Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6254: : The impact of the severe situation

6277 The impact of the severe situation

Looking at the victory of the Jin army in the past on the battlefield, we will see the fierce combat capability of the Jin army, and we will see what kind of damage the enemy army will suffer under the offensive of the Jin army.

And when there is a problem with the means the enemy has when facing the attack of the Jin army, this is a big problem in itself, so that the enemy army will see a critical situation when it is under the attack of the Jin army. .

No matter what kind of danger they will experience on the battlefield, there is no doubt about the persistence of the Kushuang soldiers in the war, but their persistence has resulted in a more frantic attack by the Jin army, and those who are suffering from the Jin army's attack At that time, the combat capability of the Kushuang soldiers had to undergo a great test.

When suffering the attack of the Jin army, what the soldiers of Kushuang saw more on the battlefield was the danger of the war situation.

On the battlefield at this time, the advantages occupied by the Jin army are obvious, and with the continuous advancement of the Jin army, more Kushuang soldiers will fall on the battlefield, facing the Jin army face to face, there are many dangers In particular, the soldiers who had confronted the Jin army on the previous battlefield were extremely aware of the horror of the Jin army.

The Jin army is the most formidable existence on the battlefield. When the Jin army's fierce offensive is launched more, the enemy will see the grim situation in the war, and the enemy will suffer more on the battlefield. Losses, these matters, the soldiers in the army are clear, it is precisely because of this that the Jin army's attack will bring more panic to the Kushuang soldiers, and will make the Kushuang soldiers in such a battlefield. What we saw above is what kind of impact the Jin army's attack will have.

In fact, the soldiers of Guishuang also want to win the war, but in specific battles, what will be seen is that there is a big gap between the combat capabilities of the soldiers of Guishuang and the Jin army. Such a difference in strength makes The soldiers of Kushan will suffer a more dangerous situation when facing the war.

With many war victories, the offensive methods of our soldiers and soldiers are more sharp, and the subsequent wars can come more smoothly.

The Jin army is a fierce existence on the battlefield. This is recognized by the Guishuang soldiers. The price they paid on the battlefield for blocking the Jin army is itself very high. What Shuang's soldiers saw more was what kind of impact the Jin army's attack would have.

Perhaps Guishuang's soldiers are not weak on the complex battlefield, but with such combat ability, it is impossible to obtain greater benefits from the Jin army. The Jin army's offensive in the war only needs to be If it is carried out, what the enemy sees is the complexity of the war situation, and what the enemy sees in such a war is the fierceness of the Jin army.

If the means displayed by the Jin army in the face of the war cannot better cope with the enemy's offensive, there will be no brilliant achievements of the Jin army in the war.

In the face of war, what can be seen is the impact of the Jin army's means, and the losses suffered by the soldiers of Kushuang when they endured the fierce offensive of the Jin army can be seen, as long as If the losses of Guishuang's soldiers in the war could not be effectively contained, the Jin army would have a greater advantage in the subsequent wars.

What Guishuang's army saw in the war to block the Jin army was the ferocity of the Jin army, and what they saw was the unstoppable attack of the Jin army. If it was possible, how many Guishuang soldiers wanted to leave the battlefield, and It's not hard persistence on the battlefield to block the Jin army.

Such persistence is of no greater value to the soldiers in the army, because what they saw under the Jin army's attack was the danger of the situation, and what they saw was the Jin army's determination to win Peshawar.

Knowing that they will not be able to win the battle against the Jin army's attack, and knowing that they will suffer more losses in such a war situation, what kind of thoughts will Guishuang's soldiers have when facing the war.

In fact, on the battlefield, the high fighting spirit of the generals and soldiers in the army has a key influence on the subsequent wars. If the generals and soldiers in the army do not have the slightest confidence in the face of war, they will even show a weak side on the battlefield. If so, how difficult would it be to expect such an army to have greater success in blocking the enemy's attack.

The ferocity of the Jin army's attack on the battlefield can be seen, and when the Jin army's fierce attack is better launched, the enemy army will see the complexity of the war situation.

The bravery and skill of the Jin army have been well tested in the war, but after knowing more about the methods of the Jin army, what they will see in the war is what the offensive from the Jin army will cause. Influence.

With the victory of the war, it is a great challenge for the soldiers of Guishuang to reasonably block the attack of the Jin army on the current battlefield, and to prevent the attack of the Jin army from achieving greater effect. If the soldiers cannot get out of this challenge better, they will face the most frantic attack of the Jin army.

The sturdyness displayed by the Jin army in the war can be seen, especially when the war is going on, how many failures the soldiers of Guishuang have experienced by bearing the offensive of the Jin army. The soldiers were even more inexperienced.

After all, in the previous battlefield, the losses suffered by the Kushuang army in the head-to-head contest against the Jin army were not small. Such losses are not what the high-level officials of Kushuang did not want to see, but they did not have a better chance in such a war. That's all.

The inability to win the battle against the Jin army is the biggest shortcoming of the Guishuang army. As long as the Jin army grasps this shortcoming, the soldiers of Guishuang can pay a greater price in the continuous war.

It is indeed very difficult to win on the battlefield, but when the combat methods of the Jin army can be better displayed on the battlefield, it will bring more losses to the enemy on the battlefield in the future. , it will become impossible for the enemy to achieve greater success in the war against the Jin army.

The fierceness of the Jin army has a resounding reputation on the battlefield. Guishuang's generals will have more fear in the war against the Jin army. After all, their combat methods are significantly different from the Jin army.

If you can't adapt to the dangerous situation on the battlefield, and you can't make the enemy pay a heavier price when dealing with the war, the Jin army's attack in this war will have a great effect in order to achieve greater results. of difficulty.

