Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6461: : From now on, you are my man

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Ake said: "Queen, from the point of view of my subordinates, it is beneficial to Guishuang and Jin."

"If the queen becomes the concubine of the emperor of Jin, then Jin's governance of the land of Guishuang will reduce a lot of obstacles. Such obstacles are what the emperor of Jin needs, and the people of Guishuang will feel more at ease. Because their queen became the concubine of the emperor of Jin."

"This king has agreed to this matter, and the rest of the conditions, this king cannot compromise." The Queen was silent for a moment.

A Kejie saluted and said: "The queen is wise, this subordinate will go outside the city now."

"You have worked hard." The queen sighed.

When Ake left, he was also in a bad mood. Now Guishuang wants the queen to become the concubine of the emperor of Jin in order to bring more benefits. Such a thing, how can we not let people sigh, but the situation is like this , if the Guishuang Empire violated the wishes of the Emperor Jin, what would happen afterwards?

The emperor of Jin is wise and mighty, perhaps becoming the concubine of the emperor of Jin is a very good home for the queen. Only the emperor of Jin can be worthy of such an excellent queen.

The queen sat upright for a long time, and when she got up, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. The bleak atmosphere seemed to be warmed by the queen's smile.

The next day, Guishuang's envoy, A Kejie, was able to meet the Emperor of Jin in the tent of the Chinese army.

A Kejie is no stranger to the name of the emperor of Jin, it can be said that he is like a thunderbolt.

The emperor of the state of Jin has a more and more famous reputation in the land of Guishuang. After learning more about the emperor of the state of Jin, it is not difficult to see what kind of attitude the emperor of the state of Jin will have when dealing with the war Not to mention how powerful the enemy is, as long as he provokes the emperor of Jin, he will bear the crazy attack of the Jin army's soldiers.

From the previous wars, we can see the illustrious achievements of the emperor of Jin. What kind of courage is it to send troops from the land of Jin to attack Guishuang, and in such wars, the army of Jin quickly won the victory.

In a few months, the once glorious Guishuang Empire was destroyed, and even the Anxi Empire's army suffered defeat in the Guishuang land. Such a monarch is worthy of respect.

"I agree to the conditions you mentioned." Lu Bu said lightly.

A Kejie hastily bowed and said: "I will go back to the king's city and tell the queen."

The title of Ake Que made the generals in the tent feel proud, and the emissary of Guishuang clearly regarded himself as a subordinate of the emperor of Jin.

The atmosphere in the royal city seemed to be a lot more relaxed because of the news brought back by A Kejie, and changed from the solemnity of the past.

Since the Jin army entered the land of Guishuang and won successive victories, the atmosphere in Wangcheng has always given people a heavy feeling. Who made Guishuang's army unable to compete with the Jin army in the war? Even in the battle against the Jin army , Successive failures made Guishuang finally evolve into what it is today.

Having to rely on surrender and gaining remnants, it would be very shameless to say such a thing, but in the hearts of the people and officials of Wangcheng at this time, such a result is the most acceptable.

Guishuang's elite combat power has been completely lost in the war against the Jin army. Although there are elite palace guards in the palace, how long can these guards hold back the Jin army? It brought about even greater disasters.

When the Jin army became the victor of the war, the fate of the people and officials of the royal city was in the hands of the emperor of Jin.

Surrendering and becoming a member of the Jin Kingdom is the easiest, most acceptable, and also the best result.

Perhaps among them, many people do not want such a result. In their hearts, they still have the glory of the Guishuang Empire, but it is impossible to change this situation based on their ability alone matter.

Struggle brings more destruction. And their struggle cannot bring too many changes to the Guishuang Empire.

From some situations in which the Jin army captured the city of Guishuang, it is not difficult to see that when the methods of Jin officials were used in the land of Guishuang, the people of Guishuang would be unable to resist, and the people of Guishuang would be unable to resist. What I saw was living under the rule of Jin, what kind of stability would be obtained, without worrying about war and perdition.

