Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6511: : Are you a businessman from Jin?

The Jin army, which has absolute strength on the complex battlefield, can have a huge impact in the war.

The strength and fierceness of the Jin army will make it more deterrent in the future battlefield.

Facts have proved that when the Jin army's operations will achieve greater results, Jin can keep up in development, and the stability and development of the situation in Guishuang is a good proof.

After the Guishuang Empire completely fell into the hands of the Jin State, although there were certain rebellions, these rebellions were quickly suppressed, and now Guishuang's development situation is very good.

After learning more about the situation, King Anxi was under a lot of pressure. In fact, at some times, King Anxi even wanted to give up the throne to Artaban and let him experience this pain.

Facing a powerful neighbor, as the king of Anxi, if there is a problem in the handling of some matters, how much will the development of the empire be affected.

It is not easy for the Anxi Empire to achieve today's development. If Anxi cannot be kept stable and strong for a long time, there will inevitably be more troubles.

As the resting king, there are more things to consider.

What bothers King Anxi the most is that Aldaban has the production method of the bed crossbow and the three-eyed blunderbuss. These things have spread among the high-level officials in Anxi. After all, Aldaban needs to use these things to win over more high-level officials its used.

As for the leak of these news, Artaban didn't worry any more, let more nobles know how to make these sharp weapons in his hands, and what Artaban could get in rest was more support.

In the Parthian Empire, getting the support of more nobles is of great help to the stability of Altaban's position in the empire, allowing Artaban to have more choices in some matters.

King Anxi has a strong influence in the empire, but Aldaban cannot back down in the slightest when facing King Anxi. Since he has embarked on this path, he must go on without hesitation, and Ardaban Ben thinks more that he is more suitable than King of Rest.

Ardaban is naturally happy about the troubles of the resting king. With the production method of these sharp weapons, especially the bed crossbow, and its powerful power, the support of the nobles that Aldaban received has been more obvious. promote.

This made Aldaban understand that if he wanted to really gain the support of these people, he needed to show more powerful means.

It is Aldaban's plan to get more high-level support in secret.

Aldaban is naturally clear about the intentions of the Jin emperor and his cooperation, but Artaban will not let the Jin emperor's purpose succeed.

The three cities, until the most critical moment, Aldaban will not give up. After all, they are the cities of Anxi, if they are easily released, it will greatly damage the prestige of the Anxi Empire.

Although the army of the Parthian Empire suffered defeat under the attack of the Jin army, it cannot be denied that the top leaders of the empire have their dignity, and the people of the empire also have their dignity.

It is the most ideal situation to get more high-level support so that the Parthian Empire can make changes quickly without turmoil.

Especially after the bed crossbow was made, Aldaban saw hope. As long as the three-eyed gun can be made, the next changes will be easier.

Compared with the bed crossbow, the three-eyed gun can play a huge role in a war, especially in the process of head-on combat, the three-eyed gun will bring greater destruction and damage to the enemy , can make one's own soldiers achieve greater achievements on the battlefield.

In Aldaban's view, the Jin army's strong combat capability and strong frontal combat capability have an inseparable relationship with the three-eyed blunderbuss. Without the three-eyed blunderbuss, the Jin army's combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

However, if the army of the Jin State wants to invade the Anxi Empire, it takes a long time to prepare. It is important to know that the Jin State has gained stability from the war for a short time. If it wants to obtain better stability and development from such a large-scale war, how can it be It would be as simple as that.

And such an opportunity is extremely important to Aldaban. It is best to be able to complete all of this before the Jin State reacts. At the same time, let Anxi's army be equipped with a large number of combat weapons. , there will be more confidence.

If the war cannot be avoided, if there is not enough strength, it will bring more troubles.

The victory in the war can make the situation of the empire more stable, and it can give the empire more ways to face some threats.

The strength of the Jin State has had a great impact on Anxi. If the influence of the Jin State cannot be eliminated quickly, it will be detrimental to the long-term development of the Anxi Empire.

Of course, the most direct way is that Anxi's army can win a big victory when facing the Jin army head-on. In this way, it can completely reverse the fear of Anxi's soldiers towards the Jin army, and even make them face the Jin army. When the army comes there will be more confidence.

However, it would not be such a simple matter to win the victory against the army of the Jin State. If the army of the Jin State was so easy to deal with, the former Guishuang Empire would not have suffered the price of destruction in the war.

The confrontation with Jin is full of pressure, and the alliance with the emperor of Jin is also the same. If you are not careful, you will lose the greatest benefit, and even pay a greater price for it.

If it really breaks with Jin, it will definitely have a great impact on the development of Anxi. Not only that, but the development of Jin will also be affected. Therefore, in the conflict between the two sides, the emperor of Jin will definitely Extra cautious.

As for the internal turmoil in Anxi, if it cannot be completed smoothly, Anxi will definitely be affected even more in the future.

The development speed of the Jin State is very fast. It is precisely because of this development speed that the Jin State has greater influence, and the appearance of the Jin Army on the battlefield will bring greater shock to the enemy. And the emperor of Jin has the means to solve the war, which is the most awe-inspiring.

If one is not cautious enough when dealing with the Emperor of Jin, any kind of dangerous situation may appear.

The support of the emperor of Jin this time brought a lot of turmoil to the high-level officials of Anxi, which also made King Anxi very angry at the emperor of Jin.

When it comes to the internal affairs of Anxi, the emperor of Jin is so concerned, it is clear that he does not want the Anxi Empire to get more development opportunities. In all fairness, the Anxi Empire will have the same choice when it comes to such matters.

