Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6304: : The gap determines that the Jin army's attack will inevitably have a huge...

Chapter 6327 The gap determines that the Jin army's attack will inevitably have a huge effect

When the difficulty of such a war is more experienced by the soldiers in the army, they will experience more troubles when dealing with the Jin army's attack. Under the fierce fighting style of the Jin army, Guishuang's soldiers will feel the tension of the situation, so that Guishuang's soldiers cannot use their means effectively when they are attacked by the Jin army.

Just from such a war situation, we can see that the strength of Kushuang's soldiers is weak, and we can see what kind of losses the Kushuang army will suffer in this war, unless it is in the At the critical moment of the war, Kushuang's army has the means to turn the tide, otherwise, their actions in the war will be hindered even more.

Looking at the achievements of the Jin army on the battlefield, you will see the horror of the Jin army, and you will feel how much damage the Jin army will bring to the enemy if the attack of the Jin army is carried out.

It is true that the soldiers and soldiers of Guishuang will show terrifying strength in such a war environment, but it is extremely difficult for them to fully display their terrifying strength in front of the Jin army. The terrifying strength displayed by the army made Guishuang's soldiers see the tension of the situation, and what Guishuang's soldiers and soldiers would experience is the damage caused by the fierce offensive of the Jin army.

On today's battlefield, the attack from the Jin army will bring great damage to the enemy, and after more insight into the impact of the Jin army's fierce offensive methods, the soldiers of Guishuang will see it from it. The situation is severe, and what Guishuang's soldiers will feel is the terror of the Jin army.

In order to better adapt to the emergency situation in the war, there is a high requirement for the strength of the soldiers in the army. In this regard, the soldiers of Guishuang have a lot of experience, and they suffered defeats when they fought against the Jin army. There are a lot of them, and they have a lot of experience in the face of the Jin army's attack.

Anyway, in the face of the Jin army's long-range offensive means, it is enough to hide it and face the danger of the Jin army, which is enough to make the lieutenant generals feel the grim situation on such a battlefield, which will make the lieutenant generals act. There are more obstacles.

It is extremely difficult for Guishuang's soldiers to succeed in their actions on the battlefield. In this regard, Guishuang's soldiers must have a deep understanding. Whenever the Jin army's offensive is more ferocious, it makes Guishuang more fierce. What the soldiers will see is the possibility of failure in the war, and what the soldiers of Guishuang will see on such a battlefield is the problem of their strength.

In order to better cope with the fierce offensive power of the Jin army, and to achieve greater victory in the war against the Jin army, the test for the Guishuang soldiers is quite large.

Kushuang's army did not want to undergo more tests in such a war, but they had no choice in such a war, especially when the fierce attack of the Jin army was better carried out, it would give The enemy brings more damage, which will make the enemy see the horror of the situation on such a battlefield.

In the face of war, it has strong strength, and it will bring greater damage to the enemy in the battle. This is the achievement of the Jin army on the battlefield, and this is the effect that the Jin army's actions on the battlefield will achieve. After seeing more of the fierce methods of the Jin army, you will realize what kind of impact the Jin army's attack has brought.

Victory in the war is a great test for the lieutenant generals, and what the lieutenant generals see in such a war situation is the emergency situation they are in.

Even if the soldiers of Guishuang saw the urgency of their current situation, they had no other choice on such a battlefield. Only by succeeding in blocking the Jin army could their safety be guaranteed.

However, under the fierce attack of the Jin army, the soldiers of Guishuang suffered a lot of losses, and even the soldiers of Guishuang who were hiding in their houses were the first to suffer a huge impact.

Looking at the war situation in front of his eyes, Ye Khan's face was gloomy, and he knew that the Jin army's offensive methods were fierce, but in the attack in the city, the Jin army still showed a very strong side.

It is very difficult to say that the soldiers of Guishuang appeared on the battlefield and launched a ferocious impact on the Jin army. If nothing else, it is just what kind of panic the soldiers in the army would have when dealing with the war. What kind of combat power they will show in such a war needs careful consideration.

In the war to block the Jin army, the strong attack from the Jin army made the soldiers of Guishuang see the urgency of the situation, and what the soldiers of Guishuang saw on such a battlefield was the gap between their strengths , when such a gap becomes more obvious, the actions of the Guishuang army in the war will suffer more failures, and there is no possibility of being spared in such a war.

The strength of the Jin army is based on its solid strength. It can be seen how much damage the Jin army's attack will bring to the enemy.

After suffering more defeats in the war, Guishuang's soldiers will feel the invincibility of the Jin army, and what they will see is the impact of the Jin army's attack.

If you want to better adapt to the changes in the situation in the war, want to achieve greater victories on such a battlefield, and want to better display the means of your own soldiers, you always need more strength as support.

The actions taken by the powerful Jin army on the battlefield made the soldiers of Kushuang see the urgency of the situation, and what the soldiers of Guishuang saw in such a war environment was that their means could not bring the Jin army. more impact.

On the battlefield today, as long as the fierce combat methods of the Jin army are used, it will bring great damage to the enemy, and the enemy will see more of the Jin army on such a battlefield. What kind of impact will the offense have.

As for what kind of achievements the Jin army will achieve in the impact on the battlefield, and what kind of damage the enemy will suffer under such an impact, it is beyond the control of the generals of Guishuang.

In the face of the offensive power of the Jin army, seeing what kind of impact the Jin army's attack will bring, there is a lot of desolation in the heart of the Kushuang general Ye Khan, how strong was the former Kushuang Empire Strong, when dealing with wars, you can see the solid strength of the soldiers of the Kushuang Empire, and you can see what kind of results the soldiers of the Kushuang Empire will achieve in the war.

