Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6485: : Let the other party see the sincerity, and the benefits cannot be compromised

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Such a system, the state of Jin will definitely persist for a long time, and there are many benefits from such behavior.

Not to mention other things, the officials of the Jin State will definitely be more cautious when doing things, so as to avoid the handle falling into the hands of others, and the supervision of the people is also a sharp sword hanging over the heads of the officials.

It is what Lu Bu has always asked for to make the officialdom of the Jin State more clear and to prevent the lives of the people from being more infringed.

The emperor of the Jin State paid more attention to the people than the monarchs of previous dynasties, but this approach has achieved great results, so that the people of the Jin State will have more support for their emperor. After the order is issued, it can be well executed and supported by the people, which is the best proof.

The current state of Jin is developing at an extremely fast speed, and when this kind of development is better maintained, and when such development will be of greater help to the prosperity of the state of Jin, the system of the state of Jin will be Gradually become perfect.

In Lu Bu's view, the system needs to be constantly improved. When the empire develops, many systems may have problems. At this time, what needs to be done is to change. Of course, such changes will not touch the fundamentals.

It can be said that the emperor of Jin's approach is unprecedented, but it is undeniable that the emperor's move has achieved great success.

The Jin State after the suppression of the Guishuang Empire needs stability and development, and the internal stability of the Jin State is particularly important.

With the help of Gu Yong, Jia Xu and others, Lu Bu handled matters in the court as easily as before. For the sake of the emperor, Lu Bu is definitely something to be proud of.

Under the power, the officials of the empire did not dare to slack in the slightest, not only because the emperor of Jin had the supreme authority, but also had a lot to do with the perfection of the empire's system.

Any country will encounter various problems in the process of development. If the methods of dealing with these problems can be more appropriate, there will be more benefits in the future.

Although the state of Jin experienced many difficulties in the process of rapid development, the officials of the state of Jin have achieved success in dealing with these problems. Such success will make the development of the state of Jin more smooth , so that the officials of Jin State are more handy when governing the local area.

Lu Bu had a panoramic view of the real changes in Chang'an, and he was pleased with such changes.

Thinking back to how desolate it was when I first came to Chang'an, it is incredible that Chang'an can undergo such a big change in just a few years, and the population of Chang'an and its surrounding areas has exceeded one million.

In the state of Jin, miracles are not uncommon, because under the rule of the emperor of the state of Jin, the development of the empire was rapid.

When the princes were fighting for the top and the Yellow Turbans were rampant, who would have thought that a powerful Jin country would emerge in the future.

The Xianbei people on the grassland were used by the Jin State and became the vassal of the Jin State, and the grassland even became under the rule of the Jin State. Such a transformation can fundamentally eliminate the threat posed by the ethnic groups on the grassland.

The most important thing is that the emperor of the Jin State allowed the tribes on the grassland to have a stable life, so that they would no longer suffer heavy casualties due to previous disasters, and let them not have to worry about their lives. Under such a living environment, what kind of life do they have? The reason to oppose the state of Jin.

Jin State's local governance strategy is more advanced than that of previous dynasties. It is precisely because of such factors that Jin State can avoid more situations during its rapid development.

And as the strength of the empire becomes stronger and stronger, under the rule of Jin, it will become more cohesive and united.

"Your Majesty, there is news from Anxi that Artaban has already started to act, and the envoy of Artaban has arrived in Chang'an." Jia Xu said.

Jia Xu, who has always been in charge of intelligence, is definitely a person worthy of awe in the official circles of the empire, and there is no doubt about Jia Xu's ability to handle intelligence. Finding the most useful among the intricate information is in itself The embodiment of ability.

It would definitely be a big mistake to ignore Jia Xu's resourcefulness because of his ability to sort out information.

Jia Xu can get a lot of attention in front of the emperor of Jin, not only because of Jia Xu's ability, but also has a lot to do with Jia Xu's resourcefulness

With the trust of the emperor, Jia Xu's position in the empire will be more stable, otherwise, the officials in charge of intelligence will often attract more suspicion.

Jia Xu, who is so smart, can't understand the truth. When doing ordinary things, Jia Xu is more cautious. Even if he has the trust of the emperor, he needs to be more careful when dealing with all aspects of things. .

Otherwise, if there is a handle in other people's hands, even an official like Jia Xu will take on a lot of trouble.

If it was possible, Jia Xu actually wanted to hand over the intelligence responsibility, but Lu Bu never agreed.

If Jia Xu is capable, he must put it in a more important position. Lu Bu believes that Jia Xu is a very smart person. He has been by his side all these years. Jia Xu's ability has been recognized by Lu Bu. of.

Letting Jia Xu's worries dissipate further is not an easy task in itself, but Jia Xu wants to be free, so how could he agree.

If Jia Xu wants to be free, unless he cultivates talents who can take over Jia Xu's job.

Lu Bu nodded, "Aldaban's envoy, you and Fengxiao are responsible for letting Aldaban see my sincerity. Of course, there should be no compromise in the benefits that should be obtained."

"I understand." Jia Xu cupped his hands.

"Wenhe, you have been by my side for many years. There are some things that don't need to be hidden." Lu Bu said: "This time the army broke through Guishuang. As a reward, you communicate more with Liubu and Gu Yong."

"Thanks to His Majesty's trust, my subordinates will definitely work hard." Jia Xu said.

Lu Bu patted Jia Xu on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You are always so careful, but I will not force you. This time, you recommend two people to me for the reward of the prince. Is this not embarrassing for you?"

"Your servant takes orders." Jia Xu saluted, feeling very moved in his heart.

It is reasonable for the imperial court to reward the Guishuang Empire. In this war, many excellent generals emerged, and the number of princes in the Jin Kingdom was relatively small.

