Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6332: : Zhao Zilong with ease

The bright silver spear was swung, and the two Guishuang soldiers who wanted to step forward to stop them directly killed Zhao Yun.

The movements are light and airy, giving people a sense of elegance, but no one dares to ignore Zhao Yun's ferocity.

When fighting against the enemy, the actions of the generals are also very stimulating to the soldiers under his command. Seeing Zhao Yun's personal shot, Baimayi burst out with more powerful combat power, which is also in the process of the Jin army's expedition. often seen.

When a general faces war, he can be brave and not afraid of death, and the soldiers at the bottom can also do this on the battlefield. Otherwise, why can the Jin army win in a confrontation, and why can the Jin army be allowed to be on the battlefield? The advantages are more obvious.

In the face of war, soldiers have the courage to sacrifice their lives, so their actions in war will receive greater assistance. pen fun library

The destructive power generated by the Jin army elite Baima Yicong going crazy on the battlefield is naturally not to be underestimated. Zhao Yun's impact ahead has pointed out the direction for Baima Yicong.

The actions of generals on the battlefield are often accompanied by a lot of danger, but if the actions of the generals are successful, the follow-up will bring greater impact.

Ye Khan naturally noticed the actions of the enemy generals. Zhao Yun's fierceness on the battlefield and the high martial arts displayed by him did not allow Ye Khan to pay more attention, but the Kushuang soldiers who came forward were all killed for Zhao Yun. This shocked Ye Khan, and he had a higher evaluation of Zhao Yun.

When a general has reached a higher position, he will be more cautious when dealing with war. This is because they are in a higher position and only need to better control the situation of the war. That's enough, but this kind of truth doesn't seem to be reflected in Jin Jun's body.

Looking at the performance of the generals of the Jin army in the past wars, we can see how crazy the generals of the Jin army will show in the war. They will not retreat because of the dangers in the war. The pursuit is victory in the battlefield.

As long as the battle is won, all the effort is worth it.

The generals in the army have such courage when dealing with wars, and it can be predicted what kind of performance the soldiers at the bottom will have in the war.

In fact, the fierceness and madness displayed by the Jin army when they attacked the enemy was what caused the most headaches for the soldiers of Kushuang. They were fierce, but after they met the Jin army on the battlefield, they sadly discovered that their so-called fierceness could not be compared with the Jin army.

On the battlefield with complex situation, the active attack of the generals will bring greater advantages to one's own side, and even more support will be given to the actions of the generals and soldiers in the war.

The victories won by the Jin army in the wars cannot be ignored. When the Jin army's attack shows a more formidable power, when the Jin army's attack will play a greater role, the enemy army will On the battlefield will face a more dangerous situation.

It is precisely because of the support of many war victories that the actions of the Jin army on the battlefield will show greater power.

Different generals have different judgments on how to win faster on a complex battlefield, and the success of the Chinese army that hits the enemy will be a great advantage.

The actions taken by the Jin army in this war brought many failures to the soldiers of Kushuang, and what the soldiers of Kushuang saw in such a war environment was the difference in their combat capabilities. big.

When the gap between the strength of the soldiers on both sides became more and more obvious, and when the Jin army would occupy a greater initiative in such a war, the fierce offensive from the Jin army would bring greater harm to the soldiers of Guishuang.

On the current battlefield, the fierce attack of the Jin army is the most important thing that can not be ignored, and after seeing more of the Jin army's strong combat methods, and seeing more of the damage that the Jin army's attack will bring, it is expensive. Frost soldiers will have more panic when dealing with war.

In fact, Guishuang's army showed a lot of fear in this war, and it was precisely because of the fear that made them fearful on the battlefield.

In some cases, the powerful combat capability of the lieutenant generals and soldiers can have a great impact on the subsequent war situation.

Strikes, can make subsequent wars appear more unpredictable situations.

The ferocity displayed by the Jin army at this time made Guishuang's soldiers feel huge trouble when they dealt with it. When they faced the strong impact of the Jin army, they could only choose passive blocking. However, such blocking It seemed so weak in front of the Jin army's offensive.

This is also the embodiment of the Jin army's ability on the battlefield, not to mention what kind of emergency situation will appear in the war, the generals issue orders, and what the generals and soldiers need to do is to carry out what they need to do, and what they need to do is on the battlefield. This is also the combat literacy of the Jin army in the long-term battle.

The Kushuang Empire is an empire with formidable strength. However, when fighting against the Jin army, the combat effectiveness displayed by the soldiers of the Kushuang Empire clearly has a big gap.

Zhao Yun is currently killing Ye Khan, which has a great impact on the Chinese army where Ye Khan is located. It also makes the generals around Ye Khan worry unceasingly. But it was unable to stop Zhao Yun's edge.

"Release the arrows!" Accompanied by an order, dense arrows came towards Zhao Yun.

Ye Khan's eyes narrowed, but when he saw the bright silver guns in Zhao Yun's hand waving one after another, he attacked.

All the arrows that came were shot down by Zhao Yun and fell weakly to the ground. This kind of battle situation was obviously beyond Ye Khan's expectations. pen fun library

It is good that the generals of the Jin army have strong martial arts, but in such a complex battlefield, it is indeed beyond expectations to be able to control the war situation with such precision.

It should be noted that in a confrontation, if the general is in an emergency situation, it is impossible to have more control over the situation on the battlefield. On the battlefield, the secret arrow hurting people is the most troublesome for the general, but The effect of such a situation on Zhao Yun is obviously limited.

In this way, the offensive from Zhao Yun will show greater power.

When dealing with the attack of the Jin army, there was a clear gap in the means displayed by the soldiers of Guishuang, and when such a gap would further affect the subsequent war, the impact of the Jin army on the battlefield would be greatly affected. The power shown will be even more terrifying.

