Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6381: : Zhao Yun vs Ye Khan (Part 1)

The strength and ferocity of the Jin army made Guishuang's soldiers see the critical situation in the war, and what Guishuang's soldiers saw on such a battlefield were problems with their methods.

When there are more problems in the war, the power of the Jin army's offensive will be greater, and it will even directly destroy the fighting spirit of the enemy on the battlefield.

In the final decisive battle, Kushuang's soldiers will have a collapsed side, which is completely expected. If Kushuang's soldiers and soldiers still maintain a strong side at the last moment, that is the most strange thing. matter.

Under the fierce attack of the Jin army, the Kushuang soldiers experienced too many failures. Such a failure in the war made the Kushuang soldiers have no confidence in the war at all.

There was an empty space in front of Ye Khan, which was to prepare for the duel between the two generals on the battlefield.

One is the general of the Jin army, Zhao Yun, who is famous on the battlefield, and the other is the general of Guishuang, the commander-in-chief with great power. What kind of sparks will there be when the two collide on the battlefield.

In the eyes of the Jin army officers, the victory on the battlefield will inevitably be their commander Zhao Yun. After all, Zhao Yun's martial arts displayed in the war are strong and invincible. Under the attack of Zhao Yun, it is also no exception to this war.

Although Ye Khan, the general of Guishuang, showed a good ability in commanding the soldiers to block the attack of the Jin army, but such ability is to have a head-to-head confrontation with the fierce generals of the Jin army and win. great difficulty.

In the Jin army, there are many fierce generals. These fierce generals have experienced the tempering of war, and they are the tough ones who came out of the war.

Especially when the war is going on, it is often seen that the fierce generals of the Jin army lead the soldiers to charge first. This is an act of absolute confidence in one's own strength.

If the generals in the army did not have the formidable strength in the war, when the two armies confronted, they would not choose to rush forward.

It is the privilege of the fierce generals of the Jin army to rush and kill on the battlefield.

From the dazzling achievements of the Jin army generals on the battlefield, we can predict what will happen if the enemy generals confront the fierce confrontation of the Jin army.

The brave and skilled Jin army will get many victories on the battlefield, and such victories will be accompanied by many losses of the enemy in the war. In this duel, Ye Khan will face Zhao Yun head on. , the probability of victory is slim.

It should be noted that Zhao Yun's strength in the past wars was extremely fierce, and he was a banner figure in the Jin army.

When the fierce generals in the Jin army appear on the battlefield, they often bring more shock to the enemy.

This kind of situation is put on Zhao Yun's body, even more so.

In the Jin army, Zhao Yun has a resounding reputation. On the battlefield of Guishuang, it is even more so. The battles commanded by Zhao Yun brought great losses to Guishuang. There is no hope of victory in the continuous war. When such a war situation appears more on the battlefield, it will become impossible to achieve greater achievements in dealing with the attack of the Jin army. matter.

The powerful strength can bring more confidence to the Jin army's actions in the war, so that the Jin army can calmly deal with the threats that appear in the war.

On the contrary, the soldiers of Guishuang experienced more failures in the war. Such failures made it difficult for the soldiers of Guishuang to have more confidence when dealing with the impact of the Jin army. If there are more dangerous situations, what kind of tense situation will be faced in the war.

When the soldiers of Guishuang considered the situation in the war, they had to take into account the fierce Jin army, because there were too many dangerous situations in the process of fighting against the Jin army.

The actions of the powerful Jin army in the war brought more failures to the soldiers of Guishuang, and the failures of these wars made the soldiers of Guishuang see a dangerous atmosphere.

Ye Khan, the general of Guishuang, is also a human being. When faced with dangers in war, he also has feelings of fear, but at this time, Ye Khan can suppress his inner fear very well, and he can When dealing with war, it shows a more powerful side.

When there will be more dangerous situations on the battlefield, the Jin army will show a very strong side when dealing with the war.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){} Not to mention what kind of dangerous situation will appear in the war, if the lieutenant generals and soldiers have problems with the means to deal with the war, the situation will be certain will be more urgent.

The success of the powerful Jin army's actions in the war can be seen. Behind these successes are the efforts of the Jin army soldiers to win the war.

How many elites in the Jin army died on the battlefield, and their deaths brought Jin's strength even stronger.

An arrow came down, Zhao Yun's eyes tightened, the spear in his hand swayed, and the arrow fell to the ground.

This made Zhao Yun's heart agitated. The confrontation between the generals was originally a relatively sacred matter. If there was a surprise move at such a time, it would appear petty. https://

Besides, Zhao Yun's actions on the battlefield just now are enough to prove Zhao Yun's toughness. When dealing with war, the means Zhao Yun showed are not something that ordinary people can fight against.

It is very common for secret arrows to hurt people on the battlefield, but when the situation of Kushuang has fallen into such a tense situation, if only the soldiers with hundreds of Kushuang are insisting on the battlefield, their secret arrows hurt people. When the generals of the two sides were preparing for a duel, it seemed a bit ruthless.

Without Zhao Yun's order, the White Horse Yi Cong is already looking for someone who can hurt someone with a dark arrow. They will use a brutal attack to make the enemy pay the price.

At this moment, Ye Khan's long-sword offensive came, and it can be said that the control of the timing on the battlefield was very thorough.

In the duel between generals, if you take the lead on the battlefield, it will make the subsequent attack easier, and even form a strong suppression of the enemy.

