Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6492: : Put to rest the urgency of the high-level, enhance the strength

In the face of interests, the resting nobles cannot easily let go.

One is to choose war to expose the empire to greater threats, and the other is to make friends with the Jin State and benefit from it. Although they have an unpleasant experience on the battlefield of the Guishuang Empire, after seeing the strength of the Jin State, they will have Very wise choice.

The envoy of Artaban left Chang'an with an important mission. This trip to Chang'an did not encounter too much embarrassment. He saw the prosperity of Jin and the prosperity of Chang'an.

The prosperity of the capital of the Jin State cannot be compared with the capital of Anxi. From this aspect, it can be seen that the Jin State is terrible.

The key is that the capital of the Jin State is far away from Peshawar. Under such circumstances, can the rule of the Jin State play the expected role in Peshawar?

Of course, if the development of the Jin State is restricted due to the distance, this is good news for the Anxi Empire. When developing, you can get more protection.

The strong military power of the Jin State has an obvious impact on the Anxi Empire. It also makes the high-level officials of the empire have more fear of the Jin State, and even needs to be more cautious when interacting with the Jin State. .

When such a mentality affects more of the top management of the empire, it will be extremely detrimental to the long-term stability and development of the empire.

However, with a powerful empire like the Jin Kingdom in the surrounding area, and the Roman Empire watching over it, the life of the Anxi Kingdom is actually very difficult.

But at this time, the prince of Anxi will have other ideas. If the change of the high-level officials of Anxi cannot be smooth, it will bring greater turmoil to the Anxi Empire. Such turmoil will cost the Anxi Empire It will be extremely disastrous.

However, the energy of Aldaban cannot be ignored. Being able to gain a firm foothold in the upper echelon of the empire, and failing in the battle of the Guishuang Empire, and still holding an important position in the empire, is enough to see the extraordinary means of Aldaban up.

Successfully becoming the king of the Anxi Empire, so that Anxi's military strength can be further improved due to the alliance with Jin, this is of great help to Anxi's long-term stability, and this is what Anxi's high-level officials want to see most situation

In fact, in some cases, whoever becomes the king is not too important to the nobles. The key is that their interests cannot be violated in this process. As long as the king can guarantee their interests, they will give the greatest degree Support, this kind of thing is also no exception for the Parthian Empire.

The rest of the nobles also have their interests. Artaban can bring them a more stable environment and bring them more benefits. It is not too difficult for them to turn to support Artaban.

The Parthia Empire needs to become stronger. If not, with the Roman Empire and the Jin Kingdom staring at it, the Parthia Empire will experience a more brutal war sooner or later. If there are more uncontrollable situations in the middle of the war, how slim is the chance of the Parthian Empire to survive the war.

The coming of the war will have a great impact on the empire. If you cannot deal with the severe situation smoothly and give your side more possibilities under such circumstances, it will cause the situation in the future to appear. What kind of change is it?

The Jin army in the war can achieve more victories. From the victories in these wars, we can see the strength of the Jin army and what the appearance of the Jin army will bring to the enemy. In order to better adapt to the Jin army's attack, or to block the Jin army when facing the Jin army head-on, more changes are needed.

In the current Parthian Empire, the army needs greater changes, and such changes are related to the stable situation after the Parthian Empire.

Such a change is not easy, and there is a price to pay. Aldaban has already seen the situation clearly, and the alliance with the emperor of Jin is not Artaban's strategy. powerful strategy.

The development of the Parthian Empire was accompanied by many wars, the war with the Roman Empire, and the war with the Kushan Empire, but in these wars, the development speed of the Parthian Empire was greatly restricted.

Compared with the Jin army, there is a big gap in the combat methods of the Anxi army. They do not have the powerful fighting methods of the Jin army. The methods displayed by the soldiers in the army on the battlefield are relatively restricted. .

Besides, the Anxi Empire not only did not benefit from such a war, but there were more powerful empires like the Jin State in the surrounding area. When the Jin State came out of the war and then invaded the Anxi Empire, it would bring great benefits to the development of the Anxi Empire. What kind of shock is it?

The existence of the Jin State is a great deterrent to the Anxi Empire, but when dealing with the Jin State, the high-level officials of the Anxi Empire need to have a respectful attitude. This is because the Jin State has strong strength. When it comes to the state of Jin, it will bring more troubles.

If you know more about the state of Jin, you will see the horrors of the state of Jin. Whether it is a war or other troubles in the process of development, the state of Jin can always solve these problems very well. And let the growth of Jin be guaranteed.

One can imagine how stressful it is to be a neighbor of such a powerful empire.

If the Jin Kingdom sends troops to attack the Anxi Empire, and the Anxi Empire has no suitable countermeasures, it will cause more changes in the subsequent situation.

The emperor of the Jin state has never been soft-hearted when facing wars, and from the results achieved by the emperor of the Jin state, it can be seen that the methods of the emperor of the Jin state are terrifying.

Wars are full of cruelty. If one can win victories again and again from cruel wars, such a monarch is worthy of awe.

And the emperor of the Jin State is such a monarch. When the war comes, the emperor of the Jin State can always use the most severe means to make the enemy army taste the defeat of the war on the battlefield, or make the enemy army suffer from such a situation. What we saw on the battlefield was the gap between their strength and the Jin army.

Unable to withstand the war better, and unable to stop the enemy's attack on the complex battlefield, this will become the reason why the lieutenants and soldiers fail in the war.

If the Parthian Empire wants to gain a chance to grow in such an environment, unless it gets the help of the Emperor Jin, otherwise, the threat from the Roman Empire alone will be enough to make the top of the Parthian Empire be overwhelmed.

