Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6508: : rest in peace high-level, fierce competition

The formation of any elite team does not happen overnight. They not only have to undergo rigorous training, but also have to go through the test of war. If they cannot successfully complete the test of war, it is impossible to become an elite team. possible things.

Looking at the proud achievements of the Jin army in previous wars, it can be seen that the development of the Jin army is astonishing, and only by better adapting to the rapid development of the Jin army can the transformation of the Jin army be achieved. greater improvement in.

The Jin army, which has a strong foundation of strength, will show a strong side when dealing with wars. Their strength brings more guarantees for the growth of Jin.

And let the soldiers of the army have no fear when dealing with the war, and even make them yearn for the war. Under such an atmosphere, when the war comes, the soldiers of the army can throw themselves into the battlefield at any time.

Let the atmosphere of the coming war be formed in every army, and they will be more dedicated during training.

When the stability of the Jin State lasts longer, if an army has peace for too long, it will actually be detrimental to their development, but not all armies can fight in the Jin State's war.

After all, there are many dangers in war. When the elite enter the field, there will be losses of varying sizes. If ordinary troops are allowed to appear on the battlefield, they will suffer huge losses. It is not the generals in the army who want to see Arrived

However, the current development trend of the Jin State is like this. To ensure the elite level of the soldiers in the army, it is necessary to beat them in a timely manner, so that the soldiers in the army understand that war may come at any time.

After all, the border of Jin State is not as safe as imagined.

The rewards for meritorious soldiers are actually a great stimulus for the soldiers in the army, so that they will inevitably have expectations for the war. After all, they can better demonstrate their abilities on the battlefield, and when dealing with war, Get more opportunities to display your talents.

Especially for capable soldiers, they will not have more fear of the dangers in the war. It is precisely because in the Jin army, many soldiers have such a mentality, and they often behave when dealing with wars. It's pretty crazy.

The system of the Jin army is a good opportunity for capable soldiers. Even in ordinary times, the speed of promotion of outstanding soldiers is very fast. This has a lot to do with the system of the Jin army. of.

Through continuous training and competitions, the abilities of lieutenant soldiers can be improved. Even if they have not been tempered by war, they will respond instinctively on the battlefield. Only after being honed by war, they may become Elite team.

The cruelty of war, the soldiers who have seen it clearly, when an elite team has experienced more wars, they will gradually become numb to war, because on the battlefield, life and death are very common things, there is no corresponding ability, or if you are unlucky on the battlefield, it is normal to lose it on the battlefield.

Of course, strict training and extraordinary abilities can provide better opportunities for lieutenants and soldiers to survive in war, so that when they deal with complex war situations, they will get more chances of survival.

The growth of Jin's army itself has experienced many wars. The current army of Jin's states does not lack the elites of the past, and they have shown extraordinary strength on the battlefields of the past.

The emperor's inspection is a top priority for the armies of the states. The soldiers of the Jin army naturally have a lot of understanding of the mysterious past of the emperor of Jin, and they have a lot of yearning for the war commanded by the emperor of Jin.

The greatest wish of many generals is to be able to experience a war under the command of the emperor of Jin and win the battle against the enemy.

The Jin State has grown rapidly in recent years, and wars are unavoidable in this process, and in such wars, many outstanding generals in the Jin Army have been promoted.

Regarding the origin of these generals, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom was not too harsh. Even if they were born under the command of other princes in the past, as long as they were loyal to the Jin Kingdom and performed well in the Jin Army, they could be promoted accordingly. His tolerance allowed the Jin army's strength to improve very quickly.

Today's Jin army, if it has sufficient food and supplies, can quickly complete the mobilization even if it launches a war with more than 300,000 people. From these aspects, we can see the horror of the Jin army of.

When the national strength of the Jin State is stronger and the Jin army has experienced more wars, they will have more experience on the battlefield. Such experience will have a key impact on their victory in killing the enemy on the battlefield.

The tempering of war will greatly affect the growth of soldiers in the army.

Unlike civil servants governing places, if the soldiers in the army only have training, their strength displayed on the battlefield may be quite different from the training.

However, rigorous training is a necessary condition for becoming an elite on the battlefield. If the soldiers in the army lack training, it will become impossible to expect them to achieve greater achievements in a war.

The strict system in the Jin army made the lieutenant officers and soldiers have a more cautious attitude towards training, and made their actions in war often more intense.

It is true that the dangers in war will affect the actions of some soldiers, but for soldiers who are truly capable, war is the best place for them to show their own value, and the dangers on the battlefield will have a greater impact on their abilities. exercise.

When there are more wars in Jin, more soldiers will definitely be promoted in this process, because war is the place where soldiers in the army can be promoted the fastest.

During the war in Guishuang, how many generals of the Jin army have been promoted. Their promotion not only reflects their own value, but also enriches their battlefield experience.

Generals who cannot stand out in the war will eventually be greatly restricted in what they can do. From the wars experienced by the Jin army in the past, it is inevitable to see what kind of performance excellent generals will have on the battlefield.

And it is precisely because of the outstanding performance of these generals in the war that the brilliance of the Jin army has made the current national strength of the Jin country even stronger

Otherwise, even if a country is very rich, if there is no outstanding place in war, their development will be greatly restricted. The generals of the Jin army are clear about this.

A strong Jin army brings more possibilities for the development of the Jin country, and allows the Jin country to have more choices when it develops.

