Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6463: : Concerns on the part of the Parthian Empire

Chapter 6486 Concerns about the Parthian Empire

The success of the Jin army cannot be said that the strength of the Kushuang Empire is weak, it can only be said that the strength of the Jin army is too strong, which is unstoppable by the military power of the Kushuang Empire. They are facing the attack of the Jin army. When the time comes, it can only be avoided in a hurry.

If the same war happened in the Parth Empire, what kind of situation would it be? Could it be that the soldiers of the Parth Empire were able to win the final victory when they blocked the Jin army's attack?

From the battlefield in the land of Guishuang, when the Jin army sneaked up on the soldiers and horses of Anxi, we can see that the soldiers of the Jin army are strong and strong, and we can see how crazy the emperor of Jin is when facing the war. Knowing that such a move would provoke the Parthian Empire, he still did it.

And the emperor of Jin has won on such a battlefield, which is the most remarkable thing.

The relationship with Jin is something that King Anxi needs to consider carefully, and this time the emperor of Jin married the queen in Peshawar, which is also an opportunity for King Anxi and Jin to ease the relationship.

Of course, guarding against Jin is indispensable. In the past, Jin and Guishuang were allies, and Anxi was also allies, but the emperor of Jin did not show any mercy when he attacked his allies. Getting the benefits seems to be without the slightest psychological burden.

Such an emperor is terrifying, and the Jin army's attack method and powerful attack ability made King Anxi have to be cautious.

In particular, the strength of the Jin army's offensive methods made some people who heard it more surprised. If the Parthian Empire could not have such a means as soon as possible, there would be more trouble in dealing with the Jin army in the future.

If the Emperor of Jin, who is supported by his strong strength, has an idea about the Parth Empire, the situation of the Parth Empire will be dangerous, but anyone with a discerning eye can clearly see the situation inside.

If possible, what King Anxi wants to do is to reconcile with Jin.

The strength of the Jin state is strong. If it has achieved great development in the land of Guishuang, then it will be completely dangerous if you have an idea about Anxi. With the army of Anxi, it must be quite difficult to stop the Jin army from wanting to succeed. of.

The victory or defeat of the war has a great impact on the national fortune. The defeat of this war will require a period of time for the Parthian Empire to recover, and during this time, the Jin State will definitely recover very quickly.

All in all, the state of Jin is the most feared existence in Anxi.

"Emperor Jin intends to marry Queen Kushuang in Peshawar. What do you think of this?" King Anxi turned his attention to the state minister, Anadoshan.

Anatosan is a member of the royal family of Parth, and he is loyal to King Parth. If it was not for the help of Anadoshan at the beginning, the position of King Parth would not be stable.

Therefore, King Parth has great trust in Anato Mountain, and in the decision-making of some things, there is also the figure of Anato Mountain.

Anadoshan said: "Your Majesty, now the Kushuang Empire has been conquered by the Emperor of Jin, and the king's city is occupied by the Jin army. Even the proud Queen of Kushuang chose to surrender after the defeat of the war. It can be seen that the Emperor of Jin has surrendered. It will be a quick thing to gain a firm foothold in the land of Kushuang.”

"Especially when the emperor of Jin and the queen of Guishuang get married, it's reassuring and has to be cautious."

"Because of Prince Ardaban, Anxi fought with the Jin army. For any specific reason, Ardaban must have concealed something. If the relationship between the two sides deteriorates, the Jin army may attack the Anxi Empire at any time."

King Anxi sighed and nodded, "This is exactly what this king is worried about. The Jin army is strong, and the means of attack are terrifying. In a confrontation with the Jin army, this king is worried that the generals and soldiers in the army will not be able to stop it, if that's the case. , the empire is passive."

"My subordinates believe that when the relationship with Jin is restored, the emperor of Jin's war against Guishuang will cost a lot of money, and he must also want stability. If he is friendly with him, the emperor of Jin will definitely not refuse." Anadoshan said.

King Anxi shook his head, "I'm afraid it won't be so easy. The army of the empire fought against the army of Jin in Guishuang, and both sides suffered casualties. How could the emperor of Jin give up?"

