Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6517: : start, 12 cars

An empire with strong strength can achieve great achievements in both its exchanges with neighboring countries and its own development.

The powerful state of Jin will not stop easily on the road of rapid development, but after learning more about the development methods of the state of Jin and seeing the amazing methods of the emperor of Jin state, you will understand What kind of impact will the means of the emperor of Jin state bring.

The development of Jin State has actually experienced many difficulties, but when these difficulties are resolved, what can be seen is how amazing achievements Jin State will have on the road of development.

Whether it is in the war or in the specific development, the background of the Jin State is amazing, and it can bring more shocks to people.

Facts have proved that every time Jin's extraordinary means are successfully used, it will bring more benefits to Jin, so that Jin will not say that there will be more problems in the process of rapid development.

The powerful Jin army has brought great help to the development of the Jin State, and it has also allowed the Jin State to obtain greater benefits from it.

Let those who ignore the Jin army see the impact of the Jin army's attack and the threat that the Jin army's methods will bring.

It is of great significance to treat the state of Jin correctly so that the development of the state of Jin will not affect one's own side more.

It's just that it is obviously very difficult to curb the development of the Jin State more. If the means used in such a matter will receive a greater impact, it will make the situation in the future appear. What kind of change is it?

Behind the astonishing achievements of the Jin army is the hard work of the Jin country for the victory of the war. Of course, the benefits brought by such efforts to the Jin country are also huge.

Today's Jin State is bound to be even more astonishing in terms of the speed of development, but anyone who has a better understanding of Jin State will clearly see what kind of threat the development of Jin State will bring. What you will see is what kind of impact the impact of the Jin army will have.

It is precisely because of its strong strength as a support, and precisely because of the superiority of the Jin army, that Jin will have more reliance when it develops rapidly.

The appearance of the train can break the current pattern of the Jin State and allow the Jin State to develop faster. The appearance of such things cannot make Lu Bu calm down.

With an order, the black cloth covering the train was lifted, revealing the true appearance of the train.

The whole body is black, giving people a solemn and solemn feeling.

Seeing the true appearance of the train, the onlookers couldn't help showing shock. What can be seen is that these things are forged from steel, and even the road they run on is made of steel. Not to mention other things, just seeing When you see this thing, you can see the complexity of the production process.

And how difficult it will be to imitate.

Of course, the most attractive thing is the goods transported by this thing. From the train in front of you, you can see things like carriages, and these are definitely used to load goods.

Pieces of goods were loaded onto the train, and the soldiers in charge were very fast.

"My Majesty, the train is ready." Ma Jun said.

Lu Bu nodded, "Start."

The delivery this time was not just as simple as a test. All the goods inside the train were real goods, which was enough to show Lu Bu's confidence in the train.

Over the years, the things produced by the craftsman's workshop have played a great role, and people will have more respect when mentioning the craftsman's workshop.

Being able to develop so many popular things and make such a great contribution to the development of Jin, the craftsmen of the craftsman workshop are definitely worthy of respect.

In the rapid development of Jin State, the research and development of craftsman workshops played a great role, providing a solid foundation for Jin State on the road of rapid development.

If someone wants to invade the state of Jin, they will inevitably think of the strong strength of the state of Jin, and the invincibility of the Jin army on the battlefield, and what kind of achievements can they achieve when they invade the state of Jin? Achievements, or what kind of consequences there will be after suffering the defeat of the war, these all need more consideration.

The strong strength of the Jin State brought more pride to the people of the Jin State, and made the businessmen of the Jin State get more respect when they went to do business.

Especially the merchants who first went to the Anxi Empire to do business have the deepest feeling in this aspect. After all, there are also a large number of merchants in the Anxi Empire. It is impossible for the merchants of the Jin Kingdom to get attention and protection when they first came. matter.

This also led to the merchants of Jin State needing to pay more attention to their own safety in the process of doing business, otherwise, dangerous situations may appear when doing business.

However, after the army of the Jin State won a complete victory on the battlefield of the Guishuang Empire, the merchants of the Jin State will receive more respect, and the merchants of the Jin State will receive corresponding protection when doing business. Such changes , is enough to prove what kind of benefits Jin's national strength will bring.

In the process of the development of the empire, as long as the strength of the empire is stronger, then the empire will occupy more initiative when interacting, and it will be able to obtain greater benefits during the development.

The strong power of the Jin State made the monarchs of the surrounding countries more afraid, and even brought them more protection for the merchants of the Jin State.

If they accidentally provoke the Jin State, it may bring a huge test to their business team and even their city security.

When the powerful Jin State is dealing with wars, it will often win the confrontation. Just from the record of the Jin State army, we can see how terrifying things the Jin army will bring.

The Jin army on the battlefield is terrifying. If you can't have a reasonable means to deal with the Jin army's attack, you'd better maintain enough respect when facing the Jin country, because such a move may bring Peace.

At the front of the car, there are soldiers constantly transporting coal into the furnace, and the atmosphere is extremely hot

A buzzing sound startled the onlookers and businessmen, who cast curious gazes on them.

The dense white mist rose, but the train moved slowly, and as time passed, the train moved faster and faster.

The soldiers in the carriage waved goodbye to the onlookers and businessmen.

