Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6316: : Send orders to fall into the camp, go forward and kill the enemy

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The battle, the impact on the lieutenant generals, and the impact of the defeat of the war on the lieutenant generals will all change in the future battlefield.

If it is the Jin army who loses in this war, the soldiers of Guishuang will show a positive attitude when dealing with the war, which is also what victory on the battlefield will inevitably bring.

The many victories in the war brought more security to the actions of the Jin army, and even allowed the Jin army to have more aggressive means when dealing with complex situations on the battlefield.

Facts have proved that when the war comes, the Jin army's means will bring greater damage to the enemy, and even let the enemy see the tension in the complex war situation.

Only by better handling the emergency situation on the battlefield, and only by showing a more extraordinary side in dealing with the war, can the subsequent confrontation situation be fundamentally alleviated.

When facing the war, what you can feel is the fierceness of the Jin army, and what you can see is the impact of the Jin army's battle.

From a complex war situation, it is crucial to make the means of one's own soldiers better, and when dealing with the war, if there is a problem with the ability to display, the situation will be more severe in the future. .

The powerful strength displayed by the Jin army in the war made Guishuang's soldiers more panic when facing the Jin army. After all, compared with the Jin army in terms of means and strength of the war, the gap is very obvious. When such a difference in strength will further affect the situation of the war in the future, the situation of Guishuang will be even worse.

The next day, when the sky was twilight, the Jin army's attack began.

Yesterday's attack made the defense line of the Kushuang soldiers continue to retreat. Originally, Ye Khan had a lot of means to stop the Jin army from entering the city. price.

However, the way the Jin army fought in the city made Kushuang's previous preparations lose their due effect.

When the Jin army's offensive was launched, it brought more damage to the soldiers of Guishuang, and even made the soldiers of Guishuang further feel their weakness on such a battlefield.

How to be able to gain greater victories while enduring wars, and how to manage the means of combat of one's own soldiers more effectively, what kind of impact these will have on future wars, all need to be taken into account.

Under the ferocious strength, the offensive from the Jin army must be extraordinarily ferocious. This is a reality that has to be faced on the battlefield.

On this occasion, when the Jin army's offensive was launched again, the impact on the Guishuang soldiers was obvious.

Originally, the Guishuang soldiers had lost confidence in this war. When they suffered the attack of the Jin army, they would see the ferocity of the Jin army, and what they would see is what the Jin army's offensive would bring. Impact.

When the fierce image of the Jin army is further imprinted in the hearts of the Kushuang soldiers, the Kushuang soldiers will show a weak side when dealing with wars.

With many battles and more victories, the impact of the Jin army on the battlefield will have a greater effect, which is also often seen in wars.

As for Guishuang's soldiers in this war, there will be a lot of fear, which is reasonable in itself, especially when the fierce methods of the Jin army are deployed, allowing the enemy army to deal with the attack of the Jin army. There will be more shocks, and the actions of the enemy on the battlefield will be more affected.

Although the actions of Guishuang's soldiers in the war can pose a certain threat to the Jin army, such a threat is not enough relative to the fierce strength of the Jin army.

In the current war environment, the Jin army's attack will cause the enemy army to bear more threats, and what the enemy army sees on such a battlefield is the gap in their means.

As for wanting to achieve greater achievements in a complex war situation, make one's own achievements more obvious, and what kind of impact it will have on the battlefield in the future, there are many issues that need to be considered.

The offensive of the Jin army is inevitable, and the key is what kind of measures should be taken in dealing with this war.

As long as the fierce Jin army finds an opportunity on the battlefield, it will not give the enemy more preparations, making the enemy pay a greater price on the battlefield with complex situations, which is the pursuit of the Jin army on the battlefield.

The same goes for this war.

The ferocity of the Jin army made the soldiers of Guishuang suffer more threats when they dealt with them. What the soldiers of Guishuang further realized in such a war was the huge gap between their strength and the Jin army. .

When the strength gap between the two sides is more obvious on the battlefield, the attack from the Jin army will have a greater effect, and the impact of the Jin army will bring more damage to the enemy.

Ignoring the combat effectiveness of the Jin army on the battlefield will inevitably suffer more losses in the war. As long as the army has fought against the Jin army, they all understand the reason.

The fierceness of the Jin army was vividly displayed on the battlefield of Guishuang. Now the city wall that belongs to the Guishuang soldiers has been captured by the Jin army. What kind of fierce offensive will the Jin army launch after that.

The battle to enter the city is bound to be hard work, but the Jin army, which has strong means of combat, can get more guarantees for its actions in the war. What we saw from this was the danger of the situation, and even what the soldiers of Kushuang saw on such a battlefield was the problem of their strength.

In wars again and again, the Jin army let the soldiers of Guishuang see their own problems, but their changes could never catch up with the fierce attack of the Jin army, which would make the soldiers of Guishuang in the war. Gradually understand what kind of dangerous situation will appear when fighting against the Jin army.

If you want to better deal with the dangerous situation in the war, and want to bring more security to your soldiers in the war, it is a dangerous thing in itself.

What can be seen from this battlefield is the terrifying strength of the Jin army, and what kind of damage the Jin army's combat methods will bring to the enemy.

The Jin army in the battle showed an extraordinary side, and when the Jin army's means were better deployed, the so-called blocking of the enemy army wanted to play a greater role in front of the Jin army. great difficulty.

The generals of Guishuang understood the reason. The price they paid in the war to block the Jin army was heavy, and when the Jin army's offensive was launched again, it made Guishuang's generals realize that they belonged to the Jin army. Offensive, again will bring them heavy losses.

