Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6424: : so bad

Fundamentally dampen the spirit of Guishuang soldiers, which will have a great impact on the subsequent situation, and as the Jin army's offensive becomes more fierce, it will play a greater role as the Jin army's offensive, It is obvious that the actions of the Jin army in the subsequent wars will cause great harm to the enemy.

The success of the Jin army in the war cannot be imitated by the soldiers of Guishuang. Even in such a war environment, the soldiers of Guishuang saw more of the possibility of failure.

The support of strong strength brings more possibilities for the Jin army's subsequent actions, making the Jin army's impact on the battlefield more effective.

In fact, the actions of the Jin army in this war can have a great impact on the subsequent situation. If you want to deal with the Jin army's attack more appropriately, you want to have a better role in blocking the Jin army on the battlefield. Great achievements come with great difficulty.

The successive victories of the Jin army in the war had an obvious impact on the soldiers of Guishuang. What the soldiers of Guishuang saw on such a battlefield was how limited their means would be.

In fact, the fierce attack of the Jin army can have a great impact on the war situation. If the soldiers of Guishuang experience more failures in such a war, it will be difficult for them to show their strength when blocking the Jin army. Come out more powerful strength.

The success of the Jin army made the soldiers of Guishuang see the tense situation, and what the soldiers of Guishuang saw on such a battlefield was how limited their means would be.

And with the attack of the Jin army, there will be greater effects, and with the attack of the Jin army, there will be greater power. The fierce methods of the Jin army cannot be easily blocked by the soldiers of Guishuang.

The Jin army is the king on the battlefield, and the strength of the king is unstoppable by the soldiers of Guishuang. In the war, what the soldiers of Guishuang see is the possibility of failure, and what the soldiers of Guishuang see more clearly is them What kind of situation will appear when blocking the attack of the Jin army.

And when the advantage of the Jin army in the war becomes more obvious, the impact of the Jin army in the war will get more help. Only the help that Guishuang officials will provide in this war will make the Jin army more powerful. The Jin army had a more obvious advantage when attacking.

The strong strength of the Jin army made the soldiers of Guishuang see the tension of the situation, and what the soldiers of Guishuang felt was the urgency of the situation.

Only by better resisting the attack of the Jin army, or having some achievements in bearing the attack of the Jin army, can the tense situation in Guishuang be completely relieved, otherwise, it will only be a critical situation that will appear in the war , is enough to make the situation of Guishuang soldiers even more difficult.

During the war, the offensive methods of the Jin army would cause great damage, and as the Jin army's offensive became more fierce, what Guishuang's soldiers saw was the situation. Nervous, let the soldiers of Guishuang see from such a battlefield how limited their means will be.

The brilliant achievements of the Jin army are due to the many efforts made by the Jin army for the war. If it weren't for the Jin army's ability to win more victories in the war, if it weren't for the Jin army's methods being more powerful, the Jin army would have been more powerful on the battlefield of Guishuang. The price to pay will inevitably be heavy.

Not to mention, the Guishuang Empire has a powerful army. What can be seen in the war against the Jin army is how tenacious the soldiers of Guishuang are on the battlefield. When they withstand the attack of the Jin army, they clearly Knowing that there are many dangers, but when they responded to the attack of the Jin army, they still showed a strong side.

Only by making the means of one's own soldiers more powerful, and only by making the attacks of one's own soldiers more effective, can the subsequent confrontation be carried out more smoothly.

As the Jin army's offensive becomes more ferocious, and as the Jin army's offensive will show greater value, the damage that the Jin army's impact on the battlefield will bring to the enemy must be obvious.

The actions of the ferocious Jin army in this war made the soldiers of Guishuang see the tension of the situation, and what the soldiers of Guishuang realized from it was what kind of harm the methods of the Jin army would bring.

Only by better responding to the Jin army's attack, or showing a more extraordinary side when bearing the Jin army's attack, can the subsequent confrontation proceed more smoothly.

No matter what kind of situation will arise in the war, no matter what kind of losses will be suffered in such a war situation, it is conceivable that the damage caused by the Jin army's attack will bring great harm to the situation in Guishuang. What kind of impact is it, and when such an impact is more obvious, it will make the soldiers of Guishuang more panic when the war comes.

There will be more panic on the battlefield blocking the Jin army, which is not a shameful thing in itself, because under the fighting methods of the Jin army, the soldiers of Guishuang will suffer more failures, and the soldiers of Guishuang will suffer more in this way. The actions in the war will suffer a greater impact.

The actions of the powerful Jin army on the battlefield of Guishuang brought many failures to the soldiers of Guishuang. What the soldiers of Guishuang saw from the tense situation was what kind of strength existed in them. question.

If you want to better adapt to the fierce offensive of the Jin army, and if you want to have some achievements in blocking the attack of the Jin army, Guishuang's top management needs to be more cautious and considerate when considering war.

The current advantage of the Jin army in the war is extremely obvious. When the Jin army better demonstrates its own advantages in the war and then launches a more ferocious attack, it will cause great harm to the soldiers of Guishuang Yes, it makes the soldiers of Guishuang feel the possibility of losing the war from such a battlefield.

When the impact of the defeat in the war on the lieutenants is more obvious, and when the actions of the Jin army in the war will bring about a greater impact, how will the enemy appear when it blocks the attack of the Jin army? situation.

In fact, the attack from the Jin army was fierce during the war. If such a fierce offensive will have a greater impact on the subsequent situation, if you want to win a greater victory in response to the Jin army's attack, you will become impossible.

