Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6415: : the advantage is more obvious

The powerful Jin army is the king on the battlefield. If the Jin army's offensive methods will have greater power, in the subsequent wars, the Jin army's impact will be more effective.

When facing a war, what you can see is the ferocity of the Jin army, and what you can see is what kind of damage the Jin army's attack will cause.

And as the Jin army will take more actions in this offensive, the offensive effect of the Jin army will be more obvious, and the actions of the Jin army in the war will bring more damage to the enemy.

If the terrifying strength of the Jin army is better displayed on the battlefield, the soldiers of Guishuang will see the possibility of failure from it, and the means possessed by the soldiers of Guishuang will not have more value.

The strength of the Jin army has been effectively demonstrated on such a battlefield. Whenever the Jin army's attack will achieve greater results, and whenever the Jin army's attack will have greater power, Guishuang's What the soldiers see in the war is the possibility of failure, and the soldiers of Guishuang will suffer more failures in such a shocking field.

The failure on the battlefield is something Guishuang's soldiers don't want to see, but in response to the Jin army's attack, if Guishuang's soldiers can't show their due means and abilities, what will happen to the subsequent situation is Bigger changes.

The strength of the Jin army has been well tested on the battlefield. Whenever the Jin army's attack will achieve greater results, and every time the Jin army's attack will achieve greater victories, Guishuang What our soldiers see on such a battlefield is the tension of the situation.

It was difficult for Guishuang soldiers to better adapt to the critical situation on the battlefield and to achieve greater victories when bearing the attack of the Jin army. When attacking, what I saw more was the ferocity of the Jin army, and what I realized more was what kind of damage the Jin army's attack would cause.

Queen Guishuang is more aware of what kind of mentality Guishuang's soldiers will have when dealing with the war at this time. When the battle outside the king's city is for more soldiers, they will bear the Jin army's attack later. It will show a cowardly side.

Coping with the Jin army's attack is a great challenge for the soldiers of Guishuang. If they cannot get out of such a challenge smoothly, the situation in Guishuang will be even more dangerous in the future. What we see more on the battlefield is the possibility of war failure.

The strength and fierceness of the Jin army made the soldiers of Guishuang see the crisis of the situation, and the actions of the soldiers of Guishuang in such a war would inevitably be more affected.

Under the powerful offensive method of the Jin army, the soldiers of Guishuang could not see the possibility of victory in the war, and the persistence of the soldiers of Guishuang in this war would have no more meaning at all.

When facing a confrontation, what kind of mentality the lieutenant soldiers will have will have a significant impact on the subsequent war.

If you have a better understanding of the Jin army, you will see what kind of attitude the Jin army will have when dealing with the war. When the order of the emperor of Jin is issued, what the soldiers in the army need to do on the battlefield is to be better. Execution, so that the actions of Jin's army in the war will have greater power.

What the powerful Jin army can get is more victories. Such a war victory makes the soldiers of Guishuang unable to underestimate it, and even the soldiers of Guishuang will see the fierce impact of the Jin army in the continuous confrontation What kind of impact will it bring.

It is quite difficult to better adapt to the Jin army's attack, or to have some achievements when bearing the Jin army's attack.

Facts have proved that when the Jin army's offensive is more powerful and powerful, and when the Jin army's offensive will have greater value, the soldiers of Guishuang will see failure from such a war Perhaps, the actions of Guishuang's soldiers in the war will be more impacted.

In the war against the Jin army, the means of Guishuang's soldiers were greatly restricted. Such restrictions in the war brought more possibilities of failure to Guishuang's soldiers. The impact on such a battlefield will be more affected.

The soldiers of Guishuang wanted to achieve something in such a war, but after the Jin army's offensive was better launched, it brought more possibilities of failure to the soldiers of Guishuang, and even Yu let Guishuang's soldiers see that their persistence in the war has no more meaning at all.

The strength of the Jin army made the soldiers of Guishuang see more of the problems of their strength on such a battlefield.

When the situation in the war becomes more serious, and when the lieutenants and soldiers will face more dangerous situations when they endure the war, there will be more situations on the battlefield that the monarch does not want to see.

The success of the Jin army made the soldiers of Guishuang see the tense situation, and what the soldiers of Guishuang realized from the war was the terrifying strength of the Jin army. If what is shown on the battlefield is better, how many emergencies will the soldiers of Guishuang encounter when blocking.

The strength of the Jin army has a resounding reputation on the battlefield of Guishuang, and with the attack of the Jin army, it is the continuous failure of the soldiers of Guishuang in the war. When the soldiers of Guishuang see more in the war However, if they saw that their actions on the battlefield could not lead to more victories, how many critical situations would there be in the future on the battlefield?

It is quite difficult to better adapt to the tense situation on the battlefield, so that the combat methods of one's own soldiers can be better displayed on such a battlefield, especially when seeing the Jin army's attack give Guishuang more What kind of influence does the soldiers of Guishuang bring, and it will make the soldiers of Guishuang lose more confidence in the war.

When bearing the attack of the Jin army, although the soldiers of Guishuang showed a tough side, how effective can their tenacity be on such a battlefield? How can such tenacity affect the future situation? What kind of shock is it.

The strength of the Jin army will bring more damage to Guishuang's soldiers on the battlefield, and the actions of Guishuang's soldiers on such a battlefield will be more restricted.

And if the Jin army's actions in the war achieved greater victories, what would the situation of the soldiers of Guishuang be like in the war?

The dangers on the battlefield make the soldiers of Guishuang need to be more cautious when dealing with them, and when there are more uncontrollable situations on the battlefield, the situation of the soldiers of Guishuang in the war will definitely be more serious. the tough ones.

