Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6338: :The last craziness

What can be seen is how much damage the Jin army will bring to the enemy when the means are used, and after more insight into the terrifying strength of the Jin army, the soldiers of Guishuang will suffer more on the battlefield. many failures.

The Kushuang soldiers who have experienced more failures on the battlefield, they have experienced the terrifying strength of the Jin army, and they are more aware of the difficulty of achieving brilliant achievements in front of the Jin army only by virtue of their warfare methods. big.

Behind the brilliant achievements are the efforts made by the Jin army for the war.

It should be noted that in a confrontation, if you want to get more victories, you need to pay a higher price. The success of the Jin army in the war is based on the failure of the enemy army, and such a war victory, It was a big test for the soldiers of the Jin army.

It should be noted that a small mistake on the battlefield may bring about a large-scale defeat, and it is not easy for the Jin army to maintain continuous victories, and this also makes the Jin army in the battlefield of Guishuang. It will get more attention, and the actions of the Jin army on the Kushuang battlefield will bring more shock to the enemy.

Not to mention what kind of brilliant achievements the soldiers of Guishuang had in the past wars, when their strength and means could not be better reflected in the Jin army, they would have more fear when dealing with wars. , which is also inevitable after successive defeats in wars.

The strong Jin army took the initiative on the battlefield, which made Guishuang's soldiers more apprehensive when dealing with war.

On the current battlefield, as long as the fierce offensive of the Jin army is launched, it will bring more failures to the soldiers of Guishuang, and even the soldiers of Guishuang will experience the cruelty of war. It is difficult to generate more resistance on the battlefield.

Knowing the danger of the situation on the battlefield, the soldiers of Kushuang must be more cautious when choosing the war. Otherwise, why would more Kushuang soldiers choose to join the Jin Kingdom when the war is going on? It was because these Kushan soldiers could not see the possibility of winning the war at all in such a war situation. If they persisted more on the battlefield, they would only get more casualties.

It was precisely because they saw the danger on the battlefield that the officials of Guishuang would not hesitate more when they chose Jin, because they knew that if they missed this opportunity, when the Jin army completely captured Baisha. Watts, they will lose the possibility of choice.

The strength of the Jin army is known to all. Behind the strength of the Jin army is the absolute confidence of the Jin army in its own strength, which is brought about by the victory of the Jin army on the battlefield. When the situation is complex, it will cause more losses to the enemy, so that the enemy will see what kind of impact and harm the Jin army's fierce tactics will bring when it is under attack by the Jin army.

A strong Jin army can always open up the situation smoothly on the battlefield, and with the victory of the Jin army on the battlefield, it will produce a combat effectiveness that the enemy cannot ignore.

The powerful strength of the Jin army can always let the enemy see the danger of the war situation, and always let the enemy think of the horror of the Jin army. In this way, the achievements of the Jin army on the Kushuang battlefield , which the officials of Guishuang cannot ignore.

Under the current war situation, there will definitely be more Guishuang officials involved. Although such a move will be dangerous, if they can get the affirmation of the emperor of Jin, their situation will be even greater in the future. s help.

The brilliant achievements of the Jin army on the battlefield made the soldiers of Guishuang see despair, and what the soldiers of Guishuang experienced in such a war was the horror of the Jin army, and what they saw was brought about by the attack of the Jin army. what kind of damage.

But wanting to better respond to the Jin army's attack in the war and achieve greater achievements in this war is not an easy thing in itself.

If the Jin army's attack in the war was so easy to resolve, the Jin army would not have the current influence on the battlefield of Guishuang.

Relying on the powerful strength to better open the situation on the battlefield is not as simple as imagined, but under the brilliant achievements of the Jin army, hidden is the absolute strength of the Jin army, and when the Jin army is strong and powerful If it is further displayed in a confrontation, what the enemy will see is the horror of the war situation, and what the enemy will see on such a battlefield is the possibility of losing the war.

When the generals and soldiers in the army are dealing with the war, they naturally do not want their soldiers to bear the price of failure in the war, and they will show a stronger side on the battlefield.

However, when fighting against the Jin army, it seems that it is not enough to just show a strong side in the war, because the strength displayed by the Jin army in the war is extremely terrifying, and it will make the enemy army have the advantage in such a war. More pessimism.

When the Jin army's actions on the battlefield will achieve greater victories, and when the Jin army's impact will bring more damage to the enemy, what Guishuang's soldiers see on such a battlefield is the situation They were nervous, and what they saw was the weakness of their strength under the attack of the Jin army.

There is more persistence on the battlefield because they have the final glory, but when their glory is completely shattered, when they are fighting against the Jin army, there will be more panic, or even make a surrender to Jin. Army moves.

The Jin army is an absolutely powerful side in the war. When the Jin army appears on the battlefield, it will bring greater losses to the enemy, and what the enemy will see is the terrible strength of the Jin army.

If you want to better adapt to the emergency situation on the battlefield, and want to make the achievements of your own soldiers more brilliant in such a war environment, you need to do more in the continuous war.

From the victories over and over again, we can see what kind of impact the Jin army's means will bring, and what kind of losses the Jin army's means will cause the enemy to suffer. .

In the current confrontation, it is very difficult in itself to achieve greater achievements under the attack of the Jin army, and to let the soldiers of Guishuang make a difference in this war. The soldiers of Kushuang are also clear.

It's just that the war has progressed to such a point that the general of Guishuang, Ye Khan, has no other choice. If the Jin army's fierce offensive cannot be effectively blocked, the battle outside the king's city will soon be completely controlled by the Jin army. .