Only after experiencing the war will they understand how precious the stability after the war is, and all this is what the Jin army can bring to them.

The officials and people of the royal city waited quietly outside the palace, and they already knew what was going to happen next.

The team is not neat, but it can be seen that the officials of Guishuang have put their heart into it. This is to welcome the Jin army to enter the royal city. This is Guishuang's surrender. move.

From the expressions of Guishuang officials, it can be felt that their mood is much more relaxed than before.

Not only the officials, but the people in the city are not like this. The soldiers of the Jin army are approaching the city, and they may break through the royal city at any time. However, Guishuang's combat effectiveness is far from that of the elite troops of the Jin army. Such a strength The gap will directly lead to the complete destruction of the Guishuang Empire.

It is actually a very good ending for Jin to accept Guishuang's surrender after such a great victory in the war.

The collapse of the empire is not acceptable to ordinary people, but after suffering too many failures and losses, such a situation can be accepted, and this is also the tragedy of the empire.

The queen's royal robe is still so majestic and solemn, but compared with the usual one, it has lost the majesty and solemnity of being the Queen of Guishuang.

The city gate was wide open, and Zhao Yun and others entered the city first. On the king's city, the guarding soldiers had already confiscated all their weapons and armor, and were waiting for the Jin army to enter the city near the city gate.

Looking at the mighty and majestic Jin army, they also have a lot of emotion in their hearts. It is the team in front of them that brought the glorious empire to destruction. They are clearly the enemies of the ruined empire, but when they face the Jin army, they are No more hate.

This is the absolute difference in strength and the impact it brings. When more Guishuang soldiers know that their confrontation will not have a greater effect and value in front of the Jin army, it is most correct for them to surrender If there is no way out, when they face the Jin army, their hatred will decrease accordingly.

Strong strength will bring more help to the Jin army's actions in the war, and at the same time, it will also allow the Jin army to get respect in the land of Guishuang.

The winners are worthy of respect, and the losers also have their respect. The persistence of the soldiers of the Guishuang Empire in the war is worthy of respect.

Seeing the soldiers of the Guishuang Empire bow their heads, Zhao Yun nodded slightly and ordered: "Put these people in isolation, and no one is allowed to leave without the general's order."

"Here." A general immediately carried out Zhao Yun's order.

Accepting the surrender of the Guishuang Empire is the top priority for the Jin army. The safety of the emperor entering the city needs to be guaranteed. No one can be sure whether there will be any young people among these people. Will it pose a threat to the emperor.

The guard force of the city was replaced by the Jin army.

From the expressions of the soldiers, one can feel the solemnity. They are the elite of the Jin army, and they are invincible on the battlefield of Guishuang.

The solemn atmosphere made the people on both sides of the street dare not slack off in the slightest.

It is no secret that the elite of the Jin army is in the Guishuang Empire. In the war against the Jin army, the Guishuang Empire paid a heavy price. This is war. It is very difficult to avoid losses on the battlefield of.

It is reasonable for the soldiers of the Guishuang Empire to have their persistence when the war comes. Now that the empire has surrendered, they will become the people of Jin.

These majestic soldiers of the Jin army will become the team to protect them. For some reason, under such an atmosphere, their mood is hard to be happy no matter what.

After all, the country's destruction is a very sad thing. The former Guishuang Empire was powerful, and the surrounding countries all praised the Guishuang Empire when they mentioned it. However, now, the powerful empire is heading for decline.

Even the queen of the empire, when the war has reached such a point, can only choose to surrender.

Although such a result is very good, what cannot be stopped is their nostalgia for the past glory of the empire.

The Jin army's battle flag fluttered over the city. Groups of Jin troops entered the city, and the guarding force of the royal city was quickly taken over by the Jin army.

The clattering sound of horseshoes sounded, and Dian Wei, in military uniform, looked around covetously. The cavalry guards looked solemn and well-dressed. They were the personal guards of the emperor of Jin, and they were the elite forces in the Jin army. The emperor's safety is their honor and even more their duty.