Ye Khan is clear about the importance of the first mover, but as for the fact that his soldiers are hurting people with secret arrows, they don't need to pay too much attention. On the battlefield, the winner is the king, as long as they can win the battle, Even if it is a dark arrow hurting people, what can it do.

The means of victory in war are useful means, and even if such means will be spurned by others, they cannot be given up.

The strength of the Jin army on the battlefield caused the Kushuang soldiers to suffer a lot of losses, and when dealing with the Jin army's attack, the Kushuang soldiers had no more means of war. scruples, because what they seek in such a war is complete victory.

If they can't even win the war, even if they are dealing with the war, there will be more considerations, but when they consider the situation in the war, how much can they achieve?

The sharp measures in the war brought greater security to the Jin army's subsequent victory, and made the Jin army's actions on the battlefield have greater power.

From the specific war situation, it is possible to see the fierce strength of the Jin army, and when such fierce strength will affect the subsequent war more, the actions of Guishuang's soldiers on the battlefield will inevitably be affected by greater restrictions.

The strength of the Jin army has been better displayed in this war, and if you want to better adapt to the attack method of the Jin army, or win the victory when enduring the attack of the Jin army, you will be better off against the soldiers of Guishuang. It is quite difficult.

And it makes sense to take some extreme measures on the battlefield.

After all, the soldiers of Guishuang also wanted to win the war, but they were too far away from the victory of the war. When facing the fierce attack of the Jin army, the means of warfare of the soldiers of Guishuang could not be used more effectively. This will make the situation even more tense in the future.

If you want to have greater achievements in dealing with wars, and if you want to make the attacks of your own soldiers have greater value, you need to show extraordinary means in subsequent wars.

From the victories of many wars, we can see the terrifying strength of the Jin army, and we can see what kind of impact the Jin army's offensive will have.

The Jin army's operations may bring many failures to the enemy, and in the face of such war failures, if they do not have the corresponding means and capabilities, they will inevitably endure greater threats on the battlefield. .

The Jin army in the war showed a crazy side, and in order to better adapt to this tense war situation, it is indispensable to show fierce means on the battlefield.

In fact, when dealing with wars, you can see the ferocious strength of the Jin army, and in such a war, you can feel the effect of the crazy attack of the Jin army.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){} Under the war tactics of the Jin army, the soldiers of Guishuang had to consider more problems, because of the threats they would bear when fighting against the Jin army is great.

When the threat in the war reaches a certain level, and the other side will have many problems in the means of dealing with the war, their actions in the war will be more restricted.

The success of the Jin army in this war must have had a great impact on the Kushuang soldiers, and even more so, the Kushuang soldiers saw the grim situation from the war.

Now that the battlefield has reached the level of head-to-head battles between the generals of both sides, it must be known that this battle is a battle between Zhao Yun and Ye Khan.

This kind of battle can attract a lot of attention. If anyone is injured or killed in this war, it will cause a great shock in their own army.

The Jin army, who showed strong strength in the war, has a great advantage in this war. Their offensive methods can achieve greater results. When facing the soldiers of Kushan, they are even more firmly occupy the advantage.

If the situation in the war is unfavorable to Zhao Yun, the Jin army can come forward to meet him, but for Ye Khan, there is no other choice. As the commander of the Kushuang army, he has to personally go on the field to fight the enemy. Generals fight.

Saying such things is shameless after all, but it also proves how tense the situation in Kushuang is.

No matter what kind of failures he experienced in the past wars, he made a great contribution to the development of Kushang. If you persist, what kind of dangerous situation may arise in the war.

The frantic attack of the Jin army in the war brought more defeats to the soldiers of Kushuang, which made the soldiers of Kushuang completely lose hope of victory on such a battlefield.

When the soldiers of Kushuang suffered a complete defeat in this war, the Jin army would be even more aggressive in subsequent actions.

This is also what the Jin army has always insisted on in the past wars. As long as it can defeat the enemy, the situation on the battlefield is under its own control, and such control of the war situation has an important effect on the actions of the Jin army on the battlefield. It is of great help, allowing the Jin army to calmly deal with the dangerous situation in the war, and making the impact of the Jin army in the war have greater value.

If it is impossible to win the war in the face of the Jin army, or if the means displayed on the battlefield will be subject to greater restrictions, these must have a great impact on the subsequent war situation. of.

If you want to achieve greater achievements in the war and make the attack of your own soldiers more effective, just seeing the actions of the Jin army in the war is enough.

In the face of the strong fighting style of the Jin army, no matter what kind of persistence the soldiers of Guishuang may have, it is extremely difficult for them to win the victory. Behind such extraordinary means, the achievements of the Jin army will inevitably be more brilliant, and the impact of the Jin army on the battlefield will have greater power.

The Kushuang soldiers who cannot win the war will inevitably pay a heavy price when dealing with the Jin army, and such a price cannot be easily borne by the Kushuang soldiers.

The splendid achievements of the powerful Jin army on the battlefield made Guishuang's soldiers shy away, and in such a war situation, Guishuang's soldiers would realize more of the gap in their strength.

On the battlefield today, it can be seen what kind of threat the Jin army’s attack brings. When such a war situation will have a greater impact on the future situation, if you want to deal with the Jin army A greater victory on the battlefield always requires more means to support.

Facts have proved that when the Jin army's offensive is more launched, it will bring more failures to the soldiers of Kushuang, and will bring many losses to the soldiers of Kushuang.



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