Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6345: :weak

Zhao Yun was able to find the enemy general Ye Khan on the battlefield. This kind of luck is also the envy of many generals. It is not an easy thing to get credit for on the battlefield. When attacking the enemy, it may appear. There are many changes, and if you don't have more understanding and control of the situation on the battlefield, you will encounter more troubles on the battlefield.

The reason why the Jin army has been able to win more victories in wars is closely related to the formidable strength and extraordinary means of the Jin army.

On the current battlefield, as long as the Jin army's means are better used, as long as the Jin army's attack will bring more damage to the enemy, it will inevitably cause the enemy to suffer more damage on the battlefield in the future. many losses.

The powerful Jin army is an extremely terrifying existence on the battlefield, and when the Jin army's offensive means bring more damage to the enemy, and when the Jin army's attack will make the subsequent situation more changes, The situation will become more unpredictable.

If you want to achieve greater achievements in the war, if you want to make the offensive methods of your own soldiers better, you need to show more aggressive methods on the battlefield in the future.

From the victories over and over again, we can see the terrifying strength of the Jin army, and what kind of damage the Jin army's means will bring to the enemy.

Many victories in the war can bring greater help to the Jin army in the war, and can make the Jin army bring a lot of damage to the enemy on the battlefield. The victory of the Jin army on the battlefield of Guishuang It was built on the basis of the constant failure of Kushuang's army, and even a victory that made it difficult for Kushuang's soldiers to reverse the situation on the battlefield.

Such a victory in the war will definitely allow the Jin army to get more support for its actions on the battlefield, and it will also allow the Jin army to get more benefits in the subsequent actions on the battlefield.

The war made the soldiers of Guishuang more cautious, and the soldiers of Guishuang saw the cruelty of the situation in such a situation, and wanted to better adapt to the dangerous situation on the battlefield, and wanted to show on such a battlefield. To come out with more aggressive means, what is needed is to have a greater action on the battlefield in the future.

The strength of the Guishuang soldiers can benefit the Guishuang side, but their strength is exchanged for the Jin army's attack, and if the exchange is for continuous defeats on the battlefield, this will inevitably shake the foundation of the Guishuang.

In fact, under the attack of the Jin army, the top management of Guishuang is gradually becoming desperate.

The Guishuang general Ye Khan is definitely a big fish on the Guishuang battlefield. If he can be captured or killed, a marquis will inevitably be indispensable.

Of course, in such a war, the ability of the general is important, as is luck.

In the war of attacking the capital of Guishuang, Zhao Yun made a lot of military exploits. With such exploits, Zhao Yun's position in the Jin army was more stable. Bayi Chinese Website

Victory on the battlefield can make the enemy army fall into greater panic. Zhao Yun relies on his own strength to exchange for a position. Such a position can make the soldiers in the army even more admired.

In the Jin army, nothing more than that. If you want to get a higher status, you must show the corresponding ability. If there is a problem with the ability, it will make more changes in the future situation.

Many victories in the war can bring better support for the Jin army, and allow the Jin army to obtain even more amazing achievements on the subsequent battlefield.

From the changes in the war situation this time, we can feel what kind of impact the Jin army's means will bring to the enemy, and what we can see is the horror of the Jin army's means.

And better adapt to the dangerous situation on the battlefield, better to achieve greater victory on such a battlefield itself is crucial.

From the fierce offensive from the Jin army in this war, we can see what kind of achievements the Jin army will achieve in the application of its means. Of course, behind such achievements are the efforts of the Jin army for the war.

The battlefield tests the strength of the lieutenant and generals in the army. If you cannot achieve greater results on the battlefield with complex situations, if there is a problem with the combat methods adopted in such a war, it will inevitably make the future situation even more severe. of.

The means displayed by the Jin army in the war are extremely terrifying, and to better adapt to the attack method of the Jin army, and to obtain greater victory in blocking the attack of the Jin army, it is very important for Guishuang soldiers. extremely difficult.

If the soldiers of Guishuang could have achieved this early, the victory of the Jin army on the battlefield would not have come so soon.

The position of the general of Guishuang, Ye Khan, is unquestionable in the Guishuang army. If the general of Guishuang is beheaded, it will be a fatal blow to Guishuang, and it will make the soldiers of Guishuang in this war. What you see in them is the tension of their situation.

Ye Kehan, the general of Guishuang, made a great contribution on the battlefield of blocking the Jin army. From the unswerving attitude of Guishuang in this war, it can be seen that Yeke Khan's important position in the army.

The more important the generals had to bear the price of death on such a battlefield, the more obvious the blow to Kushuang.

The powerful means and strength displayed by the Jin army in the war made Guishuang's soldiers more troublesome when dealing with it, and it also prevented Ye Khan's ability from being effectively displayed. The biggest problem facing the battlefield.