The smoothness of the train moving forward surprised those who cared, and they were even more moved after learning the quantity of goods transported this time.

There are twelve carriages in full. These twelve carriages are larger than the previous test. They exist entirely to load more goods. In fact, the carriages can be closed, but they are only used for experiments. There are soldiers observing the situation inside.

Twelve vehicles, the quantity of goods transported, can reach the standard of one hundred horse-drawn carriages.

What kind of concept is this?

And from the transportation and loading of the train, it can be seen that the train clearly has greater advantages.

The key is that the consumption during the transportation will be reduced to a very low level.

Among the onlookers, there were many businessmen. After seeing the spectacle in front of them, in addition to being deeply shocked, some of them had fiery hearts.

When there are more trains in the Jin State and more can be used for the transportation of goods, the merchants in the Jin State will have greater convenience when doing business.

There is no doubt about the guarantee of safety.

With the transportation by train, it not only saves the guards and horses of the caravan, but also reduces a lot of consumption.

Judging from the information obtained, the forward speed of the train can reach twice the speed of an ordinary caravan, which is not fast in terms of speed. The operation can keep moving forward.

Even if you need to rest at night, the transportation by train is definitely more convenient than caravans.

Lu Bu naturally thought of this question, "Deheng, if the train is moving forward at night, how can we ensure that we can see clearly? Just relying on torches is not a solution. You should think of a way to make the train have lighting. .”

Ma Jun scratched his head, "My lord, the speed of the train is not slow. If you want to ensure the lighting, you must need a big lamp."

"As far as possible, ensure that the train moves at night, so that safety can be guaranteed." Lu Bu said.

The craftsmen in the craftsman workshop are good in ability. They have developed the train, but it must be difficult to develop more advanced things, and it is already a great deal to be able to use the train to transport goods. Progress, which is of great use to the long-term development of Jin.

The Jin country can deliver goods faster and more timely. It is conceivable what kind of help the Jin country will get when it develops.

The development of Jin State in these years itself has been rapid, and if the development speed of Jin State is even more astonishing, it will bring greater benefits to Jin State, and even make Jin State even stronger when it develops.

Based on the current background of Jin State, as long as the train can be transported to reality faster, it will bring great help to the development of Jin State.

Of course, after the appearance of the train, it will definitely attract more pursuit.

The first to bear the brunt were of course the merchants of the Jin Kingdom. They saw a better opportunity in terms of the smoothness of the train's delivery of goods.

Of course, if the train can achieve better speed and stability, once it can cooperate with the government, it will be more convenient when doing business. When the time comes, merchants in Jin will be unmatched when doing business.

There are also people with discerning eyes who saw the significance of the appearance of the train, and let so many people see it, which shows that the Jin State did not intend to hide this matter, and it also showed the emperor of the Jin State. Absolute confidence, if you want to develop it, it is possible, the key is to have such a technology.

Up to now, many people still believe that this is a miracle. As for how the train moves forward, they are at a loss, and it is difficult to imitate it.

It has always been very difficult to imitate the things of the Jin country. Otherwise, the goods of the Jin country would have been rotten on the street long ago. Why can they still obtain such amazing profits in the process of doing business.

With the appearance of the train, more people will pay attention to the follow-up news of the train.

The newspaper also published the content about the train. The destination of this trip is Jincheng. It is not close from Chang'an to Jincheng, but it is just enough to see the speed of the train.

Judging from the current movement of the train, during the day, the forward speed can be faster, and the speed at night is half of that during the day, but it can barely run around the clock, which can save a lot of time.

The transportation on the railway will be guaranteed in terms of stability. As long as the railway along the way can be guaranteed to be smooth, the forward movement of the train will not be affected more.

This is also the reason why Lu Bu was so excited about the appearance of the train.

With the train, many problems will be solved. Chang’an is far away from Peshawar, and there will be a lot of inconvenience in the transportation along the way, and there will be a lot of problems in control, but with the train, these problems can be solved. solved.

When the speed of the train is increased, the consumption along the way will be minimized, and the original journey of two or three months will be reduced to less than one month. Under such circumstances, Jin's rule over Peshawar will be very difficult. What is it like, and what kind of benefits will you get at that time?

The development method of the Jin State has always been able to bring many surprises to people, especially after seeing more of the means of the emperor of the Jin State, what you will see is that the emperor of the Jin State will develop the Jin State. What is the role of some.

Especially after the success of some whimsical ideas of the emperor of Jin, it can bring greater help to the development of Jin.

As long as the state of Jin has stricter control over the people under the rule, UU Reading www. Then the expansion of the Jin State will become a reality, and the officials of the Jin State will give their emperor more support.

Seeing the specific benefits and being able to expand the empire's territory, who can refuse such a thing?

Especially after the problem of long distances has been better resolved, the civil and military forces of Jin State will have higher confidence.

Because with the passage of time, Jin's technology in this area will definitely become more proficient, and its speed will definitely be better improved. Such an improvement will make Jin's future development even greater. help.

The state of Jin in the war is powerful, and the state of Jin in the period of development is also shocking, enough to make those who hide in the dark dare not take action.

The journey of the train, from Chang'an to Jincheng, is a big event. Along the way, people who have already received the news come to watch early, which puts a lot of pressure on the guarding officers and soldiers. Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site

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