Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6383: : It is very difficult for Kushuang to win

In the war against the Jin army, the soldiers of Guishuang could see the tension of the situation in the continuous confrontation. When such a war situation appeared more on the battlefield, the soldiers of Guishuang were fighting against the Jin army. will fall into a more passive situation.

Ye Khan hurriedly waved his long sword to block, not daring to show any slights. Just a momentary fight made Ye Khan understand the terrifying strength of his opponent. When dealing with a fierce general like Zhao Yun, he could not make any mistakes. Yes, otherwise, it would be the end of the battlefield.

It is good for Ye Khan to die in the face of Kushuang's emergency situation, but if he can kill the enemy's generals in the war, it might be something that can make Kushuang look good.

Even if the Kushan Empire is destroyed, the achievements of the soldiers of the Kushan Empire on the battlefield are indelible.

But Ye Khan was more aware of the dangers he would face when fighting against Zhao Yun, especially the spear in Zhao Yun's hand, which was like a ghost, and might appear in front of him at any time.

The two fought, and in the blink of an eye, it was a three-way match.

Ye Khan is worthy of being a warrior in the old Kushuang Army. Although he is old, he showed an invincible aura when he fought against Zhao Yun.

Generals, even if they fall on the battlefield, they still have pride that belongs to them.

Ye Khan's hands were trembling slightly, just now he fought against Zhao Yun, not only to deal with Zhao Yun's subtle moves, but also to deal with the powerful force of Zhao Yun's attack. In the face of such force, the resistance seemed a little weak.

There are always many dangers in a battle on the battlefield, and it is not a simple invitation to deal with the dangerous situation in the war more reasonably, or to show a more powerful combat effectiveness in the war.

The formidable strength of the Jin army on the battlefield has brought many shocks to the soldiers of Guishuang, and even more shocks will be given to the actions of the soldiers of Guishuang in the war.

The duel between Ye Khan and Zhao Yun was also a helpless move.

If it is possible, Ye Khan is unwilling to appear in the confrontation with the enemy like this. As the commander of the army, commanding the soldiers to fight is the most suitable position.

However, the situation on the battlefield is like this. The situation of Kushuang is getting worse and worse. Even if they don't come forward to stop the Jin army, they will eventually be eliminated on the battlefield for the Jin army.

It's not heartbreaking that such a war ended in the body of Kushuang soldiers.

Thinking back to the beginning, how strong the strength of the Kuishan Empire was. In the face of the enemy's attack, there was always no fear, but when the Jin army came to the battlefield, the situation changed too much. The actions of the soldiers of the Frost Empire in the war were more affected by the impact of the Jin army.

Under such a war situation, even though Guishuang's soldiers had a lot of perseverance, what impact could such perseverance have on the situation in the future?

Of course, having more persistence in the war can give Guishuang more breathing time. new

It's just that after the Jin army invaded the city on a large scale, even if it won a certain amount of time, it was difficult to have a greater impact on the final situation of the war.

The actions of the powerful Jin army on the battlefield will bring many failures to the enemy army, and what the enemy army will see on such a battlefield is the fierceness and ferocity of the Jin army.

When such a war will affect the subsequent confrontation more, how much impact will the actions of Guishuang's soldiers on the battlefield be affected? In such a war, those who want to better influence the Jin army Actions are bound to be more difficult.

The strength and sturdy fighting style of the Jin army had many influences on the conduct of this war.

The strength of the Jin army can provide a more solid foundation for the victory of the Jin army, so that the actions of the Jin army in this war will get more support. This situation is the most important thing to ignore.

The Jin army in the war showed more of their strong strength. In the face of such strong strength, the so-called means of the enemy army are difficult to play an effective role. This is also the reason why the Jin army can achieve sustained victory in the war. important reason.

If you want to achieve greater victory under the attack of the Jin army, and want to avoid more situations in this war, it is the most critical to have corresponding achievements when dealing with the fierce offensive of the Jin army.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){} The offensive ability displayed by the powerful Jin army in the war brought great shock to the soldiers of Guishuang, and it made the soldiers of Guishuang even more shocked. What they will see in such a war is the complexity of the situation, and what they will feel more on the battlefield is the invincibility of the Jin army.

In such a war, the soldiers of Kushuang paid a heavy price, but their heavy price had a limited impact on the progress of the war. This situation also made the soldiers of Kushuang see more There is a problem with their strength. If such a problem is more serious in the war, what kind of fate will Kushan's soldiers suffer in the war.

Strong strength is an important support for the Jin army in this war. As long as the Jin army can better show its own strength in such a war, their impact on the battlefield will be more powerful. great power.

When suffering the attack of the Jin army, what you will see is what kind of impact the Jin army's offensive will bring.

The strong strength of the Jin army can bring greater help to the Jin army's subsequent offensive, and it can allow the Jin army to better demonstrate its strong strength on the battlefield with complex situations.

In the war, no matter what kind of efforts the soldiers of Kushuang made, in such a war environment, they will see more of the fierceness of the Jin army and more of their strength in this way. How weak is the role that can be played in the war.

In fact, on the battlefield to deal with the Jin army, there are a lot of dangerous situations, and when dealing with these critical situations, once there is a problem with the means of war, their situation will be even worse in the future.

On the battlefield with complex situation, the impact of the Jin army can always bring great damage to the enemy, and it can always make the enemy realize the fierceness of the Jin army in the continuous confrontation.

Maintaining a fierce offensive posture on the battlefield, so that the attack of one's own soldiers will have greater power, and these will have a great impact on the subsequent wars.

