jin army's actions in the war are further unfolded, what kind of impact will it have on Guishuang?

The Guishuang Empire is powerful, but there is a big gap between their toughness and Jin. The gap between the two sides will be more manifested during the war. Under the fierce impact of the Jin army, Gui Even if Soldier Frost showed tenacity, it was impossible to get out of such a war smoothly.

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