Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6460: : The Emperor of Jin's Marriage to the Queen

Chapter 6483 The matter of the emperor of Jin marrying the queen

Without waiting for Lü Bu to speak, Jia Xu cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, this minister believes that the words of filial piety are reasonable."

"More cities in Guishuang will be occupied by our army and will be ruled by the sage. However, the influence of the Guishuang Empire cannot be underestimated. The Queen of Guishuang has a very high status in the hearts of the people of Guishuang. This is the quickest way to eliminate the grudges of the Kushuang people."

"This move is also of great help to the long-term stability of Guishuang. When officials from the central government arrive, they will be more handy in governing Guishuang."

Lü Bu sighed: "Following filial piety and Wen He, this is difficult for me to do."

"The saint is in his prime, and being able to bring Queen Guishuang into the harem is a blessing for Queen Guishuang. The minister expects that Queen Guishuang will not object." Zhao Yun said.

Lu Bu couldn't help thinking of the words he had said in the army, but he never thought that when the Guishuang King City was about to be breached, this matter was brought up by his advisors.

Lv Bu did not observe the Queen of Guishuang closely. At first, it was just to boost morale. It was unexpected that when Guishuang was about to be destroyed, she was brought up, and it was Guo Jia, Jia Xu, Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao. people.

When dealing with the proposal of the four, Lu Bu did not have the slightest temper.

The four of them worked hard for the development of Jin.

"This matter."

"Please think twice." The four of them said in unison.

Lu Bu waved his hand, "That's it, it's okay, for the development of Jin, I will sacrifice a bit, but this matter, you can't force the queen of Guishuang, you are looking at my harem, it's too harmonious."

"Sage is wise." The four of them said in unison.

The emperor can agree to this request, and as long as he can talk to Queen Kushuang, the rest will be easier to handle.

The queen sent an envoy to come, indicating that she wanted something, and when the queen and the emperor of Jin became a family, many problems would soon be solved. In the eyes of the four, it was a win-win for both parties.

It will only make the emperor bear certain risks. After all, there is a grudge between Kushuang and Jin. The Queen of Kushuang, who is high above, can only become a prisoner of the emperor of Jin. Such a thing, I want to completely dissipate. , how could it be a simple thing.

If the Queen of Kushuang has the people of Kushuang in her heart, she will make the most favorable decision for Kushuang. Being the concubine of the Emperor of Jin is not a good destination, and at the same time, it can make the land of Kushuang better. Much tilt.

It should be noted that the development methods of the Jin emperors were extraordinary.

Of course, after the war, the man who became the Queen of Kushuang, such a thing is also worth spreading.

"This minister must do his best in this matter." Guo Jia cupped his hands.

Lu Bu said: "Fengxiao, when you return to Chang'an, you have to be careful. Those ministers in the court are not as easy to talk as I am."

"Thanks to the sage's care, I believe that the land of Guishuang has just been settled, and it is the time to employ people. I want to contribute a little in the land of Guishuang, and I hope that the sage can agree." Guo Jiadao.

Lu Bu laughed loudly and said, "I can't think of Fengxiao's fears. If you want to escape, there is no door."

Seeing Guo Jia crying and face, everyone burst into laughter. Among them, Guo Jia dared to do this in front of the emperor.

Of course, Guo Jia's mind is good.

The relationship between monarchs and ministers is like this, but Jia Xu and others never thought of it. After all, Lu Bu is an emperor with high power and power. One word can determine life and death, but such a monarch can be tolerant of his subjects. .

The incident of cunning rabbits being cooked by running dogs was not staged in Jin. Those high-ranking civil officials and military generals were not liquidated by the emperor. In fact, from these things, you can see the extraordinary bearing of the emperor. The monarchs of the past cannot be compared.

The current development and current situation of the state of Jin is the result of the joint efforts of the monarchs and ministers of the state of Jin. In order to make the state of Jin prosper, they will make more contributions to the state of Jin.

The emperor is tolerant and ambitious. As a minister, he will do his best to assist the monarch and achieve success.

