Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 610: : Negotiated

A genius remembers the site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Yes." Lu Bu nodded and agreed. As long as the nineteenth is willing to take refuge, he will have a great chance of winning against the black ice platform. According to the news from the Assassin, Nineteen's position in the Black Ice Terrace is not low, so that he can have a more comprehensive understanding of the Black Ice Terrace.

"My family is in the east Qin family in Hanzhong city, and you can find out if you enter the city a little bit of inquiries." Nineteen said: "However, the people on the Black Ice Terrace are extremely sensitive. Those who inquire about the news must be careful." It's your own business. My family, Nineteen is also very worried.

Lu Bu was startled and asked, "Is the Black Ice Terrace in Yizhou?"

Nineteen shook his head slightly. "Even though I have been in the Black Ice Platform for many years, I still don’t know the traces of the Black Ice Platform. It was only by accident that I learned that the family of Jai Xia was in Hanzhong. As an assassin on the Black Ice Platform, I usually don’t know. Where are my family members?"

"Okay, this Hou will send someone to the rescue." Lu Bu nodded and said, "Come here, let this person loose so that he can take care of him."

Choosing to join Binzhou, Nineteen has no regrets. The hardships he has endured before can be considered worthy of the cultivation of the Black Ice Platform. As long as the family is safe, he will not care even if he is dead. Lu Bu used his family as a threat, and he just said it. His weakness.

After nineteen years in the Black Ice Terrace, I naturally know how cruel the actions of the Black Ice Terrace are. Assassins who fail to perform their missions will be severely punished. Failure of two consecutive missions means that their lives will be lost, but their family members will be blackened. For the protection of the ice platform, at this point, the black ice platform is still doing relatively well. However, it is extremely miserable to take refuge in the enemy. Not only will it endure the endless pursuit and killing of the black ice platform, but also the family will follow.

"Let Zhao Shu come." After leaving the prison, Lu Bu ordered.

Dianwei led the way to the outside of the city. After the crusade against Yuan Shu and the capture of Hedong, the number of flying eagle soldiers dropped sharply to two hundred. Zhao Shu selected elite soldiers from various ministries, trained them, and supplemented the number of flying eagle soldiers. middle.

Arranged for the rescue of the 19 family members, Lu Bu’s days have become more leisurely. Although the refugees spend a lot of money on a daily basis, after they are scattered everywhere, the pressure on the prefecture and animal husbandry has been greatly eased, and the cities in various places need to be repaired. The city needs to build concrete roads, the prefectural government and government offices need to be repaired, and they all need strong men. These people are undoubtedly good candidates. It is these refugees that make the cities and roads in various places look new, and the shops of merchants in various places need to be repaired. , You can also choose among refugees. As for those who want to make a living, officials will not stop them. They only need to register with the local government office. They will be allocated fields in advance before they are cultivated in the coming year.

There is no lack of knowledgeable people among the refugees. Only those refugees who have no special skills will follow the crowd to do some road and house repairs.

In addition, the state is sparsely populated, and the influx of 100,000 refugees is nothing. Without the occupation of the family, the fields are more than enough. Under the organization of the state and animal husbandry, the refugees are very enthusiastic about reclaiming wasteland. These fields will be their survival in the future. Rely on.

While these refugees have brought a lot of pressure to Binzhou, they are also driving the development of Binzhou. Of course, the price paid by the State Shepherd House is also very high, but once the refugees have overcome the difficulties, the assistance to Binzhou is huge. , Their existence can not only provide grain and grass for Binzhou, but also a source of troops.

Moreover, after the defeat of Cao Cao, Hua Xiong fled all the way to Xuzhou. After counting the soldiers and horses under him, there were only more than two thousand men and twenty thousand troops, which fell to the present level.

"Liu Bei, a child, is so shameless. When Cao Jun attacked Xuzhou, Ben Hou had assisted him. He never thought that Cao Cao would attack Ben Hou. He would stand by and stand by, otherwise the 20,000 army would be defeated at once, the big ear thief." Hua Xiong scolded angrily.

Lieutenant General Liang Gang felt that Hua Xiong’s scolding was very appropriate. Liu Bei’s ears were very big. Improper courage."

Hua Xiong snorted coldly: "What is the bravery of a ten thousand husband, Guan Yu was not broken by Lu Bu with a sword, but it was an error by outsiders." He was very dissatisfied with Guan Yu that he defeated him in front of the camp of the princes and became famous in the world. At the beginning, he was afraid of Lu Bu, not because of Guan Yu.

"The general is taking refuge in Xuzhou." Liang Gang reminded him kindly.

Hua Xiong nodded. He also knew that the current situation was not the time to compete with Liu Bei, but once there was a chance, he would definitely not mind cleaning up Liu Bei.

After learning that Hua Xiong was stationed in Xiaopei, he went to Xuzhou and Liu Bei went out to greet him. No matter what, Hua Xiong was the main reason Cao Jun retreated, but he didn't expect Hua Xiong to lose so quickly.

"I don't want the general to be defeated by Cao Cao." Liu Bei sighed: "Xuzhou was short of money and food after the locust plague and the invasion of Cao Jun. The army has just mobilized thousands of troops and is preparing to attack Yanzhou to relieve the general's danger~www.readwn .com ~ I don't want the general to be defeated by Cao Cao first."

When Hua Xiong heard these words, his complaints against Liu Bei had dissipated a lot. After all, Liu Bei gave him a lot of face and went out of the city to greet him personally. Moreover, he was not unsuccessful, but he was defeated too fast. Thinking of this, Hua Xiong blushed unexpectedly.

"The old thief Cao Cao was shameless and ordered someone to sneak attack on the city of the prince, otherwise he would lose in his hands." Hua Xiong said.

Liang Gang, who was following Hua Xiong's side, could not help but laugh secretly when he heard these words. He was sure that Hua Xiong had a lot of complaints against Liu Bei, but the situation was worse than that of others.

"Now that the general has arrived in Xuzhou, he is the master of Xuzhou, and he is not as talented as the general." Liu Bei arched his hands.

Hua Xiong was overjoyed when he heard the words, and was about to agree. Liang Gang pulled him vigorously from the side. After seeing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei glaringly at him, Hua Xiong hurriedly said: "Liu Shijun's remark is wrong, Ben Hou is defeated. It’s not enough to convince the masses. It’s very satisfying to stay in Xiapi. In the coming day, the Cao army will attack the city, and the prince will resist the Cao army."

Liu Bei said: "It is so good. It is not because Beibei does not want to let the general in the city, but because the city is small and it is not easy to bear the food and grass of tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. For his courage, Cao Jun is also helpless."

Hua Xiong thanked him again. After all, Liu Bei took him in when he was in distress. Although he was dissatisfied with Liu Bei's previous actions, he could only hold it down in his heart.

"Brother, why did you take this person in? Hua Xiong's children coveted Xuzhou and stayed in Xiapi for fear of disaster." Guan Yu said.

Zhang Fei also nodded. Just now Liu Bei mentioned the surrender of Xuzhou. He clearly felt the excitement of Hua Xiong. Although he refused in the end, Zhang Fei still felt uncomfortable.

Recommend a good history book. I am reborn as Prince Qi, book friends can go and watch!

(End of this chapter)

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