When the Jin army has a better grasp of the emergency situation on the battlefield, and when the Jin army's attack will cause the enemy army to suffer more failures, what the enemy army will see on such a battlefield is the terrible strength of the Jin army.

Wanting to better adapt to the war, and wanting to deal more damage to the enemy on such a battlefield, is not as simple as it seems.

Achieving more brilliant achievements from a complex war situation is the biggest test for the soldiers in the army, and only by showing their own value on such a battlefield can the subsequent achievements be even more amazing.

On the battlefield this time, if you want to experience the difficulty of the war more, and have greater achievements in this war, you need to show more terrifying strength on the battlefield.

The actions of Kushuang soldiers in the war are very limited, because their warfare methods are very different from those of the Jin army. If it is embodied, there will be more situations in the actions of the Kushuang soldiers in the subsequent wars.

It is undeniable that the persistence of Guishuang's soldiers in the war did bring a lot of trouble to the Jin army's attack, but such troubles can be well controlled for the Jin army. When the Jin army is on the battlefield If the means of attack are successfully used, the enemy will feel the tension of the situation, and the enemy will see the danger of the situation.

No matter what kind of situation will appear on the battlefield, no matter how much danger there will be on the battlefield, only the means of our soldiers can be better displayed, and only the attacks of our soldiers can achieve greater results. Only then can we control the changes of the situation with ease in the subsequent wars.

From the specific war, you can see the methods of the Jin army, and you can see how much panic it brought to the soldiers of Guishuang after the terrible strength of the Jin army was displayed.

In wars time and time again, if you want to show the means of your soldiers and soldiers better, and want your soldiers to achieve greater achievements in the attack, you need to have strong strength as a support.

The more complicated situation made Guishuang soldiers inevitably think of the terrifying strength of the Jin army when dealing with the war, and it was inevitable that they would see the fierceness and terror of the Jin army on such a battlefield.

The powerful strength displayed by the soldiers of Kushuang in the war can be seen, and they want to better adapt to the tense situation changes on the battlefield on such a battlefield, and want to better adapt to the situation in such a war. The development itself has many difficulties.

From the continuous victories in the war, we can see the brilliant achievements of the Jin army's use of means. Under such brilliant achievements, even the means of Kushuang's soldiers are outstanding. They are dealing with In the Jin army, after all, there was a certain gap.

In the current war situation, no matter what kind of persistence the soldiers of Kushuang will have in the war, their inability to defeat the Jin army in the war will be their biggest flaw, and such a flaw is enough to make Kushuang's soldiers The situation is even more tense, enough to make the top management of Guishuang more passive in this war.

Looking at the Kushuang soldiers who kept advancing, Zhao Yun showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. The Kushuang soldiers were showing their last madness in this way. Unfortunately, they encountered the elite Jin army on the battlefield. The actions of the elite Jin army in the war often bring more defeats to the enemy army, and even let the enemy army see from such a battlefield that their strength and means have great problems.

Victory in the confrontation with the Jin army is elusive for the soldiers of Guishuang. After all, they have experienced many failures in the past wars, and even more in the continuous war failures, they have realized What kind of impact will the Jin army's powerful combat methods have?

Facts have proved that under the combat methods of the Jin army, what Guishuang's soldiers will see is the possibility of losing the war, and what Guishuang's soldiers will see is the impact of the Jin army's attack.

With more victories in wars, what Guishuang's soldiers saw on the battlefield was the horror of the Jin army, and what Guishuang's soldiers would experience was the complexity of the war situation.

If you want to better deal with the tension of the war in a confrontation, and if you want to adapt more to the development of the war situation in a war, you need to show more extraordinary means on the battlefield.

Why is the Jin army always able to win wars time after time, while the Kuishan army endures more defeats on such battlefields? The power displayed, UU reading cannot be blocked by the soldiers of Kushuang, and even made the soldiers of Kushuang more panic on such a battlefield.

The strong foundation of strength makes the actions of the Jin army in the war more unscrupulous, and the offensive ability displayed by the Jin army on the battlefield brings more fear to the enemy.

If you know more about the Jin army, you will see what kind of impact the Jin army's means have been exerted.

In many wars, it is precisely because of the continuous victories of the Jin army that the enemy army will experience the tension of the situation, and the enemy army will see in such wars that the attack of the Jin army has brought about what kind of damage.

Better adapt to the war, can have greater achievements in the war, and under the brilliant achievements of the Jin army, it is inevitable that the soldiers of Guishuang will see the tension of the war situation, and the soldiers of Guishuang will realize from it. is the grim situation.

The victory in the confrontation brought more confidence to the Jin army, so that the actions of the Jin army on the battlefield would be smoother. At this point, the soldiers of Guishuang would be able to respond to the fierce offensive of the Jin army. Some are more panic. Originally, they could not fight against the powerful strength of the Jin army in this war.

The strong strength of the Jin army has been further demonstrated on the battlefield, which has made Guishuang's soldiers more fearful. What they feel more on the battlefield is what the strong strength of the Jin army brings. This kind of influence, and this influence will be better displayed in front of the Kushuang soldiers with the Jin army's attack.

The attack headed by Zhao Yun caused unimaginable damage to the Guishuang soldiers. What the Guishuang soldiers further saw on such a battlefield was the horror of the Jin army, which made them in the war. Some are more fearful, which is also a situation that often occurs in the battle against the Jin army.

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