Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5990: : Pride record

"Rebirth God of War Lu Bu (!

The unfolding of the confrontation has a great impact on the lieutenants and soldiers, and only when you have greater deeds when dealing with critical situations on the battlefield, can you have greater deeds on the subsequent battlefields.

With the advent of war, the trials that lieutenants and soldiers will endure are often great.

Only by making greater achievements in such a war environment, and by allowing the combat effectiveness of our soldiers to be better displayed, can we have greater achievements in subsequent wars.

The powerful Jin army is the existence that can bring a lot of damage to the enemy on the battlefield, and it can bring continuous defeat to the enemy on such a battlefield.

Guishuang soldiers experienced many failures on the battlefield, and it was precisely because of such failures on the battlefield that the situation would become more tense afterwards.

Having a victory on the battlefield and having a lot of experience in victory will make Jin's soldiers more successful on the battlefield. This is also inevitable.

Otherwise, why after the Jin Kingdom’s army appears on the battlefield, the tension on the own side can always be fundamentally alleviated, and even more so that the enemy can suffer more losses on the battlefield.

Many war victories can provide Jin's army with more benefits and enable the Jin's army to do more in the face of war.

From the achievements of the Jin army soldiers on the battlefield, we can see the fierceness of the Jin army soldiers. Under the attack mode they launched on the battlefield, the losses suffered by the enemy are very great. They cannot be in a battle. If the Jin army wins more, it will cause more problems in subsequent wars.

The victory of the Jin army's soldiers was based on the strong strength of the Jin country. If they can't do more in such a war environment, the situation will definitely become more tense in the future.

From the actual confrontation, we can see the fierceness of the offensive from the Jin army. If we can't make greater achievements in dealing with such a war, there will definitely be more situations in the subsequent war.

The Jin Dynasty emperor’s achievements on the battlefield were great, and he was able to have more victories in continuous wars. Under such a war environment, the losses suffered by Guishuang soldiers were very great, and even more so. Soldiers Guishuang clearly saw the gap between their strength and means on the battlefield.

If the lieutenant soldiers lose confidence in the progress of the war, they will definitely not do their best on the battlefield afterwards. This is inevitable.

Engagement is a great test for lieutenants and soldiers, and what they can see from them is the dangers on the battlefield. However, if they can do more in dealing with such wars, they will Let the subsequent confrontation proceed more smoothly.

On the current battlefield, there is a strong Jin army, and the damage it will bring to the enemy is great. Only when dealing with wars with many means as support, can the future war situation be better. Of relief.

With the strong strength of the generals of the Jin army, it is inevitable to chase Guishuang's army after breaking Anguanya, and it will even bring more damage to Guishuang in such a war.

On the battlefield with complex situation, what kind of dangerous situation is likely to occur, so that the strength of one's soldiers can be better displayed on the battlefield, it is also extremely critical.

Under the offensive method of the Jin army soldiers, the threat to the enemy is great, and what the enemy can see from this kind of war is the tension of the situation.

The strength of Guishuang’s soldiers, compared with the Jin army, is more obvious on such a battlefield. If Guishuang’s blocking methods cannot have a greater effect on such a battlefield, then the following There are many dangers that may appear on the battlefield.

The proud record of the Jin army soldiers on the battlefield is incomparable to Guishuang.

The achievements made by the soldiers of the Jin army on the battlefield amazed the enemy forces, and even made them realize the complexity of the war situation.

The strength and means displayed by the Guishuang army on the battlefield are far from that of the Jin army. On such a battlefield, if there is a difference in strength, the situation afterwards will definitely be even more dangerous.

The offensive methods displayed by the soldiers of the Jin army on the battlefield proved their strength.

Why did the Jin emperor’s commander’s lieutenant appear on the battlefield and bring so much damage to the enemy? This is because the offensive from the Jin army is always so fierce, and this is because after the Jin army’s offensive is launched , Will bring many losses to the enemy.

The emperor of Jin made many achievements on the battlefield, and he was able to make greater achievements in such a war. No matter how the situation on the battlefield may develop, the strength of his soldiers can be obtained in such a process. Better presentation is the most important thing.

After the Jin Dynasty emperor led his army lieutenants on the battlefield, only relying on the strength of the Jin army, he brought great losses to the enemy on the battlefield. In the face of such war losses, General Guishuang could not maintain Calmly, because they will endure more threats on the battlefield. If their methods on the battlefield cannot be effectively used, the only emergencies that may arise in the future will cause the loss of more lieutenants and soldiers. Many advantages.

The strength of Guishuang's generals is obviously different from that of the Jin army. Under such a confrontation situation, there is danger on the battlefield and will face more tense situations.

The achievements of the Guishuang army on the battlefield are far from the Jin army itself. In the face of such a gap, let alone what kind of efforts Guishuang soldiers will have on the battlefield, and their efforts want to achieve Success is very difficult.

The Jin army is a strong presence on the battlefield, and its fighting method has caused the enemy to suffer a lot of losses, and the enemy will bear more threats on such a battlefield.

The strength of General Guishuang is far from that of the Jin army. In the face of such a war gap, he can't do more. What you will see is the urgency of the situation.

The strong strength of the Jin army has been well proven on such a battlefield. In any case, the most important thing is to let the strength of one's soldiers be better displayed.

The powerful Jin army is the most ferocious on the battlefield.

The offensive of the Jin army’s generals cannot be ignored. When the Jin emperor led the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield, the mere display of the offensive method would bring a lot of damage to the enemy, and even more so. What the enemy has realized is the gap in its own strength.

