Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6335: : successive failures, worry

In this war, the strength and means displayed by the Jin army brought more losses to Guishuang, and even made the soldiers of Guishuang completely desperate for the situation of the war.

In such a war, the soldiers of Guishuang saw the possibility of failure of the war, and the soldiers of Guishuang saw the seriousness of the situation. Their actions in the war could not be compared with those of the Jin army. When the Jin army attacked, the gap in the means displayed by the Kushuang soldiers made them face a more severe situation in the subsequent wars.

The generals of Guishuang are naturally aware of the changes in the situation in the war, but it is difficult for them to have more choices in this war. The strong Jin army will bring more damage to the soldiers of Guishuang, which will make What Guishuang's soldiers saw was the possibility of losing the war, but could not better stop the Jin army's offensive, and Kuishan, who could not achieve greater success under the Jin army's attack, would suffer on the battlefield in the future. greater threat.

In a confrontation, if you have the strength to control the battlefield, you will definitely be able to occupy a very obvious advantage in the future confrontation, and the advantage of the Jin army on the battlefield is incomparable to the soldiers of Guishuang, let alone What kind of persistence do the soldiers of Kushuang have on the battlefield? The achievements they can achieve are limited, which will make the soldiers of Kushuang gradually lose confidence in the progress of the war. What you see on a battlefield like this is tension.

Wanting to rely on the achievements in the war, let the means of our soldiers be better displayed, so that our soldiers can get greater convenience when attacking, it is not so simple.

From the achievements of the Jin army's actions in the war, it is not difficult to see that the Jin army has great ambitions in Guishuang, and even after the successful attack on Guishuang, the emperor of Jin will have other ideas.

Attacking the Kushuang Empire and completely occupying the Kushuang Empire may be the beginning of the Jin emperor's plan. After all, there is a coveted Parth Empire near Kushuang.

Of course, with the strength of the Parth Empire and the failure of the soldiers and horses of the Parth Empire on the battlefield of Guishuang, the Parth Empire at this time naturally avoided the Jin army.

The difficulty of winning victory from the Jin army made the top officials of the Parth Empire more cautious when dealing with wars.

Knowing that the Kushan Empire was undergoing a fierce war at this time, the troops of the Parthian Empire did not dare to act rashly. On the battlefield of the Kushan Empire, the Parthian Empire lost a lot of troops, and such a loss was even more so. It directly led to the exit of the Parthian Empire.

The defeat in the war has a fundamental impact on the decision-making of the empire.

Originally, the Kushuang Empire did not want to have a bad relationship with the Jin Kingdom. After all, in the war in Guishan City, the Kushuang Empire’s army experienced defeat, but in the face of the aggressiveness of the Jin army, the Kushuang Empire had to show a certain attitude.

The Jin State cannot be bullied like this. However, their resistance brought about the fierce attack of the Jin army, and brought about the complete decline of the Kushuang Empire. However, the situation in the war is often like this, and there is no strong strength. As a support, if you want to compete with a powerful empire on the battlefield, it will be accompanied by more dangers.

The achievements made by the emperors of Jin on the battlefield are shocking, and in the face of the impact of the Jin army, no matter what kind of persistence the soldiers of the Kushuang Empire will have on the battlefield, their persistence will never prevail. From this point of view, the Kushuang Empire was a failure.

The successive failures in the war made the high-level officials of the Kushan Empire have more concerns when dealing with the war.

Now that the Jin army has invaded the capital, their worries are even more obvious, but the situation of the war this time is already in a completely unfavorable state for Guishuang. At this time, the executives of the company are caught in a more difficult choice.

Abandoning Peshawar, then leaving, and secretly fighting against the Jin army, it must be an extremely difficult day. Many officials of Kushuang must be unwilling to make such a choice, especially after seeing the Jin army displayed in the war. After the toughness, some officials of Guishuang clearly saw that they were following the queen's body.

Side, destined to be difficult to have a way out.

With many victories in the war, the Jin army will get more support for its actions on the battlefield, and it will be more able to make the Jin army's attack achieve greater victories.

Gaining greater victories from battles over and over again is a great test for Guishuang's soldiers, but Guishuang's soldiers cannot easily give up on such a battlefield.

A strong Jin army will let the enemy see the tension of the situation from the war, and let the enemy see the terrible tactics of the Jin army. If it will have a more obvious impact, how many strategies can Guishuang's soldiers have on such a battlefield.

To endure the war and get more victories is the most basic test for soldiers in the army, but if you want to better adapt to the battlefield and achieve greater achievements in this war, after all, there are many difficulties. .

Anyone who sees the strength of the Jin army and the influence of the methods of the Jin army will inevitably lead to more uncontrollable situations on the battlefield in the future.

In this confrontation, the terrifying strength of the Jin army can be seen. When such terrifying strength will be better displayed on the battlefield, the enemy will have more fear when they endure the war. At this time, the high-level attitude of Guishuang towards the war was actually negative.

The war has progressed to such a point that even if the Queen has a lot of unwillingness in this war, how much effect can such unwillingness have? Can it be said that she can still compete with the powerful Jin army on the battlefield. Can't compete.

With the powerful strength of the Jin army, as long as the situation is opened in the war, the subsequent attack from the Jin army must be extremely violent, and if you want to achieve greater achievements in this war, you want to make this war. To achieve greater success, you need to show more terrifying strength on the battlefield.

The strong Jin army will let the enemy see the tension of the war situation, and let the enemy see what kind of impact the war will bring.