The state of Jin can achieve today's development, there must be many unknown means, and it is these means that make the development of the state of Jin more rapid, so that the state of Jin will not be hindered more in the process of development.

Such a state of Jin has great hidden dangers, and if you are a little careless, you will suffer heavy losses in your contacts with the state of Jin.

Not to mention anything else, it is just that the merchants of the Jin State obtained a huge amount of benefits from Anxi through doing business. If one day the emperor of the Jin State has ideas about Anxi, then these benefits will be given to Anxi. It brings about greater damage.

Recognizing the threat of the Jin State is one aspect, and it is quite difficult to truly eliminate the danger in this aspect. After all, the Jin State occupies a great advantage when it is developing.

The state of Jin, which has won the victory from the war, will definitely get more favorable support when it develops. King Anxi even suspects that the state of Jin has recruited many Anxi officials secretly. dreadful means.

If the state of Jin occupies an absolute advantage during its development, the state of Jin will be able to obtain greater benefits from it in the future development. Such a situation will greatly hinder the development of Anxi, because it cannot Surely there will be many people who are in the same heart with Jin in the dark, and how many people will support the emperor of Jin at critical moments.

The prosperity of the Jin State can be seen, and if you want to weaken the influence of the Jin State to a greater extent, unless the Anxi Empire can do better in development, only in this way can the rapid development belt of the Jin State be weakened. coming impact.

At the time of rapid development, the methods of the emperor of the Jin state are astonishing, but it is precisely because of this that the emperor of the Jin state will be more calm when developing the Jin state, and the emperor of the Jin state will have more choices.

If it is unable to effectively face the impact brought by the development of the Jin Kingdom, and cannot allow the Anxi Empire to develop under such a situation, the Anxi Empire will definitely become more passive in the future, and will even lose more in the process. of interest.

Stabilizing the situation in the Parthia Empire was quite difficult for the King of Parthia at this time, because Artaban could get a lot of support among the high-level officials in Parthia. When the number of nobles who supported Artapan More words, it is conceivable what kind of challenges his position will endure.

No matter what kind of constraints the King of Parthia would face when he dealt with things normally, the noble position of the King of Parthia was inevitable. How could Artaban, who had thoughts about the position of the King of Parthia, give up easily.

How to solve this turmoil smoothly, King Anxi has no better way to deal with it.

"Your Majesty, I heard that there is a businessman from the Jin Kingdom who has a method for making a bed crossbow." The commander of the palace whispered in King Anxi's ear.

King Anxi's eyes lit up, "Where is this person now?"

"It's in the city." The palace commander said.

"Oh? Where did you get the news from?" King Anxi asked.

"The subordinate also got the news by accident from a big businessman from the Jin Kingdom. It is said that this person is in exchange for money." The palace leader explained.

King Anxi showed a smile, it really is a bright future, who would have thought that in the hands of a businessman in the Jin Kingdom, there would be a method of making a bed crossbow, although compared to the three-eyed blunderbuss and bed crossbow mastered by Aldaban , there is a certain gap, but it is a good start, and it can have a big advantage when fighting for the high-level of Anxi.

As the resting king, without the support of more nobles, it is impossible to stabilize his position. When Artaban has come up with something that is enough to seduce the nobles, if there are no other means to support , the position of King Anxi will inevitably be greatly challenged.

If there are other methods of making sharp weapons, his position as King of Rest is still stable, and this is what King of Rest wants most urgently.

"You secretly brought this person to the palace. After the matter is completed, the king will reward you a lot." King Anxi said: "Remember, this matter must be kept secret."

"This subordinate understands." The palace commander saluted.

In the evening of the next day, under the leadership of the palace commander, Shi A entered the resting palace.

Having seen the royal palace of Guishuang, and the huge palace of Chang'an, Shi A didn't like the royal palace of Anxi. In terms of scale, it was even inferior to the royal palace of Guishuang.

However, in front of the royal palace commander, Shi A showed respect and a little fear. After all, he was in the resting palace. If he behaved too calmly, it would inevitably arouse unnecessary suspicion.

After a careful search, Shi A met King Anxi under the leadership of the palace commander.

King Anxi is about fifty years old, and his beard is a little gray. Seeing King Anxi, Shi A is also a little stressed.

"Are you a businessman from Jin?" King Anxi asked.

For some reason, King Anxi felt a vague threat from Shi A.

There is a person in charge of translation in the palace, and there will be no problem in the communication between Shi A and King Anxi.

"Reporting to King Anxi, I am a businessman from the Jin Kingdom and lives in Chang'an City." Shi A replied.

"Chang'an City, UU Reading Jin's capital, this king's palace, compared with the Jin emperor's palace, which one is better?" King Anxi asked with a smile.

Shi A was stunned for a moment and said: "I have never entered the palace before, so I can't compare it, but the palace in Anxi is magnificent, which greatly shocked me."

Hearing Shi A's answer, King Anxi showed a smile.

The Anxi Empire must have many shortcomings in development compared with the Jin State, and it is precisely because of these that the Anxi Empire will be greatly restricted. It is impossible to say that the Anxi King has no other ideas in his heart things.

There is such a big gap in development between the Anxi Empire and the Jin Kingdom. He must want to make the Anxi Empire develop faster. remembered by the people.

It's just that there will definitely be many difficulties in the process of developing Anxi, especially in the deterrence of the Jin army's powerful combat methods. In the state of Jin, they will be in a disadvantaged position. Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site

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