In the middle of the team was Lu Bu, who was riding a dark horse, also in military uniform, and the majesty exuded from all over his body made people dare not look directly at him.

The construction of Guishuang's royal city is nothing more than that in Lu Bu's view, but he knows that this is the holy place in the hearts of Guishuang people, and it is also the most noble place in the Guishuang Empire. It is precisely to break this place that many elite soldiers have lost the battlefield .

The sacrifices in war are unavoidable, but when war can bring more benefits, Lu Bu, as a monarch, has to have more considerations. If he wants Jin to go out completely, he wants to In order to make the territory of Jin State more vast, after all, people need to pay.

Let the Jin army maintain a long-term and strong combat effectiveness. Wars are inevitable. When the national strength reaches a certain level, wars will inevitably occur for weaker countries.

If the strength of Jin State is weak, then in the territory of Jin State at this time, it may be the scene of the enemy showing off their might.

If you are weak, you will be beaten.

The roads of the royal city are wide, and the royal palace can be called magnificent.

What is different from the state of Jin is that the appearance of Lu Bu did not get cheers from the people. This is also a normal thing. At this time, there will be no more hatred in their hearts. Over time, they will remember the benefits of Jin State more than the glorious Guishuang Empire in the past.

Seeing the team getting closer and closer, the Queen's hands trembled slightly. From now on, the Guishuang Empire will no longer exist. She has witnessed the glory of the Guishuang Empire with her own eyes, and she has also seen the decline of the Guishuang Empire , and the person who ends all of this with his own hands will become her husband.

"Meet Your Majesty!" an official shouted.

But seeing the people of Guishuang, they bowed and knelt down one after another, and the queen also bowed her head.

Lu Bu got off his horse and walked slowly to the queen, feeling unspeakable excitement in his heart

Different from the battles with the princes in the past, different from the destruction of the countries in the Western Regions, Wusun, etc., the Guishuang Empire is a powerful empire. However, such an empire has become the territory of the Jin State. This is a great pioneering work. Conquest may bring a lot of troubles, but compared to the benefits and significance, these troubles are nothing.

"Get up." Lu Bu helped the queen up. "I believe that the land of Guishuang will be more prosperous under my governance, and the land of Guishuang will also be treated kindly because of your actions today."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The Queen said.

The queen's face turned red when she came into close contact with Lu Bu. She, who has been on the throne all year round, seemed weak and unworthy in front of Lu Bu.

This kind of situation is something that the queen has never thought about Once upon a time, she thought that no one in this world was worthy of her, not even the king of the Roman Empire.

"What the land of Guishuang needs is peace. I can do all of this." Lu Bu said softly: "To ensure the stability of the government and the peace of the people."

Although the words were light, the queen felt Lu Bu's confidence. It was the emperor in front of her who caused the destruction of the Guishuang Empire and also gave her a promise. Why, it made the queen feel more stable than ever before.

"Isn't Your Majesty afraid that this king will be unfavorable to you?" the Queen asked.

Lu Bu smiled and said, "From now on, you are my man, and I have confidence in my man."

"Let him pass everything in the past. From now on, it will be a new beginning." Lu Bu said.

The Queen nodded, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your comfort. I thank you on behalf of the people of Guishuang."

"In the future, don't call yourself the king in front of everyone, or there will be misunderstandings." Lu Bu said.

The queen smiled sweetly, "Understood."

With a smile, Lu Bu looked a little dumbfounded. In Lu Bu's harem, there are many beauties who are all over the country, but the unique temperament of Queen Guishuang is extremely lethal to men. However, such a wonderful person, but It is to take on the heavy responsibility of the Guishuang Empire.

It is conceivable how boring and heavy the queen's life was in the past.

The Jin army took over the guards of the palace, while Lu Bu walked towards the throne, and the queen followed Lu Bu.

In the palace, Guishuang's important officials gathered, and the venue was extra quiet than before.

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