The strength of the Jin army brought more damage to the soldiers of Guishuang, and what the soldiers of Guishuang saw was the tense situation. They wanted to better adapt to the threat posed by the attack of the Jin army. What kind of impact will be brought by adapting to the impact of the Jin army more, it needs to show more extraordinary strength in the war.

The success of the Jin army on the battlefield was also accompanied by many difficulties, but when the Jin army responded to the critical situation in the war, it showed an extraordinary side, and what made the Jin army's actions on the battlefield would be Greater power and influence.

In such a war environment, the actions of the Jin army on the battlefield will bring more failures to the soldiers of Guishuang, and the actions of the soldiers of Guishuang on such a battlefield will suffer more shocks. Therefore, there is more fear when dealing with the Jin army's attack.

What kind of attitude the lieutenant soldiers will have when dealing with the war will have a significant impact on the subsequent war.

There are many dangerous situations that may arise in the war against the Jin army. If it is impossible to better deal with the complex war situation, or if there will be more uncontrollable situations on such a battlefield, it will make the future The situation is more complicated.

The tense situation on the battlefield has brought more troubles to the attack of the soldiers of the army. From the obstruction of the actions of the soldiers of Guishuang in this war, we can see the fierce offensive of the Jin army What kind of impact will it bring.

And if you want to have some achievements in adapting to the Jin army's offensive, it will inevitably make the subsequent situation more complicated.

The success of the Jin army brought more shocks to the soldiers of Guishuang, and gave the Jin army a more obvious advantage under such a continuous attack.

Perhaps the actions of Guishuang's soldiers on the battlefield can have a certain degree of success, but in the face of the fierce offensive of the Jin army, this possibility will be infinitely reduced.

The fierceness of the Jin army made the soldiers of Guishuang see the possibility of failure in the war, and the soldiers of Guishuang saw the possibility of failure from the complicated war situation. Therefore, the soldiers of Guishuang saw the possibility of failure on the battlefield. will be more fragile.

Thinking of the current complicated situation in Guishuang, the queen of Guishuang felt a sense of powerlessness. When she was under the attack of the Jin army, she saw what kind of damage the Jin army's fierce impact would cause. What she saw was the Jin army's attack. What kind of impact will the impact of the army have.

From the specific war situation, it is not difficult to see the strength of the Jin army, and it is not difficult to see what kind of power the Jin army will have in its actions on the battlefield in the future.

The strength of the Jin army will be better reflected in such a war. When the Jin army's fierce offensive further achieves greater results on the battlefield of Guishuang, it will make the soldiers of Guishuang more powerful. What kind of defeat did you endure on such a battlefield?

The soldiers of Guishuang also have their pride on the battlefield. When the war situation becomes more complicated, what can be seen is what kind of impact the terrifying strength of the Jin army will bring.

Only by better adapting to the attack of the Jin army, and only by having greater achievements when bearing the fierce offensive of the Jin army, can the attack of our own soldiers be more effective, and the impact of our soldiers can be more powerful. great value.

If you want to win greater victories on the battlefield, and want to make the impact of your own soldiers more powerful, it is not a small difficulty in itself, but what you can understand from the Jin army's attack is the strength of the Jin army. Crazy, what can be seen is what kind of impact the strength of the Jin army will bring.

The actions of the Jin army on the current battlefield will achieve greater success, and the actions of the Jin army can make the subsequent situation more complicated.

And as the Jin army's offensive becomes more powerful, as the Jin army's offensive will have greater power, the Jin army will occupy a more obvious advantage in subsequent wars.

In this confrontation, what can be seen is the fierceness of the Jin army, and what can be seen from it is the impact of the Jin army's attack.

The Jin army in the war, with its fierce power, made the soldiers of Guishuang see more tension in the situation when responding to the Jin army's attack, and felt the impact of the Jin army in such a war What kind of damage did it cause.

And only by better adapting to the impact of the Jin army's impact, and having greater achievements in enduring the Jin army's attack, can we avoid more critical situations on the battlefield in the future.

Facts have proved that when the offensive of the Jin army is better displayed on such a battlefield, the impact of its offensive is enough for the soldiers of Guishuang to see the complexity of the situation .

The brave Jin army will bring great damage to the enemy on the battlefield, and let the enemy see the possibility of failure in the war. There is no more luck in the battlefield against the Jin army. To put it bluntly, if they cannot achieve greater victories when they withstand the fierce offensive of the Jin army, just the tense situation that will appear on the subsequent battlefield will be enough to make the soldiers of Guishuang pay a heavier price.

The strength of the Jin army is better displayed on such a battlefield. In the subsequent confrontation, the achievements of the Jin army will be even more astonishing, and the Jin army will get more victories on such a battlefield.

No matter what kind of persistence Guishuang's soldiers will have in this war, they will not be able to win more victories in the war. These will have a great impact on the subsequent situation, and with the attack of the Jin army If there is a greater effect, the situation of Guishuang soldiers will be more difficult in the subsequent confrontation, and what Guishuang soldiers will see is the critical situation.

Perhaps when dealing with the war, the Jin army will show a fierce side, and as time goes by, what kind of damage the Jin army's attack will cause will be seen.

No matter what kind of actions Guishuang's soldiers will take on such a battlefield, if they cannot win on the battlefield that blocks the Jin army, they will suffer more failures in subsequent wars, and it will make them suffer more. Guishuang's top management completely lost confidence in the war.

When the actions of Guishuang soldiers in the war are more affected by the impact of the Jin army, and when the Jin army's offensive will achieve greater achievements, the impact on the soldiers of Guishuang will be far-reaching. What Guishuang's soldiers saw from the continuous war was the possibility of their failure.

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