Compared with the Guishuang Empire, the Roman Empire is more powerful, and it has experienced more brutal wars. In the past, when the armies of the Parthian Empire and the Roman Empire confronted each other, the number of victories was relatively small, and even lost. A lot of territory.

This also led to great hatred between the two parties.

However, under the current situation, the high-level leaders of the Parthian Empire can still afford to let it go. They know that only by making good friends with the Roman Empire can the development of the Parthian Empire be more stable and prevent the Parthian Empire from being on the Guishuang battlefield. After failing, fail again.

The failure on the battlefield dealt a great blow to the soldiers of the empire, and made the soldiers in the army lose their morale when they endured the enemy's attack.

The Jin army has won many victories in the war, and from these victories in the war, we can see what kind of spirit the soldiers of the Jin army have when facing the war. The dangerous situation stopped the pace of the campaign.

And whenever the attack of the Jin army unfolds, whenever the attack of the Jin army will have a greater effect, the impact of the Jin army will bring greater deterrence, so that the enemy will be defeated in the face of When the Jin army attacked, there was a lot of deep fear.

When the enemy army is afraid, it will become extremely difficult for them to show stronger strength in the war against the Jin army.

And it is precisely by virtue of this way of fighting that the Jin army has made greater achievements on the battlefield, making the territory of the Jin country more vast, and allowing the Jin army to appear on the battlefield will bring more benefits to the enemy. Deterrence, even made the enemy have more fear of the Jin army.

Under such a war environment, it is expected that the Jin army can achieve greater achievements on the battlefield. If the Jin army cannot achieve greater victories on the battlefield, it will become a strange thing.

How can the Anxi Empire's army be calm when facing the Jin State in such a war environment? Knowing that they may suffer defeat when fighting the Jin army, they have to go to the battlefield at a critical moment. How sad it is.

Improving the strength of the Anxi Empire's army is what the high-level officials of Anxi desperately want.

In this way, Aldaban, who has received the support of the emperor of Jin, will receive more support from the rest of the world during the turmoil in Anxi, and those high-level empires who originally supported King Anxi will also make decisions The most sensible choice.

It has to be said that Aldaban has more calculations in this matter.

For the understanding of the Anxi Empire, although there are many officials in the Jin Kingdom, there is always a certain gap in their in-depth understanding.

Of course, such an alliance can bring certain benefits to the Jin State. Although the Jin State has handed over the production methods of some sharp weapons to the Anxi Empire, it is very difficult for the Anxi Empire to catch up with the strength of the Jin army. It can last longer when blocking the attack of the Jin army.

The powerful Jin army will not be satisfied with the current achievements. In terms of equipment for soldiers in the army, the speed of improvement is often very fast.

From the replacement of the Jin army's equipment in successive wars, it can be seen that the emperor of the Jin State attached great importance to the equipment of the soldiers in the army, and this kind of attention can bring more benefits to the soldiers in the army. Guarantees can enable lieutenants and soldiers to have better equipment when dealing with wars.

When a more well-equipped Jin army appears on the battlefield, it will bring more defeats to the enemy, and the enemy will see the possibility of defeat in the war.

The strength of the Jin army has been around for a long time, and this strength has brought great help to the development of the Jin country. When this strength continues to be maintained, it will make the Anxi Empire suffer even more when it develops. Big restrictions.

A good relationship with the Jin State is what the top leaders of the Anxi Empire want to see most. It is best to make this kind of friendship more sustainable, instead of launching a war because the Jin State is dissatisfied with the Anxi Empire.

I know more about the state of Jin. What I see is the strength of the army of the state of Jin. What I see is the kind of failure that the appearance of the Jin army on the battlefield will bring to the enemy. In the process of dealing with such an enemy , any kind of dangerous situation may appear, and the correct way to deal with the Jin State is to make good friends with the Jin State.

The Jin State had just captured the Guishuang Empire, and it was in full swing. At this time, what the Anxi Empire needs to do is to make friends with the Jin State, establish a better relationship, or get along with each other to benefit both parties.

Of course, the strong strength of the Jin State is based on victories in wars. It is very difficult to obtain more benefits from the emperor of the Jin State.

After Aldaban formed an alliance with the emperor of Jin, although he currently obtained the method of making the three-eyed blunderbuss and bed crossbow from the emperor of Jin, this is only the beginning. After Aldaban's success, Anxi is What kind of panic will these three cities bring to the Anxi Empire?

It is also impossible to know how valuable these weapons of war will be in the Parthian Empire. However, when the Jin army appears on the border of the Parthian Empire, it will bring even greater benefits to the Parthian Empire. The shock caused even the people of the Parthian Empire to see their weakness from such a war.

Befriend Jin as much as possible, which will be of great help to the long-term development of the Anxi Empire, but after knowing more about the emperor of Jin, the high-level officials of the Anxi Empire will see from such things that Jin The horror of the country, what we saw was what kind of harm the appearance of the soldiers of the Jin army would bring to the enemy

Only by knowing more about the state of Jin, and only by obtaining a means that is more conducive to the development of one's own side from the hands of the emperor of the state of Jin, will it be of greater help to ease the situation in the Anxi Empire in the future.

Although Anxi's high-level officials understand the truth, they are more aware that in the process of hindering the development of the Jin State, any situation may arise. If the emperor of the Jin State cannot be satisfied, or in the If some uncontrollable situations arise at such a time, it will have a great impact on the Parthian Empire. Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site

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