Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6244: : As a general, you cannot back down

Chapter 6267 As a general, you can't back down

On the battlefield, ordinary soldiers can bear the fate of being buried on the battlefield, and the generals of Guishuang can also be. Only with the will to die can they be fearless when blocking the attack of the Jin army.

As a general of Kushuang, if he showed fear in the war, how could he stop the ferocious offensive of the Jin army?

The Jin army is invincible on the battlefield, but whenever the Jin army launches an impact in the war, it will bring more damage to the enemy, and the enemy will see the tension of the situation in such a war environment. .

Only by winning in the war, the previous efforts on the battlefield are worth it.

In today's war situation, it is possible to see the fierceness of the Jin army. They are the most formidable existences on the battlefield. When the fierce strength of the Jin army is better displayed on the battlefield, the subsequent fighting situation will be very difficult for the enemy army. will be more disadvantageous.

The soldiers of Kushuang have paid a heavy price in this war, but they have no choice in the war, because the Jin army is the one who takes the initiative to attack. When the Jin army's offensive comes, they need to fight in the war. What it does is block.

If the fierce offensive of the Jin army cannot be stopped, the situation of Guishuang will be even worse.

The soldiers of Guishuang naturally had a lot of hatred for the Jin army. It was the Jin army that made their lives worse, but this was war. When the war came, the people at the bottom had no choice.

When the war came to the Kushuang Empire, when the powerful Jin army appeared on the battlefield of the Kushuang Empire, it would bring the disaster of war to the Kushuang Empire.

As for blocking the Jin army's attack well, it is very difficult in itself. If the Jin army is blocked as easily as this, the Jin army will not have the current action on the battlefield of the Guishuang Empire.

With the victory in the confrontation, the actions of our soldiers in the war will be smoother, which will be of great help to the development of the situation in the future.

On the battlefield, if you want to make the strength of your soldiers more effective, and let your soldiers achieve greater achievements on the battlefield, the most important thing is to be able to show the proper means and methods in the subsequent wars. strength.

The attack launched by the powerful Jin army will make the enemy see the urgency of the situation, and let the enemy see the ferocity of the Jin army in such a war environment, no matter how the enemy is blocking the attack of the Jin army. What kind of means will be shown at the time, the fierce offensive of the Jin army will not stop, and this is also a particularly cruel side of the Jin army in the war.

As long as the attack starts, as long as the Jin army's attack will bring more damage to the enemy, then the Jin army will let the enemy see on the battlefield that the impact of the Jin army will bring them what a failure.

On the battlefield, only with strong strength can you have more possibilities in dealing with wars, and with extraordinary strength, can you achieve greater achievements on the battlefield. If there are other dangerous situations, if you want to fundamentally change your own situation, it will inevitably be more difficult.

In the current war, we can see what kind of impact the fierce attack of the Jin army will have. If you want to block the Jin army more smoothly, and if you want to make the means of your own soldiers more severe, you need is a constant victory.

How to make the means of one's soldiers and soldiers to be used smoothly, and how to make the attack of one's soldiers and soldiers more severe, is extremely critical in itself.

The achievements of the Jin army soldiers in the war are shocking, but anyone who has known the history of the Jin army's campaign will see the horror of the Jin army.

The king on the battlefield will bring painful losses to the enemy, and it will make the enemy see the strong strength of the Jin army in the continuous war.

The Jin army came from afar to start the war. If there is no strong strength foundation, it is impossible to have the current achievements on the battlefield of Guishuang.

During the battle, it has a greater advantage, and can make the impact of one's soldiers more effective, which will have a great impact on the subsequent wars.

The determination of the emperor of Jin in this war was to break down the Kushan Empire and make the Kushan Empire completely the territory of Jin.

And it is reasonable that the Kushuang army will have more persistence on the battlefield. After all, the Kushuang Empire has lasted for many years, and if it is destroyed in the war, it will make it difficult for many people in Kushuang to accept this reality.

Under the war, it is cruel, and it is the display of the fierce strength of the Jin army. The soldiers of Guishuang cannot better stop the offensive of the Jin army in the war, and the Guishuang Empire will lose everything in this war.

In the war on the city wall, the Jin army has occupied a great advantage, and with the passage of time, the Kushuang army is gradually being driven off the city wall.

The Jin army soldiers who saw such a scene were all excited and attacked the enemy's city for a month. They finally achieved such results. The victory was just around the corner. How could they not be excited? If it was possible, they would like to Enter the city now and take control of Peshawar completely from the enemy's hands.

There will be many dangers in the war. If there is a gap in the means and strength shown when dealing with the dangers in the war, it will make the subsequent war situation even worse.

Having seen the more aggressive side of the Jin army, there are more dangers in the battle against the Jin army, so that the soldiers of Guishuang will fall into a more dangerous situation on such a battlefield.

There may be many dangers in the war. If there are problems with the means taken in the face of these dangers, or if the due strength cannot be shown in the war, there will definitely be more in the subsequent wars. of trouble.

The soldiers of Guishuang encountered a lot of trouble in the war. When they fought against the Jin army, they saw the terrifying strength of the Jin army, and there was a big gap in the strength they showed when blocking the offensive of the Jin army. .

In such a battlefield, it is quite difficult to reasonably block the Jin army's attack.

The victories of the wars made it easier for the Jin army to deal with the war, and the actions of the Jin army in the war brought more influence to the enemy.

Guishuang's army had no chance of winning against the Jin army in the war. The main reason was that their strength was significantly different from that of the Jin army. Such a gap brought defeat in the war.