In the actions of the Jin army in the war, the losses suffered by the Jin army itself are not small. In the wars, the losses experienced by the Jin army are not as heavy as those of the Guishuang army, but the Jin army is for the final victory of the war. The pay is there.

The Jin army is an extremely fierce existence in the war, but anyone who has more insight into the attack of the Jin army will see this clearly from it.

However, on the battlefield against the Jin army, there will be many unexpected situations, especially when facing the Jin army, it will bear more danger, because the attack from the Jin army is often felt by the enemy. The situation is complicated. After all, in under attack by the Jin army, all kinds of dangers may appear.

Only when we endure the war, we can achieve greater victories, and only when the offensive capabilities of our soldiers can be better displayed on the battlefield, can the subsequent wars be carried out more smoothly.

With the advent of war, the generals and soldiers in the army will experience more tempering, and if the soldiers and soldiers in the army come out of such an environment, they will get more help.

It is not that simple to become an elite soldier on the battlefield. Only after having experienced cruel wars again and again and achieving greater growth in such a war environment, the only way to make one's own means of combat available on the battlefield is. What is better is to show, so that the war situation in the future will be smoother.

The Jin army has won many victories on the battlefield, but the Jin army has also paid a lot in the war.

The situation in the Kushuang Palace became more and more tense. The Jin army had already gained a firm foothold on the city wall, which meant that the Jin army's offensive would be even more ferocious, so ferocious that the Kushuang army would pay when blocking it. is a heavier cost.

On the battlefield that blocked the Jin army, the Kushuang soldiers paid a particularly heavy price, but the Kushuang soldiers still persevered in the war because they wanted to win the final victory in such a war environment.

However, the victory in the war will not be such an easy thing.

There are indeed many wars experienced by the soldiers of Guishuang, but the gap between their combat capabilities and the Jin army cannot be effectively compensated on such a battlefield, which is destined to be endured on the battlefield. A more tragic ending.

The danger of fighting against the Jin army made Guishuang's soldiers feel helpless. The means they showed in the war was far behind the Jin army's offensive. How can the soldiers make up for it effectively?

Looking at the achievements of the Jin army on the battlefield, we will see the terrible strength of the Jin army, which is also the key to the influence the Jin army can bring to the enemy on the battlefield.

If the Jin army's attack could not have a greater effect, the Jin army's attack on the battlefield of Guishuang would not be so smooth.

After seeing more of the fierce offensive power of the Jin army, what kind of thoughts did the officials and generals of Guishuang have.

On the battlefield that blocked the Jin army, the heavy price paid by Guishuang made the officials and generals of Guishuang see the tension of the war situation more. , or if they experienced more losses under the Jin army's attack, they were doomed to fail in this war.

Blocking the Jin army's offensive is never that simple.

Especially on the battlefield in response to the Jin army's attack, any kind of dangerous situation may arise. After enduring many wars, what the soldiers of Guishuang saw was the tension of the situation, which made the soldiers of Guishuang feel tense. What the soldiers saw on such a battlefield was the disparity in their strength.

The persistence of Guishuang's army in the war brought a lot of trouble to the Jin army, but when the most aggressive means of the Jin army were successfully used, what the soldiers of Guishuang would see was the grim situation. .

It is obviously difficult for the top management of Guishang to build more confidence in such a war environment. This is also the most likely situation on the battlefield, and when they want to deal with complex war situations If you have some achievements, you need to build more confidence on the battlefield in the future.

It was only in the confrontation with the Jin army that the senior management of Guishuang gradually realized that even if their means could have a certain effect on the battlefield of blocking the Jin army's attack, the effect was limited.

The fierce Jin army in the war will bring great damage to the enemy just by relying on the fierce offensive posture, and even make Guishuang's soldiers gradually lose confidence.

The seriousness of the war situation has brought a great impact on the Kushuang soldiers, and even more so, the Kushuang soldiers can clearly see the difference in strength between each other, and clearly see what they will suffer when the war comes. Impact.

Only by achieving greater victories in wars and wars, and only by making the offensive methods of our soldiers more effective, can we have more amazing achievements on the battlefield in the future.

On the current battlefield, what we see more is the strong strength of the Jin army, and if you want to better deal with the dangerous situation in the future, if you want to achieve greater achievements on the battlefield in the future, you need to have on the battlefield. Greater achievement is required.

The fierce strength of the Jin army in the war made the enemy see a dangerous situation, and let the enemy see the grim situation. If you want to achieve more victories on the battlefield against the Jin army, UU reading www.uukanshu .com wants to make the Jin army's attack lose its original effect, which is a great challenge for the Guishuang soldiers.

The soldiers of Guishuang knew the situation. If their combat methods wanted to affect the Jin army's attack more, they needed to pay more in the war.

Guishuang's army did not want to pay more in the war, what they wanted was victory in the war, but if they knew more about the strength of the Jin army, they would sadly discover that if the means shown in the war existed If there is a gap, what kind of impact will it bring?

The Jin army, who is brave and skilled in combat, is an extremely sturdy existence on the battlefield, and often if the Jin army's attack is launched, the enemy will see the danger of the political situation.

Kushan's army has experienced many war defeats, and they can't see the possibility of winning the war at all on such a battlefield.

That's why when the Jin army gained a firm foothold on the city wall, it would make Guishuang's soldiers more helpless. They could not win when they blocked the Jin army, and even the means they showed were better than those of the Jin army. There is a big gap. When the war is more fierce, how can they stop the fierce offensive of the Jin army.

(End of this chapter)

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