If there are problems with the methods displayed when facing the offensive of the Jin Kingdom's army, it is clearly impossible to have a greater effect on the battlefield afterwards.

Guishuang’s senior officials did not have more confidence in the conduct of this war, because what Guishuang’s senior officials saw on the battlefield was how much loss Guishuang would suffer under the fierce attack of the Jin army. In a cruel war, if there is no greater achievement on the battlefield, the situation afterwards will be even more tense.

This war has put a great test on the lieutenants and soldiers, and the lieutenants and soldiers will gain even greater gains in the ongoing war.

If you can't achieve greater success in such a war, and can't make a difference in such a war, the situation will be even more tense in the future.

The fierce offensive style displayed by the Jin army on the battlefield has shocked the enemy forces in many ways, and it also made the enemy forces aware of the impact of the confrontation.

The Jin army has strong strength, can win in continuous wars, can achieve greater growth in constant confrontations, and the future war situation will definitely be better alleviated.

The losses suffered by the enemy under the Jin army’s offensive method are enormous, and on such a battlefield, if the achievements that can be achieved are not enough, the situation will definitely be more severe afterwards.

The means that Guishuang’s army demonstrated on the battlefield will definitely have more influence on the subsequent wars, but if it fails to achieve success when blocking the Jin army’s attack, it will make Guishuang’s situation more severe. .

The test of war is the strength of the lieutenant generals. Under such a war environment, the lieutenant generals can rely on their own strength to better open the situation on the battlefield, which is in itself the key.

If there are problems with the achievements in the ongoing war, there will definitely be more threats on the battlefield afterwards.

The fierce fighting of the Jin army is not comparable to that of an ordinary army.

At this time, the offensive launched by the soldiers of Baima Yicong is a good proof. They have relied on these offensive methods to better open the situation on the battlefield in the wars.

Under the attack of the Jin cavalry, Guishuang soldiers suffered heavy losses. Such war losses are not what Guishuang soldiers want to see.

In the end of the war, the strength displayed by Yekh Khan’s guard team was not weak. It was just that there was a clear gap between the combat ability and the cavalry of the Jin army. Under such a strength gap, from Jin The army's offensive can certainly play a greater role.

The achievements of the Jin army have been tested by wars. More victories have been won from wars, so that the war methods of our soldiers can be better displayed. This will definitely have a great impact on the future situation.

The victory of the war at this time can bring greater damage to Guishuang soldiers, and what Guishuang soldiers see from such continuous war is the tension of the situation.

If you can't achieve greater success in the face of war, just the dangerous situation that may appear on the battlefield later will cause more problems for the lieutenant soldiers in dealing with it.

At this time, the Jin army is a fierce presence on the battlefield. When the chase of the Jin army cavalry begins, what the enemy will see on the battlefield is the tense situation. The so-called means of war by General Guishuang cannot be used in Jin. It has a greater effect in front of the army.

The battlefield is a great test for the strength of the lieutenant generals. If you can't win on the battlefield, the situation on the battlefield afterwards will definitely become more severe.

The Jin army is a fierce presence on the battlefield. Under their pursuit, Guishuang's generals have suffered great losses, and what Guishuang's generals can see from it is the invincibility of the Jin army.

The bright silver spear in Zhao Yun's hand was raised flat, and he rushed straight towards Na He Duo. Since the enemy generals dared to appear on such a battlefield, it showed that he was ready to fight.

There are also fierce generals in the Guishuang Army. Zhao Yun will not despise any opponents on the battlefield, because what Zhao Yun pursues is continuous victory, and he pursues the means that the Jin army soldiers can show more fierce on the battlefield. If an army appears on the battlefield and cannot win the battle, it will make the situation more complicated.

Today's battlefield is supported by the powerful Jin army, and the advantage of the Jin country on the battlefield will be even more obvious.

In the current war, what can be seen is the strong strength of the Jin army, and what can be seen is the fierceness of the Jin army.

Under the Jin Dynasty emperor's war methods, the losses suffered by the enemy forces were great, and what the enemy forces realized was the seriousness of the situation.

The army that cannot win from the confrontation is of no more value when they appear on the battlefield. However, all generals who have experienced war understand the truth, but when the war comes, the soldiers of Guishuang are If there are no more choices, if you can't better stop the impact of the Jin country's army in such a war, you will lose more later.

It is good for Guishuang's soldiers to have their own pride, but on such a battlefield, if there are problems with the displayed strength and methods, the situation will be more complicated.

The means displayed by the Emperor of Jin when dealing with the war would bring a lot of damage to the enemy, and bring more danger to the enemy.

If there is no achievement in such a war, and no greater achievement in the course of such a war, the situation afterwards will definitely be more dangerous.

The emperor of Jin at this time was an extremely fierce presence on the battlefield, and its combat effectiveness was well proven. If there are problems with the means displayed when facing the offensive of the Jin army, the situation afterwards is definitely It will be even more complicated With the victory of the Jin army and the generals, the emperor of Jin will achieve even more dazzling achievements on the battlefield of Guishuang.

The emperor of Jin was an emperor who came out of the war. He had corresponding means when dealing with the critical situation on the battlefield, and the shock that such a means had brought to the enemy was tremendous.

Unable to do more on the battlefield with complicated situation, unable to make the achievements of one's own soldiers even greater, the situation will definitely become more severe afterwards.

When dealing with the current war, the achievements of the Jin army’s soldiers can be well reflected. If they cannot do more in such a war, the Jin army’s actions on the future battlefield will definitely be affected. Many restrictions.

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