Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6163: : How about the loss of our army?

This was the second day after the Jin army launched a full-scale attack. The city was full of corpses. This kind of war had a great impact on the defenders. They paid a heavy price when they blocked the Jin army's attack. However, from the fierce offensive of the Jin army, what they saw more was the weakness of their own side.

However, on such a battlefield, they who received orders could only keep going forward to block the Jin army's attack, even if they paid a heavy price in the process.

In order to win this war, the defenders in the city can pay any price.

This is the last insistence of the senior management of Guishuang on the battlefield. As for what kind of emotions the lieutenant generals and soldiers will have in the face of such a decision, in fact, it does not matter to the senior management of Guishuang. What they want is a The stable Guishuang wants to make Guishuang come out of the war smoothly. Even if the soldiers in the army have paid a great price, when the war is over, the soldiers in the army can be quickly replenished.

This kind of situation is not a small sadness for the soldiers in the army. They fought **** battles for the stability of Guishuang, but the top management of Guishuang did not take their safety in mind at all.

This is a cruel war. When the strength is not enough to fight the enemy on the battlefield, you will experience more failures on the battlefield, and you will see the horror of the enemy in the battle.

And if you look at the victory of the Jin army on the battlefield, you will find that as long as the Jin army's offensive is launched, it will not be so simple to stop.

Especially after the ferocious offensive of the Jin army is fully launched, just relying on such an offensive posture can bring great damage to the enemy, and the strength and means of the enemy are more than the gap between the Jin army. It is able to make the Jin army perform more exciting on such a battlefield.

The victories on the battlefield are familiar to the Jin army. They have won many victories from time to time, and they are no exception on the battlefield of Guishuang. When they want to block the offensive of the Jin army. With greater achievements, it is far from easy to achieve greater victories against the Jin army.

In specific wars, it can be seen how much damage the enemy army will suffer under the brilliant achievements of the Jin army.

If you want to win the battle against the Jin army, if you want the Jin army's combat methods to be unable to be effectively used on the battlefield, you need to have fierce combat methods as a support, but in the Kushan army, what is lacking is the fierce and fierce. Combat methods, which will inevitably make the situation of Kushuang's soldiers more passive on the battlefield.

Because with the strength of Guishuang soldiers, on the battlefield blocking the Jin army's attack, there will inevitably be a more tense situation.

And under the powerful offensive of the Jin army, even if the soldiers of Guishuang have a lot of ability, how can they be effectively displayed.

It can be said that in this war, the Jin army has an absolute advantage, and the offensive of the Jin army can bring great harm to the Kushuang soldiers. Success, when the Jin army's attack can bring great damage to the enemy, it will let the enemy see the grim situation on the battlefield in the future.

Therefore, on the battlefield, the strength of the generals and soldiers in the army can be displayed more effectively, so that the subsequent wars can be carried out more smoothly.

In the current war environment, what can be seen is how panic the Kushuang soldiers are when they deal with the war. They are not at all relaxed, mainly because the Jin army they are facing is too fierce in strength. It is very difficult for the soldiers to achieve victory in the hands of the Jin army.

The soldiers of Guishuang knew what was going on, but in such a war environment, they could only obey orders and keep going forward to block the Jin army's attack, even if it was a huge price to pay in the process. .

The lives of the soldiers at the bottom of the army are not important in the eyes of the senior generals in the army at this time. What they value is to block the offensive of the Jin army more, so that the attack of the Jin army cannot play a greater role on such a battlefield. effect.

Not to mention, among the Guishuang Army, this attack was also a big challenge for the Jin army. After all, it was an attack on the enemy's city. After one day's attack, how many Jin soldiers were buried in the battlefield, and they were attacking the enemy's city. It also paid a heavy price.

But this is war. If you want to win more victories from war, you need to show more fierce strength when fighting the enemy, and the offensive ability of the Jin army makes the soldiers of Kushuang more jealous. , and even more so that the soldiers of Guishuang can clearly see how weak the so-called strong strength is in front of the Jin army.

The Jin army on the battlefield has absolute confidence when dealing with the enemy army. They are never afraid of the occurrence of war, but as long as their offensive is launched, it can always bring great harm to the enemy army. It will make the enemy see more of the impact of the Jin army's attack in such a war environment.

In the face of war, the strong strength displayed by the Jin army makes the enemy more amazed and panic, because their strength and means of warfare are incomparable to those of the Jin army. small gap.

And the gap in the war will inevitably make the lieutenant soldiers pay a heavy price when dealing with them.

No matter what kind of perseverance and pride the soldiers of Guishuang had on the battlefield, it was a true fact that they could not be more smooth when blocking the Jin army's attack.

As long as the Jin army's offensive is launched, it will bring greater damage to the enemy, and it will make the enemy see the horror of the Jin army from such a battlefield.

How to win the battle against the Jin army, and how to effectively use the means of your own soldiers, will definitely have a greater impact on the future situation.

The advent of the war will make it more difficult for the generals and soldiers to deal with it, and it is not an easy thing to better block the Jin army's offensive on such a battlefield.

Why the Jin army's offensive can always have such an effect, and why the Jin army's offensive can always bring more damage to the enemy army, there are reasons for this.

In such a war situation, the Jin army's offensive can cause great harm to the enemy army, and it can make the enemy army see the chaos of the situation.

Obtaining a greater victory from the chaotic situation is a great challenge for the Kushan soldiers at this time.