The price paid by the soldiers of Guishuang in the war against the Jin army was too great. Such a price of war made the soldiers of Guishuang have more shortcomings when dealing with the fierce offensive of the Jin army. The losses on the battlefield will be even greater.

When such a war situation is placed in front of the soldiers of Guishuang, when they deal with the impact of the Jin army, they will have more panic, and the impact of such panic on the situation in Guishuang is particularly obvious.

If Guishuang cannot successfully win this war, their situation will be even more embarrassing in the subsequent wars, and there will even be more situations on the battlefield that Guishuang's senior management does not want to see.

When dealing with the war, the soldiers in the army also have their own ideas. The successive failures in the war have greatly stimulated them. Besides, the current Guishuang has been unable to stop the attack of the Jin army. When the attack comes, Guishuang's soldiers will pay a heavy price for the war.

Under such a war situation, it is reasonable for Guishuang's soldiers to surrender in the face of the Jin army's attack.

Originally on the complex battlefield, it was an extravagant hope to better block the Jin army's attack, and the means displayed by Guishuang soldiers in response to the war were themselves greatly restricted. Among them, if the restrictions from the Jin army are more obvious, what will happen to the soldiers of Guishuang on such a battlefield?

The strong strength will bring more support for the Jin army's subsequent actions, so that the Jin army's actions on the battlefield will have greater power and influence. After more fights with the Jin army, you will see It is what kind of scene the Jin army's actions in the war brought about.

The fierceness of the Jin army directly led to the continuous defeat of Guishuang's army in the war, and it made Guishuang's soldiers lose confidence in the subsequent war. When such war patterns appeared more on the battlefield, Guishuang What kind of situation will happen if the soldiers are unable to deal with the dangerous situation in the war.

The strength of the Jin army made the soldiers of Guishuang see the danger of the situation, and the soldiers of Guishuang paid a greater price on such a battlefield.

How to make the attack of one's own soldiers more effective, how to make the attack of one's own soldiers achieve greater results, itself needs more attention.

The Jin army on the battlefield will show a fierce side, and as the Jin army's offensive becomes more fierce, as the Jin army's offensive becomes more fierce, in the subsequent wars, the Jin army's offensive will achieve even more big effect.

War is a test of the strength of the soldiers in the army. If there are bigger problems in the methods used by the soldiers in the army to deal with the war, if the methods displayed by the soldiers in the army on such a battlefield are severely affected If it is limited, just the tense situation that will appear in the subsequent war is enough to make Guishuang's soldiers frightened.

In order to deal with the war, one must have strong strength to make the attack of one's own soldiers more effective, and to make one's soldiers more fierce when attacking the enemy.

In the current war environment, what can be seen is what kind of power the Jin army's impact will have, and what can be seen is what kind of impact the Jin army's actions will bring.

Not to mention what kind of damage the Jin army's attack will bring in such a war, what kind of choices will Guishuang's soldiers have when they face the war again, what will such a choice do to Guishuang in the future? What kind of impact is particularly critical.

Guishuang's high-level leaders also had their considerations when responding to the Jin army's attack, but as the war gradually unfolded, they will find that the situation that Guishuang's high-level leaders can control in this war is not very big. , When the impact of the Jin army comes, it will cause too much damage to the soldiers of Guishuang.

Even Guishuang's high-level leaders have more panic in such a war environment. When the high-level leaders lose confidence in the war, when they deal with the war, they will have more fear. It is impossible to stop the Jin army's attack more effectively. M..

The more I saw the fierce methods of the Jin army, and the more I saw the ferocity of the Jin country's offensive, it was inevitable that the officials of Guishuang would have other actions in secret.

At this time, the situation in Guishuang is extremely bad, not to mention what kind of persistence the queen of Guishuang will have in this war. The failure of Guishuang's army in the war is irreversible, and they are blocking the Jin army. A more tense situation may emerge in the war.

No matter what kind of situation will appear on the battlefield, no matter what kind of impact the attack of one's own soldiers will have, the only way to make the impact of one's own soldiers has a greater effect is to make the attack of one's soldiers achieve greater results , in the subsequent battlefield, there will be a possibility of victory.

The toughness of the Jin army made the soldiers of Guishuang see the danger of the war situation, so that the soldiers of Guishuang could not have more powerful offensive capabilities on such a They are dealing with the Jin army's attack What you will see more in the attack is what kind of damage the Jin army's attack is accompanied by.

And when such a war situation is further formed, and when the Jin army's offensive will be more effective, there may be a more tense situation in the subsequent war.

The many victories on the battlefield can bring more guarantees for the Jin army's subsequent offensive, and make the Jin army's impact on the battlefield more powerful.

But anyone who knows more about the combat effectiveness of the Jin army will clearly see how urgent the situation in Guishuang is at this time.

Not to mention what kind of thoughts the queen of Guishuang will have in this war. She wants to make Guishuang's power more cohesive, and wants Guishuang to show a more tenacious side in this war. It's a difficult thing to do in itself.

The soldiers of the army also have their own ideas when dealing with the war, especially in the current war environment, when they withstand the attack of the Jin army, the price paid by the soldiers of Guishuang is really too high, and when such a If the cost of war will affect the actions of Guishuang soldiers more, what kind of choices will Guishuang soldiers have in such a war?

In the repeated defeats of the army, the soldiers saw the difference in their strength compared with the Jin army. On such a battlefield, what kind of problems would their impact be compared to the Jin army.

And as the confrontation unfolds, the Jin army's attack will have greater power, and on the subsequent battlefield, the Jin army's actions will have greater value.

It is essentially difficult for Guishuang's soldiers to achieve greater achievements in this war, and to allow Guishuang to better contain the tense war situation.

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