Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6124: : Our army is so large that it can stop the enemy's offensive...


Such a war will test Guishuang soldiers very much. Under the current war environment, the Jin army, which has the advantage on the battlefield, will not give up in this confrontation.

In any case, the Jin army's offensive will cause great damage to the enemy, and even make the enemy feel the urgency of the situation in such a situation.

More Guishuang's soldiers felt the urgency of the situation from this war. In fact, it was of great help to the Jin army's subsequent operations.

The brave and good fighting Jin army needs victory in the confrontation and more damage to the enemy in the war. It is best to let Guishuang give up control of Peshawar.

As the last pride of the Guishuang Empire, the senior officials of the Guishuang Empire would not easily give up Peshawar. They relied on their solid city to block the offensive of the Jin army, and even made the Jin army unable to do anything in this war.

Of course, Guishuang’s considerations made it difficult to achieve it on the battlefield after all. The Jin army’s strength on the Guishuang battlefield proved the strength of the Jin army to capture Guishuang.

The people in Guishuang are panic. After encountering the powerful Jin army, their strength and means can not better deal with the dangerous situation. In such a war, it is definitely difficult to get benefits from the Jin army. Is great.

There is no doubt that the test of war on lieutenants and soldiers is so great. If you can't have the appropriate countermeasures in the face of war, you will end up with more threats in the war.

Guishuang's soldiers also understood the truth, but their understanding could not show their due value on the battlefield.

The offensive of the Jin army will definitely not stop. This is well known.

And in this confrontation, after seeing the Jin army's methods, how ferocious can Guishuang soldiers show on the battlefield afterwards?

Guishuang's high-level generals actually had a lot of worries about the war. Under the offensive of the Jin army, what they saw was the weakness of the defenders.

As long as the Jin army can attack the city head again and again, it can occupy a great advantage when attacking. When the defending army is negligent or blocking the attack of the Jin army, the displayed strength will appear. If the problem is solved, it is possible that the Jin army will occupy the city wall and even more soldiers will climb the city wall.

After seeing the madness on the battlefield of the Jin army generals, the generals of Guishuang had reason to worry about this happening.

The crazy Jin army was completely fearless and fearless on the battlefield, as if death on the battlefield was nothing to them.

However, it is precisely because of the unique fighting style of the Jin army on the battlefield that the Jin army can have greater achievements on the battlefield, because in the eyes of the Jin army generals, there is no enemy that cannot be defeated. When the Jin Dynasty emperor commander The appearance of lieutenants on the battlefield means that the Jin army will win the battle.

Such confidence may be blind, but it is based on the victory of the Jin emperor's commanders.

If Guishuang's soldiers could have such an achievement on the battlefield, they would probably not adopt a method of holding on to the city in the face of the Jin army's offensive. Maybe they would directly rush out of the city and fight the Jin army to the death.

The Jin army’s offensive stopped, leaving behind a devastation. The Jin army’s offensive method put the defenders in great danger. There were even many soldiers who were pessimistic about the subsequent confrontation, because they found that no matter what they were in. What kind of efforts are there on the battlefield, and it is too difficult to win from the offensive of the Jin army.

The Jin army, which has strong strength and invincible on the battlefield, is really too terrifying.

The victory of the Jin army was based on the continuous defeat of Guishuang's soldiers. What Guishuang's soldiers saw in the war was the fierceness of the Jin army, and what they felt was the invincibility of the Jin army.

In fact, when lieutenants have such an impression of the enemy, they will definitely have a lot of influence on their subsequent wars. When confrontation comes, they will inevitably think of the fierceness of the enemy, which will affect the fighting spirit of the lieutenant. In the long run, it is almost impossible for soldiers to maintain a high morale in combat.

It is not a matter of uniting the military's spirit to make soldiers have high morale, but if you want to disintegrate this state on the battlefield, all that is needed may be the defeat of a war.

The pride of Guishuang soldiers has been gradually exhausted during the battle against the Jin army. At this time, it is only a small number of people who can truly be crazy and willing to give their lives for the stability of Guishuang.

At the beginning, when the strength of the Guishuang Empire was strong, the attitude of the lieutenant soldiers in the face of war, let alone the strength of the enemy, as long as the soldiers of Guishuang appeared, they would always be able to bring much to the enemy. harm.

It’s just that the strong presence on the battlefield at present has become an invincible Jin army. Such a Jin army, the soldiers of Guishuang who suppressed on the battlefield can’t breathe, and even make Guishuang’s soldiers feel in such a war. The breath is desperate.

When the lieutenant generals lost confidence in the war and could not show their strong side on the battlefield, they would not be far from defeat in the war.

The achievements of the Jin army are shocking, but behind such achievements, the Jin army is the hardship and dedication for the victory of the war.

The prosperity of any empire does not happen overnight. Emperor Lu Bu of Jin has gone through many wars before Jin has its current prosperous situation.

Attacking the mighty Guishuang Empire, the Jin army was dispatched and won victory after victory, even coming to the capital of Guishuang.

This is the initiative of the Jin army on the battlefield in exchange for its powerful strength. Under such a situation, it is very difficult for the soldiers of Guishuang to smoothly drive the Jin army out of the battlefield.

About the fighting situation in the East City, quickly spread to the palace.

The long-awaited queen, after learning of the damage to the soldiers on both sides, her face was unnatural.

As the defensive side, Guishuang's soldiers should be able to bring greater casualties to the Jin army when defending against the Jin army's offensive. However, under this situation, the Jin army's loss on the battlefield is even smaller.

Anything that is impossible to the Jin army seems to be taken for granted. The fierceness of the Jin army on the battlefield and the strength displayed on the battlefield shock people a lot, and want to change this kind of war. The situation, unless it is able to have a more powerful means when playing against the Jin army.