In the confrontation, the Kushuang soldiers who have been unable to win the victory will have more panic about the arrival of the war, and their actions will be more restricted on the battlefield.

Of course, the performance of Guishuang's soldiers is tenacity, but on the battlefield, just showing tenacity is not enough. What is needed is continuous breakthroughs in the war. If you can't do this well , there will be more changes in the confrontation situation after that.

With the victory in the war, the development of the situation is driven, and the attack of our soldiers has more possibilities. Essentially, it is extremely important.

Getting more victories from the war and letting the means of one's soldiers and soldiers be better displayed will have a lot of influence on the subsequent wars.

In today's war, as long as the Jin army's combat methods are used, what the enemy sees on the battlefield is the complexity of the situation, and what the enemy sees is the huge gap in their strength.

The actions of Guishuang's soldiers on the battlefield themselves were greatly restricted. They could not defeat the Jin army in the battle, which would inevitably make the situation more severe in the future, and even endure more ordeals on the battlefield. .

To achieve greater victories in the war, let the means of our soldiers get better display, which has a great impact on the progress of the war situation in the future, and what can be seen from the current battlefield is the war What kind of damage will it bring.

With the support of victory on the battlefield, the actions of the Jin army on the battlefield will achieve greater achievements, and the Jin army will bring more influence to the enemy on the battlefield.

In such a war situation, the most important thing for Kushuang soldiers to ignore is what kind of damage the Jin army's impact will bring. What Guishuang soldiers will see on such a battlefield is the grim situation.

The means displayed by the Jin army in the war are terrifying, and if they want to better adapt to the changes in the situation in the war, and better inflict greater damage on the enemy in the war, this has a great impact on the situation on the battlefield. big impact.

In war, what the enemy sees is the cruelty of the situation, and what brings more changes to the war.

Only in the war, the means of our soldiers can be better displayed, and the attacks of our soldiers can be more effective, so that there will be more victories in subsequent wars.

The means that the Jin army will show on the battlefield itself is to make Guishuang more jealous, because there is a huge gap between the soldiers of Guishuang and the Jin army in terms of their ability to deal with war.

There is no strong support on the battlefield. It is impossible to make the future situation develop more smoothly and to make more changes in the future war situation.

What can be seen from the complex war situation is the impact of the Jin army's impact, and what kind of damage the Jin army's means can be brought about.

Better adapt to the emergency situation on the battlefield, so that the attack of our soldiers can have a greater effect, and these will be of greater help to the future wars.

When Ye Khan was commanding the soldiers to block the Jin army's attack, he also had a lot of analysis of the situation on the battlefield. However, no matter how he analyzed it, the disadvantage of Guishuang could not be smoothly reversed. The Jin army's attack The price to be paid by Guishuang's soldiers is too heavy.

And the payment of such a heavy price makes the soldiers of Kushuang more fearful on the battlefield, and makes the soldiers of Kushuang more panic when dealing with the attack of the Jin army.

Sometimes, this is the case on the battlefield. If the ability displayed by the generals and soldiers in the army is not enough to better adapt to the changes in the situation on the battlefield, it will eventually lead to a more miserable situation in the future.

The strong foundation of strength will bring better support for the actions of the Jin army afterward. UU reading will make the actions of the Jin army on the battlefield easier.

The madness of the Jin army in the war made the soldiers of Kushuang see the tension of the situation, and what the soldiers of Guishuang saw on such a battlefield was the damage caused by the fierce attack of the Jin army. After seeing more of the terrorist methods of the Jin army.

Guishuang's army will have a lot of fear when dealing with the Jin army's attack. Many soldiers are panicked when they mention the Jin army's attack. They have a lot of experience in the confrontation. However, their War experience, it is impossible to get a better display in the Jin army.

The Jin army, which has strong strength as a support, is an extremely terrifying existence on the battlefield. Whenever the attack of the Jin army is better displayed, every time the attack of the Jin army will have a greater effect, allowing the enemy to suffer. During the war, you will feel the harshness of the situation.

The war has a profound impact on the Guishuang soldiers, and if you want to better adapt to the changes in the situation on the battlefield, and want to preserve the Guishuang in such a war, you need to better block the Jin army's attack.

However, under the attack of the Jin army, it is no exaggeration to describe the defensive power of the Guishuang in the city. When they faced the fierce attack of the Jin army, some were more afraid, some were more panic, they In front of the Jin army, his combat power could not be displayed.

The usual self-proclaimed elite Kushuang soldiers, at the last moment of the war, their weakness was exposed.

This does not mean that the strength of Kushuang's soldiers on the battlefield is not enough, but their opponents are too strong.

It is really too difficult to win against the Jin army. Such a heavy responsibility is placed on the shoulders of Ye Khan, so that Ye Khan does not dare to be slighted in the slightest. When facing the Jin army, Ye Khan showed. Ability is also commendable.

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