However, the emperor of the state of Jin has very strict requirements on the strength of the Jin army, so that the Jin army can always maintain a strong combat effectiveness, so that they will have a more extraordinary performance in the face of war, which is very important for the prosperity of the Jin state with important help.

In the war, the Jin army may pay a certain price, but the soldiers of the Jin army cannot affect their war because of the possible losses in the war. They are invincible on the battlefield. As long as they appear in the war, they will win. It must belong to them.

It is conceivable how terrible the Jin army will show on the battlefield with such a belief.

In the process of the gradual prosperity of the Jin State, the emperor of the Jin State will pay more attention to the equipment of the soldiers and their combat effectiveness, because in the future development, the test of the Jin State's military strength will definitely be greater , If this aspect cannot be done well, the development of Jin will be even more affected.

A strong national power brings more possibilities for the development of the Jin State, and it also allows the Jin State to have more energy to deal with unknown dangers during its rapid expansion.

Just like the Jin army's battle against Guishuang, it is a long way. If other situations arise during this process, it will be a big trouble for the Jin country's battle.

A stable Jin state can bring greater possibilities to the Jin army's conquest, and can make the Jin army more at ease in the process of conquest.

In the current exchanges, the Jin State has a more obvious advantage, and it is precisely because of this advantage that the emperor of the Jin State will have more autonomy when dealing with wars.

Perhaps when the Jin army is fighting, there will be turmoil within the Jin state, but these turbulent conditions cannot affect the long-term development of the Jin state. This is also the most basic thing for the emperor of the Jin state to bear the war Require.

Only when the situation in the country is stable can it provide more possibilities for the army to fight, and only then can the soldiers in the army better display their abilities on the battlefield.

The Jin army's victories were not easy in themselves.

Once the requirements cannot be met in terms of national strength and other aspects, the Jin army's position in the war will be more passive, instead of winning greater victories in successive confrontations.

What the Jin army got in the war was more opportunities for growth. This kind of growth was accompanied by many difficulties, but the amazing strength that the Jin army showed when coping with difficult wars brought more and more opportunities to the Jin country. respect.

Let the Jin State have a greater advantage when interacting with the Anxi Empire, so that the Anxi King dare not have more contempt for the Jin State.

A powerful empire must have experienced many difficulties in the process of development. The key is what kind of means their monarch will have when dealing with these difficulties, and how much impact such means can have on the situation.

The astonishing achievements of the state of Jin will make the people of the state of Jin have more pride, and the merchants of the state of Jin will get more security when they do business.

Whenever the Jin State wins a war, the merchants of the Jin State act aggressively precisely because they know the significance of the Jin army's victory.

Of course, behind the aggressive actions of the merchants is the support of the Jin State. Without the strong support of the Jin State, how could the Jin State's business be so crazy.

Now that the Jin State has eased from the war, this situation is obviously not good for the Parthia Empire.

However, judging from the current situation, the relationship between the Jin Kingdom and the Anxi Empire is still good, and the businessmen from both sides have gained a lot of benefits from doing business.

However, in the upper echelons of the Parthian Empire, the competition has become increasingly fierce.

Especially after Shi A was ordered to arrive, the situation of Anxi's top management has undergone tremendous changes.

This is what is bound to happen.

After Shi A came to the capital city of Anxi, he did not act in a hurry. It can be seen from various investigations that there is indeed competition among the high-level officials in Anxi at this time, but such things are not known to ordinary people. That's all.

How to meet King Anxi, Shi A naturally has a way.

The power of the Jin State infiltrating Anxi itself cannot be ignored.

The strength of the Anxi Empire may pose a certain threat to the stability of the Jin State. It is reasonable for the Jin State to pay more attention to it. As for what kind of measures will be taken in such a process? The emperor of Jin would not worry about the means, the most important thing is the result.

Anxi wanted to get more benefits from Jin, and the prince of Anxi was so ambitious, if he didn't make use of it, he wouldn't be the emperor of Jin.

The state of Jin has experienced many things in the process of development, but the emperor of the state of Jin did not pay much attention to means, especially when dealing with foreigners, if some means can play a greater role If it works, the emperor of Jin will not be more polite.

The current Anxi high-level situation is turbulent. Although Anxi is still stable on the surface, the turmoil of the empire may come at any time. As for how to make better use of this incident, it depends on the turmoil of Anxi's high-level To what extent can it be achieved.

The prosperity of the Parthian Empire is unquestionable, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com has been able to stand under the deterrence of the Guishuang Empire and the Roman Empire for many years, and has achieved such a large development, which is enough to prove that the means of resting are extraordinary.

And King Anxi's deterrence in the country is much smaller than that of the queen of Guishuang. This is because in the kingdom of Anxi, the nobles have a great influence. They and King Anxi seem to have a cooperative relationship. If If King Anxi makes them dissatisfied, they will even do things against King Anxi.

Under such a situation, King Anxi's power in the country will be greatly restricted, and when such restrictions reach a certain level, the replacement of King Anxi will become a normal thing.

In fact, why does King Anxi not want to change this situation? The feeling of being in power is so longing, but the nobles of Anxi will definitely not relax in power. If they relax in this regard, the royal power will be even greater. King Anxi will definitely be detrimental to nobles like them.

This kind of Anxi has formed a unique pattern. Even if King Anxi wants to choose to fight, he still needs the support of the nobles in the country. Without their support, the war cannot be carried out smoothly. Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site

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