Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5983: : It is not that the strength is not strong enough, but that there is a gap in the st

"Rebirth God of War Lu Bu (!

If you can't form a greater impact on the enemy in such a war, and can't do more in such a war environment, the battlefield situation will definitely be more severe afterwards.

The Jin army, which has survived many wars, is the most fierce presence on the battlefield. The offensive from the Jin army will bring many losses to the enemy, and it will let the enemy see the tension of the situation. .

On the battlefield, the offensive from the Jin army was fierce, and when the offensive of the Jin army started more, General Guishuang was more difficult to deal with the war. After all, the offensive of the Jin army wanted to be easily endured. It's a simple thing.

In the past pursuit of the Jin army, what can be seen is the strong strength of the Jin army’s soldiers, and what can be seen is what effect the pursuit of the march will have on such a battlefield.

On the battlefield, the side with strong strength can always occupy a great advantage when attacking. Such an advantage can provide more convenient conditions for the lieutenant generals in the subsequent battle.

If the means displayed by an army in a war are more restricted, only the emergent situations that will follow will make the lieutenant soldiers have more trouble in dealing with it.

The fierce impact of Jin's army will bring a great threat to the enemy on the battlefield, and what the enemy will realize is the seriousness of the war situation.

Once the means of the lieutenant soldiers in the war can not be effectively used, then there may be an even more tense situation.

In a critical battlefield, if there is a gap in the means displayed when dealing with the confrontation, the situation will inevitably become more tense.

It is very necessary for the ability of one's soldiers to be better demonstrated in this process, and for the strength of one's soldiers to have a better expression.

Why Guishuang’s methods displayed on such a battlefield always fail to gain a greater advantage from the Jin army? This is because the offense from the Jin army is not as simple as it is on the surface. After the army's battle begins, the damage it will bring is even more continuous.

It is conceivable that in the face of such a war, if there is a problem with the method adopted, what changes will be made in the subsequent war.

On the battlefield with complicated situation, it is necessary to better demonstrate the strength of one's own soldiers and enable them to achieve greater deeds in the offensive. Once in such a war situation, one cannot let one's own soldiers be allowed to do more. If the method of "is effectively used, there will be an even more tense situation on the battlefield afterwards.

The Jin emperor’s war methods are incomparable in Guishuang. In the process of pursuing Guishuang’s army, the soldiers of the Jin army showed their ability to panic and let Guishuang’s soldiers see from the ongoing war. It was the fierceness of the offensive from the Jin army that made Guishuang soldiers more aware of how stupid it was for them to appear on the opposite side of the Jin army.

In this way, the offensive launched by the Jin army on the battlefield will definitely be smoother. When facing a war, the side with a huge advantage can often achieve greater gains on the battlefield, and often There is greater deeds on this battlefield.

Not to mention the tense situation that will occur in the war, it is the most basic that the strength of one's own soldiers can be better displayed in this process. If the lieutenant soldiers show fear on the battlefield, If the attack of one's own soldiers can't have a greater effect, you can imagine what a tense situation will appear on the battlefield afterwards.

In the face of war, the test is the strength of the lieutenant generals. If the lieutenant generals’ warfare methods cannot form an effective block against the enemy’s attack on such a battlefield, the Guishuang army’s will appear. Condition.

When the Jin army’s pursuit arrives, and when the Jin army’s offensive posture becomes more fierce, it will bring continuous damage to Guishuang soldiers on such a battlefield, and it will let Guishuang soldiers clearly see from it. There is a problem with their strength.

On such a battlefield, the strength of the lieutenant generals needs more conditions. Just like the Guishuang generals, they are panicked on the battlefield. What they want to do at this time is to escape from the battlefield and face the Jin army. How can they have a higher fighting spirit for the pursuit of, if they can't evacuate from such a battlefield smoothly, they will be buried on the battlefield.

On the battlefield of Anguanya, Guishuang's soldiers suffered heavy casualties and the miserable war situation. What Guishuang's soldiers realized was the cruelty of the situation. What Guishuang's soldiers saw was that the Jin army's offensive would give the enemy. What kind of harm the army has brought.

If there are problems with the methods displayed on such a battlefield, and if there is no greater achievement in such a confrontation situation, the future battlefield situation will definitely become more tense.

In response to war, it is very important to have more means as support, so that the strength of one's soldiers can be better represented, and it is particularly important for the strength and methods of one's soldiers to be better displayed on the battlefield in the future. The damage caused by the enemy is enormous.

With many war victories as support, what can be seen is the strength of Guishuang’s army, but Guishuang’s army has many shortcomings in response to the offensive of the Jin army. It is only in the Jin army. You can see the situation in this regard after the damage caused to Guishuang soldiers after the better display of the combat methods.

The offensive from the army of the Jin Kingdom made Guishuang officers panic, and let them realize that there was a gap in their methods of warfare.

When the offensive of the Jin Kingdom's army exploded, it would bring heavy losses to Guishuang soldiers on the battlefield, and Guishuang soldiers clearly saw the gap in their strengths.

It is very difficult to bear the offensive of the Jin army and to do something about it. If in this process, the means of the lieutenant and generals cannot be effectively used, and it is impossible to have a greater impact in such a war environment. If you do, you can imagine what a tense situation will appear in the future.

What can be seen on the battlefield this time is how powerful the Jin emperor’s means of war are, and the fierce offensive displayed by it will bring a lot of losses to the enemy, and even more so. What can be seen from this is the tension of the situation.

