Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6397: : mental breakdown

Of course, Guishuang's soldiers have experienced many failures in such continuous wars. Perhaps Guishuang's soldiers have gradually become accustomed to the failures in the war. What I see more is the ferocity of the Jin army, and what I see from the war is the possibility of failure, but it is extremely difficult to expect their methods to have greater effects on the Jin army.

It is impossible to have more aggressive means in the war, and it is impossible to do more in such a confrontation situation. These will affect the subsequent battle situation.

The Jin army on the battlefield showed a strong side, and the strength of the Jin army in the war brought many failures to the soldiers of Guishuang, which made the soldiers of Guishuang see the urgency of the situation.

If you can't achieve greater victories in the confrontation with the Jin army, and if you can't better reflect the offensive methods of your own soldiers, the situation after that will inevitably be more severe.

Sustained victories on the battlefield seem simple, but they are actually very difficult. When dealing with these dangerous war situations, it is a great test for Guishuang's soldiers. In the test, more failures were endured, which made Guishuang's situation even more severe.

You can't win in the war, but you suffer more defeats in the battle. In this war, it is very difficult to reverse the situation, unless you have a lot of power in the Guishuang army. The ability to turn the tide, otherwise, Guishuang's army will inevitably suffer even greater failures in the war.

Failure on the battlefield is not what the soldiers in the army want to see, but if they lack the corresponding means and strength to deal with the war, failure on the battlefield will become unavoidable.

The danger in the war requires the lieutenant soldiers to be more cautious when dealing with it. If there is a problem with the means displayed on such a battlefield, there will be bigger situations in the subsequent war.

The soldiers of Guishuang have a lot of feelings about the dangers in the war, especially the danger brought by the Jin army's attack, which is enough to make the soldiers of Guishuang despair about the war, because they are under the attack of the Jin army. Sometimes Guishuang's soldiers will realize more the difficulty of the war, and Guishuang's soldiers will realize the danger of the situation on such a battlefield.

It is precisely because of many war victories that Guishuang's soldiers are in a more difficult situation on the battlefield, and what Guishuang's soldiers have seen is the critical situation.

It is not an easy task to fundamentally change the current situation. What needs to be dealt with is the strong attack of the Jin army, and certain achievements are required to block the attack of the Jin army.

However, from the way Guishuang's army responded to the war, it is not difficult to see what kind of tense situation Guishuang's soldiers need to face at this time. If the current war cannot be carried out smoothly, or will appear in the war If there are more dangerous situations, the subsequent situation will be more difficult to control.

The strength of the Jin army made the soldiers of Guishuang see the tension of the situation, so that the soldiers of Guishuang could not see the possibility of victory in the war. When such wars further appeared on the battlefield of Guishuang, it is conceivable It is what kind of actions the soldiers of Guishuang will have in such a war environment.

The general was caught in the battlefield outside the royal city, and the situation in the royal city was naturally extremely turbulent. It was uncertain how many people wanted to harm the queen.

This is also something that will inevitably happen in the Guishuang Empire after the war has reached a certain level. Who will let the soldiers of the Guishuang Empire suffer failure in the continuous war? More opportunities for older generations.

In this war, the attack from the Jin army must be extremely violent, but it is very difficult to better contain the current offensive situation and to block the attack of the Jin army more effectively in the current war is conceivable.

And it is precisely because the Jin army will play a leading role on such a battlefield, so that the impact of the Jin army on the subsequent battlefield will have a greater effect.

Obtaining victories from many wars and making the offensive of one's own soldiers more effective can give the Jin army more support for its actions on the battlefield.

If you want to win the war more properly, and want to resolve the tense situation in Guishuang from the war, the difficulty is enough to make Guishuang's top management collapse.

Only by dealing with the fierce offensive of the Jin army will you realize what kind of damage the Jin army's attack will bring. It can be said that Guishuang's soldiers have no advantage at all in the war against the Jin army , especially when the Jin army's offensive became more fierce, it would bring a lot of devastation to the soldiers of Guishuang, and even make the soldiers of Guishuang think of giving up in the war.

When the lieutenants lack the corresponding means to deal with the tense situation in the war, and even there will be more dangerous situations on the battlefield, the victory on the battlefield will become even more unpredictable.

Relying on its strong strength, the Jin army's actions in the war will get more support, and the Jin army will achieve more victories in such a war. No greater value can be shown in the hard work in it.

This is also the most worrisome thing on the battlefield. Even Guishuang's top management will have more considerations when the war is in progress, and they will have more considerations of their own when the situation is bad.

If the Guishuang Empire will bear the price of destruction in this war, the fate of their high-level Guishuang after the war is conceivable.

This is also the most direct punishment that Guishuang will bring after the defeat of the war. It is impossible to achieve greater victories on the complicated battlefield, and it is impossible for Guishuang to get more possibilities in such a tense war situation. What followed on the battlefield was more tense.

War is a test of the combat effectiveness of the soldiers in the army, but the actions of Guishuang soldiers in the war cannot achieve greater success. When such a war situation will have a greater impact on the future situation, What will inevitably lead to war is more uncontrollable situations.

The victory in the war will bring more help to the Jin army's actions, and the Jin army will achieve more dazzling achievements on such a battlefield. Such war achievements are beyond the imagination of Guishuang's high-level officials. It is also what Guishuang's high-level officials don't want to see, but the war has reached such a point, even if Guishuang's high-level officials have a lot of reluctance when dealing with the war, but what can they do on such a battlefield? Woolen cloth.