Inside the tent, Akezhao couldn't hide the anxiety on his face. He asked to see the Emperor of Jin and was arranged to wait in the tent. After waiting for more than an hour, there was still no result.

If it was when the national strength of the Kushuang Empire was strong, and the envoys of Kushuang were treated like this, it would be the biggest challenge to Kushuang.

But now, the powerful strength of the Guishuang Empire is no longer there. As the messenger of Guishuang, in the Jin army, what is needed is silence and waiting.

Akeshao is clear about these matters. When he is in danger and comes to the Jin army, he has to bear certain dangers. But in order to allow the Kushuang Empire to have the last face, so that the people of Kushuang can be treated kindly. , he was willing to take these dangers.

Of course, there is no shame in coming as an envoy of surrender. The most important thing is that this kind of thing is likely to be passed down in future generations. When future generations mention the Kushuang Empire, he will By the way, curse the last sentence.

Entering the Jin army, Akezhao's mood could not be calm. What he could feel was the high spirit of the Jin army, which was in stark contrast to the low morale in the Guishuang army.

When the war is over, the soldiers of Kushan cannot see the possibility of victory, and the soldiers of Guishuang will be more affected in the mentality of such defeats. It is very common for them to fail in wars. .

However, if the soldiers of the empire could not win more victories in the war, but suffered more losses, how could the empire have the opportunity to continue in the war.

The powerful strength of the Jin army made the high-level officials of the Guishuang Empire fully understand that the Jin state must not be provoked, but when they understood it, it was too late.

When the Jin army breaks through the Anguan cliff, it means that the Jin army can drive straight in in the land of Guishuang, which means that in the land of Guishuang, it will be difficult to stop the Jin army from advancing.

Such a Jin army is definitely worthy of awe, but even if the Kushuang Empire paid a great price to stop the Jin army, they still did not succeed. , with a greater consumption.

It was a great shame for Guishuang to defeat the Jin army.

As a messenger of surrender, Akesao is very clear about his own position, trying to protect the people of the royal city as much as possible, so that the royal family and high-level officials of Guishuang can get corresponding treatment after the defeat of this war, instead of saying After the defeat of the war, it will endure more hardships.

Of course, if there is no selfishness, it is impossible. After all, the land of Guishuang will soon be completely owned by the Jin state. It is very important to become a minister of the subjugated state or a minister of the Jin state. of.

The still young Akeshao hoped that he could continue to be appointed by the emperor of Jin, rather than leave sadly.

This negotiation is also very important.

How can Akezhao know that even if the emperor of Jin State gave up the negotiation directly, the Kushan Empire would not have the slightest chance in this war. In the war to block the Jin army, the soldiers of the Kushan Empire did not see it. With the slightest possibility of victory, their so-called blocking seems so ridiculous in front of the Jin army.

When the empire has completely declined in such a war, the courtiers of the empire will have more consideration and consideration for their own affairs.

To facilitate the wishes of both parties as much as possible to end this war contact, Akeshao believes that he will still be able to gain a certain position after the fall of Guishuang.

Of course, when it comes to some important things, Akosao has his own perseverance.

As night fell, Akezhao was able to see Guo Jia.

Knowing Guo Jia's identity, Akezhao hurriedly stood up and said, "Guo Shangshu."

Guo Jia nodded slightly and said, "The sage is busy with business. If you have anything, you can discuss with this official."

A Keshao looked embarrassed, "Guo Shangshu, this official is here on behalf of the Queen."

Guo Jia snorted coldly and said, "What if I came on behalf of the Queen? This official came on behalf of the Emperor of Jin."

Akezhao was silent for a moment and said, "If that's the case, then there is Laoshangshu."

Akekho is also aware of the current situation. It must be quite difficult to see the emperor of Jin directly. If Guo Jia's approval can be obtained, some things must be much simpler. After all, Guo Jia is the representative Came with the emperor of Jin.

How noble is the emperor of Jin, even when the Kushuang Empire was strong, the envoys of Kushuang would not be able to see the emperor of Jin immediately when they arrived in Chang'an.

What's more, in the current situation, Jin's army can break through the royal city of Guishuang at any time. When the king's city falls completely, the people of the Kushuang Empire will lose their last pride, and they will be in front of the emperor of Jin. Pride will become the biggest laughing stock.

