Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6064: : Let the enemy understand the terrible Jin army

Chapter &bsp&bsp Let the enemy understand the terrible Jin army

The fierceness of the Jin army's soldiers has been well reflected on the battlefield. When the Jin army's offensive resumes, it will bring the most damage to the resting army on the battlefield.

Overcoming the enemy cavalry has become the main task of the Shanxi cavalry.

In the enemy's camp, there are advantages and disadvantages to a battle between cavalry.

The advantage is that it can make the enemy's camp more chaotic. After all, the cavalry has a lot of momentum when confronting, and it can bring a lot of influence to the infantry, so that the rest of the soldiers cannot stop the Jin army from attacking. It is time to form an effective defense. After all, lieutenants are in a chaotic situation. It is clearly impossible to better respond to emergencies on the battlefield.

Of course, from the mental state of the Anxi army at this time, Lu Bu can judge that the soldiers in Anxi already have a fear of war at this time. This is a good thing for the Jin army. If the enemy has fear, When they are blocking the offensive of the Jin army, it is difficult for them to show the most powerful strength, and they will even have many unexpected gains on the battlefield.

Suffering from a war has extraordinary means, and can have greater gains during the war, which will be more helpful for subsequent confrontations.

In the war at this time, only to see the strong impact of the Jin army soldiers, just to see the gains that the Jin army soldiers will gain in the war, can feel that under such a situation, the offensive taken will be effective. The importance of the effect.

In a complex battlefield, the powerful offensive capabilities displayed by the Jin army’s soldiers can always break the balance on the battlefield, causing the enemy to suffer more hardships when undertaking the Jin army’s offensive, and it also makes the enemy’s so-called Blocking is difficult to play a greater role.

In the past wars, the Jin army relied on these methods, but they won many victories on the battlefield.

Of course, such a method is also the best proof of strength. It makes the enemy more fearful when blocking, so that their methods cannot be effectively used in the Jin army. To succeed, there is Difficult.

In the battle again and again, the strong Jin army soldiers will bring great harm to the enemy in the confrontation, so that the enemy will bear more threats in the confrontation, and want to change the situation on the battlefield. , Can only be more cautious when fighting against the Jin army.

The duel between the cavalry was once again staged in the rest of the army.

At this time, the number of cavalry dispatched by Ardaban was quite large. The guard cavalry attacked Lu Bu's guards, and the cavalry returned to the army. After a little rectification, they attacked the cavalry under Pound.

This is also a relatively helpless thing. The offensive of the Jin cavalry is fierce. If the offensive of the Jin cavalry cannot be well contained, the situation that may occur later is enough to cause more danger.

What kind of methods the lieutenant officers and soldiers took when they suffered a war, and what kind of impact this will have on subsequent wars, itself has many aspects of attention.

The impact of the Shanxi cavalry made the situation of the peace army even worse, and it could only speed up and shrink the formation, and strive to put the cavalry's confrontation zone outside the camp.

In such a process, the role of the offensive launched by the Jin army cannot be ignored. The Jin army, which can cause continuous damage to the enemy on the battlefield, is the means displayed on the battlefield at this time. , The loss suffered by the resting army is not small.

The rest of the cavalry on the battlefield is the last action of Ardaban. If the cavalry still fails in the battle, the rest of the army will be in real danger.

Xiangtai Pass, if launched from the inside, can have a very poor defensive effect. If you exit Xiangtai Pass, you will lose the interests on the battlefield of Guishuang. Then, on the battlefield of Guishuang, it will be the Jin army family. Dominate.

Thinking of the benefits that can be reaped on the Guishuang battlefield, he can only hand it over to the Jin army, not to mention how depressed Ardaban is.

Attacking Guishuang, this is a good opportunity to become famous. Who would have thought that the Jin army would have such a move at the last moment, but the Jin army's actions on the battlefield can be successful.

When the Jin army gained more benefits on the battlefield, would they still give the benefits to the Parthian Empire?

If you want to get more benefits on the battlefield, you need to have strong strength as a backing, and Ardaban, who is familiar with war, understands the truth.

Now that the Anxi army is attacked by the Jin army, the situation is so critical. If you can’t come out smoothly from this raid, it will probably be a greater disaster to meet the Anxi army. The Jin army has achieved greater After the advantage, they will not give up the current results, and will definitely launch a more fierce attack on the battlefield.

When facing the Jin army, it is always necessary to be more cautious. Once the strength shown on the battlefield is not enough to have a greater effect in dealing with the Jin army, it is just a situation that may arise later. It will make the situation of the lieutenant soldiers even more embarrassing.

Therefore, in this war, Ardaban will do his best.

Once the Jin army has made greater breakthroughs on the battlefield, the situation afterwards will be even more difficult to control.

Ardaban, who has experienced many wars, has a good command of the situation on the battlefield, but from the specific battle, what can be felt is what kind of effort the Jin army will make for this war. And when facing the Jin army, if there are problems with the methods and methods adopted, it may end up with a defeat on the battlefield.

Against the enemy, there are more powerful means of combat, and it is naturally the best thing to achieve greater success in the confrontation, but the offensive of the Jin army is so fierce and blocking it seems to be impossible.

When fighting against the enemy, the most fearful thing is that the soldiers are in a state of chaos. At this time, the soldiers who are resting are in chaos. They cannot form effective combat effectiveness in front of the Jin army. This situation will make the future The confrontation situation is more complicated.

No matter what kind of tense situation will be faced on the battlefield, Ardaban will not give up easily in this war. Leading the rest of the army and conquering Guishuang, he did not get more benefits, but instead. With heavy losses on the battlefield, such a situation is hard to explain.