The loser of the war has no more right to speak. If the army of Anxi wins on the battlefield, the king of Anxi will occupy more initiative in this matter, not because of the Jin army. worry about the achievements.

It is the Parth Empire that suffers, but when facing the Jin army, it is still necessary to take into account the attitude of the emperor of the Jin state towards this matter. Such a thing will always make people depressed, but the fact is that it can't help the king of peace.

Anadoshan frowned, "It's not impossible."

"Speak quickly." King Anxi hurriedly said.

Anadoshan said: "Your Majesty, the tension between Anxi and Jin is due to Prince Ardaban. If Prince Ardaban was to go to Peshawar to congratulate the Emperor of Jin and restore the relationship between Anxi and Jin , As long as the attitude is sincere, the subordinates who decide Jin will not be held accountable, and in order to demonstrate the generosity of Jin, there will even be rewards."

"Just punishing some people is unavoidable. The subordinates learned that the envoy of Jin is on the way. When the envoy of Jin arrives, it is just so that the envoy of Jin can see the sincerity of the king."

"Okay, let's do it like this." King Parth nodded. "In Ardaban, go and persuade."

"My subordinates take orders." Anadoshan saluted.

The marriage of the emperor of the Jin Kingdom had the greatest impact on the Parth Empire, especially the high-level officials of the Parth Empire. They were very concerned about the war in Guishuang. Now, with the surrender of Guishuang, the army of Jin is in full swing. This makes the high-level rest of the rest more worried about the situation in the future.

If the relationship between the two sides cannot be eased, as long as the emperor of Jin finds an opportunity, how can he easily let go of Anxi, and then rely on Anxi's army to block the Jin army, what kind of price will be paid.

The Jin army was invincible on the battlefield, and the top officials of the Parth Empire saw the strength of the Jin army and what kind of victory the Jin army would achieve under the attack.

And repairing the relationship with Jin is not an easy thing in itself.

The news of the Jin emperor's wedding in Kushuang not only spread to the Parthian Empire, but also to the Roman Empire.

Originally, the Roman Empire and Jin State were far apart, and there was almost no contact between the two sides, but the envoys of the Roman Empire had a profound influence on the strength of Jin State. The reason for the empire's attack.

However, the development of things was beyond expectations. Who would have thought that the Parth Empire and Jin Kingdom, which were allies, would actually fight on the battlefield, and the Jin Kingdom captured the Kushuang Empire in a rapid manner.

This made the people of the Roman Empire not only curious about Jin, but also more afraid of Jin's national strength, because the emperor of Jin was too aggressive.

From the state of Jin, to the states of the Western Regions, Wusun, Dawan, Kangju and other places, and then to the current Kushan Empire, the process in the middle is very short, but the emperor of Jin has achieved great success in such a series of actions. great success.

When faced with the strong military power of the Jin state, it is inevitable that the high levels of the Roman Empire have a contrast. If the warriors of the Roman Empire meet the Jin army on the battlefield, what kind of situation will appear? It is the warriors of the Roman Empire. Can we win, or the Jin army can win?

Strong strength is the foundation of national security, and officials of the Roman Empire who have experienced turmoil also understand the reason.

The state of Jin at this time made the king of the Roman Empire feel jealous.

In the empire, there are a lot of threatening remarks from the Jin state. They believe that in the following wars, the army of the state of Jin will definitely compete with the army of the empire on the battlefield. If the army of the empire cannot win, the situation will inevitably become worse. the grim.

The high-level officials of the Roman Empire were discussing the affairs of the state of Jin, and it was normal to send envoys to Peshawar to congratulate them.

The Jin army's combat weapon has the greatest impact on the high-level Roman Empire. When attacking the city, it can show such power. If you meet the Jin army in the future war, what kind of situation will appear? .

The army of the Roman Empire is powerful, but uncontrollable situations on the unknown battlefield are unwilling to see the top of the Roman Empire.