It is normal for Kushuang soldiers to endure defeat in war, but if you want to better adapt to the emergency situation in war, if you want to have greater achievements in such a battlefield, you will inevitably be in the future war. faced more troubles.

The powerful Jin army displayed terrifying strength, and after the combat effectiveness of the Jin army was fully demonstrated, it was obviously impossible for the enemy to have a greater impact on the impact of the Jin army.

In the current war, the soldiers of Guishuang are in a passive position. When they face the fierce offensive of the Jin army, they can only defend continuously. When their defense is torn by the Jin army, what will they do? It is bound to face a more complex combat situation.

The lack of elites in the Guishuang army who can stop the Jin army is their biggest shortcoming on the battlefield. Although the number of people can play a certain role in blocking the Jin army's attack, when the Jin army's all-out attack is launched, Just relying on such an advantage will not be able to benefit from the Jin army.

At this time, Zhao Yun was only more than ten steps away from Ye Khan, and Ye Khan could even clearly see the smile on the corner of Zhao Yun's mouth.

When the arrows came, Zhao Yun easily blocked them, causing Guishuang's soldiers to look at Zhao Yun with more fear. The appearance of such a general on the battlefield would give the enemy a huge impact.

And Zhao Yun seemed to be so adept in this kind of impact.

Ye Khan clenched the long knife in his hand. Years of fighting had made Ye Khan's martial arts somewhat lower, but in the face of such a tense situation, Ye Khan still couldn't retreat. He knew that if he chose to retreat at this time If so, it would be a completely irreversible situation.

The means and combat power displayed by the Jin army in this war have given Kushuang's army too much shock, and even more losses will be suffered by Kushuang's soldiers in the ongoing war.

If you want to have more means as support in dealing with this war, and want to take more initiative in this war, you need to show extraordinary means and strength on the battlefield in the future.

Facing the aggressiveness of the Jin army, facing the Jin army

With a strong attack, the actions of Kushan's soldiers in the war will inevitably be subject to greater restrictions.

In fact, on such a battlefield, no matter what kind of perseverance the Kushuang soldiers have, their perseverance is bound to have limited effect in such a war situation. This is also the result of the Jin army's strong attack on the battlefield. come.

If you want to better block the fierce offensive of the Jin army, you need to have enough powerful means to support it, and you need to achieve greater success in the battle against the Jin army.

It is a pity that the soldiers of Guishuang have grown more fear of the Jin army in the continuous defeat of the war, and there is a clear gap in the means they show in the war against the Jin army.

When such a gap will affect the progress of the war more, and when such a gap will make the situation more tense in the future, what kind of threat will Guishuang's soldiers bear on the battlefield?

In the face of the strong Jin army and the actions of the Jin army in the war, there is always a certain gap in the attack of the Guishuang soldiers. On the current battlefield, as long as the impact of the Jin army is further unfolded, it will make the Guishuang attack. What Shuang's soldiers saw was the tension of the situation, which would make Guishuang's soldiers experience more failures.

Having experienced too many defeats in wars, some of Kushuang's soldiers were more resistant to the coming of war, and they were unable to stop the Jin army's attack on the battlefield, which was the most painful place for Kushuang soldiers.

The victory of an army in the war is a great boost to their morale. If it cannot effectively block the fierce attack of the enemy army, or if more problems arise in such a war environment, want to It will become impossible to better reverse the disadvantage on the battlefield.

The Jin army's attack made Guishuang's soldiers see the possibility of a complete defeat in the war. No matter what arrangements and means were in the city, in the face of absolute strength, the effect of these means was destined to be limited.

On the battlefield today, we can see what kind of damage the Jin army's powerful means will bring. If you want to better adapt to such a tense war situation, you want to achieve greater success in such a battlefield environment. To act, you need to have more prominent achievements on the battlefield in the future.

It is precisely because of the support of many victories, precisely because of the terrifying strength of the Jin army, that the actions of the Jin army on the subsequent battlefield will inevitably bring greater damage to the enemy, and will inevitably make the enemy's so-called strength. Difficult to get effective presentation.

In this war, even more

What kind of effect was brought about by the strong attack of the Jin army, and under such a war situation, how could the soldiers of Guishuang resolve the tense fighting situation?

It is very difficult for Guishuang to reasonably block the Jin army's attack at this time, and their actions in the war are often subject to greater restrictions.

In this attack, the Jin army will show a more aggressive side. It is only from the fierce offensive posture of the Jin army that we can see the terrible strength of the Jin army. UU Reading

With a strong combat style, the Jin army can move more smoothly in the war, and the Jin army can bring more damage to the enemy in the war.

However, on the current battlefield, the impact of the Kushuang soldiers' blocking on the actions of the Jin army is gradually weakening. When such influence is completely dissipated, the Kushuang army will not be far from failure.

Of course, in the current war, Guishuang's soldiers have already experienced failure, and the constant surrender of Guishuang's soldiers under the pursuit of the Jin army is the best proof. If what they see in the war situation is the invincibility of the Jin army, they will make actions that are more beneficial to themselves.

The strength of the Jin army has been effectively displayed on the battlefield, and it is this strong combat style that will make the Jin army's actions in the subsequent wars more convenient.

The terrifying strength support makes the Jin army feel the tension of the situation on the battlefield, which will affect the enemy's actions on the battlefield more.

Not to mention what kind of methods the soldiers of Kushuang used in this war, they could not effectively block the terrorist offensive of the Jin army, and they could not achieve greater achievements on such a battlefield, which would inevitably lead to the situation in the future. more severe.

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