Before Akeshao left, he obviously had worked **** some of the etiquette of Jin, which was also the sadness of the weak.

If the Kushan Empire can achieve a greater victory in this war, when facing Guo Jia, how could he be so humble, but the situation is worse than others, in terms of behavior and attitude, he must Pay more attention.

A little carelessness can even be life-threatening.

The conversation between the two unknowingly went into the middle of the night, and this conversation was of great help to the two of them to understand the thoughts of the other monarch.

When Guo Jia mentioned the matter of the emperor of Jin marrying the queen, Akeshao was silent.

The Queen of Guishuang, in the minds of the people of Guishuang, is inviolable, noble, and respected by the people of Guishuang, but now, the emperor of Jin is going to stretch out the devil's hand to the queen, so it is like this , seems to be the best outcome for the current Kushuang.

If the Queen of Kushuang could become the woman of the Emperor of Jin, then the people of the royal city would be treated kindly, and even the people of Guishuang would get certain benefits, and at the same time, it would also make the people in the country feel more at ease.

This was a request that Kushuang could not refuse, but Akesao could not make the call.

That night, Akeshao hurriedly returned to the king's city. The matter of surrendering to the Jin state was of great importance. The Jin army was under the city and could attack the king's city at any time. If the king's city was breached, the Guishuang side would completely lose the capital to talk about.

The wishes of both parties should be finalized as soon as possible, and there will be a result that satisfies both Guishuang, which will be more helpful for the future development of the situation.

Akeshao knew that the emperor of Jin was willing to send a heavyweight official like Guo Jia to discuss, and he must be interested in the surrender of the Kushan Empire.

At present, there must be a lot of officials who surrendered to Jin in the royal city. Otherwise, in the palace, there would not be a situation where the remarks of surrendering to Jin would prevail. Grey and cold.

When the courtiers in the country have completely lost their confidence in the war, it will be impossible to expect them to provide greater help. Even when the war is going on, it is still necessary, but they will not make trouble behind the scenes.

In critical moments, people will always do things that are more beneficial to themselves, and it is also unavoidable to put them on the officials of Guishuang.

In this war, the Kushan Empire was a complete failure.

Such a failure is unacceptable to the high-level officials of Guishuang, but the failure of the war has become a fact. What needs to be done is to get the proper resettlement as much as possible after the failure of the war.

Not everyone can face death calmly after the defeat of the war, and coexist with the emperor, even the elite soldiers in the army, they cannot completely regard death as at home on the battlefield.

The war situation of Kushuang actually shows from many aspects that there is a big gap between Kushuang and Jin.

Surrendering Jin is the most sensible choice, but under such circumstances, what can each of them get.

The palace in the middle of the night is brightly lit. This is the most honorable place in Guishuang. Usually, when officials of Kushuang are close to the palace, they should have more awe in their hearts, but tonight, the awe in Akeshao's heart has dissipated. .

This kind of dissipation is complete, and it is also sad, which shows that the Kushuang Empire at this time has lost its former status in the hearts of Akeshao.

When Akezhao, as a messenger, has his own selfishness, it represents the complete decline of Kushuang after this war.

After sorting out his mood, Akesao stepped into the palace.

The queen on the throne, separated by a layer of veil, made Akesao unable to see the queen's face clearly, but Akesao knew that the queen had a beautiful face.

Once upon a time, Akezhao thought about being able to witness the Queen lead the Kushuang Empire to glory, but now, the mighty Kushuang Empire is going to collapse, even by surrendering.

"Akosho, how is the situation?" the queen asked.

The voice is still pleasant, but there is a trace of exhaustion in the voice, such exhaustion makes people sigh in their hearts.

Akeshao said: "The queen, the emperor of Jin, wants to marry the queen, and the subordinates cannot make the decision."

The venue fell silent immediately.

"Marry this king?" The queen said with a chuckle: "It seems that the emperor of Jin is indeed a lecherous person. Aren't you afraid that this king will be detrimental to him if he agrees?"

(End of this chapter)

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