Guishuang's army was constantly retreating, and they once again felt a ferocious aura from the Jin army.

In the war against the Jin army, there are many dangerous situations, and when solving these dangerous situations, if there is a problem with the means taken, or if the dangerous situation cannot be better dealt with on the battlefield in the future , it is simply impossible to achieve greater success on the battlefield.

In the war against the Jin army, the victory of the war was a great test for the soldiers of Guishuang.

If the soldiers of Kushuang could not see the possibility of winning the war on the battlefield, they would have more panic when they fought against the Jin army. After all, on such a battlefield, any kind of dangerous situation may occur. If there is a problem with the means and strength shown in the continuous war, the situation on the battlefield will definitely be even worse.

Looking at the performance of the Kushuang soldiers in the war, we will see the inability of the Kushuang soldiers. When they encountered the attack of the Jin army, they saw the fierce side of the Jin army, and they could not even face the Jin army head-on. At that time, there was a greater achievement, and it was possible to count on such an army to block the ferocious Jin army.

At this time, Guishuang's army was still insisting on the battlefield, but it was just to buy more time for Ye Khan. If the Jin army swarmed in, it would be a nightmare for the defenders.

Building a defense in the city, blocking the Jin army's attack, and making it difficult for the Jin army to break through Peshawar is something that Ye Khan must do.

Perhaps in the face of the Jin army's attack, with the strength of the Guishuang soldiers, he could not be able to block it very well, but as a general of Guishuang, he couldn't back down at such a moment, even when he was fighting against the Jin army. There will be more dangers, even in such a war, the Kushuang soldiers will pay a greater price, and it is something they will not hesitate to do.

On the battlefield that blocked the Jin army, the soldiers of Guishuang had paid a lot. When they encountered the Jin army, the persistence of the soldiers of Guishuang on the battlefield seemed so fragile, but this is the cruelty of war, and it cannot If you can't make the attack of your own soldiers more smoothly, it will make the situation more urgent, and you will lose more on the battlefield in the future.

The ferocity of the Jin army soldiers has been recognized on the battlefield, and it is bound to be more difficult to win victory from the Jin army.

When fighting against the Jin army, the soldiers of Guishuang had a deep understanding of this situation, but in such a war, the soldiers of Guishuang had reasons not to give up, even in the war there would be many danger, but as long as the war can be won, it is enough.

Even though the pursuit of the Kushuang soldiers in the war is so simple, on the battlefield, the Jin army will let them understand that the war is terrifying, and they will suffer more losses on such a battlefield. In war, when facing a standing position, if you do not have the strength to win, you will pay a heavy price on the battlefield.

When the Kushuang soldiers are blocked, and they get more casualties, what kind of thoughts will the lieutenants and soldiers have in the face of war.

Just the dangers that may arise in the war will cause the lieutenant and generals to suffer more troubles when dealing with them.

In fact, the soldiers of Guishuang understood the danger in the war, but they could not retreat under the fierce attack of the Jin army.

The Kushuang Empire has proud achievements. Although the current situation of Kushuang is complicated, if it can better block the Jin army's attack on the battlefield through the efforts of the generals and soldiers, the Kushuang Empire will be here. It has been well continued in the second war. Such a victory is extremely important for officials of the Kushan Empire who have thoughts.

Otherwise, the Kushan Empire's army would not have so much persistence in the war.

There is a big gap between the Kushuang's army's unreasonable means in the face of war. Such a gap will make the Kushuang's army experience more hardships in the war.

Especially in the face of the brutal war situation, if the means displayed cannot be well adapted to the critical situation on the battlefield, it will inevitably suffer more failures in the subsequent wars.

The strength displayed by the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield has a crucial impact on the subsequent wars. The Kuishan army was unable to win the battle for a long time, precisely because they had a lot more strength than the Jin army. The gap between the two, and the Jin army, with its fierce strength, can always open up the situation smoothly on the battlefield, making the Jin army's attack more fierce.

In the face of such a war environment, even though Guishuang's soldiers had a lot of resistance, how effective would their resistance be?

The ferocity of the Jin army has been well proved on the battlefield. They are the terrifying existence in the war. As long as the impact unfolds, the soldiers of Guishuang will suffer more losses. What is seen more on the battlefield is the possibility of losing the war.

When there is a gap in the strength and means displayed by the lieutenants and soldiers in the face of war, it will be more difficult for them to win the war. How can the soldiers of Guishuang not know the reason? After all, they The losses suffered on the battlefield are numerous. UU Reading

But this is the cruelty of war. We know that there will be many dangers in war, but the weak and weak Kushuang City still has to attack in the war. There is no more value in paying.

On the battlefield facing the Jin army, there are many dangers that make the Jin army have more aggressive means when dealing with complex situations, and only in the battle can show an extraordinary side, only in the continuous battlefield Only by letting the abilities of our soldiers and soldiers be better displayed can we create more miracles on the battlefield in the future.

Looking at the achievements of the Jin army's actions in the war, we can see the terribleness of the Jin army, and we will feel what kind of damage the Jin army's offensive will bring to the enemy.

If an army cannot adapt to the battlefield well, if there is a gap in the strength and means displayed in such a war environment, it will face more difficulties in the subsequent confrontation.

The success of the Jin emperor in the war made the soldiers of Guishuang inevitably face more dangers when dealing with them, and even made the soldiers of Guishuang see the complexity of the war situation.

(End of this chapter)

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