Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6486: : The prince has been preparing for many years, only the emperor of Jin...

Chapter 6509 The prince has been preparing for many years and only needs the support of the emperor of Jin

The day when the prince's plan will be carried out is getting closer and closer. What Gudemao needs to do is to ensure the success of the prince's plan, and the most critical part of it is the support from Jin.

If the emperor of Jin had more support for the prince, the possibility of success of the prince's plan in Anxi would be significantly improved.

The destruction of the Guishuang Empire made the high-level leaders of the Anxi Empire see the strength of the Jin State. Among them, because of the strong strength of the Jin State, many high-level officials suggested to make friends with the Jin State.

In the face of absolute strength, it is difficult for small means to play a greater role.

Because of the failure of the Anxi Empire's army in Guishuang, Aldaban received a lot of criticism, but after seeing the strength of Jin, their attitude towards Jin will definitely change a lot.

And at this time, the support of the emperor of Jin can make Altaban's plan come true faster.

If the internal turmoil in the Parthian Empire lasts for a long time, or if the prince is suppressed, there will definitely be more troubles for the subsequent empire.

Gudemao has been with the prince for many years, and he can still see the situation clearly, and he is included in many of the prince's plans, and he can be said to be a powerful adviser by the prince's side.

It is normal for Artaban to have ideas about the throne of the Parthian Empire. After all, the contribution Artaban has made to the development of Parthian can be seen. boldness.

It's just that the failure of the war in Guishuang affected Aldaban a lot. If you want to get more support from the top of the empire, the support of the emperor of Jin is particularly critical.

In particular, the emperor of the state of Jin has mastered many methods of making sharp weapons. If he can obtain them this time, it will not only help the prince to achieve success, but also greatly enhance the military strength of the empire. He can weigh such things clearly.

However, the emperor and officials of the Jin state were not so easy to get along with. Even a person like a prince suffered a lot when interacting with people from the Jin state.

This made Gudemao extremely cautious after entering Jin.

In the city, Gudemao visited Guo Jia, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, which was proposed by Aldaban.

The Shangshu of the Jin State's Ministry of War, Gude Maowen is no stranger, and even knows that this high-level official of the Jin State is a greedy person.

Such a person can become a high-level official of the Jin State, and it is said that he is trusted by the emperor of the Jin State, which made Gu Demao once doubt the wisdom and martial arts of the Emperor of the Jin State.

"Messenger, this is Jia Xu, Jia Shangshu." Guo Jia recommended, "Jia Shangshu will be in charge of cooperating with the prince."

"Such an important matter, doesn't it mean that the emperor doesn't show up?" Gudemao asked doubtfully.

Guo Jia feigned anger and said: "The envoy of Aldaban should not be presumptuous. Jia Shangshu can make a decision. If there is such an argument next time, don't blame me for driving you out."

"Guo Shangshu, I understand." Gudemao was more calm.

The emperor of the state of Jin came forward to discuss this matter, which would bring more help to Aldaban's success, but the emperor of the state of Jin was such a noble person, how could he show his face so easily.

From Guo Jia's words, what he could feel was Jia Xu's status in the empire, and he secretly felt relieved. To be honest, he still had some doubts about Guo Jia, mainly because of some of Guo Jia's actions, which were hard to let go. People are at ease.

"Guo Shangshu is being polite, the Holy Majesty's order is for you and me to be responsible for this matter together." Jia Xu said.

Guo Jia said with a smile: "It's good for me to watch from the side. With Jia Shangshu here, there will definitely be no problem."

Guo Jia is clear about Jia Xu's abilities and methods. Even when Guo Jia gets along with Jia Xu alone, he will feel a little uncomfortable. Who let Jia Xu grasp too much information.

Normally, Jia Xu would not disclose such information, but it is not a good feeling to know more about the situation.

But for Jia Xu's ability, Guo Jia is at ease. Regardless of Gude Mao's shrewdness, if he is really attracted to someone like Jia Xu, he will definitely be at a disadvantage.

Jia Xu was able to make a name for himself in the official circles of the Jin State and was trusted by the emperor of the Jin State. There is no doubt that he can work hard.