If you want to be protected under the attack of the Jin army, the difficulty is very large. The ferocity of the Jin army will bring a deep impression to the enemy on the battlefield, and it will let the enemy see that it is Jin. The brutal tactics of the army.

What can be seen from the specific war is the terrifying strength of the Jin army, and what can be seen is the superiority of the Jin army.

If you want to better adapt to the battlefield and achieve greater achievements in dangerous war situations, you need to have more means to rely on.

The Jin army in the war showed terrifying strength, and it could bring more influence to the enemy in the battle, and when the Jin army's combat methods would further affect the situation of the war, it would be in such a way. If more damage is brought to the enemy on the battlefield, the enemy will inevitably face more troubles if they want to form an effective block on the battlefield.

The Jin army is fierce and has a long history. On the battlefield many times, it is precisely because the Jin army has shown its extraordinary side that the actions of the Jin army on the battlefield are more smooth.

In this war, it is also no exception, because what the Jin army needs is a hearty victory in the war.

The war of attacking Kushuang is a great test for the Jin army soldiers themselves, and on the battlefield of Kushuang, the price paid by the Jin army is also not small. It's all worth it.

Besides, the emperor of Jin was in the army, why did they not show more bravery in this war?

In front of the emperor of Jin, the soldiers of the Jin army often showed a particularly strong side.

It is a great temptation for the generals of the Jin army to want to be recognized by the emperor of Jin.

Anyone who has known the emperor of Jin State will clearly see what kind of influence the existence of Jin State Emperor Lv Bu will have on the battle of Jin soldiers.

The emperor of Jin appeared on the battlefield of Guishuang, which is the most clear attitude in itself. Even if he would pay a great price when attacking Guishuang, as long as this war can win the final victory, it is enough.

How many times the emperor of Jin has commanded the soldiers, and from the vast territory of Jin, we can see the achievements made by the emperor of Jin. Such achievements are enough to attract more people with lofty ideals to gather in the emperor of Jin. Around.

Perhaps there will be many dangers in the war, and perhaps in a dangerous war situation, if there is no proper means to rely on, the subsequent situation will be more urgent, but it is precisely because of the victory in the war as a support, let The actions of the Jin army will be smoother, and the impact of the Jin army will bring more damage to the enemy.

Such a Jin army had a great impact on the enemy, and even made Guishuang's soldiers panic when they saw the appearance of the Jin army.

When they saw the Jin army, they would inevitably think of the fierceness of the Jin army's offensive methods.

It can be said that when suffering the attack of the Jin army, the test of Guishuang soldiers was very great, but more soldiers could not get out of this test smoothly.

The fierceness of the Jin army will be more reflected on the battlefield, and when such a fighting method will bring more benefits to the Jin army, on the battlefield afterwards, the Jin army will show the generals. would be the more aggressive side.

Achieving great achievements from the war may seem simple, but it is actually quite difficult. When the progress of the war will affect the situation of the army more, the soldiers in the army need to face the war. is more cautious.

The situation of the Guishuang soldiers at this time is a good illustration. Although there are many Guishuang soldiers in the city, there is a big gap in their strength and means on the battlefield to block the Jin army. The gap will make the subsequent war situation more urgent, and even make the subsequent wars suffer more shocks.

Knowing that there are many difficulties in fighting against the Jin army, the soldiers of Guishuang have no choice. When the Jin army is attacking, they can only keep advancing, even if they pay a heavy price in the process. .

The emergency situation made Guishuang's generals understand that if they could not effectively stop the fierce offensive of the Jin army, they might become prisoners of the Jin army.

The attack method belonging to the Jin army was once again launched in the city, with thunderbolts and artillery, venting towards the enemy.

The rumbling voice resounded in the city again. This was a unique attack method of the Jin army, and it was something that Guishuang's soldiers were unable to deal with during the blocking process. UU Reading

The houses were destroyed again under the fierce offensive of the Jin army.

The Kushuang soldiers who kept retreating also spared no effort in organizing defense, but their defense seemed so fragile under the attack of the Jin army.

On the battlefield today, the Jin army is the absolute master. When the offensive methods belonging to the Jin army are better displayed on the battlefield, the Jin army will let the enemy see the situation on the battlefield. Urgent, even the enemy cannot gather fighting spirit in such a war.

One can imagine how difficult it is for an army that has lost its fighting spirit to stop the wolf-like Jin army on the battlefield.

Zhao Yun, the general of the Jin army, looked at the war scene in front of him, his expression was calm, and he continued to issue the latest combat orders.

"Send the order to fall into the camp, go forward and kill the enemy!" Zhao Yun ordered.

As the elite of the Jin army, the trapped camp has made a lot of credits on the battlefield of attacking Kushuang, but the soldiers of the trapped camp also paid a certain price, just relative to the damage caused by the trapped camp to the enemy on the battlefield In other words, this loss is negligible.

The losses on the battlefield failed to affect the fighting spirit of the trapped camp. They were invincible beings in the Jin army. As elites, they should have the belief of invincibility on the battlefield.

In fact, whenever the elites of the Jin army launched an attack, they could always bring a lot of shock to the enemy army, and even let the enemy army see the weakness of their own strength.

The splendid achievements made by the brave and skilled Jin army are the most important things that the enemy can not ignore on the battlefield. In this war, the impact from the Jin army will be fierce, and even the enemy will see the possibility of losing the war.

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