The strength of the Jin army has been proved in this raid. What Ardaban needs to do at this time is to make him suffer more losses as much as possible in this raid of the Jin army, and it is best to go smoothly. Block the offensive of the Jin army, and save more power for the next action of your soldiers.

Of course, in this war, the offensive methods displayed by the Jin army itself require more attention. This shows that the previous understanding of the Jin army in terms of peace is not enough. In front of the Jin army’s combat methods, rest in peace. The blockade of the army has a limited effect, and this also determines that the Anxi army will bring difficulties to the Jin army in subsequent wars.

With many battles and victories, it is possible for lieutenants to show higher fighting spirit when facing a war. It will not be said that the dangers that may arise in the war will affect the follow-up actions of the lieutenants.

War is cruel. If you can't let the value of one's soldiers better display from cruel confrontations, you will suffer more damage in subsequent wars.

Therefore, in this confrontation, what the Jin army needs to do is to defeat the enemy as much as possible, so that the rest of the soldiers can deeply realize the gap between their strength and the Jin army after this confrontation. Realize what kind of shock the Jin army's offensive will cause on the battlefield.

The battle between the cavalry was extremely fierce, and the battle took place in the rest of the army. The obvious result was that the rest of the soldiers became more flustered when blocking the attack of the Jin army's infantry.

The original war was the Jin army's sudden offensive. After receiving a bitter lesson, the Anxi soldiers who had despised the Jin army suddenly understood that the Jin army was terrible.

In the process of blocking the offensive of the Jin army, the soldiers in peace paid a heavy price. At this time, the situation they most desired to see was that the Jin army could retreat and their large camp could stabilize.

On the chaotic battlefield, even if the soldiers are resting, there are many who fled in panic. They took advantage of the night to flee temporarily. If the war calms down, they will return to the army again. After all, in the territory of Guishuang, they want something better. Surviving, but it is quite difficult.

When dealing with the war, the soldiers of the Jin army were serious, and their seriousness in exchange for the enemy suffered heavy losses on the battlefield.

The Jin army is using practical actions to make the enemy more aware of how sad it is that they provoke the Jin army.

In a confrontation, only a stronger strength can occupy more initiative on the battlefield, but this is the case when confrontation comes.

And the Jin army is relying on its strong strength to occupy more advantages in the battle, and such an advantage cannot be easily broken by the enemy.

In the current situation, the strong strength of the Jin army can create more conditions for the Jin army in subsequent wars.

In dealing with the war, the fierceness of the Jin army's soldiers has achieved obvious results. At this time, the impact of the Jin army can bring too much damage to the enemy.

When blocking the Jin army, once there are problems with the methods adopted, it will cause more situations in the subsequent attacks.

The heavy price paid by the Anxi soldiers when blocking the army gradually made the lieutenants lose their fighting spirit. From the battle to block the offensive of the Jin army, what they saw was the difference in strength between each other. Faced with such a Jin army, they attacked. There is not much difference between stepping forward and dying.

The soldiers in peace still cherish their lives. Although there are many brave soldiers in the army, when the war is not going well enough and their side has suffered many failures, they will have a more wise decision.

In the face of war, they have strong combat methods and are able to achieve greater results in confrontations. It will not be said that fear is caused by the progress of the war. This is the combat style of the Jin army. From the actual combat effect, the Jin army It can also show the means to make the enemy fearful, so that the enemy can feel the strength of the Jin army more when they endure the war.

A greater victory from the war is an affirmation of the combat capabilities of the soldiers of the Jin army, and the chaos of the soldiers of Anxi has stimulated the soldiers of the Jin army. They want to launch a more fierce impact on such a battlefield. It is best. It is for the enemy army to see the gap between their strength and the Jin army from such a war environment. In this case, the enemy's resistance will be weaker.

When facing a war, what kind of attitude the lieutenant officers and soldiers have has a great influence on the progress of the war itself. The same confrontation, if it appears in the body of the Jin army soldiers, is with strong strength~ The Jin army is able to deal with the dangers that appear on the battlefield very well, and can make its own advantage more obvious in the confrontation.

No matter how dangerous the situation is on the battlefield, only by allowing the strength of one's soldiers to be displayed to the greatest extent can the subsequent confrontation proceed more smoothly.

The achievements made by the lieutenant generals of the Jin emperor in command of the army on the battlefield are amazing, and it is precisely because of the strength of the Jin emperor and the strength of the Jin army that the territory of the Jin has become more and more vast, allowing the appearance of the Jin army. What can be achieved after being on the battlefield is more victories.

The weakness of Anxi soldiers has been reflected in front of the Jin army. This is an opportunity for the enemy to lose a lot on the battlefield. How can the Jin soldiers who have always had a good grasp of opportunities on the battlefield give up?

It is best to be able to make the enemy aware of the fierceness of the Jin army in this operation, and dare not easily fight against the Jin army.

The Jin Army has a glorious record on the battlefield, and along with the Jin Army’s actions in the war, the Jin Army’s battle flag will float to more distant places.

Previously, the Jin army surrendered the control of Wangze City and handed it to the rested army, which in itself made the army lieutenants have a resentment. They released this anger on the rested soldiers, and let the rested army be in peace. What we can see more clearly in specific wars is how weak their strength is in front of the Jin army.

If there is a problem with the means adopted during the war, and if it fails to achieve some success in the face of the war, or if it will endure more dangers on the battlefield afterwards, many problems will arise in itself.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom led the lieutenant generals in the battle, and the record on the battlefield was amazing, and such a record required the **** battle of the lieutenant generals.


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