What kind of means should the Jin emperor adopt on the battlefield, and in such a confrontation, what method should be used to make the subsequent war proceed more smoothly are issues that the senior level of the Jin army needs to consider.

However, the soldiers of the Jin army who appeared on the battlefield needed to win the battle. By virtue of their fierce combat methods, they would inflict more damage on the enemy army, so that the enemy army would recognize more of the Jin army in such a war. The fierce attack is necessary.

If an army appears on the battlefield and its achievements cannot meet the needs of the battlefield, their situation on the battlefield will definitely be even more embarrassing.

Today, the strong strength of Jin's army has been better demonstrated in such a war.

Zhao Yun snorted coldly, and the spear in his hand flicked, and a general Guishuang directly killed Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun’s presence on the battlefield will bring great power. It will allow the enemy to see from such a war environment how much damage the Jin army’s conquest will bring, as if in such a continuous war. If there is a problem with the methods shown in, the situation afterwards will definitely become more complicated.

On the current battlefield, what you see is the fierce Jin army’s methods, and what you see is the damage it will bring after the offensive of the Jin army’s soldiers. If the attack brings more obstacles, there will definitely be more dangerous situations on the battlefield.

When dealing with the dangerous situation on the battlefield, one can see the strength of the Jin army's methods. It is through this method that the Jin army has won battles again and again on the battlefield.

From the victory of the Jin army, what can be felt is the invincible momentum of the Jin army. When on the battlefield, the offensive from the Jin army will be more powerful, and the enemy will feel the battlefield on the subsequent battlefield. The situation is tense.

Guishuang soldiers who cannot deal with the offensive of the Jin army cavalry with effective means will suffer more losses on the battlefield, and will see the invincibility of the Jin army when the war arrives.

Only with strong strength can you have greater achievements in the battle, and only then can the value of your own soldiers be reflected to a greater extent.

If it weren't for the Jin army's more aggressive means when dealing with the dangerous situation on the battlefield, it would be impossible for the Jin army to have current achievements on the battlefield.

When the impact of the Jin cavalry is unfolded, it will often cause more damage to the Guishuang soldiers, and even make the Guishuang soldiers realize that their methods of warfare are far from the Jin army. Such a gap on the battlefield resulted in heavy losses in the confrontation.

If you can't make corresponding achievements when dealing with dangerous situations, and you can't let the actions of your own soldiers be displayed to a greater extent, you will face more dangers on the battlefield afterwards.

On the current battlefield, just the impact of the Jin army's soldiers will bring great harm to the enemy, and even more so, the enemy will feel the cruelty of the situation.

Although Baima Yicong’s offensive was temporarily blocked by the guards, it was more effective than the previous blockade by Guishuang soldiers, but how difficult it would be for such a war situation to be sustained, just From the heavy losses of Guishuang, we can see how limited Guishuang’s future actions will be. This is a cruel battlefield. If you don’t have enough strength to rely on, you will know it in the subsequent confrontation. What has arrived is the tragic situation on the battlefield.

Guishuang soldiers experienced a lot of war failures. It is precisely this kind of war failure that makes Guishuang soldiers more panic on the battlefield afterwards, so that they will have more when facing the offensive of the Jin cavalry. Panic.

It's not that Guishuang's soldiers are not strong enough, but that compared to the Jin Army in their strength, there is really a big gap. On the battlefield, such a gap will bring more losses.

And it is precisely because there are more victories that Guishuang’s army will pay a heavy price when blocking the Jin army’s offensive, and Guishuang’s officers realize that there is a gap in their own strength.

In how many wars, it is precisely because the Jin army has stood out on the battlefield that it has made it easier for the Jin army on the battlefield afterwards. If they cannot do more in dealing with the critical situation in the confrontation, then later The situation will definitely be more severe.

When dealing with the critical situation on the battlefield, the Jin army's methods can bring a lot of damage to the enemy, and it can make the enemy realize the tragic situation from it.

If the enemy army ignores the fighting power of the Jin army’s iron cavalry, the subsequent fate will definitely be extremely miserable. The Jin army cavalry will bring severe lessons to the enemy on the battlefield, and it will be able to make the enemy army in such chaos. The price paid in the war situation is even greater.

After gaining a better understanding of the powerful strength of the Jin army cavalry, what you will discover is the power of the Jin army's cavalry. In their offensive mode, the enemy cannot easily stop it.

Victory in the battle brought more confidence to the Jin army soldiers, and allowed them to have more means when dealing with critical situations on the battlefield.

The battlefield tests the strength of the soldiers in the army. If the lieutenant soldiers cannot achieve greater achievements in such a war environment, the only crisis that may arise in the future will make them pay heavy. The price.

Looking at the growth of the Jin army’s soldiers on the battlefield, what can be seen is the terrible place of the Jin On their battlefield, there is not much room for the enemy to display, and when the Jin army is After the continuous offensive unfolds, it will let the enemy deeply experience the madness of the offensive from the Jin army in such a war environment.

The pursuit of this time dealt a greater blow to Guishuang, and what Guishuang soldiers saw in such a war was the inviolability of the Jin army. In the past, the people of Guishuang might have faced the Jin army. Proud, but after experiencing the defeat of the war, Guishuang soldiers deeply realized that their so-called strong strength, wanting to occupy a greater advantage in front of the Jin army is simply impossible.

What kind of unexpected situations are possible in the confrontation, the most important thing is how much one's own soldiers' methods can be displayed on the battlefield. If there is a gap in the strength displayed on the battlefield, the situation will definitely follow. More severe.

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