If the army of the Guishuang Empire can win the battle against the Jin army, everything will be solved.

Queen Guishuang didn't want the Guishuang Empire to come out of this war, but the specific war situation made Queen Guishuang gradually lose confidence in the war.

The queen discovered that the actions of the Jin army on the battlefield were not simple to stop. She wanted to have greater value in the battle to stop the Jin army, and wanted to achieve greater success on such a battlefield. , You need to work harder in subsequent wars.

The test of combat is the strength of the lieutenant soldiers, and the test is the ability of the lieutenants to deal with the war. If there are problems with the means and strength shown in the war, it will inevitably lead to subsequent wars. There are more situations.

Why the Jin army can easily control the situation on the battlefield is because the Jin army has extraordinary methods.

The Jin army's massive offensive made the atmosphere in the city even more dull, and even the atmosphere in the palace was so depressing.

The storm has arrived. It depends on how Guishuang’s warriors dealt with the offensive of the Jin army in this war. If they can persist under such an offensive and even inflict certain trauma on the Jin army, it is definitely the best. Things.

But under the fighting style of the Jin army, how could it be that simple thing for the soldiers of Guishuang to get benefits.

The defensive side suffered more damages on the battlefield. This situation made Queen Guishuang's mood even heavier.

"How's the situation with East Side Guard Card?" the queen asked lightly.

Aluqi knew that this was the Queen's war against the East City, which was also normal. It would not be good for anyone to put such a war on anyone's body.

Dongcheng defender Card, when Guishuang's situation was tense, he was more than enough to be appointed as the defender of Dongcheng as a general who could stand alone.

As long as the Guishuang Empire can smoothly emerge from this war, Card's status will definitely rise.

But the Queen knew that under the attack of the Jin army, Dongcheng was already showing fatigue. If the next large-scale attack of the Jin army were to be launched, it would be crazy.

Victory in a war is a great encouragement to the lieutenant generals. In order to win on the battlefield, the generals in the army use strategy and do everything. It can be said that as long as it is a means to win on the battlefield. , Are all good means.

The behavior of the Jin army on the battlefield was not open and upright, and even a little shameless.

Just like this war, although the relationship between Jin and Guishuang was bad because of the driving out of the merchants, the Jin side directly cut off the Guishuang merchants and even launched a war against Guishuang.

Needless to say, the reason must have been fabricated privately by the Emperor of Jin.

The emperor of Jin's methods are so powerful that they have now received a lot of attention.

This kind of attention shows the strength of the Jin Dynasty emperor. With such strength, the soldiers of the Jin army will be able to bring greater destruction to the enemy on the battlefield.

It is true that in this war, the strength of the Jin army is beyond imagination, and when the Jin army’s operations can bring more damage to the enemy, in the subsequent confrontation, it will definitely be There are more possibilities.

The strength of the Jin army's soldiers has been proved in this confrontation. As the Jin army's war on the Guishuang battlefield gradually unfolds, the resistance of the Guishuang Land will become weaker and weaker.

Especially when the capital of Guishuang was under the siege of the Jin army, the people of the original Guishuang could see more that their empire had reached the stage of the sunset, even if they stood up against the Jin country. Ruling, in exchange for only the killing of the Jin army.

The Jin army has done nothing against Guishuang's people Qiu, and has never tolerated those who violate the law and discipline.

The Jin army with absolute strength on the battlefield, launching a war is a very simple matter for them. As for the possibility of causing considerable damage on such a battlefield, it is completely within the acceptable range of the Jin army.

The territory that originally belonged to Guishuang was more owned by the Jin army, which made the people of Guishuang realize more that their imperial warriors could not win in front of the Jin army, and they were facing the battle against the Jin army. , What you can see is the fierceness of the Jin army.

How can we win such a war?

The victory or defeat on the battlefield was of great significance to the Guishuang Empire at this time. The most important thing was that the soldiers of the Guishuang Empire could not win in this war.

The powerful Jin army will bring more profound lessons to Guishuang on the battlefield, and even the soldiers of Guishuang will feel the horror of the Jin army from this war. After this war, they didn't dare to give birth to the thoughts of confronting the Jin army.

Using this war to once again promote the reputation of the Jin army is actually helpful to the governance of the Jin officials in the future.

After the officials of the Jin Kingdom arrived, relying on their governance methods, they were often able to quickly stabilize the governance. In this way, the people under the original enemy's rule rarely rebelled.

This is also a place that Jin army soldiers are proud of on the battlefield. After they have captured the enemy's city, they will not attract the enemy's disgust, but instead let the enemy's people live a stable life.

Only the strong side can occupy more initiative on the battlefield. If the strength displayed by the lieutenant soldiers during the battle is not enough to better deal with the dangerous situation, it will definitely follow. Dangerous war situation.

The war that Guishuang has experienced before is a good illustration. Originally, the Guishuang soldiers were full of hope for the war. After all, they came from the powerful Guishuang Empire, but as the confrontation with the Jin army gradually unfolded, Guishuang The soldiers suddenly discovered that their so-called strong strength turned out to be so weak in front of the Jin army, and even on the battlefield, you still need to look at the Jin army's face.

This kind of battle situation is definitely a great shame to the proud Kushuang Empire warrior, but in such a war environment, even the shame on the battlefield can only be swallowed with tears.

Who made the Jin army the king on the battlefield?

The situation in Peshawar cannot be stabilized if the Jin army's offensive is not stopped for a day.

Ye Khan said: "Queen, although the enemy's offensive is fierce today, our army has a large number of troops. It is certainly not a problem to block the enemy's offensive. Moreover, if there are generals in the army, they will definitely be able to stop the Jin army and stabilize the capital. ."

(End of this chapter)

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