Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6445: : speech, surrender

After the Jin army invaded Peshawar, what can be seen from the actions of some officials is how negative they will be when dealing with the war.

This is also the situation that will appear after the war has reached a certain point. It is impossible to win when it responds to the attack of the Jin army. If it fails again when facing the impact of the Jin army, Guishuang's The situation will become more tense, and Guishuang will pay a heavier price for this war.

It is very difficult to stop the Jin army's attack, but in this war, Guishuang seems to have no more choices. As for choosing to surrender, many officials will not mention it publicly. and things.

What happened in the city in the past made the officials of Guishuang realize that it was the young queen's iron-blooded methods. When there was a voice of surrender, or if the queen knew about the secret actions of officials, it would be fatal.

At this time, what kind of treatment the Queen will have, this is what the officials of Guishuang are more curious about.

Surrendering to the Jin State will allow Guishuang's high-level officials to be preserved in this war. Judging from the actions of the Jin army in Guishuang, their surrender will not be subject to unnecessary killings. It's a good result. .

However, the mighty Guishuang Empire has suffered the price of destruction in this war, and such a situation will inevitably be embarrassing.

In the past, the Guishuang Empire had strong strength. Even in the face of the threat of Jin, they dared to stand up and resist. The failure of the war made the soldiers of Guishuang show a tough side. The attack was too fierce, which caused such a change in Guishuang's current war situation.

However, the resistance of the Guishuang Empire in this war has slightly restored the dignity of the Guishuang soldiers.

At this time, such a voice appeared in Guishuang's palace. What kind of choice will the queen of Guishuang make? Continue to fight against the Jin army, burn everything, or surrender to the Jin army.

With the current defenders in the city, it is impossible to achieve victory when blocking the Jin army's attack. The Jin army has extremely strong strength, and when the Jin army's strength is in such a war If you will get a better display, on the subsequent battlefield, the impact of the Jin army will bring more damage to the enemy, and the enemy will not see the slightest hope of victory.

The impact of the fierce impact of the Jin army during the war made Guishuang's top management have to worry more at the last moment of the war.

The soldiers of Guishuang on the battlefield have tried their best, but even if they paid a high price on the battlefield to block the Jin army, the impact of such a price on the subsequent war is limited.

This is also an inevitable situation in the war against the Jin army. With the support of strong strength, the actions of the Jin army on the battlefield will have greater power, and it will be even more powerful when bearing the impact of the Jin army. What can be seen is what kind of losses Guishuang's soldiers will suffer in this war.

Whenever the impact of the Jin army in a war will bring more damage to the enemy, and whenever the Jin army's attack will play a greater role, it will make the enemy see it from such a battlefield. It is the tension of the situation, which will let the enemy see the terrifying strength and means of the Jin army.

It is quite difficult in itself to better block the Jin army's attack, especially if the Jin army's fierce offensive method will be better displayed on such a battlefield, on the subsequent battlefield, What the Jin army will show is even more terrifying strength.

From the specific war situation, we can see the strength of the Jin army and the damage that the Jin army's attack will cause, and when the Jin army attacks, it will have greater power. If the impact of the Jin army will have a greater effect, then on the battlefield later, the impact of the Jin army will cause greater damage, and the enemy will see the terrorist methods of the Jin army.

With the support of strong strength, the actions of the Jin army in this war will have greater power, and what the Jin army will show on such a battlefield is more powerful combat effectiveness.

There are many dangerous situations on the battlefield. If you can't have effective means to stop the enemy's offensive, or make greater achievements during the war, it will definitely make the situation worse later. of.

Putting it on the battlefield in front of you, under the impact of the Jin army, the soldiers of Guishuang will see the severity of the situation, and what the soldiers of Guishuang will feel from such a war is the fierceness and ferocity of the Jin army.

The Jin army, which has won more victories from the war, showed a particularly strong side on the battlefield. Guishuang's high-level officials have gradually become accustomed to such situations appearing on the battlefield in Guishuang. It is the most surprising thing if the strength shown on the Internet is not strong enough.

In fact, the Jin army has many plans for this war, and in the war, it can achieve greater success for its own plans. From these aspects, it can be seen that the Jin army is outstanding. .

Unable to show extraordinary means when enduring the war, unable to make the offensive of one's own soldiers more effective, these will have a great impact on the subsequent war situation.

On the current battlefield, how to better deal with the offensive of the Jin army is a difficult problem for the soldiers of Guishuang. When they responded to the offensive of the Jin army, the failures they suffered were enough to allow them to fight in the future on the battlefield. Some are more fearful. It is very difficult to win the battle against the Jin army. When the situation on the battlefield becomes more tense and the Jin army's attack becomes more fierce, how can the soldiers of Guishuang be like this? What kind of situation will appear in the war?

Guishuang's high-level officials are of course aware that the most sensible choice at present is to surrender to the Jin army, but it takes a lot of courage to mention this matter in front of the queen.

Akege's words made many officials in Guishuang look sideways, because Akege dared to speak their hearts.

Seeing the silence in the field, Akeke said slowly: "Now there are only ten thousand defenders in the city, and it is obviously impossible for Wangcheng to play a greater role in blocking the enemy's attack. The enemy's offensive methods are extremely fierce, and if the enemy breaks through the royal city, the situation will become even more critical, and even if you have the heart to seek refuge with the Jin Kingdom, I'm afraid it will not be accepted by the emperor of the Jin Kingdom."