Only by better adapting to the emergency situation on the battlefield and showing more powerful means in such a war, can it show its extraordinary combat effectiveness on the battlefield in the future.

In this war, what can be seen is the impact of the Jin army's fierce means, and what kind of damage the Jin army's terrible means will bring.

Naturally, the blocking of Kushuang's soldiers in this war had a considerable impact on the Jin army's offensive, and even made the Jin army pay a certain price in this attack, but only by virtue of Such obstructions are far from enough to limit the achievements of the Jin army afterward.

The strong Jin army can always open up the situation quickly on the battlefield, and it can always make the enemy receive a greater impact from it. This is also the advantage brought by the crazy fighting style of the Jin army in the war.

In this war, the soldiers of Guishuang wanted to influence the actions of the Jin army more, and wanted to bring more trouble to the attack of the Jin army. After all, it was quite difficult.

In fact, in this war, no matter what kind of persistence the Kushuang army will have, they will endure more war failures in this war. This is an uncompromising fact.

Under the current Jin army's attack, what the enemy sees is the tense situation, and what the enemy has to endure is more ordeal.

Adapting more to the emergency situation on the battlefield and adapting more to the changes in the war situation is extremely critical in itself. pen fun library

From the specific battlefield, we can see the brilliant achievements of the Jin army. In today's war situation, as long as the Jin army's attack is carried out, it will bring more influence and damage to the enemy army. What I learned from this was the fierceness and fear of the Jin army.

The confrontation between Guishuang's soldiers and the Jin army on the battlefield made them realize the terrible strength of the Jin army. On the current battlefield, the attack from the Jin army will have a great impact. When dealing with the Jin army's attack, they had to be more cautious.

On today's battlefield, as long as the Jin army maintains the current frenzied offensive posture, the Kushuang soldiers will face more problems when blocking.

Ye Kehan ​​looked at Zhao Yun who was getting closer and closer, holding the long knife in his hand tightly,

As a general of Guishuang, he has his own glory. When the situation on the battlefield is the most urgent, as the commander of the army, he will not retreat in the slightest.

It is good that there are many fierce generals in the Jin army, but the soldiers of Guishuang have their pride in the war. Even in the face of complex wars, what can be seen is the persistence of Ye Khan on the battlefield. Such persistence is something that many officials in Guishuang do not possess.

And Ye Khan knew more clearly that if he could not effectively stop the fierce attack of the Jin army in this war, the situation of Kushuang would be even more tense, and the situation of Kushuang on the battlefield would be even more severe.

What can be seen in the current war is the ferocity of the Jin army, and what kind of impact the fighting method of the Jin army will have.

By adapting more to the emergency situation on the battlefield and letting the offense of our own soldiers show higher value, we can make more changes in the future wars.

Relying on the strong offensive situation of the Jin army on the current battlefield, we can see what kind of advantages the Jin army will occupy in the future wars, and we can see how much threat the Jin army's attack will cause the enemy to bear. .

The strength of the Jin army will cause the enemy to suffer more damage. What the enemy sees on such a battlefield is a serious situation. The problems that Ye Khan can see, in fact, the soldiers of Guishuang can also see Yes, but at the insistence of the top officials of Guishuang and Ye Khan, they actually lacked a choice in this war.

It was only after the Jin army invaded the city that many Kushuang soldiers chose to surrender, or that their ultimate goal in this war had been achieved.

Not everyone can remain calm in the face of death threats in war. After all, there are many threats on the battlefield. If you want to better adapt to the threats in war, you want to be in a complex situation. Getting out on the battlefield is far from being that simple.

The Kushuang Empire has a strong military, but when fighting against the Jin army, there is a big gap in the strength of the soldiers of the Kushuang Empire on the battlefield, and it is precisely because of their strength in the war. There is an obvious gap, so that the troops of the Kushan Empire will endure more hardships in the war, and the actions of the soldiers of the Kushan Empire on the battlefield will be more affected.

In today's war situation, it is far from simple to want to better adapt to the crisis in the war and achieve greater achievements in this confrontation.

How much will the soldiers of the Kushan Empire have to pay if they want to better deal with the tension after this war? The soldiers of the Kushan Empire will persevere to the end on the battlefield.

An embarrassing situation that will inevitably arise in the end.

Even if the high-level officials of Guishuang are determined to deal with the war, they are the ones who sacrificed on the battlefield. When the war is more urgent, they make actions that are beneficial to It's unreasonable in itself.

The Kushan Empire has a lot of pride, but with these pride, more soldiers die on the battlefield, they will definitely have more ideas when dealing with war.

In fact, in this war, the test of the Jin army is also very great. After all, the Jin army is the attacker, and the capital of Guishuang is high and deep, but in front of the strong city, the Jin army shows tenacity. On the tenacious side, even when the war situation was tense, the fierce attack of the Jin army never stopped.

If an elite team wants to stand out from the war, the training experienced in the early stage is itself cruel, and on the battlefield, it is even more dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be in danger of falling on the battlefield.

However, the Jin army was able to persevere tenaciously in such a difficult war environment. Even if there are many difficulties to be dealt with on the battlefield of the Kushuang Empire, the Jin army will not give up in this war. After all The means displayed by the Jin army in this war are amazing, which can make the situation of the Kushan Empire change even more.

The failures of the Kushan Empire's army in the war have brought obvious impact to the Kushan Empire, and it has made the high-level officials of the Kushan Empire more worried when dealing with this war.

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