The army of the Roman Empire has experienced many wars. During the war, they will not be afraid of the powerful strength of the enemy, but it is normal to be afraid of the unknown, and the news brought back by the previous messenger makes them have to have more. much consideration.

It is always a more appropriate thing to have a better understanding of the powerful state of Jin.

The emperor of Jin State is about to get married in Peshawar, which is also great news for Jin State.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the emperor of Jin married the queen of Guishuang in order to stabilize people's hearts and to quickly control the situation of Guishuang, but this matter will eventually make some officials have opinions.

Especially the officials of the Censor's Desk, when they talk about this matter, they will take care of the owner of this matter, Lu Bu, but when they criticize Guo Jia, they don't have so much fear.

It was uncomfortable for the emperor to marry a woman of a different race, but the emperor had already issued a decree, and they could only obey.

I can't trouble the emperor in this matter, and I can still do it with Guo Jia, the minister of military affairs, in other matters.

For a time, there were countless criticisms against Guo Jia in the courtroom. Fortunately, Guo Jia himself was not in Chang'an. Otherwise, just the words in the memorial of these criticisms would be enough to make Guo Jia, a bohemian, feel huge trouble. .

The emperor was driving the expedition to the land of Guishuang. At this time, Chang'an was still so orderly. With Gu Yong guarding Chang'an and the prince, the operation of the empire would not be affected.

It seems that the officials of Jin State have gradually become accustomed to such a situation. The emperor is so yearning for the war, and the territory of the empire has also expanded a lot because of the emperor. They can't change the emperor, but they try to change too much.

The growth of the crown prince was seen by officials in the DPRK and China.

In Jin State, the emperor Lu Bu has absolute right to speak. It is absolutely impossible to shake Lu Bu's position. If the emperor of Jin State can't even guarantee this, how can he dare to go to war easily.

With such a great victory in the battle against Guishuang, it is natural to be happy, and some news about the battle in the newspapers are widely circulated in the country.

The emperor of Jin State used wars and wars to make his subjects see a different scene outside Jin State, and let them see that there are still powerful empires outside Jin State. The existence of these empires may It will have an impact on the rule of Jin.

The emperor of Jin's imperial expedition was not only to make the empire's prestige stronger, but also to expand the territory and make the empire's territory more vast. Such a move can help Jin's influence increase. is great.

Let the people of Jin State have more pride when mentioning their country, their army is invincible on the battlefield, their emperor, wise and martial, leads the soldiers to be invincible.

It is good to consume national strength in wars, but the benefits it can bring to the empire are enough to make up for such consumption.

The emperor's methods are even more unimaginable by ordinary people. The territory is vast, and there is no way to govern. The current emperor of Jin is in his prime. Even if the territory is vast, there will be no more situations, because the emperor of Jin's Prestige is built on the basis of victories over and over again, and it is established when countries are destroyed one by one.

From the national strength of Jin State, we can see that Jin State cannot be provoked.

The prosperous Kushuang Empire provoked the emperor of Jin, what a tragic end.

This makes the people of Jin State feel more proud and have more respect for their emperor.

From the way of Jin's prosperity, we can actually see what kind of efforts the emperor of Jin has made for the development of Jin.

It can be said that in the current state of Jin, if there are no many means of the emperor of Jin, I am afraid that the people are still living in dire straits.

Such a monarch is worthy of respect and following, and the emperor of Jin has many supporters, which can make the emperor's position more stable.

Even if he is not in the court, he can still control the state of Jin. It is conceivable how terrible such a monarch is.

The Kushuang Empire was captured, which is a top priority for Jin. It is needless to say that officials are sent to the land of Kushuang. It is also the emperor of Jin who is in Guishuang at this time. Officials in the court are sure It needs maximum support.

The prosperity and development of the Jin state is inseparable from the emperor's wise and martial arts.

The Kushuang Empire has a vast territory, and now it is under the rule of the Jin State. It is conceivable that as long as the development of the Kushuang land is more rapid and can meet the development standards of the previous Jin State, the Jin State's expedition will become more. simple.

(End of this chapter)

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