The strong strength brings more support to the Jin army's actions in the war, and what makes the Jin army show up on such a battlefield are more means, so that the Jin army's actions in the war will be more powerful. smoothly.

Relying on strong strength, Guishuang's soldiers will have more brilliant achievements in the war. This aspect is beyond the control of Guishuang's army, and even Guishuang's soldiers will see failure in the continuous war possible.

More failures in the war made Guishuang's soldiers inevitably have more worries on the battlefield. Their actions in the war could not achieve greater results. On the contrary, they suffered more under the attack of the Jin army. If they failed, and when their troops suffered more losses on the battlefield, why should they block the Jin army's next attack.

At this time, the battle outside the king's city is the best illustration. The means displayed by Guishuang's soldiers when blocking the Jin army's attack are very limited on the battlefield. When such restrictions reach a certain level What Guishuang's soldiers will see is the tension of the war situation, and even Guishuang's soldiers will have more fear of war.

When the lieutenants and soldiers face the war, there will be more panic, and if their ability is not enough to better deal with the tense situation, there will be more uncontrollable situations.

When the officials and generals of Guishuang see more dangers in the war, will they do their best in the war against the Jin army?

But all people, when the situation is tense, will subconsciously make actions that are more beneficial to themselves.

The rebellion of some Guishuang officials at the critical moment is the best illustration. They can no longer see the possibility of continuation from the Guishuang Empire. Under the fierce offensive of the Jin army, their mentality completely collapsed. If you take refuge in the Jin army, you can also preserve your own interests. This kind of temptation is fatal, and it can make more Guishuang officials turn to the Jin army.

The Jin army, supported by these forces, will have greater power and influence on the battlefield. When the Jin army's offensive is more fierce, Guishuang's soldiers will appear when they block it. What kind of situation?

Unable to deal with the critical situation in the war more effectively, Guishuang soldiers who will suffer more failures on the battlefield will not be able to show their due value and means at all in the war.

Of course, the impact of the Jin army's fierce offensive method on Guishuang's soldiers will have the greatest impact on the subsequent situation. If you cannot effectively deal with the emergency situation in the war, you will not be able to achieve something on such a battlefield. If so, the situation after that will definitely be more tense.

The strong side shown by the Jin army during the war had an obvious impact on the soldiers of Guishuang. What the soldiers of Guishuang will see from it is the tension of the situation, which makes it impossible for the soldiers of Guishuang to breed on such a battlefield. Confidence against the Jin army.

When more defeats in the war come, and when Guishuang's soldiers suffer heavy losses in the war, the subsequent situation will become even more unpredictable.

The victory in the war will give the Jin army greater power when launching an attack, and the actions of the Jin army on such a battlefield will have more influence on the enemy.

Winning the war, especially under the fierce offensive of the Jin army, is a great challenge for the soldiers of Guishuang. The tension even made the soldiers of Guishuang see more of the possibility of failure from the war.

The failure in the war has a great impact on the subsequent situation. Guishuang's high-level officials are naturally aware of the truth, but they want to better demonstrate their own value on the battlefield, and they want to let their soldiers use their own methods. Getting a more effective display is not an easy task in itself.

The strength of the Jin army made the soldiers of Guishuang see the tense situation, and what the soldiers of Guishuang saw more on such a battlefield was the gap in their strength

Unable to effectively respond to the Jin army's offensive, unable to achieve some achievements on such a battlefield, will cause more uncontrollable changes in the subsequent war situation.

Facts have proved that the achievements of the Jin army on the battlefield of Guishuang are brilliant. If such brilliant achievements will affect the situation of Guishuang more, the actions of Guishuang soldiers in the war will be difficult for the Jin army. create greater obstacles.

With the victory in the battle, the actions of the Jin army on the battlefield of Guishuang will be easier, and the impact of the Jin army in the war will bring more trouble to the soldiers of Guishuang~www.readwn. com~ Even the soldiers of Guishuang could not see any possibility of victory on such a battlefield.

The collapse of Guishuang's soldiers outside the royal city was not only because of the lack of command from the generals in the army, but also because they had already lost confidence in this war. The price paid was too heavy.

When such a price will affect the subsequent confrontation more, and when such a war price will make the situation in the army more tense, what kind of punishment will the soldiers of Guishuang receive in the war?

The failure of the war will inevitably bring greater blows to the soldiers of the army, and even make the soldiers of the army see no hope in such a war. When the war comes again, they will often do things that the monarch does not want to see. things.

The continuous surrender of Guishuang soldiers outside the royal city made Guishuang's high-level officials more worried about the current situation. When the breath of surrender spread further in the Guishuang army, and when the Jin army attacked the royal city and won, Guishuang will be able to rely on Guishuang The possibility of victory in blocking the Jin army's attack is very small.

During the battle, strong strength can bring more support to the lieutenant soldiers, so that the lieutenant soldiers will achieve more dazzling achievements in complex war situations.

And only by seeing more about the impact of the Jin army's campaign and seeing more of the Jin army's extraordinary means, will Guishuang's soldiers completely lose confidence in the war.

The impact of the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield has a great impact on the subsequent situation, and only by better adapting to the tense situation on the battlefield and making some achievements under the enemy's attack can the future War avoids more dangerous situations.

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