Victory on the battlefield is indeed a relatively distant thing for the Kushuang soldiers. When they faced the attack of the Jin army, they were in a state of successive failures, and they were destined to pay more on the battlefield. cost.

Because the Jin army will not miss such a war opportunity, but anyone who has a certain understanding of the Jin army's campaign will see what the Jin army's means will be if they are used on the battlefield. Terrifying, they are the most formidable beings on the battlefield. As long as they can appear in the battle, they will bring great damage to the enemy.

No matter what kind of dangerous situation will appear in the war, as long as the offensive of the Jin army is launched, as long as the attack of the Jin army arrives, it can always make the enemy army bear more panic.

The strong strength support makes the Jin army easier to deal with the war, which is also the advantage of the Jin army on the battlefield.

In order to make the Jin army more powerful, the emperors of the Jin state have worked hard for this purpose. The Jin state's national strength is strong, and when supporting the soldiers of the Jin army, what they will show is the shocking heritage of Guishuang.

However, if the war is too long, the consumption of Jin will be very large, and it will even take longer for Jin to ease after this war. Therefore, the Jin army will be more aggressive when attacking Peshawar. Crazy, they want to end this war as soon as possible. ,

The strength of the Jin army is famous on the battlefield, and it is a very difficult thing in itself to win the final victory from the hands of the Jin army and to prevent the attack of the Jin army from having a greater effect. If more achievements can be achieved when blocking the Jin army's attack, the situation of Kushuang is not to say that it will fall into the current situation.

From the specific war situation, we can see what kind of impact the Jin army's strong strength will bring to the enemy on the battlefield, and what the enemy can see in such a war environment is the Jin army. Strong, what you see is the damage that the Jin army's attack will bring to them.

And when the offensive ability of the lieutenant soldiers can inflict more damage on the enemy on such a battlefield, the Jin army's offensive will be more effective.

Why is the Jin army's offensive always so fierce? This is because the Jin army has won many victories on the battlefield in the past. The dangerous situation of , with the strong strength of the Jin army, can still be well dealt with.

In this war, the means that the Jin army will show is amazing, and it will let the soldiers of Kushuang see what kind of impact the fierce attack from the Jin army will bring.

The war gave the Jin army greater training, and the strength of the Jin army on the battlefield made it inevitable that the enemy would have more panic when dealing with it. This is also a situation that often occurs on the battlefield. Only with more powerful strength can we take more initiative in the war.

If the strength of the Jin army is not strong enough, it would be impossible to achieve what it is today on the battlefield of Guishuang. The soldiers of Guishuang also have their pride. What you can see is the tenacity of the Kushuang soldiers.

The tenacity they showed in responding to the Jin army's attack brought a lot of trouble to the Jin army's attack, and it was extremely difficult for the defenders to successfully block the Jin army's attack.

Even though the strength of the Kushuang soldiers is astonishing, the failures they have suffered on the battlefield in the past have greatly stimulated the Kushuang soldiers, and it will make the Kushuang soldiers see their strength and the existence of the Jin army. what a difference.

When the Jin army's offensive is launched, when the Jin army's attack arrives, the impact it can bring to the enemy on the battlefield is too great.

Looking at the situation on the battlefield, watching the cheers of the defenders after the Jin army retreated, the guards on the three walls were not so relaxed. Compared with yesterday's attack, today's Jin army is obviously more terrifying. The price they paid when blocking the Jin army's attack was heavy.

"General, how is the loss of our army?" In the palace, the queen turned her attention to the general.

Ye Khan is solely responsible for matters in the army, but it is inevitable that the queen has certain concerns about the situation on the battlefield. Besides, this time she is facing the fierce Jin army. If you don't know more about the situation on the battlefield Given the situation, it would be difficult to have a firm mind about the future wars.

Many officials of Guishuang turned their attention to Ye Khan. They knew more or less about the situation on the battlefield, but they certainly couldn't be more detailed than Ye Khan.

Having a better understanding of the situation on the battlefield is also of great significance to the officials in the If at such a critical moment of the war, you don't even know the combat level of your own soldiers. , I'm afraid the city is still in the dark when it has been breached.

Ye Khan is a banner in the Kushan Army, and has a high influence among the soldiers in the army. However, at the critical moment of the war, some officials in Guishuang will inevitably have some slander on Ye Khan's ability. .

After all, on the battlefield of Anguanya, the Kushuang soldiers under the command of Ye Khan suffered the failure of the war, and it was the failure on the battlefield of Anguanya that made the situation of Guishuang worse and worse. It was even harder to block the Jin army's attack.

If it weren't for the defeat on the battlefield of Anguanya, how could the situation of Guishuang fall into the current situation.

But this is war. When the war comes, so that the generals and soldiers cannot win on the battlefield, they must learn to bear it all.

The strength of the Jin army can bring greater challenges to the stability of Guishuang, and it also allows the soldiers of Guishuang to see from the war that the Jin army is invincible, and when they are fighting against the Jin army, the means are If there is a problem, it is simply impossible to make more changes in the situation in the future.

The strong strength of the Jin army can bring greater help to the Jin army's operations, and it can make the Jin army more comfortable in dealing with dangerous situations on the battlefield.

Relatively speaking, the situation of the Kushuang army is a bit bad. After all, when fighting against the Jin army, any kind of dangerous situation may occur, and when they face the Jin army, there are problems with the means of fighting. If so, it will definitely make the situation even more tense in the future.

Victory on the battlefield was important to the Jin army, and even more so to the Guishuang soldiers.

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