In Lu Bu's view, it would not be a good thing to increase the number of princes and princes. Controlling the number of princes and princes would greatly stimulate the fighting spirit of civil and military forces, which would be beneficial to the long-term development of Jin.

However, there are many officials and military generals who have won credit for breaking the Guishuang Empire this time, and the rewards of the princes are indispensable. Let the civil and military of the empire see that they can get rewards for their contributions to the empire.

Especially when the war is going on, it is the best opportunity for military commanders, and it is very important to be able to grasp such opportunities well.

This is also when the war is going on, and the generals of the Jin State are yearning for the battle.

There will be many dangers on the battlefield, but the efforts in the war can be rewarded. Such rewards can significantly improve their status, and this kind of promotion is something that no general can refuse .

In the battle of Guishuang, the generals with meritorious service are the envy of those generals who have not participated in the war.

In a battle, someone will definitely stay behind.

Although these soldiers who stay behind will receive rewards, the strength of the rewards must be very small, and more of them are symbolic rewards. On this point, the generals of the Jin Kingdom are clear, and they really want to get more credit. Then you need to go through the battlefield.

In the Jin army, there are many elites, and they will not be more afraid of the danger on the battlefield, because in their view, the danger on the battlefield is an important opportunity for them to improve themselves. If you don't live there, you can't become a qualified soldier.

Looking at the outstanding generals of the Temple of War God in the Jin Kingdom, they have made great efforts in the war to reach their current status.

War is a great test for the generals in the army. Only by successfully coming out of such a test can one become an excellent general of the empire.

After this war is over, the training boom in the Jin army will not stop.

Because their training achievements will be related to whether they will appear on the battlefield when there is a war.

The Jin army who stayed with Zhao Yun in the land of the three states, although far away from home, will be more difficult, but they have the most chances of getting credit. If there is a conflict between the state of Jin and the Anxi Empire, the soldiers in the land of the three states , will appear first.

As the state of Jin grows larger, the difficulty of becoming an elite in the Jin army is also increasing day by day.

Among the many Jin troops, it is very difficult to stand out.

But as a member of the Jin army, it is not their style to back down if they encounter difficulties. Even if there are many powerful opponents in the competition, the soldiers of the Jin army will not back down.

The elites of the Jin army have undergone rigorous training, and the real elites need the baptism of war.

From a weak state to a strong state of Jin, there were many wars experienced in the middle, and under the tempering of these wars, the army of the state of Jin will be more calm when dealing with wars, and the Jin army will be able to deal with threats in the war. Time to show the means will be even more amazing.

The system of the Jin army and the attitude of the Jin army towards war make them show extraordinary enthusiasm.

Rewards, whether they are civilian officials or generals, are more concerned, especially civil servants. Their contribution in the war is not so obvious. Although the guarantee of food, grass and supplies is very important for a large army to fight, the most dazzling thing is the battlefield. Victorious soldiers.

Besides, there are so many civil servants, it is not that easy to get a reward.

Lu Bu was able to give himself the two nominations awarded by the princes, so how could Jia Xu not be excited.

Jia Xu's performance in the officialdom has always been low-key, which does not mean that Jia Xu has no close people. These people have a good relationship with Jia Xu. If they cannot get Jia Xu's recommendation, they will definitely complain about Jia Xu .

But in the officialdom of Jin State, there are too many outstanding talents, and it is very difficult to stand out from them.

The rewards of the princes are different from those of the big Han. The power of the princes is restricted, and their descendants will definitely have a lot of difficulty if they want to inherit the position of princes.

In particular, the rank of princes will gradually decline with inheritance, which requires the descendants of princes to make great efforts for it.

Not only is there fierce competition among the Jin army, but the descendants of princes also need to compete. Competition seems to have become the dominant force of the Jin state.

However, this kind of competition can bring obvious changes to the state of Jin. It will make the national strength of the state of Jin stronger in this kind of competition, and allow the talents of the state of Jin to get more training under such competition.

The state of Jin is strict with the rewards of princes and princes at the first level, and they need to have enough credit and contribution. In terms of the number of princes and princes, the number of civil servants in the state of Jin is less than that of military generals. During the process, the performance of the generals in the army must have been more dazzling.

However, the civil servants who worked hard for the empire's conquest also received rewards, but there was a certain gap in strength. UU reading

The generals in the army and the officials in the court are more worried about the rewards after the war, especially those generals who have not been granted marquises. This is their glory.

And such a grand occasion of rewards is what Lu Bu wants to see, so that the generals in the army and officials in the court will work harder because of the rewards. They are willing to make greater contributions to the development of the empire. Being strong helps a lot.

The strength of the empire is getting stronger and stronger, which can better realize the ambitions of the emperor of Jin, and enable the Jin army to gain more in war after war.

Regarding the issue of rewards, Lu Bu believed that the top officials of Jin would handle it properly.

Although some small troubles will be involved every time because of rewards, after all, in terms of credit calculation and rewards, it is very difficult for me to satisfy everyone.

The envoy of Aldaban came to Chang'an City, and had followed Aldaban to Chang'an once before, but seeing the grand occasion in Chang'an City again surprised the envoy of Aldaban.

The changes in the capital of the Jin Kingdom were really fast. The buildings and workshops lined up outside the city gave people the feeling of prosperity.

If you don't enter Chang'an City, you think that the capital of Jin is located outside the city.

In such changes, what can be seen is the rapid development of Jin.

Originally thought that because of Guishuang's war, the development of Jin would be affected, but now it seems that the energy of Jin has been underestimated.

Gudemao is the absolute confidant of Aldaban, and there is no doubt about his loyalty to Aldaban, otherwise, Artaban would not entrust him with such important matters as contacting with Jin.

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