The terrifying strength of the Jin army can be seen in the wars again and again. When the powerful means of the Jin army will be further displayed on the battlefield, the situation of the soldiers of Guishuang in the war will be even worse. .

The more it is like this, the more ferocious the impact of the Jin army will be, and behind such a fierce impact is the Jin army's complete control of the war situation. When the war comes, the means taken by the Jin army will give the enemy army. The damage caused is continuous, and what the enemy will see is the grimness of the situation.

But wanting to achieve greater victories on the corresponding battlefields, and wanting to fully display the means of your own soldiers, is not that simple. Looking at the achievements of the Jin army in the past battlefields, you will find that Jin The strength of the army is that they are the kings on the battlefield. As long as the means of attack are carried out, the enemy will see the danger of the situation.

How many times the war has been won has the Jin army's brilliant achievements today, but the fierceness of the Jin army on the battlefield has not changed. As long as they appear on the battlefield, they will rely on the most powerful offensive ability to give the enemy army. Do the most damage.

With a high fighting spirit, he will show an extraordinary side when dealing with wars. The Jin army has won many victories on the battlefield. .

When Guishuang soldiers deal with the war, what they will see is the fierceness and ferocity of the Jin army, because it is quite difficult for their warfare methods to form an effective contrast with the Jin army.

In the process of fighting against the Jin army, there were too many dangerous situations. In today's battlefield, even the general of Guishuang, Ye Khan, had to take action personally. It can be seen how tense the situation in Guishuang is. .

The lieutenants and soldiers in the army have no hope of victory in the wars, and the price they pay when blocking the Jin army's attack is even more severe. If this kind of confrontation unfolds more, the lieutenants and soldiers will suffer. What kind of thoughts do you have during the war?

And the actions in the war suffered more damage. The offensive from the Jin army was too ferocious, so that the impact of the Kushuang soldiers in the war would be more limited.

In such a confrontation, no matter what kind of efforts the soldiers of Kushan made for the war, it is a fact that their efforts cannot play an effective role, and when such a war situation will affect more In the case of Kushuang's situation, how much will the impact of Kuishan's soldiers on the battlefield be affected.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){} As long as you have more knowledge about the war, you will find out what kind of impact the Jin army's terrifying strength will have on the future war situation. And when such a shock will affect the development of the situation, or if greater achievements cannot be achieved under such a situation, it will definitely make the subsequent situation more urgent.

The strength of the Jin army in the war left a particularly deep impression on the soldiers of Guishuang, and it made the soldiers of Guishuang see the complexity of the situation on such a battlefield, and wanted to adapt more to the battlefield. In an emergency situation, if you want to achieve something on such a battlefield, you need a lot of means to support it.

Facts have proved that when the Jin army's means are effectively used, what kind of changes will happen in the future situation.

The ferocity of the Jin army had a great impact on the soldiers of Guishuang, and what the soldiers of Guishuang would see was the tension of the situation.

Of course, the resistance of Guishuang's soldiers in such a war cannot be ignored. When the war is going on, the resistance of Guishuang's soldiers can have a great impact on the subsequent situation. If the impact will be more ferocious, it will be more difficult for Kushuang's soldiers to block, which is also a situation that often occurs on the battlefield.

All in all, under the attack of the Jin army, it is very difficult for the enemy to win. It is more for the enemy to see the tension of the situation on such a battlefield, and for the enemy to It was a heavier price to pay when enduring the fierce offensive of the Jin army.

The bravery and skill of the Jin army have been well demonstrated on the battlefield of Guishuang. Whenever the Jin army's offensive is more aggressive, the attack of the Jin army will have a greater effect. The soldiers of Guishuang brought more damage, so that the soldiers of Guishuang could not see the possibility of victory in such a battlefield at all.

The Jin army, supported by many victories, has achieved brilliant achievements on the battlefield. Under such brilliant achievements, the Jin army's actions in the war will be smoother, and the impact of the Jin army on the battlefield will be more fierce. .

Only by making the means of our soldiers better, and only by making the attacks of our soldiers more effective, can we achieve greater success in the future wars.

The terrifying strength and means of the Jin army can be seen from the specific war situation, but in the ongoing war, it is difficult to influence the situation more.

The strength of the Jin army made the soldiers of Kushuang see the urgency of the situation, and the soldiers of Kushuang saw their weakness.

No matter what kind of achievements will be made on the battlefield, no matter what kind of situation you will encounter in such a war, only if you use your own means more effectively, can you Let future wars avoid more dangerous situations.

The strong Jin army is the king on the battlefield. When the Jin army's attack is carried out more effectively, it will cause great damage to the enemy army, and even make the enemy army even worse in such a war situation. Most of the experience is the terrifying strength of the Jin army.

The powerful Jin army has the ability to change the tense situation on the battlefield, and when the Jin army's means are used, it is only the shock that will be caused on the battlefield, which cannot be blocked by the current Guishuang soldiers, and even What Kushan's soldiers saw on such a battlefield was the possibility of losing the war.

When blocking the Jin army, the Kushuang soldiers paid a heavy price. Behind these heavy costs were the Guishuang soldiers' worries about the war and their nervousness about the future situation.

If you cannot have strong strength, or if there will be more danger during the war, the situation will definitely be more tense in the future.

The powerful strength brings more possibilities to the Jin army, and the actions of the Jin army in such a war will achieve greater results.

It is precisely because of the strong Jin army in the many confrontations, precisely because the attack of the Jin army will show greater power, so that the actions of the Jin army in the war will have greater power.



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