"Jia Shangshu, the purpose of this envoy's visit, I think you already know it well. When the prince was in Peshawar, he once established an alliance with the emperor of Jin, and the emperor of Jin promised to help the prince." Gu Demao said: "Now the prince The preparations are almost done in Anxi, and I don't know when the support of the emperor of Jin will arrive."

Jia Xu said: "May I ask the envoy, how sure is Prince Anxi? The Holy Majesty does not want to form an alliance with the prince, but the prince cannot succeed in Anxi. If this is the case, isn't Jin's efforts in vain?"

Gu Demao said with a smile: "Jia Shangshu, don't worry, the prince has been preparing for this matter for many years. As long as the emperor of Jin supports the prince, coupled with Jin's military weapon, the prince will be invincible in the empire, and The state of Jin will also become the prince's best ally."

"May I ask, how many people in Anxi's senior management support the prince?" Jia Xu asked.

Gu Demao was silent for a moment. What he could feel from Jia Xu's words was Jia Xu's distrust, "Jia Shangshu, among the high-level officials of the empire, at least 30% supported the prince. Can get the support of more than half of the people."

Jia Xu laughed and said, "Looking at it this way, the support of the Holy Majesty is extremely important to the prince. The land of the three cities makes the Holy Majesty take risks. Guo Shangshu, what do you think?"

Guo Jia pondered: "The three cities are indeed a little less."

Gudemao immediately became anxious "Guo Shangshu"

Guo Jia secretly laughed, Gu Demao wanted to rely on his status and the previous covenant to benefit from Jin, it was not a simple matter, "However, the three cities of Anxi are not small, and the situation of Anxi is different from that of Jin. The number of them is not large, and the entire Anxi city is only fifty or sixty."

"Three cities, sincerity is fine."

Gu Demao glanced at Guo Jia gratefully, "You can see the sincerity of the prince towards Jin, and I hope Jia Shangshu can agree to it as soon as possible."

Jia Xu stroked his beard, "The size of the city, the location of the city, are you sure?"

Guo Jia shook his head, "Not sure yet."

Jia Xu said: "In that case, I will take my leave first."

When Jia Xu left, Gu Demao became anxious, "Guo Shangshu, how did Jia Shangshu leave? The prince and the emperor of Jin State made it very clear back then."

"No, it's not clear enough. If it is clear, why would Jia Shangshu leave? Jia Shangshu is a very busy person. There are many common things. The emperor even asks Jia Shangshu for suggestions and some alliance details. I am here to discuss with you. Go." Guo Jia said.

Gu Demao could only nod his head and say yes, and he had a certain understanding of the difficulties of Jin officials.

There are fifty or sixty cities in the Anxi Empire, which sounds like a lot, but for a huge empire, there are not many such cities, but there are a large number of fortresses in the Anxi Empire. These fortresses are more Owned by resting nobles, they have always attached great importance to their own safety.

If there is a war, the nobles of Anxi will become an important force in the war and contribute more troops to the empire's conquest. In such an Anxi empire, the Anxi king's control is much stronger than that of the emperor of Jin. of the gap.

After all, the control over the empire is not strong. Once more nobles turn to support others, the throne will be difficult to stabilize.

However, it is obviously unrealistic for the Anxi Empire to change this situation. The emperor of the Jin Kingdom dared to reform in the land of the Jin Kingdom, allowing the former nobles to gradually settle down, but in the Anxi Empire, If this is done, the entire empire will be plunged into greater turmoil.

Some nobles, for their own benefit, must behave insanely. In this regard, they are somewhat similar to the aristocratic families of Jin.

Difficulty in truly controlling the Parthian Empire has a considerable impact on the stability of the Parthian King's position, but Artaban's ambitions have always been there.

If it weren't for the war launched by the Jin army, I am afraid that Prince Anxi would have taken action long ago.

Forming an alliance with the Jin State to attack the Guishuang Empire, is it not that Prince Anxi wants to have a closer relationship with the Jin State? With the support of the Jin State Emperor, Altaban can have more guarantees for his actions in the empire.

