Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6495: : Terrible business efficiency

It will bring more help to the future development of Jin State, so that Jin State will occupy a more obvious advantage when it develops, and when such advantages are well utilized by Jin State, Jin State will be In terms of development, greater achievements will be achieved.

The Jin army in the war has amazing strength, and as the strength of the Jin army becomes more prosperous, as the achievements of the Jin army in the war become more astonishing, what will happen to the Jin Dynasty in the subsequent confrontation? The existence of terror.

War is the most test of national strength. If national strength cannot meet the needs of war, or the strength displayed by one's own side on the battlefield will be more restricted, it is obvious to want to gain greater advantages in exchanges. It is impossible.

The Jin army in the war has a strong strength. It is precisely because of its strong strength that the Jin State will always have a great advantage when communicating.

It even makes the other party worry about whether Jin's national power is strong and will start a war because of dissatisfaction.

From the number and methods of wars launched by Jin in the past, we can see the terror of Jin.

Of course, further exchanges with the Jin State cannot be reduced. If more benefits can be obtained from such exchanges, it will be of great help to the development of the Anxi Empire.

It is true that it is difficult to obtain benefits from contacts with Jin, but as long as there are contacts, there will always be opportunities.

This exchange with Jin is quite acceptable to Aldaban.

Although three cities were lost, Aldaban couldn't let go of the benefits he could get.

In terms of the way of development, the state of Jin has always been relatively advanced, especially in the development of the cities captured by the Jin army, it is often very rapid, which is why many officials of the state of Jin are willing to go to these places.

Being an official in these places, although the place is indeed a bit bleak, the effect of the changes they made is obvious, and such an effect can guarantee the promotion of officials

As for the remoteness and remoteness of these places, they are the cities of Jin after all, and they are contributing to the development of the empire.

When the empire is developing, it needs the support of more power. Without the support of more power, it is simply impossible to make the empire develop more smoothly.

The strength of the state of Jin is strong, and such a strong state can bring more opportunities to the state of Jin, and allow the state of Jin to obtain more benefits from it.

If the strong strength will get more benefits in the process of communication, how about the attitude the other party will show when facing Jin.

Strong strength has a great impact on communication itself. If the strength is not enough, it will suffer more losses in communication.

Under such circumstances, the merchants of the Jin Kingdom have a lot of advantages in the communication, but there are also many merchants in Anxi. When more Jin merchants appear in the Anxi Empire, the high-level officials of the Anxi Empire are nervous. In addition, the support for doing business has been strengthened.

And the obvious changes brought about by doing business have given the top management of the empire a taste of the sweetness.

If they can get more benefits when doing business, if they can better guarantee the development of the city, they will have more support for doing business, so what's the matter.

Besides, among the nobles of the empire, there are quite a few merchants who secretly support them. These merchants can get a lot of benefits, and the supporters behind them get even more benefits.

Jin State's background in business is astonishing, but such a state of Jin has greatly stimulated Anxi. What the people of Guishuang see is that there are so many benefits that can be gained from doing business. You will be more concerned about dealing with Jin.

This shows that the superiority of an absolutely powerful force in exchanges is extremely obvious, and even weaker countries dare not make more violations.

Of course, if you want to better demonstrate your own strength, the most important place is naturally the battlefield. Sometimes it is not so simple to better demonstrate the powerful combat effectiveness of your soldiers on the battlefield, because the dangers on the battlefield are Many, once the crisis on the battlefield cannot be better handled, it will bear even greater losses.

Even if it is a powerful empire, it will be extra cautious when choosing a war. The national power of Jin is strong enough, but from what kind of actions the emperor of Jin will take during the war, we can see that How cautious the emperor of Jin was in the war, this is what he needs to have during the war.

If you can't have strong strength and careful planning, you may suffer a lot in the war.

On the road of growth, Jin State has gained many benefits, but behind these benefits, Jin State has made great efforts for it.

The current strong situation itself is not easy, but to better adapt to the critical situation on the battlefield, or to gain greater advantages in exchanges with other empires, requires more consideration.

The success of the Jin State has greatly stimulated the Anxi Empire, but the Anxi Empire has no better way to deal with the Jin State. The most important thing is to have a good relationship with the Jin State. Otherwise, the Jin State’s The emperor may bring more pressure to the Parthian Empire.

From the actions of the emperors of the Roman Empire, it can be seen that the high-level officials of the Roman Empire also had a lot of fear for the emperor of the Jin Kingdom. This is because they saw the strength of the Jin army from the battles of the Jin army. , What I saw was what kind of failure the Jin army would bring to the enemy when the Jin army appeared on the battlefield. Once the appropriate methods and methods were not available when dealing with the Jin state, it might make the situation worse later.

A strong foundation of strength brings more possibilities for the development of the Jin State, and allows the Jin State to show more advantages when dealing with certain things.

It is impossible to achieve absolute fairness in the exchanges between countries. If you want to get better treatment, you must have the corresponding ability.

Looking at the advantages that the Jin State has gained in the past, we can see that the Jin State has a huge background, and it needs to be more cautious when dealing with such an empire. It is quite difficult to get benefits in hand, because the emperor of Jin is shrewd.

Besides, Jin's most powerful combat methods will definitely not be easily revealed. Even if the method of making sophisticated equipment is obtained from the hands of the emperor of Jin, the price paid will not be small.