"It's not easy for Guishuang to be able to fight until now. The soldiers in the army are exhausted. When they deal with the enemy's attack, they can't show their strength at all. They will surrender more to the enemy on the battlefield. .”

"Surrendering to the Jin army will not bring disaster to the people of Wangcheng, but it will also allow Guishuang's royal family to continue in this war."

There was another long silence. Obviously, these words are very heavy. The mighty Guishuang Empire has come to such a point in this war that it even had to surrender to the enemy.

The important people of Guishuang live in the royal city. It is impossible for ordinary people to enter the royal city. When blocking the attack of the Jin army, is it impossible to let the officials in the city go to battle in person? If such a situation really occurs, they may be more passive when blocking the offensive of the Jin army.

The danger on the battlefield is clear to everyone, especially when facing the Jin army's attack, there will be more tense situations. If there are more problems with the methods of our soldiers when dealing with the Jin army's attack, Just the loss caused by the failure of the war is enough to make them panic even more.

War itself has many dangers. If there are problems in the means used to deal with the dangers in war, you will face a more tense situation in war.

The means of the Jin army in the war have great effects. From the many victories the Jin army has won on the battlefield, we can see the situation well. As the Jin army's offensive becomes more fierce, As the impact of the Jin army in this war becomes more severe, the enemy will suffer greater losses when responding to the fierce offensive of the Jin army, and what will be seen on such a battlefield is the strength of the Jin army. What kind of threat will the impact bring.

From the battles one after another, we can see the ferocity of the Jin army and the damage the Jin army's offensive methods will bring to the enemy. When the methods in the war cannot cope with the dangerous situation , defeat in the war will become inevitable.

Besides, the aggressiveness of the Jin army's offensive methods is obviously not something that the current soldiers of Guishuang can handle.

As A Kejie said, in the war to stop the Jin army, it is not easy for Guishuang's army to persist to the current point.

The queen wandered her eyes around the crowd, "Do you all see this too?"

An official stood up and said: "Queen, the situation in Guishuang is already too tense. It is obviously impossible to stop the enemy's attack. Please make a choice as soon as possible."

Someone takes the lead, and things like this are obviously much simpler. The current situation in Guishuang is so bad that when more officials choose to support and join Jin, even the queen must be more cautious. The moment the Jin army's attack arrives, it will cause even greater shocks in the city.

When the time comes to urgency, the choices of these officials cannot be ignored.

The price paid by the soldiers of Guishuang on the battlefield blocking the Jin army is itself heavy, and the means they adopt in such a war cannot have a greater effect when blocking the Jin army. , It has obviously become impossible to better block the impact of the Jin army.

At this time, the actions of the Jin army in the war will bring more damage to Guishuang and make Guishuang's situation more turbulent. This is also the price that needs to be borne in the war to stop the Jin army.

The ferocity of the Jin army is known more by the soldiers of Guishuang, and what the soldiers of Guishuang see from the battlefield is what kind of problems their methods will have.

When an army's actions in a war are subject to greater restrictions, and when there is an obvious gap in the strength of lieutenant officers and soldiers in the process of facing the enemy, it is expected that such an army will create more wars on the battlefield. The miracle is obviously something that cannot be done.

The actions of the powerful Jin army in the war will bring greater defeat to the soldiers of Guishuang, and let the soldiers of Guishuang see their weakness from such a battlefield.

Because of its strong strength as a support, what the Jin army will show when the war is in progress is a more powerful side.

The strength of the Jin army cannot be easily stopped by the soldiers of Guishuang.

Now the fierce means displayed by the Jin army in the war can make the future situation more severe and tense.

It is precisely because of the actions of the powerful Jin army in the war that the subsequent situation will undergo greater changes.

The Guishuang soldiers in the war had a lot of problems in the means of blocking the Jin army, and when such problems were exposed more on the the war would become impossible to win Things, Guishuang's high-level executives will have their choices when facing the impact of the Jin army.

There are many dangers in blocking the attack of the Jin army. In these critical situations, it can be seen that the soldiers of Guishuang paid a heavy price for the war.

In the process of blocking the fierce offensive of the Jin army, there will be more tense situations.

Many Guishuang officials echoed this matter one after another, but the Queen's expression was very calm, as if it was a matter of course for Guishuang officials to make such a choice at the last moment.

"Since you all think that such a choice is beneficial, I don't have much to say." The queen said slowly.

From the Queen's expression, one can see that it is calm, but the officials present know that when the Queen said these words, her heart must not be peaceful. The mighty Guishuang Empire will fight in this war What China bears is the price of complete annihilation.

When the Guishuang Empire is completely occupied by the Jin army, even if the queen still has other means in the dark, it will become impossible to successfully display it in front of the Jin army. The means are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

After the Jin army invaded Guishuang, it can be seen that the Jin army is in full swing. The victories won in wars have brought greater impact to the soldiers of Guishuang, and even more so that the soldiers of Guishuang What we see in such a war environment is the possibility of failure

. More persistence in the war will not be of greater help to stop the fierce offensive of the Jin army, because as long as the powerful methods of the Jin army are better used in this war, they will be defeated in subsequent wars. , the Jin army's offensive will be even fiercer.

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