Artaban was anxious, but the emperor of Jin would definitely not be in a hurry.

Although the internal turmoil in the Anxi Empire has certain benefits for Jin, it is normal to benefit from Artaban while supporting Artaban.

Show generosity, that is for friends, the high-level of Anxi Empire also has ambitions, if one day their strength surpasses that of Jin, there is no guarantee that they will not launch a war to attack Jin, and the two sides will become enemies at that time.

The value of Jin's combat weapons in the war is something that Guishuang's high-level officials can't let go of. They want to obtain the combat weapons of the Jin army to make up for the losses caused by the turmoil in Anxi.

It's just that these combat weapons, if you want the emperor of Jin to hand them over willingly, it will not be that simple. The emperor of Jin is not a good stubble, especially when the emperor of Jin still has a clear advantage .

Especially after having a better understanding of some of the actions of the emperor of Jin, what you will see is the means of the emperor of Jin, or despicable and shameless.

In the past, the Jin State and the Anxi Empire formed an alliance to attack Guishuang. As a result, on the battlefield of Guishuang, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom tore up the alliance, causing the Anxi Empire's army to return home in a disastrous defeat.

The war in Guishuang made the high-level officials of the Guishuang Empire not have any more favorable impressions of the emperor of Jin, but what the emperor of Jin had mastered made them very interested.

Talking to Guo Jia alone, Gu Demao felt that Guo Jia was easy to talk to.

In some respects, Gudemao raised it, and Guo Jia nodded in agreement.

But on the location of the city, Guo Jia put forward different opinions.

Coming out of Guo Jia's mansion, Gu De Mao felt a little depressed. He had heard about the greediness of these Jin people. When he visited Guo Jia, Gu De Mao gave a lot of money. silver jewelry.

But compared to the locations of the three cities selected by Guo Jia, these gold, silver and jewels are definitely nothing.

The three cities selected by Guo Jia are like a sharp sword pointing to the resting capital.

The three cities are hundreds of miles deep. As long as the Jin State firmly controls the control of these three cities, it will make Anxi more passive, and even in the event of a war, it will make Anxi's troops Mobilization is a bit difficult.

Originally thought that Lu Bu just wanted to be close to the three cities of Guishuang, which was within the acceptance range of Aldaban.

But Gudemao dared not agree to such a request. If such a condition was agreed, it would be troublesome to explain it to the prince when he returned to Anxi.

If the military strength of the Jin State is not strong enough, it is okay to give the three cities to the Jin State, and at worst they will be taken back later.

It's just that at this time, they are facing the mighty state of Jin. The Jin army showed an extremely strong side during the battle. Even if they encounter an enemy stronger than them in the war, they will not retreat.

The achievements of the Jin army are something to be proud of. To be a neighbor of such a country is indeed a big challenge for the Anxi Empire. If some of these things are not handled properly, there will definitely be more troubles in the future.

Jin's plan is very comprehensive, and some of the situation can be seen from the war in Guishuang.

But coming to the state of Jin and getting the support of the emperor of the state of Jin is of vital significance to the prince's actions. After com, the prince's situation will be even worse.

The positions of the three cities are determined, and Gude Mao's trip to the Jin Kingdom will not go smoothly.

However, Gu Demao knew that if the emperor of the Jin Kingdom could not provide support as soon as possible, it would be delayed for a longer time. If such things were exposed in the empire, it would be extremely fatal to the prince.

The city is of course important, but the action of the prince in rest is also important, and this action can only be successful.

For several days, Gudemao was discussing specific details with Guo Jia.

Gudemao is quite satisfied with Guo Jia's attitude, perhaps there is a generous gift for Guo Jia after coming to Chang'an.

If the Anxi Empire can really get the help of the Emperor Jin, these gold, silver and jewels are nothing.

"Guo Shangshu has worked hard these past few days. When this matter is over, I will definitely send you a generous gift." Gudemao said.

Guo Jia smiled and said, "Thank you so much."

In the officialdom of Jin State, only Guo Jia can accept gifts so calmly.

(end of this chapter)

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