The Roman Empire and the Parthia Empire had contacts with the Jin State before, and they also obtained some methods of making equipment from the emperor of the Jin State, but after truly seeing the might of the Jin army on the battlefield, they deeply understood However, what the Jin State gave to itself was the most basic, and the real weapon of war was still in the hands of the Jin State.

Such a situation, although it will make people feel dissatisfied with the emperor of Jin, but they need to be more cautious if they want to fight against the emperor of Jin. Behind the emperor of Jin, there is a powerful Jin Yes, the sharpness and sharpness of the soldiers of the Jin army have been well displayed on the battlefield of Guishuang.

In the face of such a state of Jin, we can only make good friends with it, and we cannot be more disrespectful.

May I ask who is not depressed when facing it.

But this is the reality, and more prudence is needed in dealing with Jin. Once the emperor of Jin is dissatisfied under such circumstances, or other situations arise, it will bring more troubles. anxiety.

However, after learning more about the development strategy of the emperor of Jin, what I have to admire is the extraordinary means of the emperor of Jin. The complicated situation may not play a greater role in the hands of the emperor of Jin. The development of the country is extremely rapid.

The most astonishing thing is that many of the Jin army's combat weapons came from the hands of the Jin emperor. Just ask how terrifying such an emperor is, and how many disasters will happen if he is provoked by such an emperor.

The Jin army in the war showed extraordinary strength. When such a situation will have more impact on the future situation and make the future situation more severe, they will not be able to deal with the Jin army. From time to time, there will inevitably be more situations.

A strong and prosperous situation requires more efforts. The development of Jin State today is not achieved overnight. At that time, it would not be easy to simply obtain Jin's combat weapon.

But anyone with a discerning eye will see that the emperor of Jin will not agree to hand over such a weapon of war to the allied countries. Besides, even if the emperor of Jin agrees, will the officials of Jin agree?

The emperor has a high right to speak in the court. This does not mean that the courtiers have no right to speak. If there is something wrong, the courtiers will fight hard, especially the officials of Yushitai, it is not like that Very annoying.

If at a critical moment, even if the emperor made a mistake, the officials of Yushitai still have the responsibility to stand up.

Yushitai is a relatively special existence. They not only have the power to supervise the officials, but also have the power to supervise the emperor. Of course, when placed on the founding emperor Lu Bu, such supervision is much weaker. It doesn't mean that officials at Yushitai will make concessions on more things.

Especially when the war was launched, the officials of Yushitai also had their views, and their views were consistent with many courtiers. Under such circumstances, the emperor also needed to think more, or persuade Officials from Yushitai will do.

Such a system was established by Lu Bu to ensure the interests of the empire and avoid losses as much as possible. The emperor is superior, but no one can guarantee that the emperor will not make mistakes. If there are officials who make mistakes in time If you stand up and make corrections, you can avoid greater losses.

Such an original intention is naturally very good, and when it is implemented, it can also see results.

Contacts with the state of Jin can be promised by the emperor of the state of Jin. After all, such contacts are of great benefit to the state of Jin. The madness of the merchants of the state of Jin, Anxi and the people of the Roman Empire have a clear understanding. It is undeniable What's more, these goods from Jin are very popular in their country.

It has caused a lot of impact on the original lifestyle of the nobles in their country. Under such circumstances, the benefits that Jin merchants can get are enormous, and such benefits will make more Jin Businessmen from all over the country rushed to go.

Relatively speaking, although the merchants of the two empires had not weak means when dealing with the state of Jin, the benefits they obtained were not small compared with the merchants of the state of Jin.

And from the actions of Jin's merchants after doing business, we can see the horror of Jin.

More merchants, doing business between the two empires, only operate between the two empires and Peshawar, and further away, it may be Guishan City and Chigu City.

How can such a phenomenon not alert the top management of the empire?

It should be known that these merchants need a large amount of goods to go to the empire to do business, and after they return to Peshawar from the empire, they can immediately transport the goods to the empire again after a simple rest, which is terrible.

And how did the materials brought back by these merchants work in Peshawar?

Such terrifying business efficiency will bring huge benefits to Jin merchants.

Merchants from Anxi and the Roman Empire may need to go to the inner city of Jin to do business in order to obtain greater profits.

Comparing the two, it will be more convenient for Jin merchants to do business. UU Reading

If you carefully understand the Chamber of Commerce in Jin State, you will see the amazing energy of the Chamber of Commerce. They can provide greater convenience for businessmen. Some merchants are responsible for transporting goods from Chang'an to Peshawar, and some are responsible for transporting goods from Peshawar To Anxi and the merchant team of the Roman Empire, this way of doing business will allow Jin merchants to gain benefits faster.

What is the difference between the benefits obtained by the merchants of the Jin State and the benefits obtained by the emperor of the Jin State?

In fact, after learning more about Jin’s way of doing business, what you will see is the reason for Jin’s growth. Faced with such a Jin country, no one can remain calm, because Jin’s unique development method can give Jin a lot of money. The benefits of doing business after the war was over were immeasurable.

However, it is precisely because of such many means that the Jin State can recover quickly after the war, and the advantages that the Jin State has gained on the battlefield can be better displayed when it develops.

Interacting with the Jin State requires more caution. What Anxi and the high-level officials of the Roman Empire saw in such incidents was the horror of the Jin State. Of course, their exchanges with the Jin State will not stop. Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site

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