However, such a strong and prosperous empire suffered a lot of losses in the face of the Jin army's attack, and suffered more failures on the battlefield. To the stability of Guishuang, as a general of Guishuang, Ye Khan has an inescapable responsibility.

When dealing with the enemy's attack, as a general, you need to make achievements on the battlefield, and you need to better block the enemy's offensive, but when facing the Jin army, the strength displayed by the Kushuang army is There is an obvious gap. It is precisely because of such a gap in strength on the battlefield that Guishuang's soldiers suffered more failures in the war. What they saw in the war was what the Jin army's attack would bring. s damage.

In today's war, if the means displayed by Kushuang's soldiers are still unable to block the fierce attack of the Jin army, then Kushuang will fall into even greater turmoil.

There must be many dangerous situations on the battlefield that block the Jin army. The key is what methods and means should be adopted when dealing with these critical situations. Such means can be displayed under the attack of the Jin army. what a great value.

The more you experience the terrifying power of the Jin army's attack, and the more you see what kind of damage the Jin army's attack will bring, it will make Guishuang's soldiers more afraid of war, which will make Kushuang's soldiers more afraid of war. What the soldiers felt in such a war environment was the lack of their ability.

And let alone what kind of danger will appear on the battlefield, let alone what kind of situation will be faced in such a war, I want to make the means of my soldiers better, I want to let my soldiers The more effective the attack, the more powerful it needs to be displayed on the battlefield in the future.

The mentality of Kushan's soldiers when dealing with the war determines how difficult it is for them to achieve success in this war.

Relying on its powerful means of combat, the Jin army can achieve even more dazzling achievements on the battlefield of Guishuang, but in such a war situation, it has brought more shocks to Guishuang, allowing the soldiers of Guishuang to fight. On such a battlefield, what is more experienced is what kind of gap there is in their means.

In the current war, the attack from the Jin army will be more severe.

The pressure on Guishuang's army in this war is very great, and if the emergency situation on the battlefield cannot be better alleviated, it will inevitably make the future situation even more critical.

The proud achievements of the Jin army on the battlefield will make Guishuang's soldiers more panic when dealing with the war, because the gap between their strength in the war and the Jin army is obvious, which also determines , when the Jin army's attack is better launched, the soldiers of Guishuang will see the possibility of failure.

In fact, the soldiers of Guishuang are also aware of the dangers in the war, especially when dealing with the attack of the Jin army, what kind of dangerous situation may occur, and it can be seen even more when they are under the attack of the Jin army. What we have arrived at is what kind of impact the Jin army's means will be brought about.

If it is not necessary, the high-level officials of Guishuang do not want such a war to happen. Even if Guishuang can block the Jin army's attack in this war, after the war, the situation of Guishuang will fall into the following situation. In a more tense situation, the damage caused by the war will inevitably affect the development of Guishuang more.

However, in this war, the situation was not controlled by the Kushuang side. It was only when they dealt with the impact of the Jin army that Kushuang paid a heavy price. What they will experience in the war to block the Jin army is more failure.

The defeat in the war made the soldiers of Guishuang see the fierceness of the Jin army and the invincibility of the Jin army when facing the war, and the impact of the Jin army on the battlefield will be even greater. If it is effective, Kushuang's soldiers will have the idea of ​​giving up in the war.

In fact, many Guishuang generals do not have more confidence in such a battlefield. On the battlefield that blocks the Jin army, they will inevitably suffer the defeat of the war. The key is to prevent the Jin army from attacking. What kind of damage does it bring to the enemy, but after seeing more of the fierce offensive power of the Jin army, you will find out what kind of dangers there will be in fighting against the Jin army on the battlefield. When such a war is more dangerous If it is displayed in front of the Guishuang soldiers, how can the Guishuang soldiers stop the fierce Jin army?

The threat in the war made the Kushuang soldiers pay a particularly heavy price, and what the Kushuang soldiers saw in such a war was the difference between their means and the Jin army.

In today's war situation, whenever the Jin army's impact is more ferocious, and whenever the Jin army's attack will bring more damage, it will make the Kushuang Empire endure the destruction from this war. price.

There is no fluke on such a battlefield. Even if the soldiers of Kushuang showed their tough side at the last moment, it would be very difficult for the Kushuang Empire to restore its former glory. Besides, the Jin army will not give the Kushuang Empire such an opportunity. Breaking such an empire can make the Jin state’s territory even wider, and the soldiers in the army can get more credit. How about in such a situation, Put it on any monarch, and I am afraid he will not give up.

The Jin army is an extremely powerful existence on the battlefield, and its attack method will bring a lot of losses to the enemy. UU reading will make the enemy see the Jin army in such a war situation. What kind of impact will the fierce offensive will bring.

And only by seeing the strength of the Jin army more clearly, and seeing more clearly what kind of damage the Jin army's attack will bring, can Guishuang's army have more panic on the battlefield in the future.

In the fierce war, the Jin army's fierce attack method can lay the foundation for the Jin army's achievements in subsequent wars, and with the further development of the Jin army's offensive, the actions of the Jin army on the battlefield will give Guishuang's army a chance. It will bring more damage, and even the soldiers of Guishuang will see a huge problem with their strength in such a war environment.

It is quite difficult to win the battle against the Jin army. The generals of Kushuang know more about this, because they bear the price of failure in the wars, and with such As more confrontations emerge, the actions of the Jin army on the battlefield will be unstoppable by the soldiers of Guishuang.

(End of this chapter)

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